If Cryin Donald had 50% of the vote, he'd be the nominee

Repubs are funny. The rules hasnt changed but suddenly when things arent going their way they just determine that the rules should be changed to fit their whining. Why? So they can stop whining.

They all say "I know the rules BUT...." Then come up with some emotional bullshit on why the rules shouldnt apply to Donald.

You mean like the time crying DemoRats and Al Gore whined about a recount and things didn't go their way?
He has a far lower percentage than Trump. I wonder what Lyin' Ted would be saying if roles were reversed.

I don't know, but you don't win with a plurality of votes. Just arguing that the one with the highest vote total wins would be arguing you win with a plurality, it's begging the question.

And yes, Cryin Donald has a plurality of 17. But he polls the same running against 16 other candidates or 1 other candidate. Normally you solve pluralities by dropping off candidates until there are two left, then one has to win. And that would be Ted Cruz in this case.

If Republicans went to straight vote and dropped candidates until their were two, it would be the same result. Ted Cruz. You're backing the rightful loser in this. You're just a liberal who wants Republicans to get schlacked in November anyway, which is why you want Trump
You made those numbers up. Polls have shown that Trump is the second choice among the majority of Kasich voters. Not Lyin' Ted. If the establishment steals this from Trump the GOP will never recover.
But you think they'll recover if their drumph choice gets beaten badly??
If Cruz somehow slimes his way into the White House, it may be America that never recovers.

If he doesn't we are guaranteed not to recover
Ah so you're a Cruz cultist. We are doomed unless the establishment steals the election for the anointed one!!!

Right now, Trump has a 756 to 559 lead over Cruz with 1237 needed to win

After NY closes tomorrow, Trumps "NY Values" will have a 841 to 564 lead

With New England and California still on the table looks like Trump will come close to 1200 delegates with Cruz at around 900
Hard to give it to Cruz after getting beaten that badly

First Read: How New York Could Change the Delegate Math
If he doesn't we are guaranteed not to recover

The old turd believes his moonbat messiah is solely responsible for a recovery that didn't happen.

I have no idea why so many people who know the meat puppet queer is an incompetent stuttering clusterfuck, have adhered themselves to the world's richest professional clown's cult of personality and vacuous platitudes. Dump is not going to do anything these people claim they wanted done.

He is not going to get rid of obozocare. He is going to bring something worse, "universal health care". He is not going to reduce the impact government has on the lives of individuals, he believes in a nanny state. He has taken both sides of every issue. He has no moral compass, no philosophical foundation and no principles. God only knows what kind of pseudo intellectual dips hits he would nominate for the courts.

Ted Cruz is the epitome of what these "conservatives" insisted they wanted in a candidate. He is the only one who has consistently opposed both the democrooks and the RINOs. He is the last chance we have to fix the corruptocracy.
Right now, Trump has a 756 to 559 lead over Cruz with 1237 needed to win

After NY closes tomorrow, Trumps "NY Values" will have a 841 to 564 lead

With New England and California still on the table looks like Trump will come close to 1200 delegates with Cruz at around 900
Hard to give it to Cruz after getting beaten that badly

First Read: How New York Could Change the Delegate Math
Especially considering that so many of Cruz's delegates were stolen for him by Mitch McConnel and the establishment, instead of being elected by the people.
So Cryin Donald gets 37% of the vote, it's over? That's ridiculous
What's Lyin' Ted's percentage?

He doesn't have a majority either. Your point?
He has a far lower percentage than Trump. I wonder what Lyin' Ted would be saying if roles were reversed.

I don't know, but you don't win with a plurality of votes. Just arguing that the one with the highest vote total wins would be arguing you win with a plurality, it's begging the question.

And yes, Cryin Donald has a plurality of 17. But he polls the same running against 16 other candidates or 1 other candidate. Normally you solve pluralities by dropping off candidates until there are two left, then one has to win. And that would be Ted Cruz in this case.

If Republicans went to straight vote and dropped candidates until their were two, it would be the same result. Ted Cruz. You're backing the rightful loser in this. You're just a liberal who wants Republicans to get schlacked in November anyway, which is why you want Trump
You made those numbers up. Polls have shown that Trump is the second choice among the majority of Kasich voters. Not Lyin' Ted. If the establishment steals this from Trump the GOP will never recover.

Only Cryin Donald supporters say that. Well, and Democrats like you who want Cryin Donald to win so Republicans will lose.

But if you're right, then Cryin Donald will win the convention. So why are you sweating so much?
It's apparent who the GOP establishment has settled for. The corrupt system also allows all those that dropped out and even Kasich, who has no chance to play games with delegates. For reasons I don't understand this only is fair to Cruz supporters and any objection is labeled "whining" in order to dismiss it. That's just what this country needs, more political legalism, less democracy.

The rule of law is always superior to mob rule
The rule of law gets changed all the time. In fact the parties change the rules on the fly to benefit themselves. But I'll point out again how Cruz supporters favor fucking the people so the party can do whatever it wants. The people are now considered "the mob".


Democracy has always been considered mob rule. That's why we have a republic.

