If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and – just maybe – how civil war starts

What law did Hunter Biden break?
Anyone who has worked in a police department or fire department, or EMS or busy hospitals would tell you that Hunter Biden broke laws. Being specific with the codes would be to those who make the accusations. Progs keep making a joke of everything in a declining nation while expanding totalitarian edicts.
nah ... the most probable outcome of the lefts abuse of power is the galvanization of voters in nov that will vote them out of power and the same in 2024 ... people [especially minorities] dont like abuse of judicial powers .

Trump launched another fundraiser because of the raid. People are wised up to Trump. It's against the law to destroy or conceal government papers. That's the law for everyone.
Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats fear that the election of a GOP Congress in November will neutralize their efforts to complete their total transformation of America, because what will follow is the re-election of DJT.
This is an all out effort to destroy Trump. Failing to do so by Democrats will lead to their downfall or all out Civil War.

Actually, nobody believes that...

the GOP taking Congress in 1994 and 2010 didn't cause a Republican victory in the next presidential election. And in this case, it's not even like there is a popular movement for the GOP. Most of the gains the GOP will make will be because of Gerrymandering, not a shift in the electorate.

The real problem here is the GOP's unwillingness to do what they did with McCarthy and Nixon- cut off a gangrenous tumor to protect the larger movement.
No one raided Hillarys home. No one made up fake dossiers against her or anyone else in your party. We didnt make up fake golden shower scandals, we didnt attack kids (like you guys did to Baron Trump), we never weaponized the DOJ at any point and the IRS didnt target dems either. There are lines that shouldnt be crossed that dems have been crossing with glee for years now.

Uh, did you forget how you guys attacked Chelsea Clinton?

No one had to raid Hillary's home because she completely cooperated with the email investigation (which didn't involve removing documents, just retaining copies of them.)
Donald Trump has pulled back the curtain on exactly what "The Deep State" means. Simply put, it is our corrupted Intelligence Agencies working for the Democratic Party in the role of a Secret Police force. Sometimes they spy, sometimes they plant evidence, sometimes they raid innocent citizens homes sometimes they try entrapment This is how Totalitarian regimes work, it is not supposed to happen in America.

I think you can stop with the hysterics... Regular police departments do things that are ten times worse to regular people in the name of the war on drugs.

Trump shouldn't be above the law.

Here's the thing... They had plenty of evidence against Trump before ordering this raid. Either they were looking for evidence of Trump's culpability in Jan 6, or they were looking for some kind of evidence of self-dealing for his own business interests.

Either one is a pretty serious matter.
The blind minions think this is just "Yay my team's winning!!" The Democrats are dismantling everything that makes America what it is. We are losing our country. The FBI is a goon squad, the media is a bunch of parrots squawking the party line, the DOJ gives a pass to the Biden crime family and their years of pay for play schemes selling out to China, Ukraine and foreign companies. We have never been more at risk.

When haven't the FBI been a goon Squad? They were a Good Squad when J. Edgar Hoover ran the place. If anything, there are more safeguards in place now.
It is CRITICAL that we do not allow the tyrannical government to take the guns from the populace. They already tried to violate our 1st Amendment rights with the Truth Ministry, and they have violated 4th Amendment rights with this unreasonable search and seizure. If they kill the 2nd, American victims will have no recourse to take back the government and restore democracy, and we will be just another corrupt 3rd-world country.

Karens of the word, Unite!!!

Nobody is coming for your guns... you guys can kill 43,000 Americans a year, every year, and no one is going to stop you.
Actually, nobody believes that...

the GOP taking Congress in 1994 and 2010 didn't cause a Republican victory in the next presidential election. And in this case, it's not even like there is a popular movement for the GOP. Most of the gains the GOP will make will be because of Gerrymandering, not a shift in the electorate.

The real problem here is the GOP's unwillingness to do what they did with McCarthy and Nixon- cut off a gangrenous tumor to protect the larger movement.
Uh, did you forget how you guys attacked Chelsea Clinton?

