'If fraction of sea floor carbon released, "We're fucked"

When a Climate Scientist Publicly States "We're F**ked" Things Are Bad

It's one thing to note the unusually hot weather we've been having and then slather on some suncream. But when a climate expert unceremoniously concedes that the planet is "f**ked", it's probably time to get seriously worried.

Scientists at the Stockholm University recently discovered that vast methane plumes were escaping the Arctic Ocean seafloor. And that's got noted climatologist Dr. Jason Box very worried.

"If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we're f'd," he tweeted. "Methane is more than 20 times more potent than CO2 [carbon dioxide] in trapping infrared as part of the natural greenhouse effect," he later told Motherboard. "Methane getting to the surface—that's potent stuff."

"We're on a trajectory to an unmanageable heating scenario, and we need to get off it. We're f**ked at a certain point, right? It just becomes unmanageable. The climate dragon is being poked, and eventually the dragon becomes pissed off enough to trash the place."

Lets put this bull shit to bed, shall we?

One. The earth has had millions of years where global CO2 and methane were at levels 1000 times greater than today.

CO2 - 500 million years.JPG

Lets put this fear to rest. Even if the oceans had a massive release of CO2/Methane it would do little to influence the heat retention of the earth. As you can see by the graphing i posted the earth has lived through ice ages and warm cycles with levels over 6,000ppm.

Those who have the information share it so the people the alarmists wish to dupe can be shown they are being duped. You see, even with those massive levels in our atmosphere the global mean temp never ran away in all those millions of years. The global range of Natural variation is 12 Deg C to 22 Deg C. A little fact that alarmists dont want you to know.
if only we had cap-n-trade...that'd stop it!!!
Lets do something incredibly stupid by killing our economies, taking money from those who create jobs, make energy very expensive and drive costs so high that you are either a slave or and elitist... Socialism is a fools errand.

The Decline Hiders, or AGWCult as I like to call them, are a scary group of environmental fundamentalists whackos dedicated to destroying the US economy
Would that nomenclature adjustment be in response to the attempt to brand us all offenders of the 6 million because we call you deniers for denying the truth? I think it is.

How well are the world's businesses going to do when the world's governments are laying out hundreds of trillions of dollars to relocate hundreds of million of people, rebuild the world's coastal infrastructure and deal with the huge masses of the starving? Does that seem like a good business environment to you?
Would that nomenclature adjustment be in response to the attempt to brand us all offenders of the 6 million because we call you deniers for denying the truth? I think it is.

How well are the world's businesses going to do when the world's governments are laying out hundreds of trillions of dollars to relocate hundreds of million of people, rebuild the world's coastal infrastructure and deal with the huge masses of the starving? Does that seem like a good business environment to you?

Oh look; A troll hell bent on name calling rather than discussing the science. Tell me, does your drink over flow when the ice in it melts?
Would that nomenclature adjustment be in response to the attempt to brand us all offenders of the 6 million because we call you deniers for denying the truth? I think it is.

How well are the world's businesses going to do when the world's governments are laying out hundreds of trillions of dollars to relocate hundreds of million of people, rebuild the world's coastal infrastructure and deal with the huge masses of the starving? Does that seem like a good business environment to you?

Every time they say "DENIER!" the AGWCult is admitting they have no evidence to back up their absurd claims.

If there was any money to be made in it, Michelson Morely could have made a fortune by calling other scientists "ETHER DENIERS!!!"
Would that nomenclature adjustment be in response to the attempt to brand us all offenders of the 6 million because we call you deniers for denying the truth? I think it is.

How well are the world's businesses going to do when the world's governments are laying out hundreds of trillions of dollars to relocate hundreds of million of people, rebuild the world's coastal infrastructure and deal with the huge masses of the starving? Does that seem like a good business environment to you?
based on what? Why would governments have to relocate people?
Rising sea levels. Coastal flooding. Increased coastal storm damage

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