If Fords testimony is true...

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?

It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.

So your saying you have no idea what happened, thank you.
Right because the accusations are so vague and baseless, no one knows what happened, nor can it even be investigated more than it has been. Because all the witnesses say “nope don’t remember anything of the sort,”...and Ford and her legal team opt to selectively offer up portions of their “evidence”. On top of that Ford has already been caught lying about the origin one of those sources of evidence, and the other she’s alleged to be lying about by her former boyfriend of 6 years. That boyfriend mentions Fords friend (that she coached on polygraphs, then allegedly lied about), who also is the same friend pressuring Fords best friend from high school to change her testimony. How long are y’all gonna keep the charade up?

Also her boyfriend said she had no fear of flying and when he visited her in Hawaii, they flew from island to island on a prop plane. His claim is she rented out a small house that had only one door for five years.

She's as phony as a three sided baseball; her and that cartoon voice of hers. I hope she's a great shrink because she sure is a lousy actress.

Isn't this similar to Bart liking beer but basketball is more important?
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

Nothing will be released it's all under Judicial review--and Ford has no power of what is going to be released, (if EVER.)

But here is a video statement from the former FBI agent that gave it to her.

Of course last night James Rotche a former Yale roommate of Kavanuagh dropped his 1000 pound bomb.

No one cares what an “ex-FBI official” has to say. It wasn’t an official polygraph, and polygraphs aren’t even used as evidence in courts because they are unreliable.

The ex-roommate had nothing on Kavanuagh and couldn’t even point out one “lie” despite CNN’s fake news headlines. He even backtracked his statements in that interview.

James Roche, the roommate of Kavanaugh pointed out several lies of Kavanaugh. Especially regarding his drinking habits back in the day. There are other witness's to this that the FBI never interviewed according to James Roche.

Right now there are protests going on everywhere, Susan Collins might as well start sending out her resume, color her gone when she goes up for reelection. My senator in Colorado, Cory Gardner, color him gone in 2020 when he's up, etc. etc. etc.

They might as well write their own obituaries. They really could not have given Democrats a better gift than this appointment.

I imagine the DNC is partying down right now


I think the problem you on the left have is you believe most of the country thinks like you. That mindset is what cost you the House, the Senate, most of the governorships across the country, the White House, and now the Supreme Court.

All women march in lockstep because women in our country are stupid, and only believe what we Democrats tell them to believe. They have no sense of right or wrong; true or false, just take our word for what they should be thinking.
And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?

It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.

So your saying you have no idea what happened, thank you.
Right because the accusations are so vague and baseless, no one knows what happened, nor can it even be investigated more than it has been. Because all the witnesses say “nope don’t remember anything of the sort,”...and Ford and her legal team opt to selectively offer up portions of their “evidence”. On top of that Ford has already been caught lying about the origin one of those sources of evidence, and the other she’s alleged to be lying about by her former boyfriend of 6 years. That boyfriend mentions Fords friend (that she coached on polygraphs, then allegedly lied about), who also is the same friend pressuring Fords best friend from high school to change her testimony. How long are y’all gonna keep the charade up?

Also her boyfriend said she had no fear of flying and when he visited her in Hawaii, they flew from island to island on a prop plane. His claim is she rented out a small house that had only one door for five years.

She's as phony as a three sided baseball; her and that cartoon voice of hers. I hope she's a great shrink because she sure is a lousy actress.

Isn't this similar to Bart liking beer but basketball is more important?

I fail to see that connection. I don't know what you are talking about.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

Nothing will be released it's all under Judicial review--and Ford has no power of what is going to be released, (if EVER.)

But here is a video statement from the former FBI agent that gave it to her.

Of course last night James Rotche a former Yale roommate of Kavanuagh dropped his 1000 pound bomb.

No one cares what an “ex-FBI official” has to say. It wasn’t an official polygraph, and polygraphs aren’t even used as evidence in courts because they are unreliable.

The ex-roommate had nothing on Kavanuagh and couldn’t even point out one “lie” despite CNN’s fake news headlines. He even backtracked his statements in that interview.

James Roche, the roommate of Kavanaugh pointed out several lies of Kavanaugh. Especially regarding his drinking habits back in the day. There are other witness's to this that the FBI never interviewed according to James Roche.