No one had to raid Hillary's home because she completely cooperated with the email investigation (which didn't involve removing documents, just retaining copies of them.)
I think you can stop with the hysterics... Regular police departments do things that are ten times worse to regular people in the name of the war on drugs.

Trump shouldn't be above the law.

Here's the thing... They had plenty of evidence against Trump before ordering this raid. Either they were looking for evidence of Trump's culpability in Jan 6, or they were looking for some kind of evidence of self-dealing for his own business interests.

Either one is a pretty serious matter.
When haven't the FBI been a goon Squad? They were a Good Squad when J. Edgar Hoover ran the place. If anything, there are more safeguards in place now.
lol...TRANSLATION: "This is a completely different type of fascism"
They never raided Hillary when she destroyed classified information and emails under subpoena, or Hunter Biden when it was obvious he was taking money from communists when his father was BP. Or what about Comey, who leaked classified info?

So if his 4th Amendment rights haven’t been violated, his right to equal protection under the law has been.

This is a GIGANTIC story, and likely will propel Trump to run, and incentivize voters to turn out in droves to kick the tyrannical leftists out of office.

Have fun on Election Night. I’m making popcorn!

I guess... If you guys really had the votes, you wouldn't be trying to engage in so much voter suppression.

Here's the real question, why you keep strapping yourself to Trump no matter what he gets caught doing.

The GOP has become a Doomsday Cult.
Uh, did you forget how you guys attacked Chelsea Clinton?

No one had to raid Hillary's home because she completely cooperated with the email investigation (which didn't involve removing documents, just retaining copies of them.)
Remind me of when we attacked Chelsea while she was a kid.
Trump knows enemy democrats are going to manufacture whatever they want. Get Trump at all costs.

So they do. Trump cannot run again. Trump Jr. runs, or Eric. Then what?
You are, apparently, in a snit over so many Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders giving damning testimony against the Cry Baby Loser, and then the Trump-appointed Director of the FBI, Republican Christopher Ray, authorizing the confiscations from Mar-a-Lago where the Loser had, reportedly, illegally stashed government documents.

Conspiracists suspect it is part of a vast Republican scheme to prevent the Loser's continuing to befoul their Party, masterminded by Pence, Barr, DeSantis, and others.

You are, apparently, in a snit over so many Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders giving damning testimony against the Cry Baby Loser, and then the Trump-appointed Director of the FBI, Republican Christopher Ray, authorizing the confiscations from Mar-a-Lago where the Loser had, reportedly, illegally stashed government documents.

Conspiracists suspect it is part of a vast Republican scheme to prevent the Loser's continuing to befoul their Party, masterminded by Pence, Barr, DeSantis, and others.

You must need to believe this on some level.
You must need to believe this on some level.
Belief is for the weird worshipers of one dude.

Others deal with facts, as provided by all that corroborative sworn testimony by all those Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders under oath.
If the DOJ is going after political opponents (only the right), im not sure why you would think a civil war is preposterous. How many more times do you think it will take to really piss people off? There have already been many examples of it and patience is wearing very thin now..
I actually don't think a civil war is preposterous, I think it's quite likely but to an extent that won't qualify as a war. More like regional shootings that will escalate into mass slaughters that number in the dozens.

I see it as being white supremacists in support of Trump, fighting against military units sent out to restore peace.
Trump launched another fundraiser because of the raid. People are wised up to Trump. It's against the law to destroy or conceal government papers. That's the law for everyone.
tell that to Hillary and Pelosi and Biden .... what theyve done and their pay to play crimes and nepotism are much much worse than stupid archive docs that Trump has been cooperating on for months !

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tell that to Hillary and Pelosi and Biden .... what theyve done and their pay to play crimes and nepotism are much much worse than stupid archive docs that Trump has been cooperating on for months !

Trump hired his relatives. Why did Trump take the documents to begin with?

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