if elections were next tuesday ….

it would go to

  • Biden

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Trump

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • other

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
If he wins the LP nomination I will vote for Chase Oliver.

If he does not, I might write his name in anyhow.
who is chasevoliver?

He is a Libertarian candidate from the state of Georgia.

I do not agree with him 100%, but damn near.

Some highlights...

  • Work with Congress to abolish the Patriot Act, which has unconstitutionally increased the powers and scope of the police and surveillance state.
  • Work to repeal the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 which serves as the legal justification for the surveillance abuses disclosed by Edward Snowden in 2013.
  • End the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which routinely violates our civil liberties, requires airlines to become agents of Federal surveillance, and whose screening devices, both for luggage and facial recognition, repeatedly exhibit problems that are inexcusable in relation to the taxpayer dollars spent.
  • Have any surviving Cabinet departments and Federal agencies that collect citizens’ information review why and how that information is collected, and how it is used. In many ways, privacy is a highly individual matter, and the best judge of how personal information should be used is the individual involved.

  • I will not support any new gun restrictions and will look to repeal the restrictions that exist today.
  • I will nominate to the judiciary judges committed to protecting the right of all persons to defend themselves from aggression.
  • District of Columbia v. Heller was a seminal moment in our history, affirming not only the right of citizens to own arms, but determining that restrictions such as trigger locks are unconstitutional. I will work to extend this legal concept to all bans, such as bans on bump stocks.

  • Reduce Federal spending to pre-pandemic levels, balancing the budget. While it has long been the theory that when interest rates rise to combat inflation, the increased costs of borrowing cause the government to borrow less, but the evidence suggests this simply isn’t the case. Under these circumstances, deficit spending increases inflationary pressures increasing the cost of government debt.
  • Reduce the red tape and barriers to entry that inhibit new businesses and entrepreneurial growth. A sizable portion of our current round of inflation is the result of demand exceeding supply post-pandemic. Increased productivity and more efficient supply change can help reduce inflationary pressure.
  • Significantly reduce the money supply, which is a necessary supplement to the fiscal consolidation strategy of budget reduction. Supply-side policies don’t curb inflation. Decreased demand does. An absence of easy money, results in the reining in of spending by consumers, lowering inflation organically.
at present .. .

4 x Biden
6 x Trump

may the voting go on ….

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