If Democrats/Liberals Believe Michael Wolff's Thesis...

Bripat loves to play the hits. I particular love his song called,” Fact checks are fake News.”
It’s flying up the charts like a bullet.
Snowflakes keep playing the same tune: malicious gossip from anonymous sources.
Genius thinks everyone on Trump’s staff are liars. What does say about him “ hiring the best people?”

Wolff is the liar. Anonymous sources are really just Wolff making stuff up.
I explained to you exactly what anonymous sources mean yesterday. But being a sped you couldn’t retain it.
Of course, we all know that's bullshit. Every time CNN, NYT or WAPO got caught publishing fake news, it was based on "anonymous sources."
Anonymous =useless
The logic clearly escapes you....

1.If he didn't wish to win, why would he contact the Kremlin for help?

It does NOT matter if trump asked for help......HIS ENTOURAGE DID....

Besides, nitwit, the Kremlin wanted the useful idiot in the WH for their own gains; it does NOT matter what Trump wants.

No doubt you have evidence....and you'd best overnight same to Mueller....he hasn't been able to find any.


There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation. You don't know anything. Thus, your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap.

Gee.....I searched you post for either evidence, or for indications that Mueller et al had evidence.

And none of either was to be found.

Evidence of what? Where did I claim to have evidence of anything either way? I said: 'There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation.', which is entirely correct. Do you possess any reading comprehension at all?

Did you say "your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap."

Seems to have become a boomerang, huh?

Yep. I'm quite aware what I said, because I said it. Until there is any concrete evidence to the contrary, I also believe your opinion on the matter means very little. Anything else, dum dum?
Her opinion was there wasn’t any evidence! You said she lied and yet agree there is no evidence. So how did she lie? Third time I’ve asked you.
No doubt you have evidence....and you'd best overnight same to Mueller....he hasn't been able to find any.


There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation. You don't know anything. Thus, your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap.

Gee.....I searched you post for either evidence, or for indications that Mueller et al had evidence.

And none of either was to be found.

Evidence of what? Where did I claim to have evidence of anything either way? I said: 'There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation.', which is entirely correct. Do you possess any reading comprehension at all?

Did you say "your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap."

Seems to have become a boomerang, huh?

Yep. I'm quite aware what I said, because I said it. Until there is any concrete evidence to the contrary, I also believe your opinion on the matter means very little. Anything else, dum dum?

Sooo.....your demand is that President Trump prove innocence....????

Gads, you're a dunce.

I have made no such demand, you complete imbecile. Shovel your hyperbole at someone else. Politics is not organized sport, thus speculation is worth little from all sides. You seem mentally impaired in some way if you can't understand this simple concept.

That, or you're just another worthless troll. Take your pick.
So what evidence was there that suggested the need.fot a special counsel? Do you have that?
I thought it was strange when Trump announced he would run as a Republican. What made sense was he would run as a joke.

How about you act like a sentient individual....

You have a problem with this?

"Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

How about this?

"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

These successes represent events that Hussein Obama never could accomplish for America.

What is wrong with you??????
Lacking a budget and without a tax plan until the Advent season, how could Trump and his minions possibly take credit for a robust economy? The American economy is less like a jet ski and more like an ocean liner. It does not turn on a dime. Thank Obama progress for the economy.

Stop dodging.

Hussein was a total failure, and this was far from unexpected.

Don't pretend you don't recognize the difference in outcome between the two individuals.

I asked you why you refuse to recognize the value to America and the world having a competent, effective individual at the helm.

While it is possible you don't understand the animosity of the establishments of both parties to this man.....at the least admit that Trump is far better suited to the role of President.
There's your problem! You actually think Trump is competent! Most of us think he ain't.
Still doesn’t follow the narrative though. You’re too stupid to understand that. Funny
Gee.....I searched you post for either evidence, or for indications that Mueller et al had evidence.

And none of either was to be found.

