If Fords testimony is true...

You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.

That is what the FBI is for, but they didn't speak with him.
He admitted to drinking in excess. The only people saying he mischaracterized his drinking (again barely even arguable since he admitted to drinking in excess) were college classmates. Not high school classmates. It’s also based on subjective observations, they weren’t breathylizing him and then taking notes of his BAC. Let’s not forget, these observations were from 36 years ago. And once again, all of this over 30 year old, subjective conjecture is all hearsay. So how in the unholy mother of fuck are you ever going to prove he was “dishonest” about his drinking habits in high school? This is the silliest line I’ve ever heard of.

He said he really did not drink much, he was way to busy playing basketball so his drinking in excess would therefore be impossible. His words.
Of course not, he wasn't questioned just like she wasn't.

He didn't lie in the hearing either. Now if you're talking about what others have said about his drinking, that's just as credible as his supposed attack on Ford; he said/ she said. Furthermore how one considers "to excess" is subjective. There is no legal definition of to excess. There is a limit while driving an automobile, but not what is considered drinking too much.

Bart lied about his drinking plain and simple.

So Kavanaugh said he didn't drink to excess and another person said he did, so the other person is evidence that Kavanaugh is lying?

What if Kavanaugh said his roommate was into having sex with animals? Does that mean his roommate was?

Your saying she is lying because Bart says she is, can't have it both ways!

Lying is the act of knowing the truth but stating otherwise. To prove one lied, one must prove said liar knew the truth in the first place.

Mz. Ford cannot make it to testify on Monday because she fears flying so much, she must drive across the entire country to get there. How did she answer the question on how she finally got to the hearing?

That is a proven lie.

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So why are you now against gathering more evidence to prosecute her for her lies? Not for law and order anymore?
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?

Because then somebody would be able to follow those leads. The party designed this story so nothing could be investigated. Their only goal was to stall this nomination past midterms. She claimed that she didn’t know where this was, when it was, who was there, or who hosted the party. WTF were they supposed to investigate?

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For the 100th time, if she has made provable, false accusations then it makes it easier to prosecute her! Isn't that what you want?

That’s up to authorities, not me. I could care less what happens to her. All I really care about is this confirmation. And to my previous comment, again, the Democrat operatives created this story so nothing can be proven pro or con. Democrats have become quite comfortable with the history that a simple claim is enough to do the desired damage.

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But so many do, you no longer care about law and order or the constitution, that is obvious.
She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?

Because then somebody would be able to follow those leads. The party designed this story so nothing could be investigated. Their only goal was to stall this nomination past midterms. She claimed that she didn’t know where this was, when it was, who was there, or who hosted the party. WTF were they supposed to investigate?

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lies lies lies all from your messiah trump

she knew where it was, bethesda neighborhood

she knew when it was, summer of 1982

she knew who was there, judge, kavanaugh, PJ'she knew the layout of the inside house

she knew people at the party but did not know who hosted it

the Republicans have the majority, until january 2019....even if they lose in the midterms, plenty of time to get another judge through...

they do not need a single democratic senator's vote to get a judge of trump's pick in...

they do need near all republican's vote to get one in....

and now that they have Kavanah's calendar, they have a precise date, and precise house... timmy's house, July 1st, 1982

Did the FBI talk to Timmy?
Did the FBI view the inside of Timmy's house to see if the inside layout, matches her drawing?
yep, the fbi talked to everyone she said was there. no one corroborates her story. fail.

90% of two story homes have the layout she describes.

It's made up. she has nothing of evidence. The things she claims to remember are inconsistent to a traumatic incident. No one ever forgets where a traumatic incident happened. ask any psychologist. If they don't, it never happened.
She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?
Because the FBI already has her sworn testimony, testimony that she also swore was complete at the end of her hearing. They investigate the claims she made.

