If Fords testimony is true...

You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?
Because you’re under oath and are subject to purgoury, so you want to be as vague as possible so that no one can pinpoint a lie. Why I am having to explain that very very simple concept?
lying under oath will be the end of Kavanaugh's sexual assault misery.
That is exactly what Ford did for Kavanaugh. By Lying Under Oath she completely exposed The DemNazi Party for the Lying Marxist Unethical, Evil Party that they are.

Expect to see Feinstein, McLean, Katz, and Ford investigated in the upcoming months. I expect Avanatti might also have The Bar look at his unscrupulous behavior as well as The IRS because he owes more back taxes than Al "Race Hustler" Sharpton.

Ford didn't lie, but Kavenaugh did, time and time again. Proveable lies about his drinking, and about his work. There's the documentation requested that wasn't produced and his whole behaviour and demeanor on the witness stand. When you apply for a job, you don't berate and question the HR personnel interviewing you. Kavenaugh was very partisan, and he bahaved as such and was combative and disrespectful to the Democratic senators and did not conduct himself well.

Drunk, ill tempered and lying are not the character traits one wants in a SC justice. Of course when the President is a lying criminal and he hires lying criminals for his administration, what do you expect.
It is possible that her tale of woe is entirely true. Nobody can prove it false.

But our courts are filled every day with people - mainly women - who tell similar tales, often to the extent of having every eye in the courtroom weepy-eyed in sympathy, only to be proven wrong the following day by hard evidence, eyewitness testimony to the contrary, time and place contradictions, and so on.

Which is why when a accuser tells a tale like this, prosecutors INSIST ON CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCE. Especially when the tale is totally inconsistent with (a) what other people say about the time in question, and (b) the lifelong pattern of behavior of the accused.

The real question is, when her tale is so old, so unsupported, so unlikely to be true, and so politically convenient...why so many people are utterly convinced that she is telling the truth and Judge K is lying.

Are they really convinced, or are they just carrying out their mission of trying to prevent him from getting on the Supreme Court because they know that the cornerstone of Leftist Ideology - Roe v Wade - is hanging by a thread, and could very easily be overturned the first time an appropriate case comes before the court.

One wonders, if these bastards are willing to compromise themselves so thoroughly over this issue, would they stop before assassinating one of the "conservative" justices on the USSC? It is a real concern. Especially if a Democrat wins the WH in 2020.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?
Because you’re under oath and are subject to purgoury, so you want to be as vague as possible so that no one can pinpoint a lie. Why I am having to explain that very very simple concept?

That's why trained interrogators ask the same question multiple times in different ways. Had they treated Ford like she was actually bringing suit against Kavanaugh, they would never have allowed her vague answers to stand unchallenged. They gave her the kid glove treatment.
It is possible that her tale of woe is entirely true. Nobody can prove it false.

But our courts are filled every day with people - mainly women - who tell similar tales, often to the extent of having every eye in the courtroom weepy-eyed in sympathy, only to be proven wrong the following day by hard evidence, eyewitness testimony to the contrary, time and place contradictions, and so on.

Which is why when a accuser tells a tale like this, prosecutors INSIST ON CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCE. Especially when the tale is totally inconsistent with (a) what other people say about the time in question, and (b) the lifelong pattern of behavior of the accused.

The real question is, when her tale is so old, so unsupported, so unlikely to be true, and so politically convenient...why so many people are utterly convinced that she is telling the truth and Judge K is lying.

Are they really convinced, or are they just carrying out their mission of trying to prevent him from getting on the Supreme Court because they know that the cornerstone of Leftist Ideology - Roe v Wade - is hanging by a thread, and could very easily be overturned the first time an appropriate case comes before the court.

One wonders, if these bastards are willing to compromise themselves so thoroughly over this issue, would they stop before assassinating one of the "conservative" justices on the USSC? It is a real concern. Especially if a Democrat wins the WH in 2020.

Agreed. Her tale is most convenient for HER side, which of course exposes her as a liar.

