'If fraction of sea floor carbon released, "We're fucked"

They're nasty and evil too and have a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE death wish

And are apparently perfectly willing to march anyone who disagrees with them off to the gas chambers, or firing squads, or whatever form of execution is most green these days.

When a climate scientist publicly states were fucked, things are bad...for science. The hypothesis is falling apart...predictions are failing across the globe every day....things are happening that are precisely the opposite of the model predictions....global sea ice is at an all time record...arctic ice is back to the normal mean....climate science has resorted to desperate outcries in an effort to be taken seriously again like in the good old heyday of global warming. Claiming that we are fucked is just one more sad example of a once accepted pseudoscience attempting to regain some measure of its lost respect before it is swept away entirely by natural variation in the climate.
The whole "climate science" community is fraudulent. Its not science.......its never been. Its nothing more than big business, in bed with green energy. What pure scientist is ok with the data being manipulated? Exactly why over 90% of world scientists DO NOT concur with "climate science" scientists. LMAO.....it is because THEY are the "real" scientists.:2up:
When a Climate Scientist Publicly States "We're F**ked" Things Are Bad

It's one thing to note the unusually hot weather we've been having and then slather on some suncream. But when a climate expert unceremoniously concedes that the planet is "f**ked", it's probably time to get seriously worried.

Scientists at the Stockholm University recently discovered that vast methane plumes were escaping the Arctic Ocean seafloor. And that's got noted climatologist Dr. Jason Box very worried.

"If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we're f'd," he tweeted. "Methane is more than 20 times more potent than CO2 [carbon dioxide] in trapping infrared as part of the natural greenhouse effect," he later told Motherboard. "Methane getting to the surface—that's potent stuff."

"We're on a trajectory to an unmanageable heating scenario, and we need to get off it. We're f**ked at a certain point, right? It just becomes unmanageable. The climate dragon is being poked, and eventually the dragon becomes pissed off enough to trash the place."

Mule Fritters!!

That "climate scientist" is paid by government grants. No credibility. What warming? Prove it before crying that the sky is falling......

But lets cut to the chase. Why do you fear more plant food? You afraid of greater crop yields? You don't want to feed more people?
Talk to most any masters or PHd level scientist and you will learn why an overwhelming plurality of scientists think "climate science" is bogus........its because the climate science community conveniently IGNORES the scientific method, which MAKES science, science!!! For "real" scientists, statistical error matters. NOT to the fake scientists though. Its a joke.

Read this >>>> The Scientific Method and Climate Science | Watts Up With That? .....if you still think "climate science" is legit, you are either 1) a total phoney....or....2) have a plate in your head.
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They're nasty and evil too and have a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE death wish

And are apparently perfectly willing to march anyone who disagrees with them off to the gas chambers, or firing squads, or whatever form of execution is most green these days.

And they don't understand the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant, symbolized by the lowercase Greek letter sigma ( ), is a physical constant involving black body radiation. A black body, also called an ideal radiator, is an object that radiates or absorbs energy with perfect efficiency at all electromagnetic wavelength s. The constant defines the power per unit area emitted by a black body as a function of its thermodynamic temperature .

You'll notice it is a function of temperature of a body and not a function of the temperature of the surroundings. Were they wrong?
That "climate scientist" is paid by government grants. No credibility. What warming? Prove it before crying that the sky is falling......

Is there even a single reality-defying denialist urban legend that you haven't fallen hard for?

But lets cut to the chase. Why do you fear more plant food? You afraid of greater crop yields? You don't want to feed more people?

Apparently not.

Let's cut to the chase. You're a denier parrot, the kind we've seen a hundred times before, who simply regurgitates the same debunked nonsense. We've already got a bunch of parrots. What do you think you add to the discussion?
That "climate scientist" is paid by government grants. No credibility. What warming? Prove it before crying that the sky is falling......

Is there even a single reality-defying denialist urban legend that you haven't fallen hard for?

But lets cut to the chase. Why do you fear more plant food? You afraid of greater crop yields? You don't want to feed more people?

Apparently not.

Let's cut to the chase. You're a denier parrot, the kind we've seen a hundred times before, who simply regurgitates the same debunked nonsense. We've already got a bunch of parrots. What do you think you add to the discussion?

talk about your regurgitation, holy crap mammoth you filled a message board full of yours. Any day now you can just stop regurgitating and actually provide what was requested to prove your point. You know what that was right? Or do you need me to write it out again? Hmmmmm.....WiNnInG
jc, you can keep screaming for attention, but everyone will keep ignoring you. You're a stupid person, there's nothing to be gained from responding to your tantrums, so nobody on any side wastes time on you.

