If Corporations are People...?

Well, Mitt Romney for starters. And SCOTUS with the 2010 Citizens United ruling.
(Jeez, sometimes I feel like this board is on a distant planet...)


Thank you for letting us all know you haven't read Citizens United.

Would you like to expose your understanding of the ruling? Do you need time to look it up? We'll wait.

Well, for one it doesnt say corporations are people. You'd realize that if you read it.

What the ruling says is that Congress cannot forbid people from engaging in political speech 60 days before an election simply because they choose to incorporate.

You see, you don't give up your rights because you choose to a certain way to run your business.

You'd know this if you read the ruling.
Does a corporation have a right to Bear arms?

Does a Corporation have a right to privacy?

If we do away with corporation who will generate the revenues necessary to feed and clothes out helpless Progressives?
If corporations are people, are they entitled to get a ObamaCare paid for sex change?
People, people…

It was just a hypothetical -- taking an idea (Hobby Lobby Decision + Citizen's United) to it's most logical albeit preposterous conclusion.

IF Corporations are People… ?
Thank you for letting us all know you haven't read Citizens United.

Would you like to expose your understanding of the ruling? Do you need time to look it up? We'll wait.

Well, for one it doesnt say corporations are people. You'd realize that if you read it.

What the ruling says is that Congress cannot forbid people from engaging in political speech 60 days before an election simply because they choose to incorporate.

You see, you don't give up your rights because you choose to a certain way to run your business.

You'd know this if you read the ruling.

The impact of the ruling is that corporations can buy elections openly now, instead of surreptitiously.

No, the SCOTUS did not rule that "corporations are people", but Romney seems to understand that's what they meant. And Marvin Adelson. And the Koch brothers. Why can't you? Pity.
Yeah well, people don't die because people are allowed to exercise their religious beliefs in a closely held corporation.

Thank you for letting us all know you haven't read Roe v. Wade.

I was referencing the Hobby Lobby decision.

You know you really should think about a new image for your avatar. Buddhist monks are about as far from right wing myopics like yourself as they can get.
Would you like to expose your understanding of the ruling? Do you need time to look it up? We'll wait.

Well, for one it doesnt say corporations are people. You'd realize that if you read it.

What the ruling says is that Congress cannot forbid people from engaging in political speech 60 days before an election simply because they choose to incorporate.

You see, you don't give up your rights because you choose to a certain way to run your business.

You'd know this if you read the ruling.

The impact of the ruling is that corporations can buy elections openly now, instead of surreptitiously.

No, the SCOTUS did not rule that "corporations are people", but Romney seems to understand that's what they meant. And Marvin Adelson. And the Koch brothers. Why can't you? Pity.

No. The impact is that Congress cannot pass a law prohibiting people from speaking against them simply because they incoporate.

Because I've actually read the decision. I suggest you do the same. Then you wont come off so ignorant. But I know you won't. Because you wallow in ignorance.
Thank you for letting us all know you haven't read Roe v. Wade.

I was referencing the Hobby Lobby decision.

I clearly wrote Roe v. Wade, so you have a reading disability.

Seriously? you compared Roe to Hobby Lobby. I commented that the Hobby Lobby decision won't result in the death of anyone, only preserve the religious liberties of people.

Roe clearly did result in the death of many people. The death toll is still rising.

And while Hobby Lobby is still a new case, it's pretty much a safe assumption that no one will die over it.

You clearly have a thinking disability.
Thank you for letting us all know you haven't read Roe v. Wade.

I was referencing the Hobby Lobby decision.

You know you really should think about a new image for your avatar. Buddhist monks are about as far from right wing myopics like yourself as they can get.

Considering I don't have a picture of a buddhist monk as my avatar, the point is moot.

However, I highly doubt a buddhist monk is going to agree that you should be allowed to kill your offspring. Especially since many of them won't even harm animals. I also highly doubt a buddhist monk is going to agree that the government should have power to tell you that you can't practice your religious beliefs in your life.
What would the circumstances be for a female Hobby Lobby employee who by chance has an ectopic pregnancy and needs an abortion? Would she be denied a life-saving medical service because of the corporation's religious opposition to healthcare?
still ranting over this decision

ugly losers aren't they

They are weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth over it. It be nice if they just read the decisions they are so upset about. Then they would realize they've been lied to about what the decisions are saying.
What would the circumstances be for a female Hobby Lobby employee who by chance has an ectopic pregnancy and needs an abortion? Would she be denied a life-saving medical service because of the corporation's religious opposition to healthcare?


No one is being prevented from getting an abortion.

Want an abortion? Go get one, just don't make me pay for it!!
What would the circumstances be for a female Hobby Lobby employee who by chance has an ectopic pregnancy and needs an abortion? Would she be denied a life-saving medical service because of the corporation's religious opposition to healthcare?


No one is being prevented from getting an abortion.

Want an abortion? Go get one, just don't make me pay for it!!

Well, the right is sure doing its best to make it as difficult as possible to obtain one.

The Hyde amendment prohibits federal funding of abortion except in certain instances (rape, incest, mother's life endangered), so I doubt you are personally funding many if any at all.

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