If democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon how come...

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

No, you said "conservative", not me.
HappyJoy is the one who blamed conservatives.

Then get your shit together bitch.
If that's all they were talking about on the MSM, yes, it's an overkill.

We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

How many famous people got the swine flu? :alcoholic: Was it swirling around the White House?

Obama actually had a handle on it. Sure, killed a lot of people, that;'s what pandemics do. With a half-assed Johnny still hasn't arrived solution Trump is offering we now have businesses who are choosing to lose money rather than pass on the virus taking necessary actions. What is Trump doing? He has his travel bans, those haven't worked and the last one it's way too late as the virus is already here. According to every expert we have undiagnosed people everywhere spreading this and still no way of testing them.

If only we had a team in place to monitor and help prevent global pandemics before they reached this stage...hmm.

Already here and spreading faster that we can test. You're infectious before being symptomatic. Millions without healthcare coverage should bode well. Fantastic system for dealing with something like this which is inevitable.
He can't speak for himself. Nor can he think for himself. Those are the jobs of his leftard media overlords.

America speaks for itself. Your president is a well known grifter. He's the first US grifter president to bring his grifter trust fund baby children from 3 different babymommas into grifter office with him. Yes, Biden too, some of us get the entire picture. Decades long endless wars - all illegal and unconstitutional, and bogus on top of it all, demonstrably in retrospect. Economically cannibalizing society over time. Your media is in the hands of concentrated capital. Clinton deregulated the FCC. Back in the 1980s there were 50 some odd companies in the US media arena. Now that's down to half a dozen multinational corporations controlling ~90% of what most americans digest as "information". We used to know better than that. Stop viewing and participating. Turn away, you should have long ago.

On the other hand, if you meant to tune into The Reality America Show, stay tuned. Gonna be fun.

We had 8 years of a President who was a half-black, half-white mongrel fatherless bastard, who sucked dicks in exchange for cocaine when he was young, who sold drugs in college, who associated with known domestic terrorists, who was raised a Muslim, who ate dog meat when he was a kid, who couldn't produce a verifiable copy of his birth certificate, selective service registration, or college transcripts, who nobody seemed to remember in school, and whose mother posed for porn photos.

And I'm supposed to worry about Trump being a "grifter"?


We're all aware of the trauma some fragile white males suffered when a half black guy won the presidency. Twice. No, no one expects you to care that your entire society is built upon grifting, most especially Ayn Rand acolytes.

Anyone seen Don's transcripts? No, you can't can you. Or his taxes, for obvious reasons, and we all know US banking institutions banned him decades ago for his relentless corruption, good old fashioned American corruption.

You know, whenever I see images of Don and Obama juxtaposed, I'm always reminded that the pig with a slew of spawn from 3 babymommas is the fatass greasy white guy who paid to fock Stormy without a condom.

He wasn't just a "half black guy", you left out the best parts:

Obama is a half-black, half-white mongrel fatherless bastard, who sucked dicks in exchange for cocaine when he was young, who sold drugs in college, who associated with known domestic terrorists, who was raised a Muslim, who ate dog meat when he was a kid, who couldn't produce a verifiable copy of his birth certificate, selective service registration, or college transcripts, who nobody seemed to remember in school, and whose mother posed for porn photos.


Did not know about the porn.

Ann Dunham.

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama's Mother Discovered (Video)
America speaks for itself. Your president is a well known grifter. He's the first US grifter president to bring his grifter trust fund baby children from 3 different babymommas into grifter office with him. Yes, Biden too, some of us get the entire picture. Decades long endless wars - all illegal and unconstitutional, and bogus on top of it all, demonstrably in retrospect. Economically cannibalizing society over time. Your media is in the hands of concentrated capital. Clinton deregulated the FCC. Back in the 1980s there were 50 some odd companies in the US media arena. Now that's down to half a dozen multinational corporations controlling ~90% of what most americans digest as "information". We used to know better than that. Stop viewing and participating. Turn away, you should have long ago.

On the other hand, if you meant to tune into The Reality America Show, stay tuned. Gonna be fun.

We had 8 years of a President who was a half-black, half-white mongrel fatherless bastard, who sucked dicks in exchange for cocaine when he was young, who sold drugs in college, who associated with known domestic terrorists, who was raised a Muslim, who ate dog meat when he was a kid, who couldn't produce a verifiable copy of his birth certificate, selective service registration, or college transcripts, who nobody seemed to remember in school, and whose mother posed for porn photos.

And I'm supposed to worry about Trump being a "grifter"?


We're all aware of the trauma some fragile white males suffered when a half black guy won the presidency. Twice. No, no one expects you to care that your entire society is built upon grifting, most especially Ayn Rand acolytes.

Anyone seen Don's transcripts? No, you can't can you. Or his taxes, for obvious reasons, and we all know US banking institutions banned him decades ago for his relentless corruption, good old fashioned American corruption.

You know, whenever I see images of Don and Obama juxtaposed, I'm always reminded that the pig with a slew of spawn from 3 babymommas is the fatass greasy white guy who paid to fock Stormy without a condom.