Evidence of what? Where did I claim to have evidence of anything either way? I said: 'There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation.', which is entirely correct. Do you possess any reading comprehension at all?

Did you say "your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap."

Seems to have become a boomerang, huh?

Yep. I'm quite aware what I said, because I said it. Until there is any concrete evidence to the contrary, I also believe your opinion on the matter means very little. Anything else, dum dum?

Sooo.....your demand is that President Trump prove innocence....????

Gads, you're a dunce.

I have made no such demand, you complete imbecile. Shovel your hyperbole at someone else. Politics is not organized sport, thus speculation is worth little from all sides. You seem mentally impaired in some way if you can't understand this simple concept.

That, or you're just another worthless troll. Take your pick.

Looks like I'll have to prove that you are the 'complete imbecile.'

Here we go.

From the OP:

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."

Now.....anything not true there?
Sources provided.

Are the two statements diametrically opposite....or...are you simply a complete imbecile?

They are. I haven't confirmed or denied either allegation because there's no concrete evidence to support doing so yet. Your link is simply an article that 'sources' itself from Wolff's book. Anyone can write a book. Thus, what you've provided means precisely zip in providing truth or fiction beyond a reasonable doubt. You're dismissed. Way to bold letters, though.
Dude the question is did he want to win or not. The two scenarios now conflict. You haven’t figured that out have you
Evidence of what? Where did I claim to have evidence of anything either way? I said: 'There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation.', which is entirely correct. Do you possess any reading comprehension at all?

Yep. I'm quite aware what I said, because I said it. Until there is any concrete evidence to the contrary, I also believe your opinion on the matter means very little. Anything else, dum dum?

Sooo.....your demand is that President Trump prove innocence....????

Gads, you're a dunce.

I have made no such demand, you complete imbecile. Shovel your hyperbole at someone else. Politics is not organized sport, thus speculation is worth little from all sides. You seem mentally impaired in some way if you can't understand this simple concept.

That, or you're just another worthless troll. Take your pick.

Looks like I'll have to prove that you are the 'complete imbecile.'

Here we go.

From the OP:

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."

Now.....anything not true there?
Sources provided.

Are the two statements diametrically opposite....or...are you simply a complete imbecile?

They are. I haven't confirmed or denied either allegation because there's no concrete evidence to support doing so yet. Your link is simply an article that 'sources' itself from Wolff's book. Anyone can write a book. Thus, what you've provided means precisely zip in providing truth or fiction beyond a reasonable doubt. You're dismissed. Way to bold letters, though.
Dude the question is did he want to win or not. The two scenarios now conflict. You haven’t figured that out have you

Seems the premise must be spoon fed to the dopes.....

Glad you did.
It is puzzling. Everyone thinks Trump has a low IQ and is not capable of working on complex problems and on and on.

Here is a guy who pretty handily took down both the Bush & Clinton dynasties in less than a years time. Think about all the power, connections, experience and money those two political families bring to the table. He has made hundreds of millions of dollars, perhaps billions in business. Some will point to his failures in business, but someone with little to no skills and poor intelligence would be very unlikely to make it back to the top.

I believe the left have overplayed their hand here. The claims are so over the top, they lack credibility.

It's just one hit piece after another and most people I know are tuning out.
You mean more leftist lies
Nice deflection beagle....fail you did though. I don't believe bannon had any say in this.....not an ounce.
. Who did Wolff talk to the most, and who let him roam the place like a wolf in sheep's clothing ?
Your pussygrabber gave him access to the White House because he thought it was going to be flattering book on him. Ha!
My pussygrabber beat the snot out of your pussygrabber wife significantly

Drudge. Funny the sources you use.

Wolff has already thanked Trump for making his book a best seller on day one. Lmao

You have no idea what the Drudge Report is all about. Drudge does not write the millions of articles that have appeared on his website. The Drudge Report is a clearinghouse for information from all over the country and around the world. Drudge merely publishes reports from other legitimate sources. In this case, the source was the Washington Times. If you had clicked on the link provided you would have know that. The fact that you commented on a link you never read says a lot about you.