Since when does the accuser get to change or add to their sworn testimony after they’ve given it - and once they’ve gained access to the diary/calendar of the accused so they can use that to embellish or add the vital missing details? Hmmmmmm?

Frauds lawyers and the Dems know this, but are pretending not to as they are aware many voters might not know this either.

It’s also why only now do they offer to hand over the therapists notes to the FBI - knowing it’s too late.

Stop feigning ignorance.
that's just bull crud

she gave an opening statement and senators only had one round of 5 minutes of questions...which she answered them all.

she did not swear that was ''all to it''

The FBI ALWAYS questions the victim and the accused to get to the facts and truth and it is completely DISHONEST to claim the FBI didn't need to talk to Kavanaugh and her... just utter bull crap.
SHE WANTED the FBI to interview her, UNAFRAID of lying under oath

but Kavanaugh was scared sh*tless to have them investigate and speak to him... and so were the Republican senators scared to death of a full FBI investigation that would involve them interviewing Kavanaugh...

so they told the FBI NOT TO INTERVIEW her because then they would have to interview him....... if they interviewed her...
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She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?
Because the FBI already has her sworn testimony, testimony that she also swore was complete at the end of her hearing. They investigate the claims she made.

Since when does the accuser get to change or add to their sworn testimony after they’ve given it - and once they’ve gained access to the diary/calendar of the accused so they can use that to embellish or add the vital missing details? Hmmmmmm?

Frauds lawyers and the Dems know this, but are pretending not to as they are aware many voters might not know this either.

It’s also why only now do they offer to hand over the therapists notes to the FBI - knowing it’s too late.

Stop feigning ignorance.
that's just bull crud

she gave an opening statement and senators only had one round of 5 minutes of questions...which she answered them all.

she did not swear that was ''all to it''

The FBI ALWAYS questions the victim and the accused to get to the facts and truth and it is completely DISHONEST to claim the FBI didn't need to talk to Kavanaugh and her... just utter bull crap.
SHE WANTED the FBI to interview her, UNAFRAID of lying under oath

but Kavanaugh was scared sh*tless to have them investigate and speak to him... and so were the Republican senators scared to death of a full FBI investigation that would involve them interviewing Kavanaugh...

so they told the FBI NOT TO INTERVIEW her because then they would have to interview him.......
but Kavanaugh was scared sh*tless to have them investigate and speak to him..

cause you know right? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: keep your leftist bent up psychology to yourself.
She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?
Because the FBI already has her sworn testimony, testimony that she also swore was complete at the end of her hearing. They investigate the claims she made.

Since when does the accuser get to change or add to their sworn testimony after they’ve given it - and once they’ve gained access to the diary/calendar of the accused so they can use that to embellish or add the vital missing details? Hmmmmmm?

Frauds lawyers and the Dems know this, but are pretending not to as they are aware many voters might not know this either.

It’s also why only now do they offer to hand over the therapists notes to the FBI - knowing it’s too late.

Stop feigning ignorance.
that's just bull crud

she gave an opening statement and senators only had one round of 5 minutes of questions...which she answered them all.

she did not swear that was ''all to it''

The FBI ALWAYS questions the victim and the accused to get to the facts and truth and it is completely DISHONEST to claim the FBI didn't need to talk to Kavanaugh and her... just utter bull crap.
SHE WANTED the FBI to interview her, UNAFRAID of lying under oath

but Kavanaugh was scared sh*tless to have them investigate and speak to him... and so were the Republican senators scared to death of a full FBI investigation that would involve them interviewing Kavanaugh...

so they told the FBI NOT TO INTERVIEW her because then they would have to interview him.......

I don't recall seeing you at the meeting. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again?
She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?
Because the FBI already has her sworn testimony, testimony that she also swore was complete at the end of her hearing. They investigate the claims she made.

Since when does the accuser get to change or add to their sworn testimony after they’ve given it - and once they’ve gained access to the diary/calendar of the accused so they can use that to embellish or add the vital missing details? Hmmmmmm?

