If Democrats weren't so wrong about abortion they might convince me they're right on every other...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014

Color me: Devout Catholic disgusted by Democrats' enthusiasm for abortion. Had I been a voter during the 1960's, I would probably be a Democrat.

Catholics were 90% Democrat in the days of JFK. Democrats beat devout Catholics off with a baseball bat when they embraced legalized abortion. They don't even TRY to appeal to us any more with all their anti-God talk.

It's just one more reason why I think Democrats are incompetent. They drove away Southerners too, by the way.

And now, they're losing the working class voter too, calling them "deplorables."

Color me: Devout Catholic disgusted by Democrats' enthusiasm for abortion. Had I been a voter during the 1960's, I would probably be a Democrat.

Catholics were 90% Democrat in the days of JFK. Democrats beat devout Catholics off with a baseball bat when they embraced legalized abortion. They don't even TRY to appeal to us any more with all their anti-God talk.

It's just one more reason why I think Democrats are incompetent. They drove away Southerners too, by the way.

And now, they're losing the working class voter too, calling them "deplorables."

Sigh...abortion..the wedge issue that right wingers have used for decades. Why don't you just try supporting policies that can lead to a women not choosing abortion?..Support Planned Parenthood (birth control and healthcare for women who only have them as their choice), support low cost birth control options, support programs for single mothers who have to bear the sole responsibility for children that men don't have to...and on and on it goes...
You mean their disregard for human life makes them seem undesirable?

Imagine that...
Personally I don't care about abortion very much. As long as democrats don't get their plan of having post birth / super late term abortions I am fine. I am absolutely fine with democrats aborting their children, go ahead, I don't want more of you.

There are much more important issues.
I would probably have voted for JFK if I was a voter in 1960. He was a great American who opposed the spread of Communism and went after organized crime. He also cut the income tax.
Personally I don't care about abortion very much. As long as democrats don't get their plan of having post birth / super late term abortions I am fine. I am absolutely fine with democrats aborting their children, go ahead, I don't want more of you.

There are much more important issues.

Not trying to pick a fight here but, what issues could there possibly be that are "more important" than the Constitutional right that "all persons" have to the "equal protections of our laws?"

I am passionate about a lot of other issues, but I am gobsmacked by the idea that you think there are more important issues than our basic right to life and equal protections of the law.

Color me: Devout Catholic disgusted by Democrats' enthusiasm for abortion. Had I been a voter during the 1960's, I would probably be a Democrat.

Catholics were 90% Democrat in the days of JFK. Democrats beat devout Catholics off with a baseball bat when they embraced legalized abortion. They don't even TRY to appeal to us any more with all their anti-God talk.

It's just one more reason why I think Democrats are incompetent. They drove away Southerners too, by the way.

And now, they're losing the working class voter too, calling them "deplorables."

I can remember when the pro-life movement was about persuasion not passing laws to jail women for having a abortion. Far right wing radicals have taken over the movement and turned it into the anti-abortion movement rather than a pro-life movement. Women have a say in it as well since it is their body.
I'm sure the abolitionists faced the problem of people saying that slavery wasn't all that important an issue compared to, say, what level of tariffs should be imposed on imported goods from Great Britain and France.
Sigh...abortion..the wedge issue that right wingers have used for decades. Why don't you just try supporting policies that can lead to a women not choosing abortion?..Support Planned Parenthood (birth control and healthcare for women who only have them as their choice), support low cost birth control options, support programs for single mothers who have to bear the sole responsibility for children that men don't have to...and on and on it goes...
Sigh... Another tard that blames abortion on people that aren't having them.

Planned Parenthood staff gets rich by killing children and selling their dead parts, not by giving out free birth control.

99.999% of women aren't getting pregnant because they don't know where babies come from. Their getting pregnant because they know they don't have to love and protect their children if it's not convenient.

Unwanted pregnancies don't happen because of a lack of programs. They happen because the politicians that profit from them don't want women to avoid getting pregnant.

Democrats get paid when babies die. That's all you need to know to understand it.

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