I'm guessing nobody has broken that news to you before. Why do I always have to stage these interventions? Not that it helps. Stupid-addicts usually have to hit rock bottom before they want to recover.
jc, you can keep screaming for attention, but everyone will keep ignoring you. You're a stupid person, there's nothing to be gained from responding to your tantrums, so nobody on any side wastes time on you.

I'm guessing nobody has broken that news to you before. Why do I always have to stage these interventions? Not that it helps. Stupid-addicts usually have to hit rock bottom before they want to recover.

And yet no proof of 120 PPM driving climate. Do you look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself jokes daily? You're not very funny and not very smart. But me, hey I'm WiNnIng dude........

BTW, any day!!!!!
That "climate scientist" is paid by government grants. No credibility. What warming? Prove it before crying that the sky is falling......

Is there even a single reality-defying denialist urban legend that you haven't fallen hard for?

But lets cut to the chase. Why do you fear more plant food? You afraid of greater crop yields? You don't want to feed more people?

Apparently not.

Let's cut to the chase. You're a denier parrot, the kind we've seen a hundred times before, who simply regurgitates the same debunked nonsense. We've already got a bunch of parrots. What do you think you add to the discussion?

talk about your regurgitation, holy crap mammoth you filled a message board full of yours. Any day now you can just stop regurgitating and actually provide what was requested to prove your point. You know what that was right? Or do you need me to write it out again? Hmmmmm.....WiNnInG

That "climate scientist" is paid by government grants. No credibility. What warming? Prove it before crying that the sky is falling......

Is there even a single reality-defying denialist urban legend that you haven't fallen hard for?

But lets cut to the chase. Why do you fear more plant food? You afraid of greater crop yields? You don't want to feed more people?

Apparently not.

Let's cut to the chase. You're a denier parrot, the kind we've seen a hundred times before, who simply regurgitates the same debunked nonsense. We've already got a bunch of parrots. What do you think you add to the discussion?

I see. So your contribution to proving government-sponsored science is to ridicule opinions from people about whom you know absofreakinglootely nothing, who speak from a calm and logical perspective? Brilliant....

Please try again.

What do I add? Calm, logical perspective. Prove me wrong, if you can.
Is there even a single reality-defying denialist urban legend that you haven't fallen hard for?

Apparently not.

Let's cut to the chase. You're a denier parrot, the kind we've seen a hundred times before, who simply regurgitates the same debunked nonsense. We've already got a bunch of parrots. What do you think you add to the discussion?

talk about your regurgitation, holy crap mammoth you filled a message board full of yours. Any day now you can just stop regurgitating and actually provide what was requested to prove your point. You know what that was right? Or do you need me to write it out again? Hmmmmm.....WiNnInG

Is there even a single reality-defying denialist urban legend that you haven't fallen hard for?

But lets cut to the chase. Why do you fear more plant food? You afraid of greater crop yields? You don't want to feed more people?

Apparently not.

Let's cut to the chase. You're a denier parrot, the kind we've seen a hundred times before, who simply regurgitates the same debunked nonsense. We've already got a bunch of parrots. What do you think you add to the discussion?

I see. So your contribution to proving government-sponsored science is to ridicule opinions from people about whom you know absofreakinglootely nothing, who speak from a calm and logical perspective? Brilliant....

Please try again.

What do I add? Calm, logical perspective. Prove me wrong, if you can.

When the data doesn't exist, the next best thing is sling insults. It's all they have. See we have observed data that disproves their claims and they haven't the tools to deal with that. They are still waiting for their religious leaders to provide updated scripts for them to use.
When the data doesn't exist, the next best thing is sling insults. It's all they have. See we have observed data that disproves their claims and they haven't the tools to deal with that. They are still waiting for their religious leaders to provide updated scripts for them to use.

No, when the data doesn't exist, the next best thing is to make it up and then sling insults at the people who point out the fraud and fabrication that are the life blood of the hoax.
When the data doesn't exist, the next best thing is sling insults. It's all they have. See we have observed data that disproves their claims and they haven't the tools to deal with that. They are still waiting for their religious leaders to provide updated scripts for them to use.