You keep ignoring the fact that no one is stopping the vote from reflecting the will of the people. It will on the first ballot according to the rules. If trump wins a majority the nomination is his.

But on the second ballot the delegates are not bound. It's never going to reflect the voters will because the voters will brought us to a deadlock.

And there is nothing wrong with that. We need to reach a majority of delegates.
What's Lyin' Ted's percentage?

He doesn't have a majority either. Your point?
He has a far lower percentage than Trump. I wonder what Lyin' Ted would be saying if roles were reversed.

I don't know, but you don't win with a plurality of votes. Just arguing that the one with the highest vote total wins would be arguing you win with a plurality, it's begging the question.

And yes, Cryin Donald has a plurality of 17. But he polls the same running against 16 other candidates or 1 other candidate. Normally you solve pluralities by dropping off candidates until there are two left, then one has to win. And that would be Ted Cruz in this case.

If Republicans went to straight vote and dropped candidates until their were two, it would be the same result. Ted Cruz. You're backing the rightful loser in this. You're just a liberal who wants Republicans to get schlacked in November anyway, which is why you want Trump
You made those numbers up. Polls have shown that Trump is the second choice among the majority of Kasich voters. Not Lyin' Ted. If the establishment steals this from Trump the GOP will never recover.

Only Cryin Donald supporters say that. Well, and Democrats like you who want Cryin Donald to win so Republicans will lose.

But if you're right, then Cryin Donald will win the convention. So why are you sweating so much?
Trump has no chance in the general huh? I remember you establishment pawns saying that about him and the primary.
He doesn't have a majority either. Your point?
He has a far lower percentage than Trump. I wonder what Lyin' Ted would be saying if roles were reversed.

I don't know, but you don't win with a plurality of votes. Just arguing that the one with the highest vote total wins would be arguing you win with a plurality, it's begging the question.

And yes, Cryin Donald has a plurality of 17. But he polls the same running against 16 other candidates or 1 other candidate. Normally you solve pluralities by dropping off candidates until there are two left, then one has to win. And that would be Ted Cruz in this case.

If Republicans went to straight vote and dropped candidates until their were two, it would be the same result. Ted Cruz. You're backing the rightful loser in this. You're just a liberal who wants Republicans to get schlacked in November anyway, which is why you want Trump
You made those numbers up. Polls have shown that Trump is the second choice among the majority of Kasich voters. Not Lyin' Ted. If the establishment steals this from Trump the GOP will never recover.
But you think they'll recover if their drumph choice gets beaten badly??
If Cruz somehow slimes his way into the White House, it may be America that never recovers.

Begging the question. Anyway, you just support Trump to help Hillary
I don't know, but you don't win with a plurality of votes. Just arguing that the one with the highest vote total wins would be arguing you win with a plurality, it's begging the question.

And yes, Cryin Donald has a plurality of 17. But he polls the same running against 16 other candidates or 1 other candidate. Normally you solve pluralities by dropping off candidates until there are two left, then one has to win. And that would be Ted Cruz in this case.

If Republicans went to straight vote and dropped candidates until their were two, it would be the same result. Ted Cruz. You're backing the rightful loser in this. You're just a liberal who wants Republicans to get schlacked in November anyway, which is why you want Trump
You made those numbers up. Polls have shown that Trump is the second choice among the majority of Kasich voters. Not Lyin' Ted. If the establishment steals this from Trump the GOP will never recover.
But you think they'll recover if their drumph choice gets beaten badly??
If Cruz somehow slimes his way into the White House, it may be America that never recovers.

If he doesn't we are guaranteed not to recover
Ah so you're a Cruz cultist. We are doomed unless the establishment steals the election for the anointed one!!!


No. As the only constitutionalist and only anti establishment candidate remaining he is the only one who can stop us from the advent of totalitarianism
He has a far lower percentage than Trump. I wonder what Lyin' Ted would be saying if roles were reversed.

I don't know, but you don't win with a plurality of votes. Just arguing that the one with the highest vote total wins would be arguing you win with a plurality, it's begging the question.

And yes, Cryin Donald has a plurality of 17. But he polls the same running against 16 other candidates or 1 other candidate. Normally you solve pluralities by dropping off candidates until there are two left, then one has to win. And that would be Ted Cruz in this case.

If Republicans went to straight vote and dropped candidates until their were two, it would be the same result. Ted Cruz. You're backing the rightful loser in this. You're just a liberal who wants Republicans to get schlacked in November anyway, which is why you want Trump
You made those numbers up. Polls have shown that Trump is the second choice among the majority of Kasich voters. Not Lyin' Ted. If the establishment steals this from Trump the GOP will never recover.
But you think they'll recover if their drumph choice gets beaten badly??
If Cruz somehow slimes his way into the White House, it may be America that never recovers.

Begging the question. Anyway, you just support Trump to help Hillary
Wow you lie even more than Lyin' Ted. Cruz is an ideological nutjob. Dubya 2.0. Another evangelical Texan snake-oil salesman. He is the worst thing that could happen to this country.
Cruz's campaign: Use superpac money to bribe delegates voted by the people to back him on a second ballot
Cruz's campaign: Use superpac money to bribe delegates voted by the people to back him on a second ballot

The world's richest professional clown should have stuck to the game of monopoly. His "experts" failed to understand how campaigns work. Hopefully we won't have such incompetent "experts" running the country.