Right now there are protests going on everywhere, Susan Collins might as well start sending out her resume, color her gone when she goes up for reelection. My senator in Colorado, Cory Gardner, color him gone in 2020 when he's up, etc. etc. etc.

They might as well write their own obituaries. They really could not have given Democrats a better gift than this appointment.

I imagine the DNC is partying down right now


I think the problem you on the left have is you believe most of the country thinks like you. That mindset is what cost you the House, the Senate, most of the governorships across the country, the White House, and now the Supreme Court.

All women march in lockstep because women in our country are stupid, and only believe what we Democrats tell them to believe. They have no sense of right or wrong; true or false, just take our word for what they should be thinking.

Women are the majority voters in this country--and they're a force to be reckoned with.

Even a FOX NEWS poll is reflecting that women are more apt to believe Ford's testimony.

Women are more likely to believe Ford by 10 points, and among suburban women that jumps to 17. Men side with her by just 1 point. White voters divide by education: Those with a college degree believe Ford by a 14-point margin, while those without a degree side with Kavanaugh by 17.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

In the last election Trump only won 41% of the women vote. On my facebook page I have Republican women who are outraged at the comments made toward Ford. Who are they going to vote for this midterm?

You now have the me-too movement (WOMEN) that are now raising holy hell with Republican senators, and holding protests.

This is going to show up in the midterm election. There's no avoiding it. Democrats are going to play this hand to no end.

You're going to have other's like Kavanuaugh's roommate all over the media from here to doomsday.
Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

Lol. Sure.

So you know what they said 100% for sure. Great, please share with the class.
FBI report states that one of the witnesses (fords best friend at the time, who said she didn’t even know Kavanaugh) was pressured by Fords “allies” to change her testimony. Witness intimidation anyone? The more stuff that comes out, the worse it looks for Ford.

Oh and Schumer leaked the story to the press.

What does Schumer have to do with finding the truth. And how would anyone know what is in the FBI report, they are not allowed to talk about it.
They released an executive summary. And Ford stated she wanted to remain anonymous, which wasn’t all that possible after the “leak”. So the left really doesn’t care about the feelings of “victims” when it comes to pushing their politics. Either this was coordinated, or the left is perfectly happy parading an alleged victim against her will. Take your pick.
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If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

Nothing will be released it's all under Judicial review--and Ford has no power of what is going to be released, (if EVER.)

But here is a video statement from the former FBI agent that gave it to her.

Of course last night James Rotche a former Yale roommate of Kavanuagh dropped his 1000 pound bomb.

No one cares what an “ex-FBI official” has to say. It wasn’t an official polygraph, and polygraphs aren’t even used as evidence in courts because they are unreliable.

The ex-roommate had nothing on Kavanuagh and couldn’t even point out one “lie” despite CNN’s fake news headlines. He even backtracked his statements in that interview.

James Roche, the roommate of Kavanaugh pointed out several lies of Kavanaugh. Especially regarding his drinking habits back in the day. There are other witness's to this that the FBI never interviewed according to James Roche.

Right now there are protests going on everywhere, Susan Collins might as well start sending out her resume, color her gone when she goes up for reelection. My senator in Colorado, Cory Gardner, color him gone in 2020 when he's up, etc. etc. etc.

They might as well write their own obituaries. They really could not have given Democrats a better gift than this appointment.

I imagine the DNC is partying down right now


I think the problem you on the left have is you believe most of the country thinks like you. That mindset is what cost you the House, the Senate, most of the governorships across the country, the White House, and now the Supreme Court.

All women march in lockstep because women in our country are stupid, and only believe what we Democrats tell them to believe. They have no sense of right or wrong; true or false, just take our word for what they should be thinking.

Women are the majority voters in this country--and they're a force to be reckoned with.

Even a FOX NEWS poll is reflecting that women are more apt to believe Ford's testimony.

Women are more likely to believe Ford by 10 points, and among suburban women that jumps to 17. Men side with her by just 1 point. White voters divide by education: Those with a college degree believe Ford by a 14-point margin, while those without a degree side with Kavanaugh by 17.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

In the last election Trump only won 41% of the women vote. On my facebook page I have Republican women who are outraged at the comments made toward Ford. Who are they going to vote for this midterm?

