If Democrats really care about human life, why don't they care about 3000 babies aborted per day?

Democrats are saying they care about human life, demanding gun control every time there is a mass shooting.

But these same Democrats care nothing about the 3000 babies who die every day to suction machines, forceps and scissors.

The reality is Democrats don't care about human life, because they are enemies of God, and see their fellow humans as nothing more than slabs of meat controlled by chemicals.

why don't they care about 3000 babies aborted per day?"

they do... they are the ones pushing for mandated birth control coverage on health plans... they are the ones pushing for easier access to birth control, and for sex ed... they are the ones trying to fund family planning, and access to reproductive health care for females.......

The religious righties are the ones who think they can "pray and fast the abortion away", and stand in the way of EVERY single smart program (like the ones listed above) that ACTUALLY reduce abortions.. Pay attention, you've got it all backwards!
They're NOT babies. They're cells.

I'd agree if it was late term none the less, but it is better then babies being born into families that can't afford them. Republicans don't believe in helping people afford them either and would just let them die on the street.
So we can have scrambled Spotted Owl eggs? Just cells!

Nobody would call it murder if you did. What a stupid analogy.
They're NOT babies. They're cells.

I'd agree if it was late term none the less, but it is better then babies being born into families that can't afford them. Republicans don't believe in helping people afford them either and would just let them die on the street.
So we can have scrambled Spotted Owl eggs? Just cells!

Nobody would call it murder if you did. What a stupid analogy.
I’d be arrested for a felony, moron.
They're NOT babies. They're cells.

I'd agree if it was late term none the less, but it is better then babies being born into families that can't afford them. Republicans don't believe in helping people afford them either and would just let them die on the street.
So we can have scrambled Spotted Owl eggs? Just cells!

Nobody would call it murder if you did. What a stupid analogy.
I’d be arrested for a felony, moron.

But not for murder, idiot, and for completely different reasons. Again, moronic analogy.
They're NOT babies. They're cells.

I'd agree if it was late term none the less, but it is better then babies being born into families that can't afford them. Republicans don't believe in helping people afford them either and would just let them die on the street.
So we can have scrambled Spotted Owl eggs? Just cells!

Nobody would call it murder if you did. What a stupid analogy.
I’d be arrested for a felony, moron.

But not for murder, idiot, and for completely different reasons. Again, moronic analogy.
Yeah, you’re right. Average time served for murder is 5 years, I’d probably serve 12.
They're NOT babies. They're cells.

I'd agree if it was late term none the less, but it is better then babies being born into families that can't afford them. Republicans don't believe in helping people afford them either and would just let them die on the street.
So we can have scrambled Spotted Owl eggs? Just cells!

Nobody would call it murder if you did. What a stupid analogy.
I’d be arrested for a felony, moron.

But not for murder, idiot, and for completely different reasons. Again, moronic analogy.
Yeah, you’re right. Average time served for murder is 5 years, I’d probably serve 12.

*tiny violin*
So we can have scrambled Spotted Owl eggs? Just cells!

Nobody would call it murder if you did. What a stupid analogy.
I’d be arrested for a felony, moron.

But not for murder, idiot, and for completely different reasons. Again, moronic analogy.
Yeah, you’re right. Average time served for murder is 5 years, I’d probably serve 12.

*tiny violin*
Your unconditional surrender is accepted.
Nobody would call it murder if you did. What a stupid analogy.
I’d be arrested for a felony, moron.

But not for murder, idiot, and for completely different reasons. Again, moronic analogy.
Yeah, you’re right. Average time served for murder is 5 years, I’d probably serve 12.

*tiny violin*
Your unconditional surrender is accepted.

Your unfounded, self-soothing declaration of victory #5,782,309 is noted.
To counter the OP why do Republicans not want to help the child once it is born? As a pro life christian I believe in tax dollars used to help the child. You fakes.....not so much. Hypocrites of the worst kind.
They're NOT babies. They're cells.

I'd agree if it was late term none the less, but it is better then babies being born into families that can't afford them. Republicans don't believe in helping people afford them either and would just let them die on the street.

if they cared about life, they would a) set up services for the pregnant women; b) provide assistance to women who carry babies to term, getting them day care, and educations and job training; and they would provide medical care and food assistance. but they don't do that because they don't give a damn about life.... they're pro-birth... and it's all about punishing the "harlots".

Or better yet, how about you pay for your lifestyle choices? Oh wait, that would take personal responsibility, two very ugly words among the left.
What lifestyle choice?

Humans have sex
In a 7-2 decision written by Justice Harry Blackmun (who was chosen because of his prior experience as counsel to the Mayo Clinic), the Court ruled that the Texas statute violated Jane Roe's constitutional right to privacy. The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws and cited past cases ruling that marriage, contraception, and child rearing are activities covered in this "zone of privacy." The Court then argued that the "zone of privacy" was "broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy." This decision involved myriad physical, psychological, and economic stresses a pregnant woman must face.

