If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.
You can color Trump GONE. For the last 2 years House Republicans have been playing rodeo clown on these Russian investigations. To-date Mueller has racked up 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury Indictments, and 100's of criminal charges. It's rumored Mueller is going to issue more tomorrow or sometime this week.

Democrats now have the power to obtain Trump's income tax returns. They are going to hold open public hearings and testimony over Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

Trump is most certainly the dumbest President we've ever had. There's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

In the above video they are referencing an article that was confirmed by James Clapper (National Intelligence Director) well over a year ago. Trump surrogates were being picked up in normal routine spying operations by several different foreign countries talking with Russian intelligence agents since 2015. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of Clapper's testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference


If Trump were smart he would resign before they're sworn in as house majority leaders. He thinks the media & Robert Mueller is a pain in the ass--he hasn't seen nothing yet.

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies.

Please go forward....

Everyone agrees that is a recipie for disaster for the democrats.

So...go for it.

Democrats are going to impeach Trump. Trump doesn't have an agenda now. That's about the only lie Trump didn't tell. He is often quoted as saying if Democrats win the house they will impeach me.
RNC spokesperson warns Dems will impeach Trump if they win House
Trump tells supporters it'll be 'your fault' if he gets impeached - CNNPolitics

Redirect to this post on this thread for an explanation of impeachment.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Oh, please try. Please....please......

The Senate votes on impeachment. Good luck.

You are one stupid person.

No, unfortunately for you that's not how it works. The house is in charge of that. You might want to study up on Watergate.

Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?

House Democrats are going to hold open public hearings and testimony. Meaning Americans will be watching it 24/7 on National T.V., and then if Trump doesn't resign--(like Nixon did) it goes to the Senate. Senate Republicans are not going to risk their own seats in 2020 over a President they never wanted anyway. They will impeach.

In fact, Mitt Romney being elected tonight will be leading the charge in the Senate on impeachment, as will Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell should it get that far if Trump doesn't resign.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

It's just politics 101.

Now I would suggest that you go back to this link to why he is up for impeachment. Democrats can also impeach Trump under the Emoluments clause in the Constitution, which has nothing to do with the Russian investigation.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?
Last edited:
Please go forward....

Everyone agrees that is a recipie for disaster for the democrats.

So...go for it.

Democrats are going to impeach Trump. Trump doesn't have an agenda now. That's about the only lie Trump didn't tell. He is often quoted as saying if Democrats win the house they will impeach me.
RNC spokesperson warns Dems will impeach Trump if they win House
Trump tells supporters it'll be 'your fault' if he gets impeached - CNNPolitics

Redirect to this post on this thread for an explanation of impeachment.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Oh, please try. Please....please......

The Senate votes on impeachment. Good luck.

You are one stupid person.

No, unfortunately for you that's not how it works. The house is in charge of that. You might want to study up on Watergate.

Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?

House Democrats are going to hold open public hearings and testimony. Meaning Americans will be watching it 24/7 on National T.V., and then if Trump doesn't resign--(like Nixon did) it goes to the Senate. Senate Republicans are not going to risk their own seats in 2020 over a President they never wanted anyway. They will impeach.

In fact, Mitt Romney being elected tonight will be leading the charge in the Senate on impeachment, as will Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell should it get that far if Trump doesn't resign.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

It's just politics 101.

No, it's dumbshit 101.

Way to go.

But call me when it happens.

You nitwits were predicting impeachment the week after he was elected.

You are two years behind schedule.

But go ahead and try. It will make 2020 easier.

BTW: What makes you think you have a fucking clue about how senators will vote.

If my senator even touched it, he'd be out in an instant.

You need 2/3. Not even Manchin is that crazy.
Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.

And dumbshit oreo thinks it will really happen. That 2/3 of the senate would vote that way.

A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.
You apparently don't know the difference between legislation and executive orders and/or policy pronouncements, which has been the vast majority of Trump's accomplishments.
Democrats are going to impeach Trump. Trump doesn't have an agenda now. That's about the only lie Trump didn't tell. He is often quoted as saying if Democrats win the house they will impeach me.
RNC spokesperson warns Dems will impeach Trump if they win House
Trump tells supporters it'll be 'your fault' if he gets impeached - CNNPolitics

Redirect to this post on this thread for an explanation of impeachment.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Oh, please try. Please....please......

The Senate votes on impeachment. Good luck.

You are one stupid person.

No, unfortunately for you that's not how it works. The house is in charge of that. You might want to study up on Watergate.

Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?

House Democrats are going to hold open public hearings and testimony. Meaning Americans will be watching it 24/7 on National T.V., and then if Trump doesn't resign--(like Nixon did) it goes to the Senate. Senate Republicans are not going to risk their own seats in 2020 over a President they never wanted anyway. They will impeach.

In fact, Mitt Romney being elected tonight will be leading the charge in the Senate on impeachment, as will Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell should it get that far if Trump doesn't resign.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

It's just politics 101.

