If Corporations are People...?


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
If Corporations now enjoy the same personal Bill of Rights protections as individual citizens do, then we can expect to see:

**A corporation that commits a felony (or agent(s) of that corporation) can be put in prison -- shut down and prevented from operating for 5-10 years.

**If/When a corporations is released from prison, it has limited rights and privileges.

**A corporation set up in foreign countries to avoid U.S. taxes could lose its U.S. Citizenship and become an illegal alien, subject to deportation. (We keep all their property, factories and facilities)

**A corporation commits treason when operating against our National Security.

**If the government gets a tip or report about a corporation poisoning the air or water, the facilities can be raided without a warrant under exigent circumstances.

**Victims of corporate crime can be awarded stock options under criminal penalties.

**Corporations that engage in a criminal conspiracy with their subsidiaries and be charged under RICO statutes.

**a Gun manufacture found guilty of a felony can no longer make guns under federal law.

**Basically anytime agents/employees acting on behalf of a corp doing something illegal, it's as if the corporation itself that committed the crime. CEO, CFO's and boards of directors, being the highest representation of the corporate will, do the time for the crime.
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As in the ongoing Hobby Lobby case, logically, if corporations have already been granted freedom of speech rights under the 1st Amendment they must also be granted freedom of religion. If not, how you grant one part of the 1st Amendment but not the others will be interesting to see.
How can a corportation engage in any wrongdoing.
A person can
Or persons
A corporation - a building - cannot, stupid.
"Corporations are people" is a left wing talking point.

I guess you need a little bit of "reasoning ability" to understand the ruling properly without the spin, rhetoric and hyperbole.
I'd rather see Corporations NOT be a legal personage. When you get into a car accident and someone is driving a company car, you are shit out of luck, you can only sue the driver and if he doesn't have good insurance too bad for you.

If a Corporation dumps toxic chemicals into a water supply, the authorities will no longer be able to go after the corporation. They are limited to the one guy who did the dumping.

There won't be anymore corporate crime since corporations aren't people. If you got screwed in a stock deal, you are limited to prosecuting only the one person who talked you into losing everything.

A Gun Manufacturer isn't a person. If you want to pursue some action for a gun used in a crime or malfunctioning, the maker isn't responsible. It's not a person. You have to find the individual or individuals who personally made the gun.

If corporation's aren't people, Johns Manville would never have been able to be sued over asbestos. There would be no class action suits against Nike for over charging. Only the person who priced the shoes could be sued. Find them. In fact, there would be no class action lawsuits at all. There would be no more deep pockets to sue.

That's why Corporations have legal personhood. So they can be sued without finding the specific person who committed the act.
If Corporations are People...?.
Me and my father are a two people corporation. our personal income was never more than $5000 a year. I suggest you educate yourself about the real enemy before attempting to play an expert, it's like an artist who picks up a guitar without knowing how to play or a fat woman on stage acting like a model (will put that in my signature)
If Corporations now enjoy the same personal Bill of Rights protections as individual citizens do, then we can expect to see:

**A corporation that commits a felony (or agent(s) of that corporation) can be put in prison -- shut down and prevented from operating for 5-10 years.

**If/When a corporations is released from prison, it has limited rights and privileges.

**A corporation set up in foreign countries to avoid U.S. taxes could lose its U.S. Citizenship and become an illegal alien, subject to deportation. (We keep all their property, factories and facilities)

**A corporation commits treason when operating against our National Security.

**If the government gets a tip or report about a corporation poisoning the air or water, the facilities can be raided without a warrant under exigent circumstances.

**Victims of corporate crime can be awarded stock options under criminal penalties.

**Corporations that engage in a criminal conspiracy with their subsidiaries and be charged under RICO statutes.

**a Gun manufacture found guilty of a felony can no longer make guns under federal law.

**Basically anytime agents/employees acting on behalf of a corp doing something illegal, it's as if the corporation itself that committed the crime. CEO, CFO's and boards of directors, being the highest representation of the corporate will, do the time for the crime.
Hazlnut, I suggest you watch this video IN FULL, especially 4 minute mark:

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"Corporations are people" is a left wing talking point.

I guess you need a little bit of "reasoning ability" to understand the ruling properly without the spin, rhetoric and hyperbole.

Left wing? So Romney really ran as a Democrat? Fascinating!
People don't lose their rights because they choose to incorporate their business. Suggesting anything different is downright insane.

And corporations can already commit crimes. I've seen several prosecuted. That is one of the reasons why we have fines as alternative punishments to jail time.

Finally, one of the man reasons there is any legal doctrine suggesting that Corporations have personhood was so that they could be sued. Do you seriously want people to not be able to sue corporations?
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