People who use the Drudge Report as their primary source of news will always know a lot more than those like you who rely on the MSM. Here's the link to the Drudge Report. Check it out and find out what you've been missing.

The Wash Times is even more right wing than Drudge. You can’t be serious.

I can and I am. It's not about being right wing or left wing. It's about being truthful. I go to The Drudge Report to find the truth, much of which the MSM will never print. You don't like The Drudge Report? Fine. Where do you do for your news? Please don't say CNN. The Drudge Report has already exposed CNN as being fake news. You have the last word. I'm outta here.
No one has exposed CNN liar.
What brought you here.....you imagined that there weren't enough morons ready to support Wolff???

BTW...are you attempting to deny this....
"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

You're not dumb enough to pretend that Hussein Obama did the job as well as Trump is doing, are you???

I mean...you're pretty dumb....but.....are you?

Oh....and congrats on finally having learned to read.

Morons really? Trump is known to be a pathological racist liar. Who should I believe Trump the liar or Wolff? We the smart ( not you) believed Wolff 100%.

Do you read your lying link or you just look at it? It say *According to White House the 81 accomplishment are in 12 major categories etc etc etc*.
Berdard just repeated what this dodo lying Trump was saying and it doesn’t mean a diddly squat of credibilities. Some of those are just wish list. Moron.

I know you are not a smart person. Let me dissect your anal knowledge of credibility.
1 Give me one example of the regulations that this dodo Trump signed that help the economy.
2. End Obama’s deal with Cuba. Is that supposed to be good or bad? There are lots of business opportunities in Cuba. Why stop the progress? What benefits did we gained by ending deal with Cuba? Why is that an accomplishment?
3. Jobs came back because some of those were planned years ahead. It didn’t said they came back because of this lousy Trump. Read this link to update yourself you poor little thing/

Federal Contractors Are Offshoring at a Fast Clip Under Trump

Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before

4. Prioritizing women own businesses. LOL. How?
Are you saying that before Trump women are not allowed or set aside to own a business.
5. Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord. We are the only country in the world that is not participating. That is pure dumb ignorance.
6. Coal industry? Really. This industry will die sooner or later either the coal miners or Trump likes it or not. That’s a fact. This is a good example how trump lied to Americans.

Your turn. I’m waiting.
Good factual post. It’s always entertaining when this simple woman gets bitch slapped in her own thread.

Did you see this, you dunce???

"The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true"
The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true

Very funny and Very poor deflection.

You are not talking to a Trump supporter nitwit. I quoted your post that you keep flashing:
Year One 81 major accomplishment.

Now you are flashing another link. That is not what I was asking.
Stay with the topic and pay attention.
81 accomplishments like weakening public health, letting Big Coal pollute with immunity, weakening consumer protections, drilling off our shores putting billion dollar tourist industries at risk etc.
Only the lowly traitorous right would consider these “ accomplishments.”
81 accomplishments. You don’t like success! Go figure
The people calling Trump “Mentally ill”:

-Dress like genitalia to protest Trump
-Scream at the sky
-Think there are 63 genders
-Think that cutting off your genitalia is normal
-Need “safe spaces” to protect their feelings
Snowflakes keep playing the same tune: malicious gossip from anonymous sources.
Genius thinks everyone on Trump’s staff are liars. What does say about him “ hiring the best people?”

Wolff is the liar. Anonymous sources are really just Wolff making stuff up.
I explained to you exactly what anonymous sources mean yesterday. But being a sped you couldn’t retain it.
Of course, we all know that's bullshit. Every time CNN, NYT or WAPO got caught publishing fake news, it was based on "anonymous sources."
Anonymous =useless

Anonymous = bullshit.
If the book isn't true, why are all the Trump cock suckers pissed at Bannon?
Genius thinks everyone on Trump’s staff are liars. What does say about him “ hiring the best people?”