You now have the me-too movement (WOMEN) that are now raising holy hell with Republican senators, and holding protests.

This is going to show up in the midterm election. There's no avoiding it. Democrats are going to play this hand to no end.

You're going to have other's like Kavanuaugh's roommate all over the media from here to doomsday.

And I hope what you say is true, that we do have more resistance from the left.

"Folks, when your adversary is making a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is not get in the way."
Rush Limbaugh

Now Gallop reported that your poll is much different from theirs:

Americans Still Closely Divided on Kavanaugh Confirmation

Furthermore your comrades in arms are also doing what they can to convince the Uninformed Voters:

Broadcasters grant only 4% of Brett Kavanaugh news coverage to judge’s side of story: Study

I would like to believe that most American women are not self-centered. They understand that we still live in a society where the presumption of innocence is the beauty of our justice system. The left is promoting that innocent until proven guilty is the old America. In the new America, it's perfectly acceptable to destroy a mans life over an unproven accusation.

But women also have sons, husbands, fathers, male employers who they would not want to see convicted by mere allegations. You might not believe this, but women care about other people besides themselves.

Many believe that this expectation of solidarity because of gender over facts is insulting.
Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?

It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.

So your saying you have no idea what happened, thank you.
Right because the accusations are so vague and baseless, no one knows what happened, nor can it even be investigated more than it has been. Because all the witnesses say “nope don’t remember anything of the sort,”...and Ford and her legal team opt to selectively offer up portions of their “evidence”. On top of that Ford has already been caught lying about the origin one of those sources of evidence, and the other she’s alleged to be lying about by her former boyfriend of 6 years. That boyfriend mentions Fords friend (that she coached on polygraphs, then allegedly lied about), who also is the same friend pressuring Fords best friend from high school to change her testimony. How long are y’all gonna keep the charade up?

So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?
Says the clowns that support Antifa, MS13 and open borders....dumbass.

I support none of that non-thinker.

Yet you support the folks that do support those, go figure....dumbass.

Not all of them for sure, but you put a serial molester and fraud in the White house, shit stain
Wait...in later post, you saying that no one knows for sure that Ford is lying, but you seem to know for sure here that Trump is a serial molester? What brain trauma did y’all go through to have such egregiously faulty logic?

Using right wing logic, cool ain't it.
Nope I just called you out on your logic, then you tried to disown the very same logic you used. At least some part of you, even though it may be a subconscious part of you, recognizes that as wrong. There may.still be hope for you.
Yeah, the stupid scrunt kept going back to the 'rape parties' 10 times or more.

Think she'd learn.

She will be rewarded by the dimocrap scum party in some way. Count on it. They'll pay her off with a job or a position

Liberal Hoes got to Hoe, especially if they got Rape parties to Go.

Pull a Train? Ain't No Thang.

I go 10 times All to get mine.

I'm with her and him and him and her, the night's a blur.

I remember everything, except how many times I sucked ding a lings.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?

Or why didn’t her attorney turn them over? Better chance she was abducted by aliens [emoji89] in a spaceship and butt proved like you Dimmy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
why do they need to talk to her exactly?

To prove her lies and prosecute if necessary. Kavvy as well!

She's the accuser. Its on her to provide the evidence. She lied and couldnt produce anything.

Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.

She has no recollections, so there was nothing to investigate. The FBI has nothing to work with. But this never had anything to do with any of that. None of her alleged witnesses backed up her story. Even her former paramour said he never heard anything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?

It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.

So your saying you have no idea what happened, thank you.
Right because the accusations are so vague and baseless, no one knows what happened, nor can it even be investigated more than it has been. Because all the witnesses say “nope don’t remember anything of the sort,”...and Ford and her legal team opt to selectively offer up portions of their “evidence”. On top of that Ford has already been caught lying about the origin one of those sources of evidence, and the other she’s alleged to be lying about by her former boyfriend of 6 years. That boyfriend mentions Fords friend (that she coached on polygraphs, then allegedly lied about), who also is the same friend pressuring Fords best friend from high school to change her testimony. How long are y’all gonna keep the charade up?