2020??? Hell if the Ds get the Senate in November, they will refuse to approve any SC justice Trump puts up. The House will go forward with impeachment proceeding and the craziness of the Left will reach a fevered pitch. Shitfaced Schumer will say we can't approve a justice, when the House is impeaching.

I think it might be great fun, but then I have a sick sense of humor.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?
She lied about fear of flying, yet she has flown all over the place. She lied about the Safeway thing. She can't remember dates, times, locations, people present, etc. Along with her enormous ties to the radical left, abortionists, and the CIA...she lost all credibility.

This is akin to a Soviet era show trial. Don't fall for the propaganda.

That said, I don't like Kavy and want him dumped. He is a big Bushy and he lied too, about his drinking problem. We can do better.
you know, there's another interesting thing, she can't remember where a traumatic incident occurred, but knows later she saw Judge at a grocery store. It doesn't get any better than that right there. Anyone who believes that is truly ignoring reality. I do know you're out there, but just know, to believe her is ignoring reality.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.

That is what the FBI is for, but they didn't speak with him.
the fbi is NOT for one side to use as they see fit to justify their...fits.

That is why you interview both.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?

Because then somebody would be able to follow those leads. The party designed this story so nothing could be investigated. Their only goal was to stall this nomination past midterms. She claimed that she didn’t know where this was, when it was, who was there, or who hosted the party. WTF were they supposed to investigate?

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For the 100th time, if she has made provable, false accusations then it makes it easier to prosecute her! Isn't that what you want?
She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?
Because the FBI already has her sworn testimony, testimony that she also swore was complete at the end of her hearing. They investigate the claims she made.

Since when does the accuser get to change or add to their sworn testimony after they’ve given it - and once they’ve gained access to the diary/calendar of the accused so they can use that to embellish or add the vital missing details? Hmmmmmm?

Frauds lawyers and the Dems know this, but are pretending not to as they are aware many voters might not know this either.

It’s also why only now do they offer to hand over the therapists notes to the FBI - knowing it’s too late.

Stop feigning ignorance.
BTW, aren't most of the senators lawyers? hly fk are they bad lawyers. they don't even know the constitution. how the fk did they pass the bar?
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.

That is what the FBI is for, but they didn't speak with him.
the fbi is NOT for one side to use as they see fit to justify their...fits.

Nope I want them to gather evidence to prosecute her for false testimony, why don't you? Are you not for law and order anymore? Or the constitution?
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

He did not admit to drinking to the excesses that he did. All he said was he liked beer and basketball.
Prove it.

That is what the FBI is for, but they didn't speak with him.
He admitted to drinking in excess. The only people saying he mischaracterized his drinking (again barely even arguable since he admitted to drinking in excess) were college classmates. Not high school classmates. It’s also based on subjective observations, they weren’t breathylizing him and then taking notes of his BAC. Let’s not forget, these observations were from 36 years ago. And once again, all of this over 30 year old, subjective conjecture is all hearsay. So how in the unholy mother of fuck are you ever going to prove he was “dishonest” about his drinking habits in high school? This is the silliest line I’ve ever heard of.
Problem is he didn't tell any lies to the FBI.

Of course not, he wasn't questioned just like she wasn't.

He didn't lie in the hearing either. Now if you're talking about what others have said about his drinking, that's just as credible as his supposed attack on Ford; he said/ she said. Furthermore how one considers "to excess" is subjective. There is no legal definition of to excess. There is a limit while driving an automobile, but not what is considered drinking too much.

Bart lied about his drinking plain and simple.

So Kavanaugh said he didn't drink to excess and another person said he did, so the other person is evidence that Kavanaugh is lying?

What if Kavanaugh said his roommate was into having sex with animals? Does that mean his roommate was?

Your saying she is lying because Bart says she is, can't have it both ways!

Lying is the act of knowing the truth but stating otherwise. To prove one lied, one must prove said liar knew the truth in the first place.