Wolff is the liar. Anonymous sources are really just Wolff making stuff up.
I explained to you exactly what anonymous sources mean yesterday. But being a sped you couldn’t retain it.
Of course, we all know that's bullshit. Every time CNN, NYT or WAPO got caught publishing fake news, it was based on "anonymous sources."
Anonymous =useless

Anonymous = bullshit.
Useless bullishit
I thought it was strange when Trump announced he would run as a Republican. What made sense was he would run as a joke.

How about you act like a sentient individual....

You have a problem with this?

"Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

How about this?

"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

These successes represent events that Hussein Obama never could accomplish for America.

What is wrong with you??????
Lacking a budget and without a tax plan until the Advent season, how could Trump and his minions possibly take credit for a robust economy? The American economy is less like a jet ski and more like an ocean liner. It does not turn on a dime. Thank Obama progress for the economy.

Stop dodging.

Hussein was a total failure, and this was far from unexpected.

Don't pretend you don't recognize the difference in outcome between the two individuals.

I asked you why you refuse to recognize the value to America and the world having a competent, effective individual at the helm.

While it is possible you don't understand the animosity of the establishments of both parties to this man.....at the least admit that Trump is far better suited to the role of President.
There's your problem! You actually think Trump is competent! Most of us think he ain't.
Still doesn’t follow the narrative though. You’re too stupid to understand that. Funny
The narrative asserts that President Obama was a failure and somehow the animal spirit of Donald Trump is responsible for the state of the economy based on mysticism alone. I don't buy it. We could have elected an Amana microwave oven last November and still have the robust economy of January 2018.
How about you act like a sentient individual....

You have a problem with this?

"Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

How about this?

"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

These successes represent events that Hussein Obama never could accomplish for America.

What is wrong with you??????
Lacking a budget and without a tax plan until the Advent season, how could Trump and his minions possibly take credit for a robust economy? The American economy is less like a jet ski and more like an ocean liner. It does not turn on a dime. Thank Obama progress for the economy.

Stop dodging.

Hussein was a total failure, and this was far from unexpected.

Don't pretend you don't recognize the difference in outcome between the two individuals.

I asked you why you refuse to recognize the value to America and the world having a competent, effective individual at the helm.

While it is possible you don't understand the animosity of the establishments of both parties to this man.....at the least admit that Trump is far better suited to the role of President.
There's your problem! You actually think Trump is competent! Most of us think he ain't.
Still doesn’t follow the narrative though. You’re too stupid to understand that. Funny
The narrative asserts that President Obama was a failure and somehow the animal spirit of Donald Trump is responsible for the state of the economy based on mysticism alone. I don't buy it. We could have elected an Amana microwave oven last November and still have the robust economy of January 2018.
Too bad you didn’t eh?
Lacking a budget and without a tax plan until the Advent season, how could Trump and his minions possibly take credit for a robust economy? The American economy is less like a jet ski and more like an ocean liner. It does not turn on a dime. Thank Obama progress for the economy.

Stop dodging.

Hussein was a total failure, and this was far from unexpected.

Don't pretend you don't recognize the difference in outcome between the two individuals.

I asked you why you refuse to recognize the value to America and the world having a competent, effective individual at the helm.

While it is possible you don't understand the animosity of the establishments of both parties to this man.....at the least admit that Trump is far better suited to the role of President.
There's your problem! You actually think Trump is competent! Most of us think he ain't.
Still doesn’t follow the narrative though. You’re too stupid to understand that. Funny
The narrative asserts that President Obama was a failure and somehow the animal spirit of Donald Trump is responsible for the state of the economy based on mysticism alone. I don't buy it. We could have elected an Amana microwave oven last November and still have the robust economy of January 2018.
Too bad you didn’t eh?
Tell me about it!
What, specifically, in Wolffs book has Trump denied?

Does Trump claim to have read it?

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