If Democrats Are So Concerned About Covid

The GOP needs to return to its conservative roots

Return, Dave? When is the last time they had them? The GOP controlled the House, Senate and WH for two years as they said they needed, and got NOTHING done.

Trump's platform was a who's who of conservative agendas and ideals and what did the GOP do? They fought him spending the better part of the first two years saying Trump wasn't a "real" conservative, worried that he was taking them into "populism."

Even if Trump lost, he BEGGED these jackholes to do whatever they could to help him win the election and time and again, they let him down, refused, even worked against him.

AS WE SPEAK, Adam Kinzinger-R is on the 1/6 committee saying that only an idiot thinks the election was defrauded-- just what the Dems want to hear.

Democrats do WHATEVER IT TAKES to win, even if they have to cheat.

Republicans don't have what it takes to win. They could have spared the country everything that is going on now, but Pence was even hell bent on "doing his duty" and certifying the election.

Republicans refused to not play by the rules, they stopped not one election rule change, and so now we have a party in charge playing by NO rules.

And McConnell sits there scowling as he strokes himself.

Fuck the DNC, they are snakes, but DOUBLE FUCK the GOP, they are the snake farmers.
Return, Dave? When is the last time they had them? The GOP controlled the House, Senate and WH for two years as they said they needed, and got NOTHING done.

Trump's platform was a who's who of conservative agendas and ideals and what did the GOP do? They fought him spending the better part of the first two years saying Trump wasn't a "real" conservative, worried that he was taking them into "populism."

Even if Trump lost, he BEGGED these jackholes to do whatever they could to help him win the election and time and again, they let him down, refused, even worked against him.

AS WE SPEAK, Adam Kinzinger-R is on the 1/6 committee saying that only an idiot thinks the election was defrauded-- just what the Dems want to hear.

Democrats do WHATEVER IT TAKES to win, even if they have to cheat.

Republicans don't have what it takes to win. They could have spared the country everything that is going on now, but Pence was even hell bent on "doing his duty" and certifying the election.

Republicans refused to not play by the rules, they stopped not one election rule change, and so now we have a party in charge playing by NO rules.

And McConnell sits there scowling as he strokes himself.

Fuck the DNC, they are snakes, but DOUBLE FUCK the GOP, they are the snake farmers.
Oh, I agree. The GOP has been sliding leftward for decades.
Why do they refuse to shut down our SOUTHERN BORDER while our northern border is locked down by the Socialist Canadian government?

200,000 a month -- unvetted -- crossing into our border, carrying their diseases and crime, and Biden is moving them into cities all across the country

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And you know the answer…. They dont care about the virus……it is just a tool to consolidate their power and control. They will drag illegals with the bubonic plague across the border of it means they might get one more vote. They will lock down this country and put troops house to house if it means they can keep power…..we are slowly getting to that point. They are losing their fear of exposing who and what they really are…..and as their fear diminishes their aggression will increase. They dont care about playing the political game anymore….
And you know the answer…. They dont care about the virus……it is just a tool to consolidate their power and control
Of course many of us know. I just thought the way she put it will cause a few who really are on the fence to THINK
Thats a stupid question. What does Canada shutting their border have to do with the US shutting borders?

The correct question would be "why did the US shut the northern border but not the southern border?"
Because the Canadian Government shut down their border for centuries. Every country on earth minus a few Third World unpopulated shit holes shut down their border to invaders EXCEPT ONE.

Don't act like a dumb fuck. You're smart. You don't have to play this game.

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