Frauds lawyers and the Dems know this, but are pretending not to as they are aware many voters might not know this either.

It’s also why only now do they offer to hand over the therapists notes to the FBI - knowing it’s too late.

Stop feigning ignorance.
that's just bull crud

she gave an opening statement and senators only had one round of 5 minutes of questions...which she answered them all.

she did not swear that was ''all to it''

The FBI ALWAYS questions the victim and the accused to get to the facts and truth and it is completely DISHONEST to claim the FBI didn't need to talk to Kavanaugh and her... just utter bull crap.
SHE WANTED the FBI to interview her, UNAFRAID of lying under oath

but Kavanaugh was scared sh*tless to have them investigate and speak to him... and so were the Republican senators scared to death of a full FBI investigation that would involve them interviewing Kavanaugh...

so they told the FBI NOT TO INTERVIEW her because then they would have to interview him.......

I don't recall seeing you at the meeting. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again?
and he knows kavanaugh was scared shitless. how can anything this doofus say be taken seriously with that kind of outburst. that is ten times worse than kavanaugh's rant. at least kavanaugh's was justified, this doofus is just a doofus.
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.

That is what the FBI is for, but they didn't speak with him.
He admitted to drinking in excess. The only people saying he mischaracterized his drinking (again barely even arguable since he admitted to drinking in excess) were college classmates. Not high school classmates. It’s also based on subjective observations, they weren’t breathylizing him and then taking notes of his BAC. Let’s not forget, these observations were from 36 years ago. And once again, all of this over 30 year old, subjective conjecture is all hearsay. So how in the unholy mother of fuck are you ever going to prove he was “dishonest” about his drinking habits in high school? This is the silliest line I’ve ever heard of.

He said he really did not drink much, he was way to busy playing basketball so his drinking in excess would therefore be impossible. His words.
No, that’s not what he said.
He didn't lie in the hearing either. Now if you're talking about what others have said about his drinking, that's just as credible as his supposed attack on Ford; he said/ she said. Furthermore how one considers "to excess" is subjective. There is no legal definition of to excess. There is a limit while driving an automobile, but not what is considered drinking too much.

Bart lied about his drinking plain and simple.

So Kavanaugh said he didn't drink to excess and another person said he did, so the other person is evidence that Kavanaugh is lying?

What if Kavanaugh said his roommate was into having sex with animals? Does that mean his roommate was?

Your saying she is lying because Bart says she is, can't have it both ways!

Lying is the act of knowing the truth but stating otherwise. To prove one lied, one must prove said liar knew the truth in the first place.

Mz. Ford cannot make it to testify on Monday because she fears flying so much, she must drive across the entire country to get there. How did she answer the question on how she finally got to the hearing?

That is a proven lie.

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So why are you now against gathering more evidence to prosecute her for her lies? Not for law and order anymore?
How do you know that won’t happen?
She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?
Because the FBI already has her sworn testimony, testimony that she also swore was complete at the end of her hearing. They investigate the claims she made.

Since when does the accuser get to change or add to their sworn testimony after they’ve given it - and once they’ve gained access to the diary/calendar of the accused so they can use that to embellish or add the vital missing details? Hmmmmmm?

Frauds lawyers and the Dems know this, but are pretending not to as they are aware many voters might not know this either.

It’s also why only now do they offer to hand over the therapists notes to the FBI - knowing it’s too late.

Stop feigning ignorance.
that's just bull crud

she gave an opening statement and senators only had one round of 5 minutes of questions...which she answered them all.

she did not swear that was ''all to it''

The FBI ALWAYS questions the victim and the accused to get to the facts and truth and it is completely DISHONEST to claim the FBI didn't need to talk to Kavanaugh and her... just utter bull crap.
SHE WANTED the FBI to interview her, UNAFRAID of lying under oath

but Kavanaugh was scared sh*tless to have them investigate and speak to him... and so were the Republican senators scared to death of a full FBI investigation that would involve them interviewing Kavanaugh...

so they told the FBI NOT TO INTERVIEW her because then they would have to interview him.......
She gave her testimony. She could have said whatever she wanted in her statement.
She doesn’t get to embellish and add stuff after she’s seen Kavs diary, no matter how much you and the leftards want that, for obvious reasons.