No, it's dumbshit 101.

Way to go.

But call me when it happens.

You nitwits were predicting impeachment the week after he was elected.

You are two years behind schedule.

But go ahead and try. It will make 2020 easier.

BTW: What makes you think you have a fucking clue about how senators will vote.

If my senator even touched it, he'd be out in an instant.

You need 2/3. Not even Manchin is that crazy.

Look DUMBASS when you have Republicans--the RNC & Trump telling you that he will get impeached if Democrats win the house what in the fuck do you think that means?
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
RNC spokesperson warns Dems will impeach Trump if they win House
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections


The people in these Republican districts that just turned BLUE--expect Democrats to do just that. If Democrats don't impeach Trump they risk losing their own base, which they're not going to do.

Tonight was a very loud and clear statement AGAINST Donald Trump.

For those of you that can spend more than 2 seconds on a post, just click this link to redirect to another post regarding some of the evidence that will be used.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?
Last edited:
Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.

And dumbshit oreo thinks it will really happen. That 2/3 of the senate would vote that way.


For those of you that can spend more than 2 seconds watching a video and reading why the new majority of House Democrats will impeach Trump, just click this link to redirect to another post on this thread.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?
protectionist, post: 21129662
A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.

They can control the Federal budget agenda when the Republican induced recession hits next year. You know you are now stating Dems will have no effect on all the great bullshit Trump and the GOP have supposedly done the past two years. You locked them in as fully responsible for an economic crash due in part to increased federal deficits.

Republicans lost power in a booming economy and demographics are trending to inflict more pain on the GOP as future elections loom.

When the economy turns sour next year it will be a double whammy going into 2020 for Trump’s hate agenda.

The Republican Trumpo driven death spiral picked up a lot of steam yesterday.
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Oh, please try. Please....please......

The Senate votes on impeachment. Good luck.

You are one stupid person.

No, unfortunately for you that's not how it works. The house is in charge of that. You might want to study up on Watergate.

Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?

House Democrats are going to hold open public hearings and testimony. Meaning Americans will be watching it 24/7 on National T.V., and then if Trump doesn't resign--(like Nixon did) it goes to the Senate. Senate Republicans are not going to risk their own seats in 2020 over a President they never wanted anyway. They will impeach.

In fact, Mitt Romney being elected tonight will be leading the charge in the Senate on impeachment, as will Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell should it get that far if Trump doesn't resign.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

It's just politics 101.

No, it's dumbshit 101.

Way to go.

But call me when it happens.

You nitwits were predicting impeachment the week after he was elected.

You are two years behind schedule.

But go ahead and try. It will make 2020 easier.

BTW: What makes you think you have a fucking clue about how senators will vote.

If my senator even touched it, he'd be out in an instant.

You need 2/3. Not even Manchin is that crazy.

Look DUMBASS when you have Republicans--the RNC & Trump telling you that he will get impeached if Democrats win the house what in the fuck do you think that means?
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
RNC spokesperson warns Dems will impeach Trump if they win House
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections


The people in these Republican districts that just turned BLUE--expect Democrats to do just that. If they don't Democrats risk losing their own base, which they're not going to do.

Tonight was a very loud and clear statement AGAINST Donald Trump.

For those of you that can spend more than 2 seconds on a post, just click this link to redirect to another post regarding some of the evidence that will be used.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Answer your own question, moron. Those statements are made to fire up the base. Nobody except total asswipes like you think there will be any movement in that direction.

In 2010, 63 seats flipped to the GOP. Nothing turned.

So, asshole, you can keep dreaming. I'll be waiting for those proceedings to take place.......

There was no statement against Donald Trump. Where do you get this shit. You probably won't get the average the out of power party gets in a non-presidental election.

People did vote Kavenaugh...cost you at least four senate seats.
protectionist, post: 21129662
A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.

They can control the Federal budget agenda when the Republican induced recession hits next year. You know you are now stating Dems will have no effect on all the great bullshit Trump and the GOP have supposedly done the past two years.

Republicans lost power in a booming economy and demographics are trending to inflict more pain on the GOP as future elections loom.

When the economy turns sour next year it will be a double whammy going into 2020 for Trump’s hate agenda.

The Republican Trumpo driven death spiral picked up a lot of steam yesterday.

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.......

We've heard this all before.

What's it feel like knowing Susan Collins can't keep a John Bircher off the court when Ruth dies the painful death she deserves.
Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.

And dumbshit oreo thinks it will really happen. That 2/3 of the senate would vote that way.


For those of you that can spend more than 2 seconds watching a video and reading why the new majority of House Democrats will impeach Trump, just click this link to redirect to another post on this thread.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Yes, we know where you post your bullshit.

Nobody is talking impeachment except the wackjobs on the far left.

I really hope you try. It will make 2020 that much easier.

Can't wait for the next two years.