So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

Sexual assault especially years later cannot be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. But again going ahead with Kavanaugh has pissed off the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN. Republicans are in essense telling them they don't care about their issues with sexual assault & harrassment.

Right now the me too movement (Women) are up on capital hill raising holy hell with Republican Senators.


Victims of sexual assault & harrassment.

Then you have this.

The 2nd annual woman's march, January 20, 2018

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

The 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated.

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

Even Republican women are outraged over the comments made toward Dr. Ford. Susan Coliins who might as well start sending out resume's bascially stated that she believed Dr. Ford, & knew she was a victim, but was going to vote for Kavanaugh anyway. Cory Gardner Senator of Colorado might as well start sending out resume's also. In these purple, swing states they have no future in government. There's no need to talk about what's going to happen to Republicans that have seats in blue states.

A sleeping giant has awoken.

So the DNC is celebrating tonight--they've just been given a weapon of mass destruction in Brett Kavanaugh. He is going to be the star on DNC campaign platforms from here to doomsday. They're going to ride this pony to hell & back.

I still don't understand why Republicans want to fall on the sword over Brett Kavanaugh. FOR WHAT? Both Gorsuch & Kavanaugh came out of the gate in 2006 as G.W Bush nominees to the Federal District court, when Democrats owned the Judiciary. Democrats could have easily said no to them, like they had done with so many other G.W. nominees, but these two passed through the gauntlet with flying colors. For more on this click this link to redirect to the post on this thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

I imagine that the media, except FOX NEWS of course, is going to line their networks with more interviews like this.

How does a major party commit political suicide like this? How did the Republican party get this dam stupid? They knew they were in trouble with women, and went ahead and did this anyway.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

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It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.

So your saying you have no idea what happened, thank you.
Right because the accusations are so vague and baseless, no one knows what happened, nor can it even be investigated more than it has been. Because all the witnesses say “nope don’t remember anything of the sort,”...and Ford and her legal team opt to selectively offer up portions of their “evidence”. On top of that Ford has already been caught lying about the origin one of those sources of evidence, and the other she’s alleged to be lying about by her former boyfriend of 6 years. That boyfriend mentions Fords friend (that she coached on polygraphs, then allegedly lied about), who also is the same friend pressuring Fords best friend from high school to change her testimony. How long are y’all gonna keep the charade up?

So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
It’s not just him, it’s ALL the witnesses she cited too. And we have the permits showing the addition to her house was 4 years prior to the therapy session, for her in-home practice as well as a room to rent out to tenants. So the whole “we went to therapy because my husband just couldn’t understand me wanting a second front door, because of my fear of only having a single exit” was a lie. We also have the text messages of Fords party trying to convince witnesses to change their testimony.

The whole point here is that it is a he said she said. Allegations alone cannot be the standard we stand on for obvious reasons, not without corroborating evidence or a preponderance of evidence. The she said part is unraveling. The witnesses she has cited do not corroborate, and even flat out contradict her testimony. She offers no date, no time, no place, no other details outside of Kavanaugh did it, and I got away, so it’s impossible for Kavanaugh to dispute her testimony, outside of it being a he said she said. We (including the FBI) can only go off of her testimony. The only other evidence ford offers up outside of the witnesses that do not corroborate, she will not release in entirety. The FBI has interviewed the cited witnesses. The only one hindering the FBI investigation is Ford by withholding the rest of her evidence that hasn’t been flushed down the drain.

So I’ll ask again, why is it not important to you that she doesn’t just release that? Are you capable of not deflecting?

Sexual assault especially years later cannot be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. But again going ahead with Kavanaugh has pissed off the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN. Republicans are in essense telling them they don't care about their issues with sexual assault & harrassment.

Right now the me too movement (Women) are up on capital hill raising holy hell with Republican Senators.


Victims of sexual assault & harrassment.

Then you have this.

The 2nd annual woman's march, January 20, 2018

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

The 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated.

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

Even Republican women are outraged over the comments made toward Dr. Ford. Susan Coliins who might as well start sending out resume's bascially stated that she believed Dr. Ford, & knew she was a victim, but was going to vote for Kavanaugh anyway. Cory Gardner Senator of Colorado might as well start sending out resume's also. In these purple, swing states they have no future in government.

