'If fraction of sea floor carbon released, "We're fucked"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
When a Climate Scientist Publicly States "We're F**ked" Things Are Bad

It's one thing to note the unusually hot weather we've been having and then slather on some suncream. But when a climate expert unceremoniously concedes that the planet is "f**ked", it's probably time to get seriously worried.

Scientists at the Stockholm University recently discovered that vast methane plumes were escaping the Arctic Ocean seafloor. And that's got noted climatologist Dr. Jason Box very worried.

"If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we're f'd," he tweeted. "Methane is more than 20 times more potent than CO2 [carbon dioxide] in trapping infrared as part of the natural greenhouse effect," he later told Motherboard. "Methane getting to the surface—that's potent stuff."

"We're on a trajectory to an unmanageable heating scenario, and we need to get off it. We're f**ked at a certain point, right? It just becomes unmanageable. The climate dragon is being poked, and eventually the dragon becomes pissed off enough to trash the place."
have you ever seen so many chicken little's ?

that must be a miserable way to live

If Mother earth decides she want's to blow us to smithereens there is nothing you, some scientist or Politician can do to stop it...so like Mr. H said, relax, enjoy the ride
Everyone agrees the HTM was much warmer than now. Wonder why none of the catastrophes the CAGW sheep incessantly bleat about never occurred then?:eusa_whistle:
When a Climate Scientist Publicly States "We're F**ked" Things Are Bad

It's one thing to note the unusually hot weather we've been having and then slather on some suncream. But when a climate expert unceremoniously concedes that the planet is "f**ked", it's probably time to get seriously worried.

Scientists at the Stockholm University recently discovered that vast methane plumes were escaping the Arctic Ocean seafloor. And that's got noted climatologist Dr. Jason Box very worried.

"If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we're f'd," he tweeted. "Methane is more than 20 times more potent than CO2 [carbon dioxide] in trapping infrared as part of the natural greenhouse effect," he later told Motherboard. "Methane getting to the surface—that's potent stuff."

"We're on a trajectory to an unmanageable heating scenario, and we need to get off it. We're f**ked at a certain point, right? It just becomes unmanageable. The climate dragon is being poked, and eventually the dragon becomes pissed off enough to trash the place."

One has to step back and take a gander at the level of k00k going on here with the AGW crowd. Hyper nuts......these fucking people are ROOTING for fucked up shit to be happening with the climate, thus, the term "human racism". How you miss the memo's in your formative years to get to that point, I have no idea, but its real sIcK.

On human racism >>> http://www.salon.com/2014/03/10/cpac_panelist_accuses_climate_activists_of_human_racism/
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"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong." - Albert Einstein.

"In general, we look for a new (natural) law by the following process. First, we guess it. Then we compute the consequences of the guess to see what would be implied if this law that we guessed is right. Then we compare the result of the computation to nature, with experiment or experience; compare it directly with observation to see if it works. If it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. It’s that simple statement that is the key to science. It does not make any difference how beautiful your guess is. It does not make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is -- if it disagrees with experiment it is wrong." - Dr. Richard Feynman, “The Character of Natural Law,” The MIT Press, 1965, p. 156.


Before you permit yourself to get all scare-defied over more methane being released into the atmosphere and even if you buy into recent (since WWII) surface temperature rise being as a result of increased greenhouse gasses, do your research and find that methane is an irrelevant gas in the theoretical causes because of the limited bands of energy it can possibly absorb and from those two bands upon which it can act it must share that potential with one more prevalent which has already done the job almost completely in those bands leaving nothing much for methane to work upon. Those who promote gloom & doom from impending release of stores of methane wrongly assume the gas would have unlimited stores of energy upon which it could draw to heat the planet should that release occur. Therein lies the failure of this sub-theory even assuming such release is possible and imminent. There is no such pool of energy.

The energy beamed by the sun comes to Earth in the form of short waves, is absorbed by the planet, and some is transmitted back to space in the form of long waves in various bands of energy. Warmists' Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory holds that greenhouse gasses intercept by absorption and transmit back to Earth a percentage of the long wave radiation energy in the form of kinetic heat in natural balance until humans destroy the balance by over supplying unnatural amounts of greenhouse gasses by which such process and added heat causes more of the principle greenhouse gas, water vapor, to be produced accelerating the process in an ever heightening loop of heating Gaia. Methane is a "greenhouse gas." The misnamed process acts nothing like a greenhouse, BTW, and empirical measurements, the acid test of science, do not reflect water vapor increasing as required in proportion to CO₂ increases or even out of proportion. No increase of water vapor at all in fact.