Here's a tissue for you though.

What's Lyin' Ted's percentage?

He doesn't have a majority either. Your point?
He has a far lower percentage than Trump. I wonder what Lyin' Ted would be saying if roles were reversed.

I don't know, but you don't win with a plurality of votes. Just arguing that the one with the highest vote total wins would be arguing you win with a plurality, it's begging the question.

And yes, Cryin Donald has a plurality of 17. But he polls the same running against 16 other candidates or 1 other candidate. Normally you solve pluralities by dropping off candidates until there are two left, then one has to win. And that would be Ted Cruz in this case.

If Republicans went to straight vote and dropped candidates until their were two, it would be the same result. Ted Cruz. You're backing the rightful loser in this. You're just a liberal who wants Republicans to get schlacked in November anyway, which is why you want Trump
You made those numbers up. Polls have shown that Trump is the second choice among the majority of Kasich voters. Not Lyin' Ted. If the establishment steals this from Trump the GOP will never recover.

Only Cryin Donald supporters say that. Well, and Democrats like you who want Cryin Donald to win so Republicans will lose.

But if you're right, then Cryin Donald will win the convention. So why are you sweating so much?

Because they know he can't win and dems want to stir up conflict
He doesn't have a majority either. Your point?
He has a far lower percentage than Trump. I wonder what Lyin' Ted would be saying if roles were reversed.

I don't know, but you don't win with a plurality of votes. Just arguing that the one with the highest vote total wins would be arguing you win with a plurality, it's begging the question.

And yes, Cryin Donald has a plurality of 17. But he polls the same running against 16 other candidates or 1 other candidate. Normally you solve pluralities by dropping off candidates until there are two left, then one has to win. And that would be Ted Cruz in this case.

If Republicans went to straight vote and dropped candidates until their were two, it would be the same result. Ted Cruz. You're backing the rightful loser in this. You're just a liberal who wants Republicans to get schlacked in November anyway, which is why you want Trump
You made those numbers up. Polls have shown that Trump is the second choice among the majority of Kasich voters. Not Lyin' Ted. If the establishment steals this from Trump the GOP will never recover.

Only Cryin Donald supporters say that. Well, and Democrats like you who want Cryin Donald to win so Republicans will lose.

But if you're right, then Cryin Donald will win the convention. So why are you sweating so much?
Trump has no chance in the general huh? I remember you establishment pawns saying that about him and the primary.

I'm an establishment pawn?


Now that's funny
He doesn't have a majority either. Your point?
He has a far lower percentage than Trump. I wonder what Lyin' Ted would be saying if roles were reversed.

I don't know, but you don't win with a plurality of votes. Just arguing that the one with the highest vote total wins would be arguing you win with a plurality, it's begging the question.

And yes, Cryin Donald has a plurality of 17. But he polls the same running against 16 other candidates or 1 other candidate. Normally you solve pluralities by dropping off candidates until there are two left, then one has to win. And that would be Ted Cruz in this case.

If Republicans went to straight vote and dropped candidates until their were two, it would be the same result. Ted Cruz. You're backing the rightful loser in this. You're just a liberal who wants Republicans to get schlacked in November anyway, which is why you want Trump
You made those numbers up. Polls have shown that Trump is the second choice among the majority of Kasich voters. Not Lyin' Ted. If the establishment steals this from Trump the GOP will never recover.

Only Cryin Donald supporters say that. Well, and Democrats like you who want Cryin Donald to win so Republicans will lose.

But if you're right, then Cryin Donald will win the convention. So why are you sweating so much?
Trump has no chance in the general huh? I remember you establishment pawns saying that about him and the primary.

You do realize calling people who aren't Republicans establishment Republicans is just stupid
You made those numbers up. Polls have shown that Trump is the second choice among the majority of Kasich voters. Not Lyin' Ted. If the establishment steals this from Trump the GOP will never recover.
But you think they'll recover if their drumph choice gets beaten badly??
If Cruz somehow slimes his way into the White House, it may be America that never recovers.

If he doesn't we are guaranteed not to recover
Ah so you're a Cruz cultist. We are doomed unless the establishment steals the election for the anointed one!!!


No. As the only constitutionalist and only anti establishment candidate remaining he is the only one who can stop us from the advent of totalitarianism

I hope so, but the others sure aren't going to do it. OldSchool is an OldHag supporter anyway, he just wants her to face Cryin Donald, not Cruz. Likely for that reason, Cruz scares him. Cryin Donald doesn't
Repubs are funny. The rules hasnt changed but suddenly when things arent going their way they just determine that the rules should be changed to fit their whining. Why? So they can stop whining.

They all say "I know the rules BUT...." Then come up with some emotional bullshit on why the rules shouldnt apply to Donald.
It is not the Republicans. It is the Trump supporters. I am as much, or more, disgusted than you are.

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