A sleeping giant has awoken.

So the DNC is celebrating tonight--they've just been given a weapon of mass destruction in Brett Kavanaugh. He is going to be the star on the DNC campaign platforms from here to doomsday. They're going to ride this pony to hell & back.

I still don't understand why Republicans want to fall on the sword for Brett Kavanaugh.
FOR WHAT? Both Gorsuch & Kavanaugh came out of the gate in 2006 as G.W Bush nominees to the Federal District court, when Democrats owned the Judiciary. Democrats could have easily said no to them, like they had done with so many other G.W. nominees, but these two passed through the gauntlet with flying colors. For more on this click this link to redirect to the post on this thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

I imagine that the media, except FOX NEWS of course is going to line their networks with more interviews like this.

How does a major party commit political suicide like this?
Blue wave coming this November 2018

What did kavanaugh do?
'If Fords testimony is true...'

Yeah, but it's not.

...and if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass on the ground every time he jumped....
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

Nothing will be released it's all under Judicial review--and Ford has no power of what is going to be released, (if EVER.)

But here is a video statement from the former FBI agent that gave it to her.

Of course last night James Rotche a former Yale roommate of Kavanuagh dropped his 1000 pound bomb.

No one cares what an “ex-FBI official” has to say. It wasn’t an official polygraph, and polygraphs aren’t even used as evidence in courts because they are unreliable.

The ex-roommate had nothing on Kavanuagh and couldn’t even point out one “lie” despite CNN’s fake news headlines. He even backtracked his statements in that interview.

James Roche, the roommate of Kavanaugh pointed out several lies of Kavanaugh. Especially regarding his drinking habits back in the day. There are other witness's to this that the FBI never interviewed according to James Roche.

Right now there are protests going on everywhere, Susan Collins might as well start sending out her resume, color her gone when she goes up for reelection. My senator in Colorado, Cory Gardner, color him gone in 2020 when he's up, etc. etc. etc.

They might as well write their own obituaries. They really could not have given Democrats a better gift than this appointment.

I imagine the DNC is partying down right now


He didn’t exopse any “lies” dumbass. He says he got drunk on the weekends. Did Kavanuagh ever deny being a drinker of beer? Nope. When pressed if he got drunk during the weekdays, he said no, it was mainly on weekends. When he was asked if Kavanuagh ever had memory loss, he refused to be specific and totally back tracked his statement. Then he tried to downplay the incident where he moved another roomate’s furniture outside, you could tell he was lying his ass off claiming he hardly knew the guy.

Now, why the fuck would the FBI interview this Assclown? Is Kavanuagh under investigation for drinking at college? Nope. This Assclown didn’t see Kavanuagh attack anyone and he had no direct knowledge of Kavanuagh ever attacking any girl. All this Assclown proved was that Kavanuagh liked beer (just as Kavanuagh said in testimony).
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

Nothing will be released it's all under Judicial review--and Ford has no power of what is going to be released, (if EVER.)

But here is a video statement from the former FBI agent that gave it to her.

Of course last night James Rotche a former Yale roommate of Kavanuagh dropped his 1000 pound bomb.

No one cares what an “ex-FBI official” has to say. It wasn’t an official polygraph, and polygraphs aren’t even used as evidence in courts because they are unreliable.

The ex-roommate had nothing on Kavanuagh and couldn’t even point out one “lie” despite CNN’s fake news headlines. He even backtracked his statements in that interview.

James Roche, the roommate of Kavanaugh pointed out several lies of Kavanaugh. Especially regarding his drinking habits back in the day. There are other witness's to this that the FBI never interviewed according to James Roche.

Right now there are protests going on everywhere, Susan Collins might as well start sending out her resume, color her gone when she goes up for reelection. My senator in Colorado, Cory Gardner, color him gone in 2020 when he's up, etc. etc. etc.

They might as well write their own obituaries. They really could not have given Democrats a better gift than this appointment.

I imagine the DNC is partying down right now


I think the problem you on the left have is you believe most of the country thinks like you. That mindset is what cost you the House, the Senate, most of the governorships across the country, the White House, and now the Supreme Court.