He wasn't just a "half black guy", you left out the best parts:

Obama is a half-black, half-white mongrel fatherless bastard, who sucked dicks in exchange for cocaine when he was young, who sold drugs in college, who associated with known domestic terrorists, who was raised a Muslim, who ate dog meat when he was a kid, who couldn't produce a verifiable copy of his birth certificate, selective service registration, or college transcripts, who nobody seemed to remember in school, and whose mother posed for porn photos.


Did not know about the porn.

Ann Dunham.

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama's Mother Discovered (Video)

Who's attracted to it?
We had 8 years of a President who was a half-black, half-white mongrel fatherless bastard, who sucked dicks in exchange for cocaine when he was young, who sold drugs in college, who associated with known domestic terrorists, who was raised a Muslim, who ate dog meat when he was a kid, who couldn't produce a verifiable copy of his birth certificate, selective service registration, or college transcripts, who nobody seemed to remember in school, and whose mother posed for porn photos.

And I'm supposed to worry about Trump being a "grifter"?


We're all aware of the trauma some fragile white males suffered when a half black guy won the presidency. Twice. No, no one expects you to care that your entire society is built upon grifting, most especially Ayn Rand acolytes.

Anyone seen Don's transcripts? No, you can't can you. Or his taxes, for obvious reasons, and we all know US banking institutions banned him decades ago for his relentless corruption, good old fashioned American corruption.

You know, whenever I see images of Don and Obama juxtaposed, I'm always reminded that the pig with a slew of spawn from 3 babymommas is the fatass greasy white guy who paid to fock Stormy without a condom.

He wasn't just a "half black guy", you left out the best parts:

Obama is a half-black, half-white mongrel fatherless bastard, who sucked dicks in exchange for cocaine when he was young, who sold drugs in college, who associated with known domestic terrorists, who was raised a Muslim, who ate dog meat when he was a kid, who couldn't produce a verifiable copy of his birth certificate, selective service registration, or college transcripts, who nobody seemed to remember in school, and whose mother posed for porn photos.


Did not know about the porn.

Ann Dunham.

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama's Mother Discovered (Video)

Who's attracted to it?

Not me. I'd have to wash my eyes out with eye bleach if I looked at those pictures of that ugly monkey-f*cking skank.
We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

How many famous people got the swine flu? :alcoholic: Was it swirling around the White House?

Obama actually had a handle on it. Sure, killed a lot of people, that;'s what pandemics do. With a half-assed Johnny still hasn't arrived solution Trump is offering we now have businesses who are choosing to lose money rather than pass on the virus taking necessary actions. What is Trump doing? He has his travel bans, those haven't worked and the last one it's way too late as the virus is already here. According to every expert we have undiagnosed people everywhere spreading this and still no way of testing them.

If only we had a team in place to monitor and help prevent global pandemics before they reached this stage...hmm.
We don't know how many famous people got it because the fake news outlets didn't make it national news every time someone contracted it, dumbass. That's precisely the point. The Swine Flue infected 60 million people and killed 13,000. That's your conception of having "a handle on it?"

All you morons attacking Trump about his handling of the corona virus are the ultimate hypocrites. You're a bunch of douchebags deliberately trying to create a panic.

Of course, you didn't understand my post.
We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.
What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

How many famous people got the swine flu? :alcoholic: Was it swirling around the White House?

Obama actually had a handle on it. Sure, killed a lot of people, that;'s what pandemics do. With a half-assed Johnny still hasn't arrived solution Trump is offering we now have businesses who are choosing to lose money rather than pass on the virus taking necessary actions. What is Trump doing? He has his travel bans, those haven't worked and the last one it's way too late as the virus is already here. According to every expert we have undiagnosed people everywhere spreading this and still no way of testing them.

If only we had a team in place to monitor and help prevent global pandemics before they reached this stage...hmm.
We don't know how many famous people got it because the fake news outlets didn't make it national news every time someone contracted it, dumbass. That's precisely the point. The Swine Flue infected 60 million people and killed 13,000. That's your conception of having "a handle on it?"

All you morons attacking Trump about his handling of the corona virus are the ultimate hypocrites. You're a bunch of douchebags deliberately trying to create a panic.

Of course, you didn't understand my post.
I understand that you're trying to help the fake news media to create a panic. You would be happy to see the stock market go to zero and wipe out everyone's retirement accounts if that's what it took to defeat Trump.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.
Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

How many famous people got the swine flu? :alcoholic: Was it swirling around the White House?

Obama actually had a handle on it. Sure, killed a lot of people, that;'s what pandemics do. With a half-assed Johnny still hasn't arrived solution Trump is offering we now have businesses who are choosing to lose money rather than pass on the virus taking necessary actions. What is Trump doing? He has his travel bans, those haven't worked and the last one it's way too late as the virus is already here. According to every expert we have undiagnosed people everywhere spreading this and still no way of testing them.