Mz. Ford cannot make it to testify on Monday because she fears flying so much, she must drive across the entire country to get there. How did she answer the question on how she finally got to the hearing?

That is a proven lie.

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lying under oath will be the end of Kavanaugh's sexual assault misery.
That is exactly what Ford did for Kavanaugh. By Lying Under Oath she completely exposed The DemNazi Party for the Lying Marxist Unethical, Evil Party that they are.

Expect to see Feinstein, McLean, Katz, and Ford investigated in the upcoming months. I expect Avanatti might also have The Bar look at his unscrupulous behavior as well as The IRS because he owes more back taxes than Al "Race Hustler" Sharpton.

Ford didn't lie, but Kavenaugh did, time and time again. Proveable lies about his drinking, and about his work. There's the documentation requested that wasn't produced and his whole behaviour and demeanor on the witness stand. When you apply for a job, you don't berate and question the HR personnel interviewing you. Kavenaugh was very partisan, and he bahaved as such and was combative and disrespectful to the Democratic senators and did not conduct himself well.

Drunk, ill tempered and lying are not the character traits one wants in a SC justice. Of course when the President is a lying criminal and he hires lying criminals for his administration, what do you expect.
Ford did lie. She stated that she had went to the therapy session in question, over a dispute with her husband on getting a second front door installed onto their house. She said, her husband did not understand why it was necessary, and it came out in the therapy session that ever since the alleged Kav assault, she had a fear of tight spaces with only one exit, which is why the 2nd door was needed. This was a lie, the door was installed 4 years before the therapy session, and served as a separate entrance for another wing to their house where ford could use as an in house practice, as well as rent it out to students and whatnot. Wanna try again?
Of course not, he wasn't questioned just like she wasn't.

He didn't lie in the hearing either. Now if you're talking about what others have said about his drinking, that's just as credible as his supposed attack on Ford; he said/ she said. Furthermore how one considers "to excess" is subjective. There is no legal definition of to excess. There is a limit while driving an automobile, but not what is considered drinking too much.

Bart lied about his drinking plain and simple.

So Kavanaugh said he didn't drink to excess and another person said he did, so the other person is evidence that Kavanaugh is lying?

What if Kavanaugh said his roommate was into having sex with animals? Does that mean his roommate was?

Your saying she is lying because Bart says she is, can't have it both ways!

Lying is the act of knowing the truth but stating otherwise. To prove one lied, one must prove said liar knew the truth in the first place.

Mz. Ford cannot make it to testify on Monday because she fears flying so much, she must drive across the entire country to get there. How did she answer the question on how she finally got to the hearing?

That is a proven lie.

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She lived in Hawaii for some time, yet she was afraid to fly. I wonder how she got there and back.
She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?

Because then somebody would be able to follow those leads. The party designed this story so nothing could be investigated. Their only goal was to stall this nomination past midterms. She claimed that she didn’t know where this was, when it was, who was there, or who hosted the party. WTF were they supposed to investigate?

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For the 100th time, if she has made provable, false accusations then it makes it easier to prosecute her! Isn't that what you want?

That’s up to authorities, not me. I could care less what happens to her. All I really care about is this confirmation. And to my previous comment, again, the Democrat operatives created this story so nothing can be proven pro or con. Democrats have become quite comfortable with the history that a simple claim is enough to do the desired damage.

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She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?
She lied about fear of flying, yet she has flown all over the place. She lied about the Safeway thing. She can't remember dates, times, locations, people present, etc. Along with her enormous ties to the radical left, abortionists, and the CIA...she lost all credibility.

This is akin to a Soviet era show trial. Don't fall for the propaganda.

That said, I don't like Kavy and want him dumped. He is a big Bushy and he lied too, about his drinking problem. We can do better.
you know, there's another interesting thing, she can't remember where a traumatic incident occurred, but knows later she saw Judge at a grocery store. It doesn't get any better than that right there. Anyone who believes that is truly ignoring reality. I do know you're out there, but just know, to believe her is ignoring reality.