All women march in lockstep because women in our country are stupid, and only believe what we Democrats tell them to believe. They have no sense of right or wrong; true or false, just take our word for what they should be thinking.

Women are the majority voters in this country--and they're a force to be reckoned with.

Even a FOX NEWS poll is reflecting that women are more apt to believe Ford's testimony.

Women are more likely to believe Ford by 10 points, and among suburban women that jumps to 17. Men side with her by just 1 point. White voters divide by education: Those with a college degree believe Ford by a 14-point margin, while those without a degree side with Kavanaugh by 17.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

In the last election Trump only won 41% of the women vote. On my facebook page I have Republican women who are outraged at the comments made toward Ford. Who are they going to vote for this midterm?

You now have the me-too movement (WOMEN) that are now raising holy hell with Republican senators, and holding protests.

This is going to show up in the midterm election. There's no avoiding it. Democrats are going to play this hand to no end.

You're going to have other's like Kavanuaugh's roommate all over the media from here to doomsday.

On your Facebook page? Look who is falling for Russian propaganda.
I still don't understand why Republicans want to fall on the sword over Brett Kavanaugh. FOR WHAT?

How is the presumption of innocence falling on the sword? The presumption of innocence has been an American standard in this country since it's founding.

A peacock fans it's feathers when challenged to make it look much larger than it is. These protests (many members which are paid for) is not going intimidate the average voter. If anything, it will turn likely Democrat voters into likely Republican voters.

Keep up the good work. Midterms are right around the corner, and we need the Democrat message that a mere allegation should be enough to ruin any life they target.
Why would you be upset about the government withholding documents?
Was that question rhetorical?

They have been doing this for decades. BO claimed he would have the most transparent administration (LIE!!!!!!), but he had the least transparent. Hell...they are still withholding JFK documents.
I disagree BO had the least, but I do agree with everything else you stated.

Government sucks. It always sucks...and it exists to allow the elites to run things and enrich themselves.
The government is a reflection of us. If there is corruption in government, it is because there is corruption in our own lives. It's our fault we got the government we have.

At any rate, this is all a made up issue to prevent Trump his nominee. Nothing about this relates to Kavy. The Ds think they will get congress in November, then they will proceed to impeach and remove Trump. Then we will get a warmongering empty suit establishment asshole in Pence. Oh well....same shit different day.
It's not a made up issue and a lot of it has to do with Kavanaugh.
It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.

So your saying you have no idea what happened, thank you.
Right because the accusations are so vague and baseless, no one knows what happened, nor can it even be investigated more than it has been. Because all the witnesses say “nope don’t remember anything of the sort,”...and Ford and her legal team opt to selectively offer up portions of their “evidence”. On top of that Ford has already been caught lying about the origin one of those sources of evidence, and the other she’s alleged to be lying about by her former boyfriend of 6 years. That boyfriend mentions Fords friend (that she coached on polygraphs, then allegedly lied about), who also is the same friend pressuring Fords best friend from high school to change her testimony. How long are y’all gonna keep the charade up?

Also her boyfriend said she had no fear of flying and when he visited her in Hawaii, they flew from island to island on a prop plane. His claim is she rented out a small house that had only one door for five years.

She's as phony as a three sided baseball; her and that cartoon voice of hers. I hope she's a great shrink because she sure is a lousy actress.

Isn't this similar to Bart liking beer but basketball is more important?

I fail to see that connection. I don't know what you are talking about.

It's called lying Ray.
Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

Lol. Sure.

So you know what they said 100% for sure. Great, please share with the class.
FBI report states that one of the witnesses (fords best friend at the time, who said she didn’t even know Kavanaugh) was pressured by Fords “allies” to change her testimony. Witness intimidation anyone? The more stuff that comes out, the worse it looks for Ford.

Oh and Schumer leaked the story to the press.

What does Schumer have to do with finding the truth. And how would anyone know what is in the FBI report, they are not allowed to talk about it.
They released an executive summary. And Ford stated she wanted to remain anonymous, which wasn’t all that possible after the “leak”. So the left really doesn’t care about the feelings of “victims” when it comes to pushing their politics. Either this was coordinated, or the left is perfectly happy parading an alleged victim against her will. Take your pick.

And yet none of this is relevant to her testimony, nice deflection though.

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