If Fords testimony is true...

Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

Lol. Sure.

So you know what they said 100% for sure. Great, please share with the class.

They don't remember? Were they all blacked out drunk like ford?

nope, like Donald Jr. and Sessions

Lol, just stop it. It's all good when it's their side.
Love how you didn’t even address how you’re going to prove he drank too much based on hearsay. Which brings us to another aspect the left doesn’t want to talk about. What on earth defines excess? And you’re wrong, he did admit to drinking in excess.

Bart said so in his letter, and puking prolifically.


Truth can be.

How would you know? I haven't seen you post a true thing in this thread.

Lol, none of us know the truth.

And yet you keep posting as if you know the truth. Makes you fairly dishonest.
He wouldn't like it if you and I made false accusations against him.....without proof.

I do not like you because of how you represent yourself here, it wouldn't take that.

I don't care if you like me or not. You wouldn't like it someone falsely accused you and provided no proof.

You nor I have no idea if he was falsely accused.

Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
This misses the point.

Of course Ford's testimony is true, but that's not the issue.

The issue is whether it matters to the Senate.

And for 51 senators, Ford's truthful testimony clearly doesn't matter.

Her story has more holes in it than a target at a gun range.
The FBI ALWAYS questions the victim and the accused to get to the facts and truth and it is completely DISHONEST to claim the FBI didn't need to talk to Kavanaugh and her... just utter bull crap.

The FBI wanted nothing to do with this case from the beginning. The FBI does interview people for FEDERAL MATTERS!

SHE WANTED the FBI to interview her, UNAFRAID of lying under oath

She got enough requests honored. Who does she or her lawyers think they are telling Grassley how to do his job? Any question the FBI could have asked was already answered during their testimonies.

but Kavanaugh was scared sh*tless to have them investigate and speak to him... and so were the Republican senators scared to death of a full FBI investigation that would involve them interviewing Kavanaugh

So let's see how this interview would have gone:

FBI: did you ever go to such a party and did you do this to Mrs. Fraud?
Kav: No, I was never at such a party and nothing like that ever happened to me at any party.

So what's the next question you'd want them to ask?

so they told the FBI NOT TO INTERVIEW her because then they would have to interview him....... if they interviewed her...

Who made those rules?
I do not like you because of how you represent yourself here, it wouldn't take that.

I don't care if you like me or not. You wouldn't like it someone falsely accused you and provided no proof.

You nor I have no idea if he was falsely accused.

Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?

It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.
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Bart said so in his letter, and puking prolifically.


Truth can be.

How would you know? I haven't seen you post a true thing in this thread.

Lol, none of us know the truth.

And yet you keep posting as if you know the truth. Makes you fairly dishonest.

Nope I keep saying the FBI needs to interview both people to help get to the truth. Please try and keep up Raymond.
I do not like you because of how you represent yourself here, it wouldn't take that.

I don't care if you like me or not. You wouldn't like it someone falsely accused you and provided no proof.

You nor I have no idea if he was falsely accused.

Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?

Well probably since nothing traumatic happened to them they really wouldn't. Do you remember every party you were at in high school. Please lie and say yes.
I don't care if you like me or not. You wouldn't like it someone falsely accused you and provided no proof.

You nor I have no idea if he was falsely accused.

Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?

It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.

So your saying you have no idea what happened, thank you.
I don't care if you like me or not. You wouldn't like it someone falsely accused you and provided no proof.

You nor I have no idea if he was falsely accused.

Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

Lol. Sure.

So you know what they said 100% for sure. Great, please share with the class.
FBI report states that one of the witnesses (fords best friend at the time, who said she didn’t even know Kavanaugh) was pressured by Fords “allies” to change her testimony. Witness intimidation anyone? The more stuff that comes out, the worse it looks for Ford.

Oh and Schumer leaked the story to the press.
You nor I have no idea if he was falsely accused.

Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?

It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.

So your saying you have no idea what happened, thank you.
Right because the accusations are so vague and baseless, no one knows what happened, nor can it even be investigated more than it has been. Because all the witnesses say “nope don’t remember anything of the sort,”...and Ford and her legal team opt to selectively offer up portions of their “evidence”. On top of that Ford has already been caught lying about the origin one of those sources of evidence, and the other she’s alleged to be lying about by her former boyfriend of 6 years. That boyfriend mentions Fords friend (that she coached on polygraphs, then allegedly lied about), who also is the same friend pressuring Fords best friend from high school to change her testimony. How long are y’all gonna keep the charade up?
That’s up to authorities, not me. I could care less what happens to her. All I really care about is this confirmation. And to my previous comment, again, the Democrat operatives created this story so nothing can be proven pro or con. Democrats have become quite comfortable with the history that a simple claim is enough to do the desired damage.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

But so many do, you no longer care about law and order or the constitution, that is obvious.

Says the clowns that support Antifa, MS13 and open borders....dumbass.

I support none of that non-thinker.

Yet you support the folks that do support those, go figure....dumbass.

Not all of them for sure, but you put a serial molester and fraud in the White house, shit stain
Wait...in later post, you saying that no one knows for sure that Ford is lying, but you seem to know for sure here that Trump is a serial molester? What brain trauma did y’all go through to have such egregiously faulty logic?

How would you know? I haven't seen you post a true thing in this thread.

Lol, none of us know the truth.

And yet you keep posting as if you know the truth. Makes you fairly dishonest.

