If Finding out what happened on 6 Jan and preventing if from happening again is so important...

Are you interested in what happened on January 6th and more importantly, HOW those events came to take place OP?

Are YOU interested? Do you really think J6 just happened independent of the fraud election? Or are you just interested in "getting" Trump? Because even if you don't believe the election was a rigged up cheat besides already being admitted to as much many times by those involved, you have to admit that there was so much that was abnormal and irregular, even suspicious in how it happened that had the shoe been on the other foot, you would have been JUST AS DOUBTFUL.

And those who changed the election so much under the excuse of Covid had to know and expect that as well, in fact they admit they PLANNED IT that way to take advantage of Trump's insistence that it was going to be stolen!

In that light, not only does the election stink to high heaven but all the worse that democrats did NOTHING to assuage concerns so they really have no one to blame but THEMSELVES for J6.

You see, here is how it came down:
  1. Trump warned the election would be stolen despite his popularity and high success rate.
  2. Democrats seized on that to then rig it to REALLY steal it knowing that Trump would vocally fight it tooth and nail.
  3. Then when he planned the Eclipse rally to protest the certification, they realized that they had an opportunity to turn his rally into a riot.
  4. Then when hundreds came down to the Capitol, between Ray Epps and the FBI inciting violence, planting bombs the night before to make it look big, and instigating the break in with the help of Antifa, they now had the tools to let it get as bad as they dared so that not only could they impeach Trump over it, but set up the preamble to criminally blame him as a conspiracy to invalidate him from ever running a third time.
C'mon, admit it. Every lefty knows that was the game.
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Did this "protest" ever get out of hand?
Not really. Some guy put his bourgeoisie feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk and a guy in a funny hat blessed the building. It was only after enemy democrats started day dreaming that they concocted a story?
Why did it take over 4 hours for Trump to call off his rabid dogs on Jan 6?
Why did it take Trump over 4 hours to call his rabid dogs off?

When did the far left Pelosi, AOC, etc. call off the dogs on this:

Then again BLM was able to kill people and burn down cities, but who cares about that.
In that light, not only does the election stink to high heaven but all the worse that democrats did NOTHING to assuage concerns so they really have no one to blame but THEMSELVES for J6.
Yet more than 5 dz J6 participants are running for Congress



How many of you watched the hearing on Thursday night, and/or are planning to watch the rest of them, in order to see how many of these questions are going to be (or have already been) answered?
...then when are the Democrats going to ask / answer

On what day prior to 6 Jan did the FBI issue their warming of a large crowd and possible violence on 6 Jan?

- Exactly who from the FBI issued the warning?

- Exactly who was the warning _ briefing given to?
--- It has been reported that the DC Mayor, Pelosi, the Capitol Police Chief. and the 2 Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate were briefed.
** Who else?

- Have these people testified before the committee?
--- If not, WHY not (PELOSI)?

- Did the FBI brief any of these people on why so many FBI agents would be / were at the Capitol on 6 Jan? If not, why not?

- Who was in charge of the operation at the Capitol on 6 Jan and what was the name of the Fale Flag operation?

- Has anyone from the FBI (Wray) testified before the committee? If not, why not?

- Was the DC Police Chief briefed? If not, why not?

The Capitol Police reportedly did not have the DC Police's phone numbers, did not have an operating communication system to call the DC Police for help;

- Are you shitting me? WHY NOT?

- If the DC Police were alresdy briefed about the large criwd and threat of violence why weren't they already talking to / working with the Capiol Police?

- Was the National Guard briefed that they may be needed in 6 Jan? If not, why not?

- The recommendation to call upon the National Guard was given numerous times before 6 Jan...WHY was the National Guard not called upon to help defend the Capitol?

- Exactly who was responsible for making that call?

- EXACTLY WHO made this decision?

- If the National Guard was asked to be on standby did they recall / muster personnel?
-' Exactly when we're they contacted about potential or on-going violence at the Capitol?

- Has a representative for the National Guard testified before the Committee? If not, why not?

After being briefed of potential violence on 6 Jan what did Pelosi and the other people warned do with this information, who did they contact who did they share it with, have those people testified before the committee. and if not. why not?

Tbe Capitol Police chief officially stated he requested National Guard assistance 6 (SIX) times before the events of 6 Jan and was denied or delayed every time.

- Who did he make the requests to?

- WHO denied / delayed his requests, and what were the reasons given?

After being warned, why did the Capitol Police have so few officers working on 6 Jan, knowing they had no DC Police support and no National Guard support?

Why won't Pelosi testify under oath, seeing as she played such a key roll before tge events of 6 Jan?

These are extremely basic questions that are critical to finding out what happened prior to 6 Jan...
- These barely begin to cover what happened prior to 6 Jan - we haven't even gotten to the events of 6 Jan yet.

So if this committee is legitimately about finding out about what happened prior to and on 6 Jan and not allowing it to happen again.....

During tge Drmocrats' 'Get Trump 3.0' political theatrics, why have we not heard any other thrse questions asked, not heard any if them answered. abd not heard or seen (hardly) any of these people tesiltify?

The Ametican.people aren't stupid. They have seen this. They have seen the Drmoctayd focus on Trump and his associates, and they know it's a Drmocrat 'Get Ttump 3.0' attempt.

The Democrats have not asked any if these questions, can'tvanswer any of these questions, and don't give a damn about these questions. about what happened on 6 Jan, or if it happens again.

Ahhh poo poo.
People died as a result of the protest...but not harmed by protestors. It was protestors and supporters of DJT who were harmed. Two more dead they won't mention are Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phelps. No cops died as a result of violence by any protestor, meaning any Trump supporting Protestors.

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