if Dems win the midterms, imagine the possibilities: codify Roe v Wade, ban assault weapons, protect voting rights + Medicare For All & Green New Deal

i was #1 in my class in english creative writing in college...i challenge you to present me with a topic and i'll write an essay about it
...which explains why you post 60 - 70 new threads per day...

....trying to relive the ol' 'glory days'?!

Then you damn well better find a way to do it because the women of American are DEMANDING it and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

And well more than half of those women are prolife or don't believe in late term abortions. You commies really fucked up with no restriction abortions and aligning yourself with N Korea and China. They're the only other countries that allow no restriction abortions.


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