If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Nothing really changes if the Democrats retake the House. Perhaps a bunch of grandstanding investigations into the administration, but I doubt any substantial legislation reaches the Resolute Desk.

I don't know about that. Trump has never been a conservative, and if he can't get what he wants from the Republicans, he's about as likely to cozy up to Democrats. We seen hints of this already. We'll see.

Maybe. I am hearing rumors about the administration making overtures to Congressional/Senate Democrats in hopes of cobbling together a badly needed infrastructure bill.
That would be nice.

Would the hard left in the Dem party even allow something like this to happen?
Nothing really changes if the Democrats retake the House. Perhaps a bunch of grandstanding investigations into the administration, but I doubt any substantial legislation reaches the Resolute Desk.

I'll go along with that.

They'll control the purse strings, but they would be fools to take money
from the Military. Trump would be able to stop their budgets with a pen,
but those won't even get a look in the Senate.

The Senate is where it's all at. They control the judges and the nominating
of cabinet members.

Even worthless investigations into Trump's past will meet a roadblock
because the GOP will match them investigation for investigation in the
Senate with a different outcome.

A Lib House will ensure Trump is reelected in 2020 and with it, the GOP
will retake the House.
Nothing has hurt the country more than Republican’s racism, they’re lying, their recession, their tax cuts for billionaires, and how they tricked the American people into fake wars.
Nothing really changes if the Democrats retake the House. Perhaps a bunch of grandstanding investigations into the administration, but I doubt any substantial legislation reaches the Resolute Desk.

I don't know about that. Trump has never been a conservative, and if he can't get what he wants from the Republicans, he's about as likely to cozy up to Democrats. We seen hints of this already. We'll see.

Maybe. I am hearing rumors about the administration making overtures to Congressional/Senate Democrats in hopes of cobbling together a badly needed infrastructure bill.
That would be nice.

Would the hard left in the Dem party even allow something like this to happen?
Wrong question. Democrats will do anything to help the American people. Republicans will never do it because it costs too much money. They’ve already given the money away to billionaires in tax cuts. Who the fuk doesn’t know that?
Nothing really changes if the Democrats retake the House. Perhaps a bunch of grandstanding investigations into the administration, but I doubt any substantial legislation reaches the Resolute Desk.

I don't know about that. Trump has never been a conservative, and if he can't get what he wants from the Republicans, he's about as likely to cozy up to Democrats. We seen hints of this already. We'll see.

Maybe. I am hearing rumors about the administration making overtures to Congressional/Senate Democrats in hopes of cobbling together a badly needed infrastructure bill.
That would be nice.

Would the hard left in the Dem party even allow something like this to happen?
Wrong question. Democrats will do anything to help the American people. Republicans will never do it because it costs too much money. They’ve already given the money away to billionaires in tax cuts. Who the fuk doesn’t know that?

I don't want the "help" democrats want to give to the American people. my sig covers my views on that.
There is no real,leadership in either party, and there is no appetite for constructive legislation from either party. When the Dems win the house, if they oust Puklosi as the leader, it would be possible for some degree of decorum between the two parties. But if they stick with Her the next 2 years will be very contentious.

Until the Orange Virus is permanently quarantined, there will be no decorum in politics in this country.
I think we're all just hoping for some gridlock. I wouldn't expect Democrats do to much worthwhile, even if they had both sides of Congress. But good old-fashioned obstructionism will do.
But still that's just for things that haven't been already done. And Trump has gotten more things done in 2 years, than 10 other presidents combined.
Theyll cut funding for INS

Fast track visas for MS13

Pass their "Fuck you all, its OUR MONEY!" Tax plan
We will see open borders and the same old do-nothing gang and I am a diehard liberal. I went to the poll to vote straight democrat and I ended up voting straight republican. Immigration is the most important issue to me because it will affect every aspect of our economy. No one is crossing the border illegally with a college degree and fluent in English. I have not heard one democrat address the issue of immigration and the thousands that are going to invade this country in the next few weeks.
That's because they WANT illegal immigration. it adds VOTES for them.
We will see open borders and the same old do-nothing gang and I am a diehard liberal. I went to the poll to vote straight democrat and I ended up voting straight republican. Immigration is the most important issue to me because it will affect every aspect of our economy. No one is crossing the border illegally with a college degree and fluent in English. I have not heard one democrat address the issue of immigration and the thousands that are going to invade this country in the next few weeks.
LOL, Diehard Liberal shes says. GTFO.
We will see open borders and the same old do-nothing gang and I am a diehard liberal. I went to the poll to vote straight democrat and I ended up voting straight republican. Immigration is the most important issue to me because it will affect every aspect of our economy. No one is crossing the border illegally with a college degree and fluent in English. I have not heard one democrat address the issue of immigration and the thousands that are going to invade this country in the next few weeks.
Oh FUCK your open borders bullshit. We do NOT have open borders & certainly a 40 foot wall will not change anything.

The caravan has been addressed.. We have dealt with caravans before.
We will see open borders and the same old do-nothing gang and I am a diehard liberal. I went to the poll to vote straight democrat and I ended up voting straight republican. Immigration is the most important issue to me because it will affect every aspect of our economy. No one is crossing the border illegally with a college degree and fluent in English. I have not heard one democrat address the issue of immigration and the thousands that are going to invade this country in the next few weeks.
That's because they WANT illegal immigration. it adds VOTES for them.
I Here we glo again. Fear mongering by the ignorant fucks, illegals can't vote.
I don't know about that. Trump has never been a conservative, and if he can't get what he wants from the Republicans, he's about as likely to cozy up to Democrats. We seen hints of this already. We'll see.
I don't see anything like that. Trump is as conservative as anybody who has ever been president, and a lot more than most. The definition of "conservative" has been distorted for quite some time before Trump arrived. It's found it's niche again.
Maybe. I am hearing rumors about the administration making overtures to Congressional/Senate Democrats in hopes of cobbling together a badly needed infrastructure bill.
That's one of the few things that the right and left could easily agree on.
Fixing GOP mess is NOT causing damage.
It's the opposite of causing damage.
A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.

If Democrats win control of the House, it’s the further damage that they can prevent.

Democratic control of the House would place a much needed check on the failed, reckless, and irresponsible Trump/GOP agenda.

There will be nothing Democrats can do to address the damage Trump has already done, of course.
I don't know about that. Trump has never been a conservative, and if he can't get what he wants from the Republicans, he's about as likely to cozy up to Democrats. We seen hints of this already. We'll see.

Maybe. I am hearing rumors about the administration making overtures to Congressional/Senate Democrats in hopes of cobbling together a badly needed infrastructure bill.
That would be nice.

Would the hard left in the Dem party even allow something like this to happen?
Wrong question. Democrats will do anything to help the American people. Republicans will never do it because it costs too much money. They’ve already given the money away to billionaires in tax cuts. Who the fuk doesn’t know that?

I don't want the "help" democrats want to give to the American people. my sig covers my views on that.
Fuking nut. Tax cuts for billionaires are the REAL "robber barons". Everyone knows that.

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