If democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon how come...

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.

bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.

bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing.
The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.

Is that because you have no idea?

You're such an incomprehensible dumbass.

I think we're at long last making some progress here. Yes bribri, this is an emerging retroviral pandemic and there is still much as yet unknown. Very good.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.

bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing.
If you can find one post, one, of me "claiming what a great job he was doing", please share it with the board at this time. You're being quite hysterical.
Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.

Obviously you didn't watch it yet, but the Doctor stated that only those who have symptoms will be tested. You have to go through a screening process first. It's starting to spread over here so I'm glad they are working night and day to try and detect it.
Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.

Describe what the tests accomplish.
Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.

bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing.
If you can find one post, one, of me "claiming what a great job he was doing", please share it with the board at this time. You're being quite hysterical.

Do you know what "like" signifys?
Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.

"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.

bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing.

His entire Presidency was based on and built around him appearing to be black

During crises he remained black looking.
That was all they wanted or needed.
The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.

Obviously you didn't watch it yet, but the Doctor stated that only those who have symptoms will be tested. You have to go through a screening process first. It's starting to spread over here so I'm glad they are working night and day to try and detect it.

Those infected are contagious before they are symptomatic. Not quite that straight forward. Now you want me to believe the media? Make a decision.

Case in point: a staff member at Hancock County, Indiana Jail tests positive for COVID-19.

No longer infectious at positive test time. No idea how many he/she may have infected when they were infectious. What to do if testing capacity was adequate? Go test everyone who came through that jail 2 weeks previous to the positive result of that staff member and anyone else he/she had contact with. Any positive result coming from that investigative follow up warrants further testing of any who came in contact with any other person who tuned up positive.

We're not there yet, not at all.
Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.

bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing.

His entire Presidency was based on and built around him appearing to be black

During crises he remained black looking.
That was all they wanted or needed.
It is certainly all Don needed to wind people up with.
bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing.

His entire Presidency was based on and built around him appearing to be black

During crises he remained black looking.
That was all they wanted or needed.
It is certainly all Don needed to wind people up with.

Don is white.
We won't make our previous mistake again for a generation.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.

Obviously you didn't watch it yet, but the Doctor stated that only those who have symptoms will be tested. You have to go through a screening process first. It's starting to spread over here so I'm glad they are working night and day to try and detect it.

Those infected are contagious before they are symptomatic. Not quite that straight forward. Now you want me to believe the media? Make a decision.

Case in point: a staff member at Hancock County, Indiana Jail tests positive for COVID-19.

No longer infectious at positive test time. No idea how many he/she may have infected when they were infectious. What to do if testing capacity was adequate? Go test everyone who came through that jail 2 weeks previous to the positive result of that staff member and anyone else he/she had contact with. Any positive result coming from that investigative follow up warrants further testing of any who came in contact with any other person who tuned up positive.

We're not there yet, not at all.

This isn't a "media" thing, this is the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic. As a lifelong patient, I trust the Clinic more than anybody. In fact my sister is going there for surgery tomorrow morning.

They are trying to focus on the people most likely to have the virus than just test everybody and see if they run into some. It's the best way to do it. And.....the Clinic will of course share their new technology with other hospitals and clinics, so as they get on board, they will be able to test tens of thousands every day whether you have symptoms or not.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.

Is that because you have no idea?

You're such an incomprehensible dumbass.

I think we're at long last making some progress here. Yes bribri, this is an emerging retroviral pandemic and there is still much as yet unknown. Very good.

You admit you don't know anything, but you keep spouting bullshit like you're an expert? What I know is that all you panic mongers didn't have a thing to say about the swine flu.
We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.

Obviously you didn't watch it yet, but the Doctor stated that only those who have symptoms will be tested. You have to go through a screening process first. It's starting to spread over here so I'm glad they are working night and day to try and detect it.

Those infected are contagious before they are symptomatic. Not quite that straight forward. Now you want me to believe the media? Make a decision.

