If democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon how come...

No. You eat a dick if you depend on Govt. workers for anything.

Carry on you dick eater you.

You do depend on government workers whether you know it or not.

Also, at least be original when you insult me.

Sure we do. Only because we have no choice. Oh and you insulted me first.

You bag of dicks you. LOL

Don's family is grifting off of taxpayers, why aren't you as tweaked up about that?

Don and his family made their own money and aren't living of the tax payers. Hell he contributes his pay to wherever he thinks it should go.

You really are stupid.

No. You eat a dick if you depend on Govt. workers for anything.

Carry on you dick eater you.

You do depend on government workers whether you know it or not.

Also, at least be original when you insult me.

Sure we do. Only because we have no choice. Oh and you insulted me first.

You bag of dicks you. LOL

Don's family is grifting off of taxpayers, why aren't you as tweaked up about that?

Don and his family made their own money and aren't living of the tax payers. Hell he contributes his pay to wherever he thinks it should go.

You really are stupid.

I was just wondering if this income counted as a job or a hand out?

Trump Campaign Chief Is Funneling Pay To Eric Trump's Wife, Don Jr.'s Girlfriend: Report

Trump Campaign Chief Is Funneling Pay To Eric Trump's Wife, Don Jr.'s Girlfriend: Report

Payments are made through Brad Parscale's company, The New York Times reported.
By Mary Papenfuss

President Donald Trump’s campaign manager is quietly channeling money to Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, and Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, The New York Times reported Monday.

The payments are hidden from public view because they’re made through campaign manager Brad Parscale’s private company, Parscale Strategy, based in San Antonio, sources told the Times. Typically, such payments would be part of public filings required by the Federal Election Commission so that donors can find out how their contributions are being used — in this case, to pay members of the president’s family.

Grifting in that lot is generational. Still, yes, the Bidens, Clintons, Obamas, Bushs, Reagans, blah, blah, blah. Thing is, our system selects for that type of personality, I'll be generous, to rise to affluence and power; the very type of predatory representatives who have no other connection to the people but to grift upon. Once a society begins to worship the acquisition of wealth by whatever means necessary, all bets are off really.

Who's grifting was less evil come Nov 2020? Hell of a system.
That's all they talk about now? Trump this, pence that and the entire gop is the brunt of the covid ranting.
The market crashes every other day and that causes celebratory threads.

Y'all are a terrible bunch
Oh really? And Fox News, OAN News, TeaPartyPatriots.org, the GOP, Conservative talk shows and radio - they aren't exactly saying good things about Democrats either. They are always accusing Democrats of doing this or that. Heck call us Democrats the This or That Party!!!
Didn't they kind of over time become the this or that party on their own?
Those infected are contagious before they are symptomatic. Not quite that straight forward. Now you want me to believe the media? Make a decision.

Case in point: a staff member at Hancock County, Indiana Jail tests positive for COVID-19.

No longer infectious at positive test time. No idea how many he/she may have infected when they were infectious. What to do if testing capacity was adequate? Go test everyone who came through that jail 2 weeks previous to the positive result of that staff member and anyone else he/she had contact with. Any positive result coming from that investigative follow up warrants further testing of any who came in contact with any other person who tuned up positive.

We're not there yet, not at all.

This isn't a "media" thing, this is the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic. As a lifelong patient, I trust the Clinic more than anybody. In fact my sister is going there for surgery tomorrow morning.

They are trying to focus on the people most likely to have the virus than just test everybody and see if they run into some. It's the best way to do it. And.....the Clinic will of course share their new technology with other hospitals and clinics, so as they get on board, they will be able to test tens of thousands every day whether you have symptoms or not.
The brain damaged TDS are demanding millions of people to get tested only so they can claim that Trump isn't doing anything. It has nothing to do with any objective analysis of the issue. Like everything they say, it's pure politics.

People are infectious, walking around infecting others unknowingly before becoming symptomatic. It is just science. Science has no affliction like partisanshit.

thanks for telling us what we already know. Now tell us, dingle berry, how many people need to be tested? Everyone? Give us a number.

Have you checked in with Dr Anthony Fauci? I'd go with his recommendations and advice, not mine, but thanks.
So you admit you haven't got a fucking clue. Yet here you are spouting off that Trump doesn't have enough?
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.

Obviously you didn't watch it yet, but the Doctor stated that only those who have symptoms will be tested. You have to go through a screening process first. It's starting to spread over here so I'm glad they are working night and day to try and detect it.

Those infected are contagious before they are symptomatic. Not quite that straight forward. Now you want me to believe the media? Make a decision.

Case in point: a staff member at Hancock County, Indiana Jail tests positive for COVID-19.

No longer infectious at positive test time. No idea how many he/she may have infected when they were infectious. What to do if testing capacity was adequate? Go test everyone who came through that jail 2 weeks previous to the positive result of that staff member and anyone else he/she had contact with. Any positive result coming from that investigative follow up warrants further testing of any who came in contact with any other person who tuned up positive.

We're not there yet, not at all.

People who are showing symptoms are more likely to be home in bed.

It is those with no symptoms who are running around spreading it.
The virus triggers critical spawns of TDS.

The TDS is worse than the virus.
This isn't a "media" thing, this is the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic. As a lifelong patient, I trust the Clinic more than anybody. In fact my sister is going there for surgery tomorrow morning.

They are trying to focus on the people most likely to have the virus than just test everybody and see if they run into some. It's the best way to do it. And.....the Clinic will of course share their new technology with other hospitals and clinics, so as they get on board, they will be able to test tens of thousands every day whether you have symptoms or not.
The brain damaged TDS are demanding millions of people to get tested only so they can claim that Trump isn't doing anything. It has nothing to do with any objective analysis of the issue. Like everything they say, it's pure politics.

People are infectious, walking around infecting others unknowingly before becoming symptomatic. It is just science. Science has no affliction like partisanshit.

thanks for telling us what we already know. Now tell us, dingle berry, how many people need to be tested? Everyone? Give us a number.

Have you checked in with Dr Anthony Fauci? I'd go with his recommendations and advice, not mine, but thanks.
So you admit you haven't got a fucking clue. Yet here you are spouting off that Trump doesn't have enough?
See Dr Anthony Fauci, or you can go with the guy who paid to fock Stormy without a condom. I assure you I don't mind who you choose.
We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.

Obviously you didn't watch it yet, but the Doctor stated that only those who have symptoms will be tested. You have to go through a screening process first. It's starting to spread over here so I'm glad they are working night and day to try and detect it.

Those infected are contagious before they are symptomatic. Not quite that straight forward. Now you want me to believe the media? Make a decision.

Case in point: a staff member at Hancock County, Indiana Jail tests positive for COVID-19.

No longer infectious at positive test time. No idea how many he/she may have infected when they were infectious. What to do if testing capacity was adequate? Go test everyone who came through that jail 2 weeks previous to the positive result of that staff member and anyone else he/she had contact with. Any positive result coming from that investigative follow up warrants further testing of any who came in contact with any other person who tuned up positive.

We're not there yet, not at all.

People who are showing symptoms are more likely to be home in bed.

It is those with no symptoms who are running around spreading it.


It seems like quite a coincidence that Trump's transportation secretary is also an adviser to the city of Wuhan.

At her confirmation hearing, she conveniently failed to mention her family’s considerable ties to the maritime industry, which of course comes under her department’s purview. Nor did she bring up awards she’d received in China, or a position as an international adviser to the city of Wuhan

Oops: Elaine Chao Caught Pimping Her Family Business with China
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