It is no doubt the reason they made the unprecedented demand that Kav testify first, before her baseless allegations had even been made officially so that he could counter them.

Nice try, but absolutely no cigar! :funnyface:
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.

That is what the FBI is for, but they didn't speak with him.
He admitted to drinking in excess. The only people saying he mischaracterized his drinking (again barely even arguable since he admitted to drinking in excess) were college classmates. Not high school classmates. It’s also based on subjective observations, they weren’t breathylizing him and then taking notes of his BAC. Let’s not forget, these observations were from 36 years ago. And once again, all of this over 30 year old, subjective conjecture is all hearsay. So how in the unholy mother of fuck are you ever going to prove he was “dishonest” about his drinking habits in high school? This is the silliest line I’ve ever heard of.

He said he really did not drink much, he was way to busy playing basketball so his drinking in excess would therefore be impossible. His words.
Love how you didn’t even address how you’re going to prove he drank too much based on hearsay. Which brings us to another aspect the left doesn’t want to talk about. What on earth defines excess? And you’re wrong, he did admit to drinking in excess.
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?

Because then somebody would be able to follow those leads. The party designed this story so nothing could be investigated. Their only goal was to stall this nomination past midterms. She claimed that she didn’t know where this was, when it was, who was there, or who hosted the party. WTF were they supposed to investigate?

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For the 100th time, if she has made provable, false accusations then it makes it easier to prosecute her! Isn't that what you want?

That’s up to authorities, not me. I could care less what happens to her. All I really care about is this confirmation. And to my previous comment, again, the Democrat operatives created this story so nothing can be proven pro or con. Democrats have become quite comfortable with the history that a simple claim is enough to do the desired damage.

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But so many do, you no longer care about law and order or the constitution, that is obvious.

Says the clowns that support Antifa, MS13 and open borders....dumbass.
She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?
Because the FBI already has her sworn testimony, testimony that she also swore was complete at the end of her hearing. They investigate the claims she made.

Since when does the accuser get to change or add to their sworn testimony after they’ve given it - and once they’ve gained access to the diary/calendar of the accused so they can use that to embellish or add the vital missing details? Hmmmmmm?

Frauds lawyers and the Dems know this, but are pretending not to as they are aware many voters might not know this either.

It’s also why only now do they offer to hand over the therapists notes to the FBI - knowing it’s too late.

Stop feigning ignorance.
that's just bull crud

she gave an opening statement and senators only had one round of 5 minutes of questions...which she answered them all.

she did not swear that was ''all to it''

The FBI ALWAYS questions the victim and the accused to get to the facts and truth and it is completely DISHONEST to claim the FBI didn't need to talk to Kavanaugh and her... just utter bull crap.
SHE WANTED the FBI to interview her, UNAFRAID of lying under oath

but Kavanaugh was scared sh*tless to have them investigate and speak to him... and so were the Republican senators scared to death of a full FBI investigation that would involve them interviewing Kavanaugh...

so they told the FBI NOT TO INTERVIEW her because then they would have to interview him.......
She gave her testimony. She could have said whatever she wanted in her statement.
She doesn’t get to embellish and add stuff after she’s seen Kavs diary, no matter how much you and the leftards want that, for obvious reasons.

It is no doubt the reason they made the unprecedented demand that Kav testify first, before her baseless allegations had even been made officially so that he could counter them.

Nice try, but absolutely no cigar! :funnyface:

I've believed all along that she was purposely vague to prevent giving him a solid location and date so he couldn't easily prove he wasn't there. Then they hooked to make him go first so they could find gaps they could exploit.
She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?

