If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and – just maybe – how civil war starts

If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe.

The thing that gets me Doc is some idiot on MSM said that if Garland went in there, he must have known a crime was committed! But if he knows a crime was committed, then why does he still need to raid the house?

Gee, if Garland is worried about a possible crime committed:
  1. Why isn't he looking into Hunter Biden's felony crack cocaine, prostitution, weapons violations, and untoward mystery art dealings and fabulous wealth collected in relation to secret foreign dealing connected with his father who he has no visible qualification for?
  2. Why isn't he looking into the myriad potential crimes in how Joe has been trafficking in open borders, human traffic, child sex abuse and trafficking, and narcotics killing 100,000 year, giving away our strategic oil to foreign countries like there is no tomorrow, and arming terror organizations with 30 billion dollars worth of our weapons?
  3. Why isn't he looking at the criminal activity of Lisa Page, Peter Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, and a whole host of others?
Just for starters. I mean, if he is really looking for a CRIME.

Otherwise, it just looks like he is looking for any excuse he can find in order to try one last ditch effort to keep Trump out of office so he can't come back and kick all their rotten heinies out of power!
WTF are you talking about? More conspiracy theory whackadoodleness. Hilary has got to be one of the most investigated politicians in the land. Convictions? None. The Orange Buffoon though? Jaysus, every person around him that has gone to jail he has thrown under the bus. And a lot of people around him have gone to jail. He has become one of the sleeziest, scummy, pieces of shit to inhabit US politics in a long time. Wasn't always that way. In fact, about six months ago I saw him being interviewed by Oprah back in the 1980s (I think you can find it on Youtube). And while he was a snake oil salesman even back then, he was articulate and sounded intelligent. What happened to that guy? He sounds like a running joke from the Simpsons these days. Has done so since the beginning of The Apprentice. I think he's a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic IMO, or as we say down here, 'there's a kangaroo loose in the top paddock'.
No one raided Hillary's home, and her investigations didnt seem very serious. She caught break after break. As we all know, the Clintons are well connected. There was never any indication or suggestion that Trump went after Hillary. The same cant be said about this administration and Trump.

What have the people around Trump gone to jail for? You accused them of something false, then grilled them under oath for hours until they said the wrong thing under oath. You never got any of them for the reason you questioned them in the first place. There was no collusion, no corruption. The other people were jailed for ignoring your political motivated subpoenas. It was ALL political.

You saying Trump is sleazy is a meaningless statement that we all know is fueled by intense political bias.
The thing that gets me Doc is some idiot on MSM said that if Garland went in there, he must have known a crime was committed! But if he knows a crime was committed, then why does he still need to raid the house?

Gee, if Garland is worried about a possible crime committed:
  1. Why isn't he looking into Hunter Biden's felony crack cocaine, prostitution, weapons violations, and untoward mystery art dealings and fabulous wealth collected in relation to secret foreign dealing connected with his father who he has no visible qualification for?
  2. Why isn't he looking into the myriad potential crimes in how Joe has been trafficking in open borders, human traffic, child sex abuse and trafficking, and narcotics killing 100,000 year, giving away our strategic oil to foreign countries like there is no tomorrow, and arming terror organizations with 30 billion dollars worth of our weapons?
  3. Why isn't he looking at the criminal activity of Lisa Page, Peter Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, and a whole host of others?
Just for starters. I mean, if he is really looking for a CRIME.

Otherwise, it just looks like he is looking for any excuse he can find in order to try one last ditch effort to keep Trump out of office so he can't come back and kick all their rotten heinies out of power!
Er because those three incidents you talk of are either waaay over exaggerated or simply not true.
Unfortunately Trump and his Deplorables think all crimes are created equal. They're not.
Hey, for the not too bright - shoplifting a box of Twinkies doesn't carry the same weight in terms of crimes and punishment as, say, trying to overthrow a legally elected government.

I think your name somehow got transposed onto the quote he made. No idea how it happened. Have changed it. Good of you to point it out. There's no way you could have said something so logical anyway.
You do understand how utterly stupid that Qanon response was, dont you? Actually, I bet you dont even see it. :laugh:

I said you guys were talking about impeaching him hours into his presidency, and that was when it started, but the fucktard that you quoted suggested it was the Qanon people who started it, yet thats impossible because, they didnt even exist until 2017, so yeah, it could not be more illogical.

