If Democrats/Liberals Believe Michael Wolff's Thesis...

You can try and reason things out as best you can, but the proof is already in, and that is that the 21'st century Demon-crats are thee most corrupt bunch this nation has ever encountered. The details to further this proof will be soon to know in the latest Clinton probes. Strange fire at the Clinton's home eh ?? You reckon the foundations records went up in flames maybe ?

BTW where did you get the "fake news" story from? The part about foundation records being involved.
Matters not what got burned up, because the records are already being investigated according to judicial watch. No bleachbit, sledge hammers this time.
I don’t need a book to tell me what a low life and clown Agent Orange is. Trump’s own words gives us an insight to what kind of man and leader he is.
I don’t need a book to tell me what a low life Agent Orange is. Trump’s own words gives us an insight to what kind of man and leader he is.
You need a book to tell you how to make your lungs function. You couldn't survive if the government didn't broadcast public service anouncements 30 times a day.
O.K. Trump was like the play/movie "The Producers" An easier metaphor for you to absorb.
Even more incoherent.
You don't know the plot of "the producers"

Damn you're ignorant

Yeah, that's the sign of a well educated person: knowing the plot of "The Producers."

A sure sign of ignorance is believing that not knowing the plot to The Producers is a sign of ignorance. I don't have the faintest idea what the plot is nor do I care and I have an MBA and JD (Juris Doctorate). If I wanted to know what the plot is I could Goggle it but I would consider that a waste of time. I am constantly learning, constantly seeking knowledge, but I reject information that has no value except, perhaps, in a trivia quiz.

I do not know the plot to The Producers. I also do not know how many hairs are on the average pig's ass and I consider that to be a greater offense.
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So Wolff spent months hanging around the White House taking notes, taping interviews and collecting data

Trump claims he never saw the guy
. Ever heard of not liking someone enough that they could be standing right in front of you, and you don't see them, acknowledge them or speak to them ?

Sort of like the way Trump did to the CNN reporter by ignoring him that time, and going to the next reporter for whom he respected. That kind of never seen him type of thinking is what's on his mind.

Do you think that if Trump don't like you, that he would acknowledge you ?? Good luck with thinking he would if that's what you think.
Why does Wolff have access to the White House?
Nobody tells Fat Donnie this guy is writing a book?
O.K. Trump was like the play/movie "The Producers" An easier metaphor for you to absorb.
Even more incoherent.
You don't know the plot of "the producers"

Damn you're ignorant

Yeah, that's the sign of a well educated person: knowing the plot of "The Producers."

A sure sign of ignorance is believing that not knowing the plot to The Producers is a sign of ignorance. I don't have the faintest idea what the plot is nor do I care and I have an MBA and JD (Juris Doctorate). If I wanted to know what the plot is I could Goggle it but I would consider that a waste of time. I am constantly learning, constantly seeking knowledge, but I reject information that has no value except, perhaps, in a trivia quiz.

I do not know the plot to The Producers. I also do not know how many hairs are on the average pig's ass and I consider that to be a greater offense.
Shirley you know the plot of Blazing Saddles

And don't call me Shirley
Trumptards have no problem with Trump not telling the truth, why would they have a problem if some of the book isn't true??
Trumptards have no problem with Trump not telling the truth, why would they have a problem if some of the book isn't true??
Woolf pointed out the difficulty in telling the truth about the Trump White House is that everyone is a prolific liar.
He had to make a best guess where the truth was
Trumptards have no problem with Trump not telling the truth, why would they have a problem if some of the book isn't true??
Woolf pointed out the difficulty in telling the truth about the Trump White House is that everyone is a prolific liar.
He had to make a best guess where the truth was
. Question is, is did those best guesses make him a prolific liar ?
When you leave a bunch of rich people in charge this is what you get. And this goes for all administrations basically.
Trumptards have no problem with Trump not telling the truth, why would they have a problem if some of the book isn't true??
Woolf pointed out the difficulty in telling the truth about the Trump White House is that everyone is a prolific liar.
He had to make a best guess where the truth was

Hilarious statement from the Whitehouse:

The President believes in the importance of accuracy.
Trumptards have no problem with Trump not telling the truth, why would they have a problem if some of the book isn't true??
Woolf pointed out the difficulty in telling the truth about the Trump White House is that everyone is a prolific liar.
He had to make a best guess where the truth was
. Question is, is did those best guesses make him a prolific liar ?
That is where the enigma comes into play

How does one report on a prolific liar without knowing absolute truth?
Trumptards have no problem with Trump not telling the truth, why would they have a problem if some of the book isn't true??
Woolf pointed out the difficulty in telling the truth about the Trump White House is that everyone is a prolific liar.
He had to make a best guess where the truth was

Hilarious statement from the Whitehouse:

The President believes in the importance of accuracy.

Did they really say that?
Most of know knew this crap about Trump before his book. Trump has always been a liar and charlatan, has always been a Shyster , a low moral con man.

Now....focus like a laser:

Is it "his "ultimate goal ... had never been to win."


"Russian collusion" to steal the election?


See why intelligent folks are amused by you morons?

No one who voted for Donald Trump has even the tiniest shred of a claim of being one of the “intelligent folks”. Not that you ever did, regardless of how clever YOU think you are, few here would agree with you.

Yes both are possible. Donald and Melania may not have wanted to win, but everyone else around them did, and assumed they did too.

It certainly explains why he seemed to do everything possible to lose.

It actually strengthens the case for collusion not weakens it. Since they weren’t planning on winning, what happened in the campaign wasn’t important. Let the Russians think we’re open to their help. Maybe there’s a way to make a few bucks later on if we cooperate with them. Let them think they’re helping us.

On election night, Donald Trump had a deer in the headlights look about him. Like he didn’t expect to win. During the 60 Minutes interview on the following Sunday, he was like a man with a flop sweat. Holy shit, how do I get out of this? He didn’t seem happy, or prepared for the job ahead.

It’s not surprising that he’s been so bad at it.

"It’s not surprising that he’s been so bad at it."

When you leave a bunch of rich people in charge this is what you get. And this goes for all administrations basically.
Yeah, because we know no one in Obama's cabinet was rich! . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no, that's not right.
Congrats on mentioning Hillary Clinton and for your next song will we get a bit of Obama....

They are getting real desperate...
Bripat loves to play the hits. I particular love his song called,” Fact checks are fake News.”
It’s flying up the charts like a bullet.
Snowflakes keep playing the same tune: malicious gossip from anonymous sources.
Genius thinks everyone on Trump’s staff are liars. What does say about him “ hiring the best people?”

Wolff is the liar. Anonymous sources are really just Wolff making stuff up.
I explained to you exactly what anonymous sources mean yesterday. But being a sped you couldn’t retain it.
Anonymous =useless

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