If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and – just maybe – how civil war starts

Wow. The irony is unreal.
Not really.

Take his latest legal scandal. Completely avoidable. He should have just turned over the documents. He didn’t. Why? One can take a guess but there certainly doesn’t seem to be any rational reason for him to refuse to do so and embroil himself in a scandal.

Trump is his own worst enemy.
But here’s the question: it isn’t Trump per se whom the FBI, under influence or direction of Democrats, had to be defeated - it was his interference with the far-left, Marxist-like agenda. DeSantis will face the same firing squad because he intends to interfere with the destruction of America. That said, I like him a lot and would love to see a DeSantis/Haley* ticket.

*She’s been making the rounds on TV lately and clearly has her eyes on the prize. I don’t think she can go the distance at this time, but the VP slot would be great - and after 8 years of DeSantis, she’ll still be young enough for the presidency.
this is what is funny idiots like this one refers to democrats/liberals as marxist ... when i see this in a post i just have to laugh hey sweety everything that a Marxist represents all democrats/liberals by nature are against ...your statement here is so comical and sad ... seems you have been duped by your right-wing handlers ...
those two don't have a chance in hell of winning dog catcher, never mind the idea of president ... they are so hated throughout this country
Another gullible fool. You think the idiot Affirmative Action VP has a chance in a debate with DeSantis OR Haley?

And NO, they are not hated throughout the country. Tens of millions of people would love to see either one. It‘s quote arrogant to insist that the whole country thinks like you do. The majority do not.
this is what is funny idiots like this one refers to democrats/liberals as marxist ... when i see this in a post i just have to laugh hey sweety everything that a Marxist represents all democrats/liberals by nature are against ...your statement here is so comical and sad ... seems you have been duped by your right-wing handlers ...
People like you make me sick to my stomach. It’s shameful how low the caliber of the country has dropped.
Not really.

Take his latest legal scandal. Completely avoidable. He should have just turned over the documents. He didn’t. Why? One can take a guess but there certainly doesn’t seem to be any rational reason for him to refuse to do so and embroil himself in a scandal.

Trump is his own worst enemy.
I've said this many times... its because of trumps screw up thinking ... he actually thinks he can lie his way out of these charges against him...
Another gullible fool. You think the idiot Affirmative Action VP has a chance in a debate with DeSantis OR Haley?

And NO, they are not hated throughout the country. Tens of millions of people would love to see either one. It‘s quote arrogant to insist that the whole country thinks like you do. The majority do not.
you keep thinking that ...just get used to saying President Joe Biden... or president Haris ... either way you have to get used to saying either one of those ... when he loses his next governor position this next election ... that will be the icing on the cake ...
you keep thinking that ...just get use to saying President Joe Biden... or president Haris ... either way you have to get used to saying either one of those ...
Biden is in mid-stage dementia, Harris is so incompetent she can’t formulate a meaningful sentence, and you are an idiot who is going on ignore.
I've said this many times... its because of trumps screw up thinking ... he actually thinks he can lie his way out of these charges against him...
He’s never faced any actual consequences in his life. He’s the ultimate case of affluenza.
People like you make me sick to my stomach. It’s shameful how low the caliber of the country has dropped.
the reason the caliber of the government has dropped is because of the republican Fascist ways of thinking ... everything they do ... they want to take our social security away they want to take our medicare away... hell they want to take Obama care from us all ... they started with abortion, they are now working on our SS AND MEDICARE..they are against the majority of what the people's want and idiots like you think we are Marxist because why ??? you never say why you call us Marxist ... you can't even give us one Marxist thing we democrats/liberals have done ... but I can about your republicans ...removing the ability to vote for all ... they are walking in the same steps that Hitler walked in to steal the country from the people ...
Biden is in mid-stage dementia, Harris is so incompetent she can’t formulate a meaningful sentence, and you are an idiot who is going on ignore.
he has more going on for himself the trump or any republican has ... let's see here tell oh wise one with the dementia talk ....how many times did Biden golf while people were dying from covid ... or hell all of the bills he just got passed signed into law recently.... when he finished his signing did he go on vacation??? did he go golfing
????b no !!!! but your republicans seem to feel golfing is more important than doing their job ... you are clueless as hell ... you don't know what Marxist things democrats do ... but you feel free to call us one ... here trump has sexually molested 20-plus women he had raped ac 13-year-old girl... his daddy bought his way out of that one ... he cons tradesmen out of what he owes them ... he files bankruptcy because he doesn't want to pay for what he owes ... he lies about the value of his building then devalues them for tax purposes ... he is the worst businessman who has ever existed ... he keeps stealing people lively hood by not paying for what he got .. you think he's a great leader ... i could go on forever what you call a great man who suffers from delusions of grandeur ... give me a break you have no clue of the signs of dementia ... you just say it ...its' like calling us dem/liberals marxist ... it makes you feel good ...
Another gullible fool. You think the idiot Affirmative Action VP has a chance in a debate with DeSantis OR Haley?

And NO, they are not hated throughout the country. Tens of millions of people would love to see either one. It‘s quote arrogant to insist that the whole country thinks like you do. The majority do not.
yes, I do ... the real question is do you feel DeSantis can debate her ???? 10 's of millions won't cut it when we have over 156 million, voters ... yes they are hated by at least 82 million plus people that I know for sure will vote for her ... we all know DeSantis is trump 2.2 and nobody with a brain is for those two clowns ... just you're ignornat fools ...
Nikki Haley is "hated"? Where do you get that idea?
by every democratic liberal and independent ... just a purdy face doesn't cut it ... you have to have morals fortitude ... she lacks any moral fortitude ... just by her yes I'm for it, then when the majority of the voter are against it ... now she has a come to Jesus thinking and changes her point of view ... no moral fortitude at all ... its what gets her elected ...
by every democratic liberal and independent ... just a purdy face doesn't cut it ... you have to have morals fortitude ... she lacks any moral fortitude ... just by her yes I'm for it, then when the majority of the voter are against it ... now she has a come to Jesus thinking and changes her point of view ... no moral fortitude at all ... its what gets her elected ...
"moral fortitude"?? What are you babbling about?
still waiting for you to tell us one Marxist thing democrats/liberals have done ... are ya stumpped
still, waiting for it Lisa for all of those Marxist things we dem/liberals do ... cat got your tongue??? you make these accusations so back it up or I guess you're just a big blowhard

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