Methane (CH4) has only two narrow absorption bands at 3.3 microns and 7.5 microns in the radiation spectrum. Theoretically, CH4 is 20 times more effective an absorber than CO2 – in those bands. However, CH4 is only 0.00017% (1.7 parts per million) of the atmosphere. Moreover, both of its bands occur at wavelengths where H2O is already absorbing virtually all energy. Because water vapor is much more plentiful in the atmosphere than methane (or any other GHG), H2O absorbs vastly more energy and is by far the most important greenhouse gas. On any given day, H2O is a percent or two of the atmosphere (1.0-2.0% or 5,882 to 11,764 times as prevalent as methane in the atmosphere, or 5882÷20=294.1 [or 588.4] multiple the absorber as methane); we call that humidity. Hence, any radiation that CH4 might absorb has already been absorbed by H2O in the only radiation bands methane absorbs energy. Once the energy in a band of the spectrum has been sucked dry, no additional absorptive gas can absorb more. Painting a black window another coat will not keep out more light. In other words, the ratio of the percentages of water to methane is such that the effects of CH4 are completely masked by H2O because the absorption of infrared energy in the bands of the spectrum affected by methane has already been saturated by H2O absorption. The amount of CH4 would have to increase 100-fold to make it comparable to H2O and even then it would no longer matter because water vapor has beat it to the punch.

There is not much ambient energy in those two little short, stray bands of the radiation spectrum to start with and most of that has already been worked over by H2O from time immemorial leaving only the scraps to poor CH4, which can never effect climate to any appreciable or worrisome amount. Because it absorbs energy in a laboratory does not mean it works that way in a chaotic atmosphere with other agents and processes present.

Learn more of what the science neophytes should have investigated before fearing methane, which is an irrelevant greenhouse gas (graphs, observed facts & all that tedious math kind of stuff) —

Methane: The Irrelevant Greenhouse Gas | Watts Up With That?
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When a Climate Scientist Publicly States "We're F**ked" Things Are Bad

It's one thing to note the unusually hot weather we've been having and then slather on some suncream. But when a climate expert unceremoniously concedes that the planet is "f**ked", it's probably time to get seriously worried.

Scientists at the Stockholm University recently discovered that vast methane plumes were escaping the Arctic Ocean seafloor. And that's got noted climatologist Dr. Jason Box very worried.

"If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we're f'd," he tweeted. "Methane is more than 20 times more potent than CO2 [carbon dioxide] in trapping infrared as part of the natural greenhouse effect," he later told Motherboard. "Methane getting to the surface—that's potent stuff."

"We're on a trajectory to an unmanageable heating scenario, and we need to get off it. We're f**ked at a certain point, right? It just becomes unmanageable. The climate dragon is being poked, and eventually the dragon becomes pissed off enough to trash the place."

the global warming gods must be crazy
"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong." - Albert Einstein.

"In general, we look for a new (natural) law by the following process. First, we guess it. Then we compute the consequences of the guess to see what would be implied if this law that we guessed is right. Then we compare the result of the computation to nature, with experiment or experience; compare it directly with observation to see if it works. If it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. It’s that simple statement that is the key to science. It does not make any difference how beautiful your guess is. It does not make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is -- if it disagrees with experiment it is wrong." - Dr. Richard Feynman, “The Character of Natural Law,” The MIT Press, 1965, p. 156.


Before you permit yourself to get all scare-defied over more methane being released into the atmosphere and even if you buy into recent (since WWII) surface temperature rise being as a result of increased greenhouse gasses, do your research and find that methane is an irrelevant gas in the theoretical causes because of the limited bands of energy it can possibly absorb and from those two bands upon which it can act it must share that potential with one more prevalent which has already done the job almost completely in those bands leaving nothing much for methane to work upon. Those who promote gloom & doom from impending release of stores of methane wrongly assume the gas would have unlimited stores of energy upon which it could draw to heat the planet should that release occur. Therein lies the failure of this sub-theory even assuming such release is possible and imminent. There is no such pool of energy.

The energy beamed by the sun comes to Earth in the form of short waves, is absorbed by the planet, and some is transmitted back to space in the form of long waves in various bands of energy. Warmists' Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory holds that greenhouse gasses intercept by absorption and transmit back to Earth a percentage of the long wave radiation energy in the form of kinetic heat in natural balance until humans destroy the balance by over supplying unnatural amounts of greenhouse gasses by which such process and added heat causes more of the principle greenhouse gas, water vapor, to be produced accelerating the process in an ever heightening loop of heating Gaia. Methane is a "greenhouse gas." The misnamed process acts nothing like a greenhouse, BTW, and empirical measurements, the acid test of science, do not reflect water vapor increasing as required in proportion to CO₂ increases or even out of proportion. No increase of water vapor at all in fact.

