If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and – just maybe – how civil war starts

did he or didnt he tell them to peacefully protest ? you didnt need an entire paragraph of emotional garbage to tell everyone that you are a faggot .
Time for you to move on, I throw out all scum that can't or won't respond to the thread .so you are gone. and won't be missed by anyone here. Everyone else, dump the MAGA maggots when they won't respond or try to hijack the thread.
The FBI seized the cellphone of Representative Scott Perry on Tuesday. The jaundiced January 6 Committee had previously sought to interview the Pennsylvania congressman. “This morning, while traveling with my family, 3 FBI agents visited me and seized my cell phone,” Perry recounts. “They made no attempt to contact my lawyer, who would have made arrangements for them to have my phone if that was their wish. I’m outraged—though not surprised—that the FBI under the direction of Merrick Garland’s DOJ, would seize the phone of a sitting Member of Congress. My phone contains info about my legislative and political activities, and personal/private discussions with my wife, family, constituents, and friends. None of this is the government’s business.”

Actually that should be, what Federal law did Biden break? But sure, investigate him too, and all the Bidens, and all the Clintons, and ALL the TRUMP------

Get a life, Hunter has been investigated multiple times , Clintons have been investigated multiple time. Hillary was investigated 8 times all for the same charge all instigated by the hate party, finding her not guilty all 8 times but as soon as they were done they started another investigation on charges she had already been found not guilty of 8 times. So what are you suggesting how many times will it take investigating these people and the millions that is wasted doing it. The right are scum bags and only do it for the sound bight of them being investigated again.
Kool-aid drinker

you really should question the garbage cnn puts out... not good to let such a hackish lying entity do your "thinking" for you
CNN compared to what comes out of the mouth of Fox crap news and your god and leader , is comparing gold to shit. You MAGA Maggots are a joke.
1. FBI recovered classified documents after repeated requests to turn them over, and (I'm quite sure) *after* Trump signed a sworn statement that he turned over all classified documents in his possession.

2. The FBI can't just raid your home, look for whatever the hell they want and eat your pizza and drink your beer as they ransack your home; they go to a judge who signs a specific order authorizing what they can look for.

3. Oh by the way, the FBI Director is a Trump appointee.

4. Oh, oh by the way, so is the judge who signed the warrant.

5. (Horshack) Oh, oh, oh by the way, most people in law enforcement are not exactly what I'd call supporters of woke movements.

6. It's not clear that the DoJ even wants - or even *can* - charge Trump with crimes, considering that former presidents can change the classification of documents.

7. This particular raid, and this possible 'crime'...is the least of Trump's legal worries - the least.

Trump can't declassify documents on a whim.

You and puss bags like you operate on total stupidity , not one truth or grain of reason in you traitors. Scum Bag will go to jail, and he will lose your automatic win during the 2022 elections. You had it made till you hung your hat on the hate Nazi hat rack/ we are looking at winning two more governorship and 3 new senate seats. and there is now a slight movement towards the blue as far as the house is concerned . Dems can lose 3 members in the house and still have the majority
once again your feminine emotions are overriding your pee brain ! average Americans are suffering greatly under left leadership ... nothing is going well ... hispanics and independents will vote out dems in 2022 and 2024 ! i'll bet you believed Biden when he said inflation is at 0 a few days ago eh ?
Words are failing you, not me there is a big blue swell going on because of your piece of shit God and leader. Throw in the stupidity of anti-abortion. And you might even lose the house with losing in the senate for sure and adding Dems to the governors. They are looking at three new senators. And ace, if we keep the house, you haters are toast. You will disappear and be totally rejected by any conservative group that comes out of getting massacred in an election that should have been aces for your hate group. Should have been a automatic total win. You have to be the biggest losers ever if you lose in the senate, house or Governorship's.
is Liz Cheney one of those conservatives that will reject us ? unlike the left voters decide who is running and representing the republican party ie ... no super delegates in the republican party .
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Isnt the point of America that you are all created equal ?
Why should trump be above the law ? Many different laws in fact.
You swore to your God and leader not to watch the jan6th hearing. And guess what ace you have no clue what they have on him, I do . And anyone who watched the hearing does, all from Trumps closest Republican people. His closest people who worked directly with him in his office. It was simple, get them to talk at the hearing and they are to afraid to lie. That's why literally every person who won't go in for these investigations can't go in , they would have to lie or just tell what happened and how they were directly involved. Everyone who won't talk to these investigation are up to their necks in illegal actions, and they will be going to jail with scum bag. Love it.
People are laughing at your stupidity , You wanting to defund the police or break up the police is a beautiful, hilarious picture. Your pro crime routine is fantastic. Your normal logic that the police should be tough except with scum bag and his party is a hoot and a half.



Georgia has him by the balls, New York will find him being non-compliant and owing millions. He is as good as indited in Florida for trying to give information to our enemies. Mar-a-Lago incident will crush him. The justice department has to show the information on the Trump Russia dealings .. The court forced this measure three days ago. The man has nowhere to hide. There has never been a criminal at this level, every in politics in this country.
you guys kinda suck at "Civil War."
First you lost the BIG ONE in 1865.
And more recently your latest attempted incursion (aka...coup/takeover) kinda crashed and burned.
Remember your moon-bat general in the Buffalo robe and horns?
No....a "well regulated militia" you ARE NOT!
Better just stick to the armchair warrior thing.
I think there are some pretty good X-Box games out there that might give you all something like a "real" feel of "combat"
but without all the scrapes and bruises and stuff.
Heck, there might even be one that gives you the opportunity to take over your guv-ment by force!
You should check it out.
Let me remind you of the following:
The Dixiecrats all became Republicans in the mid 1960s.
It gets so tedious trying to explain middle school level history topics to ignorant grown-ass adults!

Georgia has him by the balls, New York will find him being non-compliant and owing millions. He is as good as indited in Florida for trying to give information to our enemies. Mar-a-Lago incident will crush him. The justice department has to show the information on the Trump Russia dealings .. The court forced this measure three days ago. The man has nowhere to hide. There has never been a criminal at this level, every in politics in this country.
Georgia? For talking to a governor?

New York? That is his company, not him, dumbass!

Florida? Who did he give info to?

I suggest you educate yourself, because you appear to be a classic dumbass CNN or MSNBC viewer.
Georgia? For talking to a governor?

New York? That is his company, not him, dumbass!

Florida? Who did he give info to?

I suggest you educate yourself, because you appear to be a classic dumbass CNN or MSNBC viewer.
Idiot, people who have the capacity to think know the points I've made, and the jail time scumbag will be seeing for each charge. You not knowing about it makes sense, since you microbes have promised your God and hero that you wouldn't look at any media source other than Fox crap news and the other hate media groups that popped up to support scum bag. You supply much comedy, so it is fine, but don't claim that you know something about these investigations, because we all can see you don't.

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