If only we had a team in place to monitor and help prevent global pandemics before they reached this stage...hmm.
We don't know how many famous people got it because the fake news outlets didn't make it national news every time someone contracted it, dumbass. That's precisely the point. The Swine Flue infected 60 million people and killed 13,000. That's your conception of having "a handle on it?"

All you morons attacking Trump about his handling of the corona virus are the ultimate hypocrites. You're a bunch of douchebags deliberately trying to create a panic.

Of course, you didn't understand my post.
I understand that you're trying to help the fake news media to create a panic. You would be happy to see the stock market go to zero and wipe out everyone's retirement accounts if that's what it took to defeat Trump.

You aren't fooling anyone.

I guess I'm fooling you.

I don't want panic, I've wanted action, I want mass testing and numbnuts is just finally talking about it. What happened by waiting? Panic and the stock market crashing further than it would. I realize you don't have any money and the stock market to you is probably nothing more than a number, but I'm down quite a bit. I don't blame Trump for the virus, I blame him for ignoring it's impact for so long.
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.
Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.
Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.

bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

Wrong. The fake news outlets are deliberately trying to panic the population and cause a run on Wall street. That couldn't be more obvious. Did they announce every death from the swine flue in 2009? They are now announcing every famous person who tests positive for the virus. Did they do that with the swine flue in 2009?

How many famous people got the swine flu? :alcoholic: Was it swirling around the White House?

Obama actually had a handle on it. Sure, killed a lot of people, that;'s what pandemics do. With a half-assed Johnny still hasn't arrived solution Trump is offering we now have businesses who are choosing to lose money rather than pass on the virus taking necessary actions. What is Trump doing? He has his travel bans, those haven't worked and the last one it's way too late as the virus is already here. According to every expert we have undiagnosed people everywhere spreading this and still no way of testing them.

If only we had a team in place to monitor and help prevent global pandemics before they reached this stage...hmm.
We don't know how many famous people got it because the fake news outlets didn't make it national news every time someone contracted it, dumbass. That's precisely the point. The Swine Flue infected 60 million people and killed 13,000. That's your conception of having "a handle on it?"

All you morons attacking Trump about his handling of the corona virus are the ultimate hypocrites. You're a bunch of douchebags deliberately trying to create a panic.

Of course, you didn't understand my post.
I understand that you're trying to help the fake news media to create a panic. You would be happy to see the stock market go to zero and wipe out everyone's retirement accounts if that's what it took to defeat Trump.

You aren't fooling anyone.

I guess I'm fooling you.

I don't want panic, I've wanted action, I want mass testing and numbnuts is just finally talking about it. What happened by waiting? Panic and the stock market crashing further than it would. I realize you don't have any money and the stock market to you is probably nothing more than a number, but I'm down quite a bit. I don't blame Trump for the virus, I blame him for ignoring it's impact for so long.
Being rational and coherent is not something bribri's going to be able to relate to.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

Nope, millions. Not right away, over time.

bribri is an emerging retroviral pandemic expert.
I'm not the one claiming we need to test millions of people, shit for brains. Where were all you hypocrites during the swine flue epidemic? Ebola?
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.
Oh sure. Our corporate state media machine, owned by half a dozen monopolized multinational corporations, wants to bring down Wall Street. Americans wanted a reality show for a political system and we got one. Enjoy it. Americans allowed Clinton to deregulate the FCC, there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape back in the 1980s before we embraced the widespread concentration of capital and monopolization.
Have you ever considered tuning out and not paying attention? You do understand that all media cares about is that you keep paying attention right? Why are you so cooperative and participatory in that? Is Don part of this "hoax"? What's he doing with these travel restrictions?

What's up with you stock marketeers, are they in on this as well? Perhaps your economic system is just this fragile and America was not prepared. CPAC and AIPAC attendees coming down with it; didn't see names, did you? Were they famous? We got caught short, can't test, can't know. Who do you think gets tested in a predatory system when testing capacity is outstripped? Commoners first? Americans don't think for themselves, they love vicariously through their celebrities and aristocracy.
You're actually claiming that the fake news media is conservative? This trope has been trotted out one million times, and it simply isn't credible. 95% of all "journalists" donated to Democrat candidates. Case closed.

Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.
If you have no idea, then why to you keep blowing hot air as if you do?
Anyone that reads any of it with even a slightly open mind knows that they are simply pushing the daily democratic narrative.

The narrative that we need to be testing on a large scale and you morons keep saying we don't need to test? Well, looks like Trump has finally, finally come around and is now...just now setting up large scale testing. I'm glad they are and I hope they don't fuck it up like they have so far.

Testing important? Trump now says yes, finally.
"On a large scale?" We need to be testing thousands in affected areas, not millions, as the panic mongers claim.

We have at this moment no idea, dolt. Can't test fast enough to know. Hind sight will tell. You'll still be able to make shit up and soil yourself later as per usual.

Over here they have testing down to 500 a day, and expect that number to double very soon. Not only more and better testing, but much quicker results as well. This is just one institution.

We are still very much in catch up mode, agreed.

Is that because you have no idea?

You're such an incomprehensible dumbass.

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