The clown train just arrived.
I think we're all just hoping for some gridlock. I wouldn't expect Democrats do to much worthwhile, even if they had both sides of Congress. But good old-fashioned obstructionism will do.
Gridlock in government is a good thing
With the exception of passing that rinky dink tax cut and funding the military the Republican House really hasn't helped Trump all that much.

I think Trump will use the hatefulness and division of the Moon Bat House to his advantage.

He lost a lot less seats this year than that asshole Obama lost in 2010.

The stupid Moon Bats will spin the gain in the House as the country is turning Moon Bat but that is wrong. The real reason is that so many incumbent Republicans retired. Incumbents usually win.

The Republican House in 2010 couldn't stop Obama from doing damage to the country. This filthy Moon Bat House will not be able to stop Trump from making America great again.

Our local media did interviews with voters. The people that sided with Democrats did so because they "don't like Trump's rhetoric."

So what we are talking about here is forget about accomplishments. Forget about protecting the country. Forget about the economy. Voters are voting on personality over all else, and this is a scary thing.

Politicians in the upcoming elections will focus on likability more than issues or accomplishments. Freedom, pragmatism, advancements are going to take a back seat to personality. Ignorant voters are voting on electors like they did with their favorite American Idol contestant.
Yeah, how dare Democrats vote to keep the president in check.
Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.
Like Republicans, ya mean. Show me where you rightwingnuts ever complained when the GOP held eight independent investigations into Benghazi.... show me where you bitched about the cost of repeating that investigation over and over and over.

You didn’t care then; no one cares about your bitching now. You might as well just sit back and enjoy the ride.
A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.
They can destroy the momentum and then the country.

I don't think so.

Remember one thing - the House can pass all the resolutions it wants. But they have to pass the Senate before they even get to the president's desk. Not very likely.

But, in the event some slime reaches his desk, the president has veto power and there's no way the Senate would ever override it.
A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.

They'll do everything possible to stop the progress that has been made. A healthy economy and low unemployment are putting a kink in their plan to go socialist.

If they lose again, the whining and hostility will get even worse. The meltdown would be even worse than last time. That means zero civility, more angry mobs and more violence. Hillary said there will be no civility until they are back in power.

So, until the left has all the power and the ability to destroy this country, no one on the right will be able to go in public without being confronted. More media propaganda. More protests/riots. More whining.

Even if they gain a little power, the hateful rhetoric that is designed to incite violence will continue.

All this from the party that has the nerve to claim they are tolerant.


Deficits Deficits deficits deficits deficits
Obama never claimed he would make America great again because America was already the greatest nation on earth.

Trump's campaign of hate and fear was designed to energize his base however it also encourage both right and left wing extremists and hate groups. Trump rhetoric was a call to action. In 2017 hate crimes were up 12% in our ten largest cities. 2018 promises to banner year with 297 mass shooting so far. This is not making America great.
Mass Shootings in 2018 | Gun Violence Archive
2018 mass shootings are all Obama era "gun-free zones" where victims were unarmed and generally defenseless. That wasn't great then or now.

I don't know what you claim Trump's campaign to be hating, but I know what it is loving. It's loving America, and is strongly in defense of it, from those outside America, who want to attack, invade, pillage.
One could say the same thing about Adolph Hitler. No one doubted his love for the fatherland. In hate filled speeches he didn't ask his followers to burn synagogues and murder Jews at least not in those words. He just said Jews would destroy the fatherland if the Aryan race did not rise up against them and they did. Trump says illegal immigrants will destroy the country unless we act. In his speeches he typifies all illegal immigrants as murders, child molester, and drug lords. He says they are not fit live on this earth. Is he referring to the murders and drug lords or illegal immigrants. In his speeches, they become one and the same, yet he always adds a snide comment such as "and I suppose some are good people.

No, they do not become one of the same by his words. The leftist MSM converts what he says to their liking.

Trump said that Mexico is sending us their murderers, rapists and thieves. The MSM decided to change what he said to all Mexicans are rapists, murderers and thieves. That was echoed by leftist media outlets like CNN, MSNBC and others.

Lying works. That's why Democrats do it.
When Trump says Mexico is sending us rapist and murders, when he uses isolated examples of murders that happen to be illegal immigrants, and when he speculates about the number of MS-13 gang members, middle easterners and drug dealers in migrant groups, he is sending a clear message to his base that migrants are not people seeking safety from persecution and not people looking for jobs. It is hate speech, not based on fact but intended to create hatred and division, the one thing Trump seems to excel at.
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Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.
Oh, they can do a lot more than that. Every spending bill must originate in the House which also means the budget. Every republican bill must pass the House. And Trump's big beautiful 25 billion dollar wall is more likely to become a reinforced fence in selected areas. And those investigating committees can certainly be a problem for Trump. Since the Mid Terms are over, the Mueller investigation can now move on subpoenas and indictments. With democrat control of the House it opens up the possibility of an impeachment indictment if Mueller or the House uncovers sufficient evidence.

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