Because abortions lie within a pregnant woman's "zone of privacy," the abortion decision "and its effectuation" are fundamental rights that are protected by the Constitution from regulation by the states...

The Court reviewed the history of abortion laws, from ancient Greece to contemporary America, and therein found three justifications for banning abortions: "a Victorian social concern to discourage illicit sexual conduct"; protecting the health of women; and protecting prenatal life. The Court rejected the first two justifications as irrelevant given modern gender roles and medical technology. As for the third justification, the Court argued that prenatal life was not within the definition of "persons" as used and protected in the U.S. Constitution and that America's criminal and civil laws only sometimes regard fetuses as persons deserving protection.

The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade (1973) | PBS
Didn’t Elsa Lancaster. Have a lot of lovers cause her husband was a fag?
In a 7-2 decision written by Justice Harry Blackmun (who was chosen because of his prior experience as counsel to the Mayo Clinic), the Court ruled that the Texas statute violated Jane Roe's constitutional right to privacy. The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws and cited past cases ruling that marriage, contraception, and child rearing are activities covered in this "zone of privacy." The Court then argued that the "zone of privacy" was "broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy." This decision involved myriad physical, psychological, and economic stresses a pregnant woman must face.

Because abortions lie within a pregnant woman's "zone of privacy," the abortion decision "and its effectuation" are fundamental rights that are protected by the Constitution from regulation by the states...

The Court reviewed the history of abortion laws, from ancient Greece to contemporary America, and therein found three justifications for banning abortions: "a Victorian social concern to discourage illicit sexual conduct"; protecting the health of women; and protecting prenatal life. The Court rejected the first two justifications as irrelevant given modern gender roles and medical technology. As for the third justification, the Court argued that prenatal life was not within the definition of "persons" as used and protected in the U.S. Constitution and that America's criminal and civil laws only sometimes regard fetuses as persons deserving protection.

The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade (1973) | PBS
The 2nd Amendment is IN the Constitution. No one has to invent the right, it is clearly written and present in the Constitution. So as usual you support rights you like while demeaning those you disagree with.
What's hilarious is all the mental gymnastics Democrats will do to justify abortion, rather than simply admit they are wrong.

democrats are on the constitutionally correct side of this legal argument.

PS: republican women abort pregnancies every day, Despite your mental gymnastics, this is a fact.
The second amendment is IN the Constitution and is clear as a bell, further courts have ruled what it means. Yet you would remove that right while claiming killing children via abortion should remain.
Fetus is a word to dehumanize someone before you kill it.

Southerners also had a word for the people they victimized, a word to dehumanize them.

I can't even type the word here because the forum will censor it out.

Unlike fuck and shit which is allowed.

No fetus is the correct medical term for a gestating human which is not yet fully formed or capable of living outside the womb. There’s also zygote but that’s for a fertilized egg/cell cluster with no heartbeat.

A fetus is a potential life, and a fragile one at that. 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage so there is no guarantee that the fetus will become a baby. Most miscarriages take place in the first trimester. This is why people don’t generally announce a pregnancy until the second trimester, until the most vulnerable period has passed.
A baby can LIVE at 20 weeks. Yet you support unrestricted abortions to include right up to minutes before the baby is born. And don't deny it the Democrats in Congress just recently opposed a law that would ban abortion after 20 weeks except for medical necessity.
What's hilarious is all the mental gymnastics Democrats will do to justify abortion, rather than simply admit they are wrong.

democrats are on the constitutionally correct side of this legal argument.

PS: republican women abort pregnancies every day, Despite your mental gymnastics, this is a fact.
The second amendment is IN the Constitution and is clear as a bell, further courts have ruled what it means. Yet you would remove that right while claiming killing children via abortion should remain.
Tell me more about those well regulated militias
Democrats are saying they care about human life, demanding gun control every time there is a mass shooting.

But these same Democrats care nothing about the 3000 babies who die every day to suction machines, forceps and scissors.

The reality is Democrats don't care about human life, because they are enemies of God, and see their fellow humans as nothing more than slabs of meat controlled by chemicals.

Abortion is an already 45 year old SETTLED U.S. Supreme court issue. As as Niel Gorsuch (Trump's U.S. Supreme court Judge) stated during Senate confirmation hearings--is that Roe v Wade has been challenged so many times, it is now Precedent in the U.S. Constitution, meaning SET IN STONE TO YOU.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

The court does not consider a baby a human being until it is out of the womb, or born and breathing on it's own. In the womb it is still considered a fetus.

There are reasons for abortions.
1. The life of the mother
2. Rape
3. Incest
4. Severe deformities, brain function & the likelyhood of survival after the fetus is born
5. Still born's

Since our laws are nondiscrimanatory--you cannot pick and choose who is eligible for an abortion and who is not.
My right to a firearm is as old as the Constitution.

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