Because then somebody would be able to follow those leads. The party designed this story so nothing could be investigated. Their only goal was to stall this nomination past midterms. She claimed that she didn’t know where this was, when it was, who was there, or who hosted the party. WTF were they supposed to investigate?

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lies lies lies all from your messiah trump

she knew where it was, bethesda neighborhood

she knew when it was, summer of 1982

she knew who was there, judge, kavanaugh, PJ

she knew the layout of the inside house

she knew people at the party but did not know who hosted it

the Republicans have the majority, until january 2019....even if they lose in the midterms, plenty of time to get another judge through...

they do not need a single democratic senator's vote to get a judge of trump's pick in...

they do need near all republican's vote to get one in....

and now that they have Kavanah's calendar, they have a precise date, and precise house... timmy's house, July 1st, 1982

Did the FBI talk to Timmy?
Did the FBI view the inside of Timmy's house to see if the inside layout, matches her drawing?

They have no idea where the house is or who’s house it was. Would you like me to dig up her claim and post it here when I get home?

Who attends a party uninvited? If she went with somebody that was invited, that’s a pretty hard thing to forget, wouldn’t you think?

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If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
This misses the point.

Of course Ford's testimony is true, but that's not the issue.

The issue is whether it matters to the Senate.

And for 51 senators, Ford's truthful testimony clearly doesn't matter.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
This misses the point.

Of course Ford's testimony is true, but that's not the issue.

The issue is whether it matters to the Senate.

And for 51 senators, Ford's truthful testimony clearly doesn't matter.
Oh shit guys, we all forgot...Clayton has Bruce Willis powers in the documentary Unbreakable. He touched Kavanaugh and saw it all. I guess we’ll be seeing kav tonight on the news being dragged away in handcuffs saying “and I would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for that meddling Clayton.”

If it’s all truthful, why is she withholding the only evidence that isn’t rapidly unraveling? How exactly do you know it’s true there Columbo?
He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.

That is what the FBI is for, but they didn't speak with him.
He admitted to drinking in excess. The only people saying he mischaracterized his drinking (again barely even arguable since he admitted to drinking in excess) were college classmates. Not high school classmates. It’s also based on subjective observations, they weren’t breathylizing him and then taking notes of his BAC. Let’s not forget, these observations were from 36 years ago. And once again, all of this over 30 year old, subjective conjecture is all hearsay. So how in the unholy mother of fuck are you ever going to prove he was “dishonest” about his drinking habits in high school? This is the silliest line I’ve ever heard of.

He said he really did not drink much, he was way to busy playing basketball so his drinking in excess would therefore be impossible. His words.
Love how you didn’t even address how you’re going to prove he drank too much based on hearsay. Which brings us to another aspect the left doesn’t want to talk about. What on earth defines excess? And you’re wrong, he did admit to drinking in excess.

He wouldn't like it if you and I made false accusations against him.....without proof.
Ford had no testimony-
“One beer....it was him....don’t know anything else...” is not testimony
Bart lied about his drinking plain and simple.

So Kavanaugh said he didn't drink to excess and another person said he did, so the other person is evidence that Kavanaugh is lying?

What if Kavanaugh said his roommate was into having sex with animals? Does that mean his roommate was?

Your saying she is lying because Bart says she is, can't have it both ways!

Lying is the act of knowing the truth but stating otherwise. To prove one lied, one must prove said liar knew the truth in the first place.

Mz. Ford cannot make it to testify on Monday because she fears flying so much, she must drive across the entire country to get there. How did she answer the question on how she finally got to the hearing?

That is a proven lie.

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So why are you now against gathering more evidence to prosecute her for her lies? Not for law and order anymore?
How do you know that won’t happen?

Because now for the FBI to go back an interview both of them would make what just happen look like a sham investigation.

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