Case in point: a staff member at Hancock County, Indiana Jail tests positive for COVID-19.

No longer infectious at positive test time. No idea how many he/she may have infected when they were infectious. What to do if testing capacity was adequate? Go test everyone who came through that jail 2 weeks previous to the positive result of that staff member and anyone else he/she had contact with. Any positive result coming from that investigative follow up warrants further testing of any who came in contact with any other person who tuned up positive.

We're not there yet, not at all.

This isn't a "media" thing, this is the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic. As a lifelong patient, I trust the Clinic more than anybody. In fact my sister is going there for surgery tomorrow morning.

They are trying to focus on the people most likely to have the virus than just test everybody and see if they run into some. It's the best way to do it. And.....the Clinic will of course share their new technology with other hospitals and clinics, so as they get on board, they will be able to test tens of thousands every day whether you have symptoms or not.

The brain damaged TDS are demanding millions of people to get tested only so they can claim that Trump isn't doing anything. It has nothing to do with any objective analysis of the issue. Like everything they say, it's pure politics.
bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing.
If you can find one post, one, of me "claiming what a great job he was doing", please share it with the board at this time. You're being quite hysterical.

Do you know what "like" signifys?

Let's review:

"I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing."

"If you can find one post, one, of me "claiming what a great job he was doing", please share it with the board at this time. You're being quite hysterical."

"Do you know what "like" signifys?"

I think it is signifies, ies.

If you can find one post, one, of me claiming I "liked" the great job he was doing, please share it with the board at this time.
Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.

bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing.
If you can find one post, one, of me "claiming what a great job he was doing", please share it with the board at this time. You're being quite hysterical.
You've only been a member here since 2019, dumbass.
We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.

Obviously you didn't watch it yet, but the Doctor stated that only those who have symptoms will be tested. You have to go through a screening process first. It's starting to spread over here so I'm glad they are working night and day to try and detect it.

Those infected are contagious before they are symptomatic. Not quite that straight forward. Now you want me to believe the media? Make a decision.

Case in point: a staff member at Hancock County, Indiana Jail tests positive for COVID-19.

No longer infectious at positive test time. No idea how many he/she may have infected when they were infectious. What to do if testing capacity was adequate? Go test everyone who came through that jail 2 weeks previous to the positive result of that staff member and anyone else he/she had contact with. Any positive result coming from that investigative follow up warrants further testing of any who came in contact with any other person who tuned up positive.

We're not there yet, not at all.

This isn't a "media" thing, this is the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic. As a lifelong patient, I trust the Clinic more than anybody. In fact my sister is going there for surgery tomorrow morning.

They are trying to focus on the people most likely to have the virus than just test everybody and see if they run into some. It's the best way to do it. And.....the Clinic will of course share their new technology with other hospitals and clinics, so as they get on board, they will be able to test tens of thousands every day whether you have symptoms or not.

Is this the same clinic you're always bitching about, where your Medicare coverage is so vastly shittier and more expensive than mine?

Share what? He says the tech was borrowed. You better go back and listen to your own shit again pard.
Last edited:
bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing.
If you can find one post, one, of me "claiming what a great job he was doing", please share it with the board at this time. You're being quite hysterical.
You've only been a member here since 2019, dumbass.
Well there you, you were making shit up again, we're all shocked I'm sure. Why so rattled?
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
I recall those, where were you? Go look for posts if you like. Don't bitch at me ff you watch shit on tv you don't want to see. Get out and shake a few hands. Go gather in crowds.
I recall Obama doing absolutely nothing and turds like you claiming what a great job he was doing.
If you can find one post, one, of me "claiming what a great job he was doing", please share it with the board at this time. You're being quite hysterical.
You've only been a member here since 2019, dumbass.
Well there you, you were making shit up again, we're all shocked I'm sure. Why so rattled?
I said "turds LIKE YOU." I didn't say you specifically, you brain damaged TDS moron.

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