If Fords testimony is true...

If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
The investigation is over and a procedural vote is scheduled for Saturday. All of this is over, I think.

procedural is on Friday

actual vote is Saturday

Which means the hysteria will increase until Saturday.
She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?
Because the FBI already has her sworn testimony, testimony that she also swore was complete at the end of her hearing. They investigate the claims she made.

Since when does the accuser get to change or add to their sworn testimony after they’ve given it - and once they’ve gained access to the diary/calendar of the accused so they can use that to embellish or add the vital missing details? Hmmmmmm?

Frauds lawyers and the Dems know this, but are pretending not to as they are aware many voters might not know this either.

It’s also why only now do they offer to hand over the therapists notes to the FBI - knowing it’s too late.

Stop feigning ignorance.
What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI
No it doesn't, use your head. It means she has more to tell. You are not thinking clearly.
Sniffles may make it to the scotus because Donnie limited the FBI investigation to four people who had already spoken, but the many people who could corroborate Kavanaugh's lies were left out. Criminals take notice, just contact the pussy grabber he'll help you out. Just support his businesses.

Yale roommate says Kavanaugh lied under oath about drinking and yearbook - CNNPolitics

Trump's FBI, ask four people who would actually indict themselves and you get what answer. Every criminal should take notice, but judge my fellow bank robber agrees, we didn't do it. No problem then Sniffles you are free to serve on the highest court in America and help the corporations and the wealthy while hurting the working class, carry on.

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Right, because if his roommate said it, it must be true, just like what Ford said must be true.

You people on the left don't know the difference between evidence and accusations. Anybody can make an accusation, but cold hard evidence is impossible to refute.
They do know the difference, but pretend not to when it suits them.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

She should have been questioned by the FBI.
why? did she forget something from her testimony investigation under oath in the senate committee?
Yep. She didn’t have access to Kavs diary/calendar then :wink:
What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI
No it doesn't, use your head. It means she has more to tell. You are not thinking clearly.

You're saying she withheld vital evidence in the hearings. Who does that and why? Think about it and realize how ludicrous that is.

"Wait! The game isn't over just because the whistle blew. I haven't put my star player in yet".
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.
What would you accept as proof?
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?
if she wasn't lying - then why did her and her "allies" have to coerce people to testify and change their own statements?

Friend of Dr. Ford Felt Pressure to Revisit Statement

this should be fun watching this one get justified. the wall street journal will be hard to blow off as partisan.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
The investigation is over and a procedural vote is scheduled for Saturday. All of this is over, I think.

procedural is on Friday

actual vote is Saturday

Which means the hysteria will increase until Saturday.

how unhinged will the left become

if Trump gets to fill Ruths seat

Oh yes she is. She has ties to the CIA and lies repeatedly. She is a radical D like you, big on baby killing like you, and can’t remember any details.

That said dump Kavy and nominate a female clone of Scalia, and let the Ds squeal.
I'm not a democrat, asshole. And what about the FBI report the GOP won't let Americans see? Also, what about the over 100,000 documents the WH won't let Americans see? Don't talk to me about who withholds what.
Why would you be upset about the government withholding documents? They have been doing this for decades. BO claimed he would have the most transparent administration (LIE!!!!!!), but he had the least transparent. Hell...they are still withholding JFK documents.

Government sucks. It always sucks...and it exists to allow the elites to run things and enrich themselves.

At any rate, this is all a made up issue to prevent Trump his nominee. Nothing about this relates to Kavy. The Ds think they will get congress in November, then they will proceed to impeach and remove Trump. Then we will get a warmongering empty suit establishment asshole in Pence. Oh well....same shit different day.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
From the very beginning. She said she only wanted the truth to come out, but denied access to the evidence.

Then when it looks like the FBI won't drag things further. Here is this polygraph stall.

Doesn't sound like she wanted the truth after all. She wanted a stall.

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Thats exactly what she wanted.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?
She lied about fear of flying, yet she has flown all over the place. She lied about the Safeway thing. She can't remember dates, times, locations, people present, etc. Along with her enormous ties to the radical left, abortionists, and the CIA...she lost all credibility.

This is akin to a Soviet era show trial. Don't fall for the propaganda.

That said, I don't like Kavy and want him dumped. He is a big Bushy and he lied too, about his drinking problem. We can do better.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.

That is what the FBI is for, but they didn't speak with him.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof”
1. Her testimony is NOT true - proven. She lied.

2. She has no evidence.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?
She lied about fear of flying, yet she has flown all over the place. She lied about the Safeway thing. She can't remember dates, times, locations, people present, etc. Along with her enormous ties to the radical left, abortionists, and the CIA...she lost all credibility.

This is akin to a Soviet era show trial. Don't fall for the propaganda.

That said, I don't like Kavy and want him dumped. He is a big Bushy and he lied too, about his drinking problem. We can do better.
what ties to the CIA?
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.

That is what the FBI is for, but they didn't speak with him.
the fbi is NOT for one side to use as they see fit to justify their...fits.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?

Because then somebody would be able to follow those leads. The party designed this story so nothing could be investigated. Their only goal was to stall this nomination past midterms. She claimed that she didn’t know where this was, when it was, who was there, or who hosted the party. WTF were they supposed to investigate?

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You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?

Because then somebody would be able to follow those leads. The party designed this story so nothing could be investigated. Their only goal was to stall this nomination past midterms. She claimed that she didn’t know where this was, when it was, who was there, or who hosted the party. WTF were they supposed to investigate?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I know. What are they supposed to investigate. Lol. Its insane.

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