Nope I keep saying the FBI needs to interview both people to help get to the truth. Please try and keep up Raymond.
What else does the FBI need to interview on? We have both of their testimonies under oath about the incidence. One says nope didn’t happen. The other says it happened and I don’t know where or when, who drove me too and fro, and the people I cite as witness all say they don’t remember such an event. Please enlighten me on what is going to possibly change in that narrative?

How would you know? I haven't seen you post a true thing in this thread.

Lol, none of us know the truth.

And yet you keep posting as if you know the truth. Makes you fairly dishonest.

Nope I keep saying the FBI needs to interview both people to help get to the truth. Please try and keep up Raymond.
Why interview people who we already know their stance, vs looking at the entirety of the best possible evidence. Why doesn’t the left answer this question? They instead deflect too, let’s interview people who already gave their testimony...how on earth is that better than looking at the ONLY shreds of evidence to back up Ford? Why? Why? Why don’t you want to do that?
Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?

It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.

So your saying you have no idea what happened, thank you.
Right because the accusations are so vague and baseless, no one knows what happened, nor can it even be investigated more than it has been. Because all the witnesses say “nope don’t remember anything of the sort,”...and Ford and her legal team opt to selectively offer up portions of their “evidence”. On top of that Ford has already been caught lying about the origin one of those sources of evidence, and the other she’s alleged to be lying about by her former boyfriend of 6 years. That boyfriend mentions Fords friend (that she coached on polygraphs, then allegedly lied about), who also is the same friend pressuring Fords best friend from high school to change her testimony. How long are y’all gonna keep the charade up?

Also her boyfriend said she had no fear of flying and when he visited her in Hawaii, they flew from island to island on a prop plane. His claim is she rented out a small house that had only one door for five years.

She's as phony as a three sided baseball; her and that cartoon voice of hers. I hope she's a great shrink because she sure is a lousy actress.
You nor I have no idea if he was falsely accused.

Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

Lol. Sure.

So you know what they said 100% for sure. Great, please share with the class.
FBI report states that one of the witnesses (fords best friend at the time, who said she didn’t even know Kavanaugh) was pressured by Fords “allies” to change her testimony. Witness intimidation anyone? The more stuff that comes out, the worse it looks for Ford.

Oh and Schumer leaked the story to the press.

What does Schumer have to do with finding the truth. And how would anyone know what is in the FBI report, they are not allowed to talk about it.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

Nothing will be released it's all under Judicial review--and Ford has no power of what is going to be released, (if EVER.)

But here is a video statement from the former FBI agent that gave it to her.

Of course last night James Rotche a former Yale roommate of Kavanuagh dropped his 1000 pound bomb.

No one cares what an “ex-FBI official” has to say. It wasn’t an official polygraph, and polygraphs aren’t even used as evidence in courts because they are unreliable.

The ex-roommate had nothing on Kavanuagh and couldn’t even point out one “lie” despite CNN’s fake news headlines. He even backtracked his statements in that interview.

James Roche, the roommate of Kavanaugh pointed out several lies of Kavanaugh. Especially regarding his drinking habits back in the day. There are other witness's to this that the FBI never interviewed according to James Roche.

Right now there are protests going on everywhere, Susan Collins might as well start sending out her resume, color her gone when she goes up for reelection. My senator in Colorado, Cory Gardner, color him gone in 2020 when he's up, etc. etc. etc.

They might as well write their own obituaries. They really could not have given Democrats a better gift than this appointment.

I imagine the DNC is partying down right now

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Based on her lack of corroboration, we do.

Last I heard all those people said is they didn't remember not say it did not happen.

And some said they don't even remember any such party. How could it have happened if the party never existed?

It happened in her imagination 35 years later. Of course she's just like the rest of us. We cant remember what years we went to high school or college. But anyway....back to the story. Her shrink was able to reach into alice in wonderland and conjure up this lurid tale from the deep recesses of fords brain. And voila.........it was true.

So your saying you have no idea what happened, thank you.
Right because the accusations are so vague and baseless, no one knows what happened, nor can it even be investigated more than it has been. Because all the witnesses say “nope don’t remember anything of the sort,”...and Ford and her legal team opt to selectively offer up portions of their “evidence”. On top of that Ford has already been caught lying about the origin one of those sources of evidence, and the other she’s alleged to be lying about by her former boyfriend of 6 years. That boyfriend mentions Fords friend (that she coached on polygraphs, then allegedly lied about), who also is the same friend pressuring Fords best friend from high school to change her testimony. How long are y’all gonna keep the charade up?

So her ex boyfriend, he said she said lol.
But so many do, you no longer care about law and order or the constitution, that is obvious.

Says the clowns that support Antifa, MS13 and open borders....dumbass.

I support none of that non-thinker.

Yet you support the folks that do support those, go figure....dumbass.

Not all of them for sure, but you put a serial molester and fraud in the White house, shit stain
Wait...in later post, you saying that no one knows for sure that Ford is lying, but you seem to know for sure here that Trump is a serial molester? What brain trauma did y’all go through to have such egregiously faulty logic?

Using right wing logic, cool ain't it.
Truth can be.

How would you know? I haven't seen you post a true thing in this thread.

Lol, none of us know the truth.

And yet you keep posting as if you know the truth. Makes you fairly dishonest.

Nope I keep saying the FBI needs to interview both people to help get to the truth. Please try and keep up Raymond.
Why interview people who we already know their stance, vs looking at the entirety of the best possible evidence. Why doesn’t the left answer this question? They instead deflect too, let’s interview people who already gave their testimony...how on earth is that better than looking at the ONLY shreds of evidence to back up Ford? Why? Why? Why don’t you want to do that?

To set her up to lie again then prosecute her. Been saying it all thread wingnut.

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