'If fraction of sea floor carbon released, "We're fucked"

If an underwater methane explosion is going to destroy us, we might as well be comfortable and enjoy life with our fossil fuel lifestyle.
yep. methane is one of the most destructive GHG's but its shorter lived than CO2 I believe.

Which we know does nothing to temperatures ar climate. So what?

What you 'know' and what reality is are obviously two very differant things.

Methane lasts about 15 years in the atmosphere before it is oxidized. It then forms CO2 and H2O. On a hundred year scale, CH4 is over 20 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. However, on a 10 year scale, it is over 100 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. Now we have pushed the level of CH4 from around 700 ppb to over 1800 ppb. That means the increase in heat trapped from the increase of 1000 ppb that is equivelent to 100 ppm of CO2.

So, effectively, right now, we are at the equivelent of over 500 ppm of CO2, when you count in the NOx and manmade GHGs. That is higher than the GHGs have been in about 20 million years. We will see effects from this in my lifetime and major effects in the lifetime of my children.

And the global temp has remained static. And, when it was warmer....MUCH warmer during the HTM why did none of your catastrophes occur?
Which we know does nothing to temperatures ar climate. So what?

What you 'know' and what reality is are obviously two very differant things.

Methane lasts about 15 years in the atmosphere before it is oxidized. It then forms CO2 and H2O. On a hundred year scale, CH4 is over 20 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. However, on a 10 year scale, it is over 100 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. Now we have pushed the level of CH4 from around 700 ppb to over 1800 ppb. That means the increase in heat trapped from the increase of 1000 ppb that is equivelent to 100 ppm of CO2.

So, effectively, right now, we are at the equivelent of over 500 ppm of CO2, when you count in the NOx and manmade GHGs. That is higher than the GHGs have been in about 20 million years. We will see effects from this in my lifetime and major effects in the lifetime of my children.

And the global temp has remained static. And, when it was warmer....MUCH warmer during the HTM why did none of your catastrophes occur?

When it was warmer, we all died.
"If Gigantor reaches the sea floor and carbon is released, "We're fucked"

Oh Noeesssssss!!!11!!!!!1!!!!!!

Which we know does nothing to temperatures ar climate. So what?

What you 'know' and what reality is are obviously two very differant things.

Methane lasts about 15 years in the atmosphere before it is oxidized. It then forms CO2 and H2O. On a hundred year scale, CH4 is over 20 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. However, on a 10 year scale, it is over 100 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. Now we have pushed the level of CH4 from around 700 ppb to over 1800 ppb. That means the increase in heat trapped from the increase of 1000 ppb that is equivelent to 100 ppm of CO2.

So, effectively, right now, we are at the equivelent of over 500 ppm of CO2, when you count in the NOx and manmade GHGs. That is higher than the GHGs have been in about 20 million years. We will see effects from this in my lifetime and major effects in the lifetime of my children.

And yet you have no feedback system to warm the surface. See you keep posting all of this mumbo jumbo of data that leads to one question. So what? What is it your afraid of?

BTW, concerning effects, what proof do you have? Same question that keeps surfacing you know? You have none, right? Just admit it so we can all move on and demonstrate the fear mongering you incite.

For all of the crying, and panic, and gnashing of teeth that we hear from these religious zealots, you would think that they had actually measured and quantified the so called greenhouse effect and had some actual science to hang all of the claims and predictions upon.

All this fear mongering over a hypothetical effect that has never been either measured or quantified....and the sad thing is that some people (albeit very stupid people) believe it....Pure bunkum.
Humans are here for the earth, not the other way around.

After 13 billion years, something's gonna give.

Life will go on long after our sun goes supernova.

Relax, bitches.

So you're saying I shouldn't buy a Leaf?


You should buy whatever you wish to buy. Just don't buy it because you think you're helping the environment. The LEAF is actually more destructive to the environment in its manufacture than a Ford F-150 pickup. But, if it will do the job for you than by all means by it. They're NEAT cars.
Regardless of what you believe concerning Global Warming, humans should be mindful of the Earth around them and should do their best not to FUCK IT UP​
Did anybody hear how the maiden voyage of Mamooth's emergency ark went?? I posted up a spy pic a few days ago after it had just come out of dry dock!! I have to say, pretty impressive vessel!! He's certainly got a one up on we skeptics who will have to make due with boggie boards!!
What do you do from day to day that DOESN'T fuck it up?

From morning to night, you consume natural resources, you pollute the Earth with toxic waste products, a hundred things you do harm the plants and animals that surround you by poisoning them or destroying their habitat.
favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, asopposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in politicalmatters:
a progressive mayor.
making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocatingmore enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods, etc.:
a progressive community.
characterized by such progress, or by continuous improvement.
(initial capital letter) of or pertaining to any of the Progressive partiesin politics.

Or in this crowd, being one millimeter to the left of John Birch

But this is getting off topic (Environment)
If a fraction of sea floor water were released on your head, you'd be fucked. Stop the water!

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