Haha, you thought he was being logical. You look dumb now and it amuses me. :laugh:
No one raided Hillary's home, and her investigations didnt seem very serious. She caught break after break. As we all know, the Clintons are well connected. There was never any indication or suggestion that Trump went after Hillary. The same cant be said about this administration and Trump.

What have the people around Trump gone to jail for? You accused them of something false, then grilled them under oath for hours until they said the wrong thing under oath. You never got any of them for the reason you questioned them in the first place. There was no collusion, no corruption. The other people were jailed for ignoring your political motivated subpoenas. It was ALL political.

You saying Trump is sleazy is a meaningless statement that we all know is fueled by intense political bias.
Right. So Hilary has to the luckiest crim in the land and all those around The Donald unlucky? Shesh there's a whole lotta good and bad luck going on there.
You do understand how utterly stupid that Qanon response was, dont you? Actually, I bet you dont even see it. :laugh:

I said you guys were talking about impeaching him hours into his presidency, and that was when it started, but the fucktard that you quoted suggested it was the Qanon people who started it, yet thats impossible because, they didnt even exist until 2017, so yeah, it could not be more illogical.

Haha, you thought he was being logical. You look dumb now and it amuses me. :laugh:
You don't do sarcasm well do you? I don't know who Jbander is but I bet he or she is having a little chuckle to themselves after reading that one.
Right. So Hilary has to the luckiest crim in the land and all those around The Donald unlucky? Shesh there's a whole lotta good and bad luck going on there.
That isnt an argument. If i said something incorrect, address it directly and show me where im wrong.
You don't do sarcasm well do you? I don't know who Jbander is but I bet he or she is having a little chuckle to themselves after reading that one.
Of course it was sarcasm, but it was made out of ignorance. I cant imagine how that would make him happy with his embarrassing post.
The thing that gets me Doc is some idiot on MSM said that if Garland went in there, he must have known a crime was committed! But if he knows a crime was committed, then why does he still need to raid the house?

Gee, if Garland is worried about a possible crime committed:
  1. Why isn't he looking into Hunter Biden's felony crack cocaine, prostitution, weapons violations, and untoward mystery art dealings and fabulous wealth collected in relation to secret foreign dealing connected with his father who he has no visible qualification for?
  2. Why isn't he looking into the myriad potential crimes in how Joe has been trafficking in open borders, human traffic, child sex abuse and trafficking, and narcotics killing 100,000 year, giving away our strategic oil to foreign countries like there is no tomorrow, and arming terror organizations with 30 billion dollars worth of our weapons?
  3. Why isn't he looking at the criminal activity of Lisa Page, Peter Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, and a whole host of others?
Just for starters. I mean, if he is really looking for a CRIME.

Otherwise, it just looks like he is looking for any excuse he can find in order to try one last ditch effort to keep Trump out of office so he can't come back and kick all their rotten heinies out of power!
Wow, sean handity how you doing shovelface?
NO politician has ever been at this level of criminality in our history.

You mean if he is busted for possessing classified documents? Bro, if you are pinning your hopes on him going to prison for that, even if they caught him red handed, you are going to be very disappointed when you find out what the punishment for it is. He wont spend a single day in jail. Believe it or not, its actually a misdemeanor. No bullshit. :laugh:

Check this out. This dude named Sandy Berger was stealing classified documents from the National Archives. Guess who he was stealing it for? If you guessed "The Clintons", you are correct. Dude stole classified documents, hid them, later destroyed them to cover up the crime, and after that lied to investigators about it, but its just a fucking misdemeanor charge!! Can you believe it? Sheesh! He got 100 hours community service.