What I find interesting is that she doesn’t know how she got home or with whom.

This was the early 80’s. Kids didn’t have cell phones back then. So if somebody at the party didn’t bring her, that means somebody dropped her off. Because she lived almost ten miles away, she would have had to use somebody’s phone or go to a pay phone, call that person, and tell that person where she was at.

That’s a hell of a lot to forget. I just don’t buy it.

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If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

This is the same FBI the Dems weaponized Prior to the 2016 Election (Mueller Investigation). The problem now is none of their cronies are there anymore. So as long as the left controlled the FBI/ DOJ their findings and actions were unimpeachable. Now that they don't "They are Incompetent Cronies " WTF. "The truth is what is convenient today is the Progressive way" should be their Slogan!!! Confirm 51 times. Then go vote republican and continue to drain the swamp. We The People are the ones who drain the Swamp with every vote.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?
She lied about fear of flying, yet she has flown all over the place. She lied about the Safeway thing. She can't remember dates, times, locations, people present, etc. Along with her enormous ties to the radical left, abortionists, and the CIA...she lost all credibility.

This is akin to a Soviet era show trial. Don't fall for the propaganda.

That said, I don't like Kavy and want him dumped. He is a big Bushy and he lied too, about his drinking problem. We can do better.
you know, there's another interesting thing, she can't remember where a traumatic incident occurred, but knows later she saw Judge at a grocery store. It doesn't get any better than that right there. Anyone who believes that is truly ignoring reality. I do know you're out there, but just know, to believe her is ignoring reality.

What I find interesting is that she doesn’t know how she got home or with whom.

This was the early 80’s. Kids didn’t have cell phones back then. So if somebody at the party didn’t bring her, that means somebody dropped her off. Because she lived almost ten miles away, she would have had to use somebody’s phone or go to a pay phone, call that person, and tell that person where she was at.

That’s a hell of a lot to forget. I just don’t buy it.

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And, if she had arranged with someone to take her home, either they would want to know why she was leaving early, or if she went for someone else, why she didn't need their ride, and both can be checked out. The whole thing smacks of trying to avoid giving verifiable evidence.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
if she was lying...

Why would she not just fill in the blanks with lies? Why leave the blanks open?

If you are going to lie, why not lie all the way?

Because then somebody would be able to follow those leads. The party designed this story so nothing could be investigated. Their only goal was to stall this nomination past midterms. She claimed that she didn’t know where this was, when it was, who was there, or who hosted the party. WTF were they supposed to investigate?

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lies lies lies all from your messiah trump

she knew where it was, bethesda neighborhood

she knew when it was, summer of 1982

she knew who was there, judge, kavanaugh, PJ

she knew the layout of the inside house

she knew people at the party but did not know who hosted it

the Republicans have the majority, until january 2019....even if they lose in the midterms, plenty of time to get another judge through...

they do not need a single democratic senator's vote to get a judge of trump's pick in...

they do need near all republican's vote to get one in....

and now that they have Kavanah's calendar, they have a precise date, and precise house... timmy's house, July 1st, 1982

Did the FBI talk to Timmy?
Did the FBI view the inside of Timmy's house to see if the inside layout, matches her drawing?
Last edited:
lying under oath will be the end of Kavanaugh's sexual assault misery.
That is exactly what Ford did for Kavanaugh. By Lying Under Oath she completely exposed The DemNazi Party for the Lying Marxist Unethical, Evil Party that they are.

Expect to see Feinstein, McLean, Katz, and Ford investigated in the upcoming months. I expect Avanatti might also have The Bar look at his unscrupulous behavior as well as The IRS because he owes more back taxes than Al "Race Hustler" Sharpton.

In case people ever forget! The Supporters of Fascism , Socialism, In Germany began gaining power through the intimidation of political adversaries , Attacking dissenters, and ultimately turning Germany into a Dictatorship Run by the Elite, with a foundation base on lies and hate and Socialist Propaganda. I don't need the Govt to be in control of my mind or my GUNS.

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