If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and – just maybe – how civil war starts

If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and

just maybe

how civil war starts

9 Aug 2022 ~~ By Richard Littlejohn

This is how democracy ends. Or maybe, just maybe, how civil war starts.
After the surgically embalmed octogenarian Nancy Pelosi jetted into Taiwan to proclaim America's enduring commitment to freedom, back home FBI goons were staging a politically motivated, prime-time raid on the home of her sworn enemy Donald Trump.
As events unfolded on live television, it was like watching one of those old conspiracy-theory movies, starring Robert Redford or Gene Hackman.
The intention was to portray Trump as guilty of something, anything - and divert attention away from Creepy Uncle Joe and his dodgy business dealings with nefarious foreign actors, via his druggy, whoring son Hunter.
The Dems are desperate to stop Trump running again, after polls showed him trouncing not just Biden but any other opponent. They want to shoo-in California 'liberal' Gavin Newsom, a toothy, vacuous left-wing poster boy who has let crime and illegal immigration rip in the once 'Golden State'.
We can only hope that the bungled effort by the FBI to discredit Trump proves to be the high watermark of the Deep State/Blob conspiracy to undermine for ever democracy in the West.
For America, in particular, to heal, the future demands the retreat of the CCP-style Deep State and magnanimity on the behalf of Trump, who should accept that he has the Establishment rattled and then graciously withdraws from the fray in favour of someone like DeSantis. It's the greatest service he could do his country.
Sadly, I'm not convinced that's going to happen. But the alternative is civil war. And that's too horrible to contemplate.

Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats fear that the election of a GOP Congress in November will neutralize their efforts to complete their total transformation of America, because what will follow is the re-election of DJT.
This is an all out effort to destroy Trump. Failing to do so by Democrats will lead to their downfall or all out Civil War.
idiotic article....based on a complete lie.

the FBI was doing the search privately, with respect towards the former president. Plain clothes, no FBI windbreakers, unmarked trucks and cars, notice given a couple of hours ahead of time to the secret service, did it with Trump and paparazzi out of town in New York.....

the ONLY person that caused all the commotion was TRUMP HIMSELF..... Who leaked to the press that his house was being searched. NO ONE would have known otherwise, if it were not for Trump.

try again!
idiotic article....based on a complete lie.

the FBI was doing the search privately, with respect towards the former president. Plain clothes, no FBI windbreakers, unmarked trucks and cars, notice given a couple of hours ahead of time to the secret service, did it with Trump and paparazzi out of town in New York.....

the ONLY person that caused all the commotion was TRUMP HIMSELF..... Who leaked to the press that his house was being searched. NO ONE would have known otherwise, if it were not for Trump.

try again!
That's funny stuff...it's like blaming the rape victim for causing all the "commotion" for reporting that she was raped.

Stop already
Not really.

Take his latest legal scandal. Completely avoidable. He should have just turned over the documents. He didn’t. Why? One can take a guess but there certainly doesn’t seem to be any rational reason for him to refuse to do so and embroil himself in a scandal.

Trump is his own worst enemy.
Not so fast with that! Handing over the documents may have been impossible for Trump. There are documents missing and it's likely that Trump doesn't have them.

The FBI/DOJ's efforts to stop Trump are bigger and more critical than it appears.

But in any case, the scheme to stop him has been successful. He's already sidelined and that relieves the R's from having to get rid of him.

DeSantis? Is he as fascist minded as he's playing it, or is he just trying to build his popularity with unhinged Americans?
The American way is upheld by the wealthy. They will be on the side that resists an allout war that would take down their empire.s
I think maybe you should look at history for your opinions, yours post above is silly, of the 200 plus wars we have been in ,95% are corporate wars. From the decades of Indian wars to every war we have had in the last 75 years have all been for someone's bottom line.
The more Trump continues to show resistance to the Maoist Democrat Commies the worse it will become. They have yet to get anything to stick. I really believe if Trump rub for president in 2024 there will be at least one attempted or successful assassination.
These crazies believe that Trump is a threat to their existence.
They fail to understand it's the American people that are the real threat.
What the hell , the clown car just moved to the center Ring . Your Maoist Democratic commie. Just defined your stupidity. First, there isn't enough Maoist, socialist communist. In this country, to fill a thimble , second . Since Mao defined what communism is we will use his definition , not yours . If that the case, there has never been a communist country in the world and there never will be one. WE will also use Mao's definition of socialism, when we do, we find out there has never been more than a thimble full of socialist in this country and there also will never be more. The only way we would become socialist from capitalist is by doing what the right has done to us and that's destroying capitalism, simply taking away the potential of the possibility to get ahead in this country. By forcing all the new wealth in this country for the Golden few at the top. The only thing that will bring down capitalism, the only threat to capitalism in this country, is the right wing. One of the many reasons why this country's biggest threat and enemy is the hate group the right calls a party. It is not conservatism that is a threat, it is the haters that make up the majority of the Republican Party now.
How many times have you declared bankruptcy, because you definitely fall in the "fool" category?
TRump has had two complete bankruptcy and has lost more money in one year that anyone in the history of this country, is that what you are looking for. Trump is not only a loser, he is a joke as a businessman.
If a Civil war must happen can we get on with it!
Not so fast with that! Handing over the documents may have been impossible for Trump. There are documents missing and it's likely that Trump doesn't have them.