On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the United States Department of Justice was investigating Berger for unauthorized removal of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission. The documents were five classified copies of a single report commissioned from Richard Clarke covering internal assessments of the Clinton Administration's handling of the unsuccessful 2000 millennium attack plots. An associate of Berger said Berger took one copy in September 2003 and four copies in October 2003, allegedly by stuffing the documents into his socks and pants.[20][21] Berger subsequently lied to investigators when questioned about the removal of the documents.[22]

In April 2005, Berger pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material from the National Archives in Washington, D.C
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No one believes Trump actually committed a crime.
Only in Trumplandia.
After YEARS, you still havent provided a shred of evidence against him,
It was provided for YEARS, Trump's cult, as always dismissed it, or ignored it.
but you sure as fuck weaponized the DOJ and the FBI.
Yes, we did.
Going from Trump's yes men to "weaponizing" them to actually go after criminals.
Do you people not understand the damage this did to your party?
By going after criminals?
Stealing government property is a crime.
Youre soooo happy about it, without realizing how terrible things look. This is the worst thing that could have happened to dems.
It looks even worse for Trump and his party.

If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and

just maybe

how civil war starts

9 Aug 2022 ~~ By Richard Littlejohn

This is how democracy ends. Or maybe, just maybe, how civil war starts.
After the surgically embalmed octogenarian Nancy Pelosi jetted into Taiwan to proclaim America's enduring commitment to freedom, back home FBI goons were staging a politically motivated, prime-time raid on the home of her sworn enemy Donald Trump.
As events unfolded on live television, it was like watching one of those old conspiracy-theory movies, starring Robert Redford or Gene Hackman.
The intention was to portray Trump as guilty of something, anything - and divert attention away from Creepy Uncle Joe and his dodgy business dealings with nefarious foreign actors, via his druggy, whoring son Hunter.
The Dems are desperate to stop Trump running again, after polls showed him trouncing not just Biden but any other opponent. They want to shoo-in California 'liberal' Gavin Newsom, a toothy, vacuous left-wing poster boy who has let crime and illegal immigration rip in the once 'Golden State'.
We can only hope that the bungled effort by the FBI to discredit Trump proves to be the high watermark of the Deep State/Blob conspiracy to undermine for ever democracy in the West.
For America, in particular, to heal, the future demands the retreat of the CCP-style Deep State and magnanimity on the behalf of Trump, who should accept that he has the Establishment rattled and then graciously withdraws from the fray in favour of someone like DeSantis. It's the greatest service he could do his country.
Sadly, I'm not convinced that's going to happen. But the alternative is civil war. And that's too horrible to contemplate.

Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats fear that the election of a GOP Congress in November will neutralize their efforts to complete their total transformation of America, because what will follow is the re-election of DJT.
This is an all out effort to destroy Trump. Failing to do so by Democrats will lead to their downfall or all out Civil War.
Wow, a blobber hoping for a civil war. Must be a Wednesday.

If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and

just maybe

how civil war starts

9 Aug 2022 ~~ By Richard Littlejohn

This is how democracy ends. Or maybe, just maybe, how civil war starts.
After the surgically embalmed octogenarian Nancy Pelosi jetted into Taiwan to proclaim America's enduring commitment to freedom, back home FBI goons were staging a politically motivated, prime-time raid on the home of her sworn enemy Donald Trump.
As events unfolded on live television, it was like watching one of those old conspiracy-theory movies, starring Robert Redford or Gene Hackman.
The intention was to portray Trump as guilty of something, anything - and divert attention away from Creepy Uncle Joe and his dodgy business dealings with nefarious foreign actors, via his druggy, whoring son Hunter.
The Dems are desperate to stop Trump running again, after polls showed him trouncing not just Biden but any other opponent. They want to shoo-in California 'liberal' Gavin Newsom, a toothy, vacuous left-wing poster boy who has let crime and illegal immigration rip in the once 'Golden State'.
We can only hope that the bungled effort by the FBI to discredit Trump proves to be the high watermark of the Deep State/Blob conspiracy to undermine for ever democracy in the West.
For America, in particular, to heal, the future demands the retreat of the CCP-style Deep State and magnanimity on the behalf of Trump, who should accept that he has the Establishment rattled and then graciously withdraws from the fray in favour of someone like DeSantis. It's the greatest service he could do his country.
Sadly, I'm not convinced that's going to happen. But the alternative is civil war. And that's too horrible to contemplate.

Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats fear that the election of a GOP Congress in November will neutralize their efforts to complete their total transformation of America, because what will follow is the re-election of DJT.
This is an all out effort to destroy Trump. Failing to do so by Democrats will lead to their downfall or all out Civil War.

Wow, yep. An overseas publication no less.

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