if Dems win the midterms, imagine the possibilities: codify Roe v Wade, ban assault weapons, protect voting rights + Medicare For All & Green New Deal

Wait! DragonMonster is from Canada? So some leftist from a foreign country comes onto an American website and starts berating Americans?

The arrogance of leftists knows no boundaries.

Seems as though Canadians are leftist nuts too. I guess they have failed to realize their entire country’s GDP is comparable to our state of Texas. For some reason, we have a group of people in this country just dumb enough to listen to countries are not nearly as successful as the US.
Seems as though Canadians are leftist nuts too. I guess they have failed to realize their entire country’s GDP is comparable to our state of Texas. For some reason, we have a group of people in this country just dumb enough to listen to countries are not nearly as successful as the US.
Well, we do have to give Canada credit for a few fun things.



But they definitely couldn't find their ass with both hands politically or ideologically or morally.


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let's go to work. let's get it done

i'll work my tails off like the dickens to get Dems over the finish line!

"Codify R v W"? Codifying killing children as a birth control method.

Ban "assault weapons"? Sorry Moon Bats but that is against the Bill of Rights.

"Protect voting rights"? You mean letting the filthy Democrats steal more elections with fraudulent ballots?

"Medicare for all"? You mean destructive government managed socialized medicine?

"Green New Deal"? What a friggin waste of money that will destroy our economy even more.

The Democrat filth created massive inflation, high cost of gas at the pump, let millions of Illegals flood in, put us in a recession, increased taxes, increased welfare, tanked the stock market, decreased family income and ran up the debt over $30 trillion with nothing to show for it.

Why in the hell would the American people want more of that failure?
I used to think that poster had potential for being normal. Just in the last three months or so, it has simply displayed not much other than trolling.

I contemplate putting it in the ignore box, but then something makes me change my mind.

Maybe not this time.
This one of the dumber threads ever started. I responded but just shouldn't have and just let it do it's trolling.

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