If Fords testimony is true...

You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
why do they need to talk to her exactly?

To prove her lies and prosecute if necessary. Kavvy as well!

She's the accuser. Its on her to provide the evidence. She lied and couldnt produce anything.

Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.

She lied. I don't care what she does.
right? she can go ask to talk to them. Have at it. while she's at it, she should go to the Maryland police and file a report.
The Democrats are a bunch of "you-know-what".
First, they were the ones that were accusing the Republicans of trying to ram the Kavanaugh nomination process through. Then they asked for another FBI investigation. Even though, it was the 7th time. Then when the FBI investigation came back and without any warrant of any sexual allegations toward Kavanaugh; they cried foul, stating the investigation was INCOMPLETE.

No matter what the Republicans do; its never enough.

I am sure they will try to use this as the American people go to the polls in November. But I wonder....how many people will buy into this nonsense?
why do they need to talk to her exactly?

To prove her lies and prosecute if necessary. Kavvy as well!

She's the accuser. Its on her to provide the evidence. She lied and couldnt produce anything.

Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.

She lied. I don't care what she does.
right? she can go ask to talk to them. Have at it. while she's at it, she should go to the Maryland police and file a report.

Yep, nobody is stopping her.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
why do they need to talk to her exactly?

To prove her lies and prosecute if necessary. Kavvy as well!

She's the accuser. Its on her to provide the evidence. She lied and couldnt produce anything.

Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.
go ahead, go to the fbi who is stopping her? What does the vote have to do with her talking to the fbi exactly?

I never mentioned the vote. I was simply answering the ops statement that the FBI should have questioned her, that is all.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
why do they need to talk to her exactly?

To prove her lies and prosecute if necessary. Kavvy as well!

She's the accuser. Its on her to provide the evidence. She lied and couldnt produce anything.

Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.

She lied. I don't care what she does.
Maybe, but is it provable?
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
The investigation is over and a procedural vote is scheduled for Saturday. All of this is over, I think.

WHAT!!! Democrats don't have a plan E?
She will be waiting for her instruction. She does not know how to respond yet.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
why do they need to talk to her exactly?

To prove her lies and prosecute if necessary. Kavvy as well!
again, she can turn herself in.

Kavvy as well.
who's that?

why do they need to talk to her exactly?

To prove her lies and prosecute if necessary. Kavvy as well!

She's the accuser. Its on her to provide the evidence. She lied and couldnt produce anything.

Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.

She lied. I don't care what she does.
Maybe, but is it provable?
really, no one cares.
To prove her lies and prosecute if necessary. Kavvy as well!

She's the accuser. Its on her to provide the evidence. She lied and couldnt produce anything.

Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.
go ahead, go to the fbi who is stopping her? What does the vote have to do with her talking to the fbi exactly?

I never mentioned the vote. I was simply answering the ops statement that the FBI should have questioned her, that is all.
they still can. she can go there and give a statement. I really don't give a shit.

So can Bart.
To prove her lies and prosecute if necessary. Kavvy as well!

She's the accuser. Its on her to provide the evidence. She lied and couldnt produce anything.

Then let her lie to the FBI, if they can prove she lied prosecute her.

She lied. I don't care what she does.
Maybe, but is it provable?
really, no one cares.

You do.
She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?
This has already been addressed, read the full post. And yes she’s hiding the full polygraph audio and readings, as well as the therapists notes. Why not release them all? She’s the accuser. She doesn’t have a date, time, or location whatsoever, so if it backs up her account, why keep it hush hush?

She gave a 3 hour testimony under oath. Is she going to change her story? If so, that’d be purgery. Why does the FBI need to investigate her after she’s been investigated over 3 hours. Why didn’t her lawyers advise her to do a forensic interview like any lawyer would in that situation?
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
She was paid to lie about him
She said she would turn them over. Ford hasn’t hid from anything, she’s answered all the questions asked.

Why isn’t the FBI interviewing her ?
Quit falling down the well

Ford was paid to lie about him
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

She should have been questioned by the FBI.
Why? Did she not tell the whole story under oath?
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?
The investigation is over and a procedural vote is scheduled for Saturday. All of this is over, I think.
OL, in regard to the OP, did Ford even use the word rape in her testimony?
If fords testimony is true, and her intentions are to advise the legislature about Kavanaugh...then why is she not releasing her “proof” (the audio recording of the polygraph, and the therapists notes) to the judicial committee for review? She states that she will do so, as long as the FBI questions her, which is convieniently one of the believed restrictions on the FBI in this case. Huh, isn’t that interesting. What is also interesting is that by demanding the FBI question her after she already gave her testimony, means that she apparently purgoured herself in the original testimony if she has something different to tell the FBI. Unless this is another stall tactic where when the FBI is ready to investigate her, she’ll be way too busy for a couple of weeks for an interview.

If someone tried to rape you, and was about to be seated on the Supreme Court...why hide the only evidence you have?

She should have been questioned by the FBI.
Why? Did she not tell the whole story under oath?

The FBI more than likely heard the entire testimony several times, and came to the conclusion that it's a waste of time because there would be nothing more they could ask her.
You say she is a liar, let's catch her lying again. You got a problem with that? Because I would love for Kavvy to tell more lies to the FBI !
What lie did Kavanaugh say under oath?

-He admitted to drinking, he admitted to drinking in excess, he admitted to drinking on weekdays, he says he never blacked out. So the only “lie” you can get him for on purgery was that he never blacked out...how are you going to prove that?

-Boofing: is confirmed as slang for flatulence, from that region at the time. It’s also slang for soaking a tampon in alcohol and shoving it up your ass to get really drunk really fast without alcohol on your breath where I’m from. It also has a couple of other meanings in the urban dictionary, non of which involve anal sex...are you going to prove the intent of slang from 30 years back? Good luck

-Renata: are you going to prove the intent of a possible inside joke going off a year book from 30 years ago? Good luck

So what are you going to get him on purgary charges with? And since when did the left start caring about purgary so much? Holder, Clinton, former CIA director, all purgeuored themselves on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more agreigious matters than slang, or inside jokes from a yearbook 36 years ago. Non of y’all care.

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