No, when the data doesn't exist, the next best thing is to make it up and then sling insults at the people who point out the fraud and fabrication that are the life blood of the hoax.

When a Climate Scientist Publicly States "We're F**ked" Things Are Bad

It's one thing to note the unusually hot weather we've been having and then slather on some suncream. But when a climate expert unceremoniously concedes that the planet is "f**ked", it's probably time to get seriously worried.

Scientists at the Stockholm University recently discovered that vast methane plumes were escaping the Arctic Ocean seafloor. And that's got noted climatologist Dr. Jason Box very worried.

"If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we're f'd," he tweeted. "Methane is more than 20 times more potent than CO2 [carbon dioxide] in trapping infrared as part of the natural greenhouse effect," he later told Motherboard. "Methane getting to the surface—that's potent stuff."

"We're on a trajectory to an unmanageable heating scenario, and we need to get off it. We're f**ked at a certain point, right? It just becomes unmanageable. The climate dragon is being poked, and eventually the dragon becomes pissed off enough to trash the place."

yep. methane is one of the most destructive GHG's but its shorter lived than CO2 I believe.
When a Climate Scientist Publicly States "We're F**ked" Things Are Bad

It's one thing to note the unusually hot weather we've been having and then slather on some suncream. But when a climate expert unceremoniously concedes that the planet is "f**ked", it's probably time to get seriously worried.

Scientists at the Stockholm University recently discovered that vast methane plumes were escaping the Arctic Ocean seafloor. And that's got noted climatologist Dr. Jason Box very worried.

"If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we're f'd," he tweeted. "Methane is more than 20 times more potent than CO2 [carbon dioxide] in trapping infrared as part of the natural greenhouse effect," he later told Motherboard. "Methane getting to the surface—that's potent stuff."

"We're on a trajectory to an unmanageable heating scenario, and we need to get off it. We're f**ked at a certain point, right? It just becomes unmanageable. The climate dragon is being poked, and eventually the dragon becomes pissed off enough to trash the place."

yep. methane is one of the most destructive GHG's but its shorter lived than CO2 I believe.

Which we know does nothing to temperatures ar climate. So what?

yep. methane is one of the most destructive GHG's but its shorter lived than CO2 I believe.

Which we know does nothing to temperatures ar climate. So what?

They aren't good at math...he can't grasp that 1000 x 0 is still 0. All he gets is that one is a thousand times worse than the other...the concept of zero escapes him.

yep. methane is one of the most destructive GHG's but its shorter lived than CO2 I believe.

Which we know does nothing to temperatures ar climate. So what?

What you 'know' and what reality is are obviously two very differant things.

Methane lasts about 15 years in the atmosphere before it is oxidized. It then forms CO2 and H2O. On a hundred year scale, CH4 is over 20 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. However, on a 10 year scale, it is over 100 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. Now we have pushed the level of CH4 from around 700 ppb to over 1800 ppb. That means the increase in heat trapped from the increase of 1000 ppb that is equivelent to 100 ppm of CO2.

So, effectively, right now, we are at the equivelent of over 500 ppm of CO2, when you count in the NOx and manmade GHGs. That is higher than the GHGs have been in about 20 million years. We will see effects from this in my lifetime and major effects in the lifetime of my children.
yep. methane is one of the most destructive GHG's but its shorter lived than CO2 I believe.

Which we know does nothing to temperatures ar climate. So what?

What you 'know' and what reality is are obviously two very differant things.

Methane lasts about 15 years in the atmosphere before it is oxidized. It then forms CO2 and H2O. On a hundred year scale, CH4 is over 20 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. However, on a 10 year scale, it is over 100 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. Now we have pushed the level of CH4 from around 700 ppb to over 1800 ppb. That means the increase in heat trapped from the increase of 1000 ppb that is equivelent to 100 ppm of CO2.

So, effectively, right now, we are at the equivelent of over 500 ppm of CO2, when you count in the NOx and manmade GHGs. That is higher than the GHGs have been in about 20 million years. We will see effects from this in my lifetime and major effects in the lifetime of my children.

And yet you have no feedback system to warm the surface. See you keep posting all of this mumbo jumbo of data that leads to one question. So what? What is it your afraid of?

BTW, concerning effects, what proof do you have? Same question that keeps surfacing you know? You have none, right? Just admit it so we can all move on and demonstrate the fear mongering you incite.
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