The FBI/DOJ's efforts to stop Trump are bigger and more critical than it appears.

But in any case, the scheme to stop him has been successful. He's already sidelined and that relieves the R's from having to get rid of him.

DeSantis? Is he as fascist minded as he's playing it, or is he just trying to build his popularity with unhinged Americans?
Trump without a doubt would sell them to our biggest enemy's/ or trade them for his piss party tapes from Russia.
TRump has had two complete bankruptcy and has lost more money in one year that anyone in the history of this country, is that what you are looking for. Trump is not only a loser, he is a joke as a businessman.
STFU, you probably live of of EBT. Loser.
well, it seems your post came from a conspiracy theorist ... every charge that is said to be charged against him has come from the republicans in his own administration ... not Pelosi not Schumer ...his own people testified against him ...when he left office he took classified documents ... he was asked several times to return them ... finally, he was subpoenaed to return the documents ... he gave them some ... again it came from the people around him ... that testified he had 100 dreds of classified documents... he again was asked to return those documents ... his lawyers said he didn't have any classified documents ... it got to the point that the FBI no longer could tap dance around him with the evidance they had he got from the people around trump, republicans not democrats ...they got a search warrant and got all of the documents they currently have ... he was never persecuted he was given the best attempt to return these documents and he refused ... all these problems trump has have been created by himself and him alone ...so stop with this crucify bull shit ...
Two words for you: Deep State.

Welcome aboard.
well, it seems your post came from a conspiracy theorist ... every charge that is said to be charged against him has come from the republicans in his own administration ... not Pelosi not Schumer ...his own people testified against him ...when he left office he took classified documents ... he was asked several times to return them ... finally, he was subpoenaed to return the documents ... he gave them some ... again it came from the people around him ... that testified he had 100 dreds of classified documents... he again was asked to return those documents ... his lawyers said he didn't have any classified documents ... it got to the point that the FBI no longer could tap dance around him with the evidance they had he got from the people around trump, republicans not democrats ...they got a search warrant and got all of the documents they currently have ... he was never persecuted he was given the best attempt to return these documents and he refused ... all these problems trump has have been created by himself and him alone ...so stop with this crucify bull shit ...
Room temperature IQ, huh?
TRump has had two complete bankruptcy and has lost more money in one year that anyone in the history of this country, is that what you are looking for. Trump is not only a loser, he is a joke as a businessman.
whe. was this?
Not so fast with that! Handing over the documents may have been impossible for Trump. There are documents missing and it's likely that Trump doesn't have them.

The FBI/DOJ's efforts to stop Trump are bigger and more critical than it appears.

But in any case, the scheme to stop him has been successful. He's already sidelined and that relieves the R's from having to get rid of him.

DeSantis? Is he as fascist minded as he's playing it, or is he just trying to build his popularity with unhinged Americans?
Trump? Sidelined?

In your dreams.

He's the Republican front runner right now, and all the polls say he beats Joe Biden if the election is held today.

Nah man, the dumb leftist bastards tried to sideline him for SIX YEARS and couldn't do it.

The last time anyone did anything you guys completely freaked out.

Started throwing people in gulags and shit.

Yes, nice.

You all talk a lot of shit but never do a damn fucking thing but whine on the internet.

As the old saying goes, shit or get off the pot.
TRump has had two complete bankruptcy and has lost more money in one year that anyone in the history of this country, is that what you are looking for. Trump is not only a loser, he is a joke as a businessman.
Trump has NEVER filed personal bankruptcy. Why do you lie?

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