If Fords testimony is true...

If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

Nothing will be released it's all under Judicial review--and Ford has no power of what is going to be released, (if EVER.)

But here is a video statement from the former FBI agent that gave it to her.

Of course last night James Rotche a former Yale roommate of Kavanuagh dropped his 1000 pound bomb.

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If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

Nothing will be released it's all under Judicial review--and Ford has no power of what is going to be released, (if EVER.)

But here is a video statement from the former FBI agent that gave it to her.

Ford is a lying bitch... So shut the fuck up
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
The investigation is over and a procedural vote is scheduled for Saturday. All of this is over, I think.

procedural is on Friday

actual vote is Saturday
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

Nothing will be released it's all under Judicial review--and Ford has no power of what is going to be released, (if EVER.)

But here is a video statement from the former FBI agent that gave it to her.

Of course last night James Rotche a former Yale roommate of Kavanuagh dropped his 1000 pound bomb.

No one cares what an “ex-FBI official” has to say. It wasn’t an official polygraph, and polygraphs aren’t even used as evidence in courts because they are unreliable.

The ex-roommate had nothing on Kavanuagh and couldn’t even point out one “lie” despite CNN’s fake news headlines. He even backtracked his statements in that interview.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

Great points she would be jumping to release her therapists notes , if it meant stopping her accused attempted rapist. Its crap .. all crap. The Democrats are all about mob rule these days and into the power of the presumption instead of the preponderance of the evidence. they are petulant children but they are dangerous to the republic
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
From the very beginning. She said she only wanted the truth to come out, but denied access to the evidence.

Then when it looks like the FBI won't drag things further. Here is this polygraph stall.

Doesn't sound like she wanted the truth after all. She wanted a stall.

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If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
She isn't hiding anything, asshole, but the WH is.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
She isn't hiding anything, asshole, but the WH is.
Oh yes she is. She has ties to the CIA and lies repeatedly. She is a radical D like you, big on baby killing like you, and can’t remember any details.

That said dump Kavy and nominate a female clone of Scalia, and let the Ds squeal.
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

She should have been questioned by the FBI.
Why? Did she not tell the whole story under oath?

Not the point I am making. You folks are so sure she is lying, have her lie to the FBI and se ez how it plays.
So your point is let her get interviewed by the FBI...we don’t give a fuck. The problem is this is a bunk request because there is nothing further to say to the FBI. The point of this thread is, if she wants to spread the truth, why not release her only evidence in its entirety? It’s not odd to you that if she’s sooo traumatized by kavanaugh, why is she withholding the only thing that could possibly stop him from becoming a justice?

I am saying, for all the nutters that want her in jail and there are many on here that do, let her tell these "lies" to the FBI. Plus these guys are actual professional investigators and see how the chips fall. Same for Bart.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

Problem is he didn't tell any lies to the FBI.

Of course not, he wasn't questioned just like she wasn't.

He didn't lie in the hearing either. Now if you're talking about what others have said about his drinking, that's just as credible as his supposed attack on Ford; he said/ she said. Furthermore how one considers "to excess" is subjective. There is no legal definition of to excess. There is a limit while driving an automobile, but not what is considered drinking too much.

Bart lied about his drinking plain and simple.

So Kavanaugh said he didn't drink to excess and another person said he did, so the other person is evidence that Kavanaugh is lying?

What if Kavanaugh said his roommate was into having sex with animals? Does that mean his roommate was?

Your saying she is lying because Bart says she is, can't have it both ways!
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
Exactly correct he lied and should not be confirmed.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !

She lied. She'll have to answer for that.
what was her lie? can you point it out in her testimony??
Ford isn’t credible. Her ties to the CIA and her lack of details of the event, make it so.

That said, Kavy should not be approved. He may have lied and he is a Bushy. This disqualifies him IMHO.

Donnie should nominate a female Scalia clone, and let the games begin all over again.
Exactly correct he lied and should not be confirmed.
Works for me
Oh yes she is. She has ties to the CIA and lies repeatedly. She is a radical D like you, big on baby killing like you, and can’t remember any details.

That said dump Kavy and nominate a female clone of Scalia, and let the Ds squeal.
I'm not a democrat, asshole. And what about the FBI report the GOP won't let Americans see? Also, what about the over 100,000 documents the WH won't let Americans see? Don't talk to me about who withholds what.

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