If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and – just maybe – how civil war starts

It is CRITICAL that we do not allow the tyrannical government to take the guns from the populace. They already tried to violate our 1st Amendment rights with the Truth Ministry, and they have violated 4th Amendment rights with this unreasonable search and seizure. If they kill the 2nd, American victims will have no recourse to take back the government and restore democracy, and we will be just another corrupt 3rd-world country.
It is CRITICAL that we do not allow the tyrannical government to take the guns from the populace. They already tried to violate our 1st Amendment rights with the Truth Ministry, and they have violated 4th Amendment rights with this unreasonable search and seizure. If they kill the 2nd, American victims will have no recourse to take back the government and restore democracy, and we will be just another corrupt 3rd-world country.
How have they violated the 4th amendment?
All of this because he says we have borders, language and a common culture.
You think the search warrant on his residence is about the borders, language(s) and a common culture? Doubt it.
I figure it is about specific documents, known to exist in his possession and not returned earlier, but not know to be shredded and flushed down his commode.

If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and

just maybe

how civil war starts

9 Aug 2022 ~~ By Richard Littlejohn

This is how democracy ends. Or maybe, just maybe, how civil war starts.
After the surgically embalmed octogenarian Nancy Pelosi jetted into Taiwan to proclaim America's enduring commitment to freedom, back home FBI goons were staging a politically motivated, prime-time raid on the home of her sworn enemy Donald Trump.
As events unfolded on live television, it was like watching one of those old conspiracy-theory movies, starring Robert Redford or Gene Hackman.
The intention was to portray Trump as guilty of something, anything - and divert attention away from Creepy Uncle Joe and his dodgy business dealings with nefarious foreign actors, via his druggy, whoring son Hunter.
The Dems are desperate to stop Trump running again, after polls showed him trouncing not just Biden but any other opponent. They want to shoo-in California 'liberal' Gavin Newsom, a toothy, vacuous left-wing poster boy who has let crime and illegal immigration rip in the once 'Golden State'.
We can only hope that the bungled effort by the FBI to discredit Trump proves to be the high watermark of the Deep State/Blob conspiracy to undermine for ever democracy in the West.
For America, in particular, to heal, the future demands the retreat of the CCP-style Deep State and magnanimity on the behalf of Trump, who should accept that he has the Establishment rattled and then graciously withdraws from the fray in favour of someone like DeSantis. It's the greatest service he could do his country.
Sadly, I'm not convinced that's going to happen. But the alternative is civil war. And that's too horrible to contemplate.

Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats fear that the election of a GOP Congress in November will neutralize their efforts to complete their total transformation of America, because what will follow is the re-election of DJT.
This is an all out effort to destroy Trump. Failing to do so by Democrats will lead to their downfall or all out Civil War.

No one should be "safe".
If a US president breaks the law, he should suffer the same as everyone else who breaks the law.
These were physical files. Hillary is a hag and irrelevant.
So because some evidence is digital, that doesn’t count? And double standards are always relevant.

It is very likely that this overreach of the FBI and its abuse of power has bolstered Trump’s chances. Brace yourself for his comeback; it is quite possible.

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