If Democrats Are So Concerned About Covid

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Why do they refuse to shut down our SOUTHERN BORDER while our northern border is locked down by the Socialist Canadian government?

200,000 a month -- unvetted -- crossing into our border, carrying their diseases and crime, and Biden is moving them into cities all across the country

Why do they refuse to shut down our SOUTHERN BORDER while our northern border is locked down by the Socialist Canadian government?
Thats a stupid question. What does Canada shutting their border have to do with the US shutting borders?

The correct question would be "why did the US shut the northern border but not the southern border?"
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200,000 a month -- unvetted -- crossing into our border, carrying their diseases and crime, and Biden is moving them into cities all across the country

That amounts to about one illegal sneaking in every 10 seconds, around the clock 24 hours a day.

That amounts to about one illegal sneaking in every 10 seconds, around the clock 24 hours a day.

My question is how can they be illegal if the US is moving them into the US like you claim?
That amounts to about one illegal sneaking in every 10 seconds, around the clock 24 hours a day.

The good ones were down there.
The Republican/conservative voters did there part putting Trump back in office, but the Swamp won this battle

The good ones were down there.

That's good, but it doesn't stop a thing. Talking about what needs to be done doesn't cut it.

This wouldn't be happening if the GOP had pulled harder 100% behind Trump.

I think I'll go down there and get in on the action! $5,000 a head tax free while the Bidenistas help them in? :hhello:
That's good, but it doesn't stop a thing. Talking about what needs to be done doesn't cut it
Yoi know "we" arent in power, dont you? I'm afraid a lot of people will not turn out to vote because they now think it is pointless. If you're not pissed enough to vote for the most conservative candidate on the ballot because you dont think itll make a difference, then that voter deserves the leftist government they get
Yoi know "we" arent in power, dont you? I'm afraid a lot of people will not turn out to vote because they now think it is pointless. If you're not pissed enough to vote for the most conservative candidate on the ballot because you dont think itll make a difference, then that voter deserves the leftist government they get

No, what I'm talking about is Biden gets in and the whole DNC hits the ground running by leaps and bounds, no problems. Smooth operation and no real problems or upsets despite many HEINOUS things being done.

Trump gets in with both Houses in the GOP corner and what did they do?
  • They fairly cooperated with the Comey/Mueller investigation.
  • McCain and others blocked Trump's overhaul of healthcare.
  • Many leaked private Trump conversations.
  • They failed to get any Dems on board for any of their programs.
  • Every time Trump tried to restrict travel from terror countries, a judge blocked him.
  • Cheney is helping the DNC investigate 1/6
  • Romney talked shit on Trump for four years then voted to impeach him.
  • And now 18 GOP have switched sides voting to support Biden's infrastructure.
I'm sick of the GOP. While the democrats all pull in one direction 100%, the GOP are pulling in six different directions like the keystone cops.
Why would they want to damage the US? Do you think before you post? Just asking.
I always think before I post. You can tell because you don't agree with me.

Democrats don't give a shit about the United States. They just want power. Creating a crisis to seize more power is what all this is about.

Do you think it benefits the average American citizen to have the country flooded with illegal immigrants?
Do you think it benefits the average American citizen to have the country flooded with illegal immigrants?
Thats a loaded question. On one hand illegals are the only ones that pick the crops, the others may take your job as a nanny or lawn mower so that would be bad.
No, what I'm talking about is Biden gets in and the whole DNC hits the ground running by leaps and bounds, no problems. Smooth operation and no real problems or upsets despite many HEINOUS things being done.

Trump gets in with both Houses in the GOP corner and what did they do?
  • They fairly cooperated with the Comey/Mueller investigation.
  • McCain and others blocked Trump's overhaul of healthcare.
  • Many leaked private Trump conversations.
  • They failed to get any Dems on board for any of their programs.
  • Every time Trump tried to restrict travel from terror countries, a judge blocked him.
  • Cheney is helping the DNC investigate 1/6
  • Romney talked shit on Trump for four years then voted to impeach him.
  • And now 18 GOP have switched sides voting to support Biden's infrastructure.
I'm sick of the GOP. While the democrats all pull in one direction 100%, the GOP are pulling in six different directions like the keystone cops.
We have one liberal party. We don't need two. The GOP needs to return to its conservative roots and stop kissing Democrat ass.

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