Methane (CH4) has only two narrow absorption bands at 3.3 microns and 7.5 microns in the radiation spectrum. Theoretically, CH4 is 20 times more effective an absorber than CO2 – in those bands. However, CH4 is only 0.00017% (1.7 parts per million) of the atmosphere. Moreover, both of its bands occur at wavelengths where H2O is already absorbing virtually all energy. Because water vapor is much more plentiful in the atmosphere than methane (or any other GHG), H2O absorbs vastly more energy and is by far the most important greenhouse gas. On any given day, H2O is a percent or two of the atmosphere (1.0-2.0% or 5,882 to 11,764 times as prevalent as methane in the atmosphere, or 5882÷20=294.1 [or 588.4] multiple the absorber as methane); we call that humidity. Hence, any radiation that CH4 might absorb has already been absorbed by H2O in the only radiation bands methane absorbs energy. Once the energy in a band of the spectrum has been sucked dry, no additional absorptive gas can absorb more. Painting a black window another coat will not keep out more light. In other words, the ratio of the percentages of water to methane is such that the effects of CH4 are completely masked by H2O because the absorption of infrared energy in the bands of the spectrum affected by methane has already been saturated by H2O absorption. The amount of CH4 would have to increase 100-fold to make it comparable to H2O and even then it would no longer matter because water vapor has beat it to the punch.

There is not much ambient energy in those two little short, stray bands of the radiation spectrum to start with and most of that has already been worked over by H2O from time immemorial leaving only the scraps to poor CH4, which can never effect climate to any appreciable or worrisome amount. Because it absorbs energy in a laboratory does not mean it works that way in a chaotic atmosphere with other agents and processes present.

Learn more of what the science neophytes should have investigated before fearing methane, which is an irrelevant greenhouse gas (graphs, observed facts & all that tedious math kind of stuff) —

Methane: The Irrelevant Greenhouse Gas | Watts Up With That?

Global-warming potential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Global-warming potential (GWP) is a relative measure of how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere. It compares the amount of heat trapped by a certain mass of the gas in question to the amount of heat trapped by a similar mass of carbon dioxide. A GWP is calculated over a specific time interval, commonly 20, 100 or 500 years. GWP is expressed as a factor of carbon dioxide (whose GWP is standardized to 1). For example, the 20 year GWP of methane is 86, which means that if the same mass of methane and carbon dioxide were introduced into the atmosphere, that methane will trap 86 times more heat than the carbon dioxide over the next 20 years.[1]

The substances subject to restrictions under the Kyoto protocol either are rapidly increasing their concentrations in Earth's atmosphere or have a large GWP.

The GWP depends on the following factors:

the absorption of infrared radiation by a given species
the spectral location of its absorbing wavelengths
the atmospheric lifetime of the species
Thus, a high GWP correlates with a large infrared absorption and a long atmospheric lifetime. The dependence of GWP on the wavelength of absorption is more complicated. Even if a gas absorbs radiation efficiently at a certain wavelength, this may not affect its GWP much if the atmosphere already absorbs most radiation at that wavelength. A gas has the most effect if it absorbs in a "window" of wavelengths where the atmosphere is fairly transparent. The dependence of GWP as a function of wavelength has been found empirically and published as a graph.[2]

Because the GWP of a greenhouse gas depends directly on its infrared spectrum, the use of infrared spectroscopy to study greenhouse gases is centrally important in the effort to understand the impact of human activities on global climate change.

Let's see. A blog by a non-degreed ex-TV weatherman says CH4 is harmless. Virtually all the worlds scientists state that it is a major GHG. Oh, who to believe.
Let's see. A blog by a non-degreed ex-TV weatherman says CH4 is harmless. Virtually all the worlds scientists state that it is a major GHG. Oh, who to believe.

Watts did not write the piece. Attack the facts rather than the conduit. You did not even read the piece, did you?

Question: How many bands of radiation does methane absorb energy from, and how much available energy is in those bands from which methane can absorb energy regardless of whom is reporting the fact?

One thing is apparent from your response though, "belief" is an important criterion in your assessment process. Often, religion fills a hole people need.
have you ever seen so many chicken little's ?

that must be a miserable way to live

If Mother earth decides she want's to blow us to smithereens there is nothing you, some scientist or Politician can do to stop it...so like Mr. H said, relax, enjoy the ride

They hate themselves and are miserable because they do and in turn, feel that everyone else must be miserable with them. Humorless, miserable wretches...the entire lot of them.
have you ever seen so many chicken little's ?

that must be a miserable way to live

If Mother earth decides she want's to blow us to smithereens there is nothing you, some scientist or Politician can do to stop it...so like Mr. H said, relax, enjoy the ride

They hate themselves and are miserable because they do and in turn, feel that everyone else must be miserable with them. Humorless, miserable wretches...the entire lot of them.

They're nasty and evil too and have a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE death wish

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