If Gadafi would have united Africa, all those girls wouldn't be abducted


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Thanks international bankers for keeping nations, continents, families divided. and good luck screwing those virgins. Also thanks to all the ignorant people who only know to blame left/right or America/Russia...

Minister Louis Farrakhan may say things against my race, but this man speaks truth that MSM will not speak, and for that I respect him:

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Gaddafi is spelled with two dd's. He was a madman - it is great that he is dead. Unite Africa ? That is Ludacris. I can't watch the video: there is two people I refuse to listen to - Obama, and Farrakhan!
Thanks international bankers for keeping nations, continents, families divided. and good luck screwing those virgins. Also thanks to all the ignorant people who only know to blame left/right or America/Russia...

Minister Louis Farrakhan may say things against my race, but this man speaks truth that MSM will not speak, and for that I respect him:



"لقد خلق يوتوبيا هنا في ليبيا. ليست واحدة وهمية أن الناس في الكتابة عن الكتب، ولكن يوتوبيا ملموسة."

CaféAuLait;9092774 said:
Thanks international bankers for keeping nations, continents, families divided. and good luck screwing those virgins. Also thanks to all the ignorant people who only know to blame left/right or America/Russia...

Minister Louis Farrakhan may say things against my race, but this man speaks truth that MSM will not speak, and for that I respect him:



"لقد خلق يوتوبيا هنا في ليبيا. ليست واحدة وهمية أن الناس في الكتابة عن الكتب، ولكن يوتوبيا ملموسة."


For those who don't know Arabic, I used Google Translate for your convenience.

"I've created a utopia here in Libya. Not a fake one that people are writing about in books, but a concrete Utopia."

And I thus concur with Cafe. That's bullshit.
Gaddafi is spelled with two dd's. He was a madman - it is great that he is dead. Unite Africa ? That is Ludacris. I can't watch the video: there is two people I refuse to listen to - Obama, and Farrakhan!

There was a time when we should have taken him out. That time had expired after President Bush scared his ass into cooperation with the US and surrender of his WMD's. Only Obama could promote the death of someone who was cooperating with us for an unknown and likely radically Islamic outcome.
Gaddafi is spelled with two dd's. He was a madman - it is great that he is dead. Unite Africa ? That is Ludacris. I can't watch the video: there is two people I refuse to listen to - Obama, and Farrakhan!

There is no correct spelling for Gadafi, quaddafy, Ghaddafy .Different journalists spell it the way they think it sounds.

And yes, Omar Quadaffi, Gaddafi, whatever... had plans to unite Africa. That would have been a stellar achievement. That is... to everyone but the same racists who decry every thing Africans or Black people do. NATO felt economically threatened by the prospect of a united Africa so they had to neutralize the one hope Africa had for a chance at prosperity.
Gaddafi is spelled with two dd's. He was a madman - it is great that he is dead. Unite Africa ? That is Ludacris. I can't watch the video: there is two people I refuse to listen to - Obama, and Farrakhan!

There is no correct spelling for Gadafi, quaddafy, Ghaddafy .Different journalists spell it the way they think it sounds.

And yes, Omar Quadaffi, Gaddafi, whatever... had plans to unite Africa. That would have been a stellar achievement. That is... to everyone but the same racists who decry every thing Africans or Black people do. NATO felt economically threatened by the prospect of a united Africa so they had to neutralize the one hope Africa had for a chance at prosperity.

Muammar al-Gaddafi uniting Africa would have been like Hitler uniting Europe: Gaddafi was a ruthless, murderous dictator.
There is no correct spelling for Gadafi, quaddafy, Ghaddafy .Different journalists spell it the way they think it sounds.

And yes, Omar Quadaffi, Gaddafi, whatever... had plans to unite Africa. That would have been a stellar achievement. That is... to everyone but the same racists who decry every thing Africans or Black people do. NATO felt economically threatened by the prospect of a united Africa so they had to neutralize the one hope Africa had for a chance at prosperity.

Muammar al-Gaddafi uniting Africa would have been like Hitler uniting Europe: Gaddafi was a ruthless, murderous dictator.

You say Muammar, I fondly call him Omar...you spell his last name Gaddafi, I spell it the way it strikes me at the moment. Either way, I liked the man. He was NO Hitler because Muammar loved Black people and Hitler hated them...just like you and many of the posters here hate Blacks.

Just curious: what makes you think "Gaddafi" was a murderous dictator? Give me one example of one thing he did that at least two or more of our American presidents have not done.

Pan AM 103

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'

Brutally raping 100's of teen aged girls in Dungeons, some as young as 14. Murdering them, leaving them to die after raping hundreds. Murdering students and making those girls he raped watch and cheer their deaths... Raping teen boys and keeping them in his 'service division". Keeping the bodies of those he murdered in Freezers so he could gaze upon their dead bodies ...

But hey, since you 'liked him" I suppose its akin to those who like/liked Hitler for the scum he was.

Gruesome details of Gadhafi's rape of teenagers and other crimes revealed - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz

As far as I know, no American president ( or other world leaders, such as the UK or Ireland) ordered the terrorist attack on a civilian airplane or raped children in dungeons, murdered them, raped little boys and made them watch as he shot other studens. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall it.
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CaféAuLait;9093162 said:
Muammar al-Gaddafi uniting Africa would have been like Hitler uniting Europe: Gaddafi was a ruthless, murderous dictator.

You say Muammar, I fondly call him Omar...you spell his last name Gaddafi, I spell it the way it strikes me at the moment. Either way, I liked the man. He was NO Hitler because Muammar loved Black people and Hitler hated them...just like you and many of the posters here hate Blacks.

Just curious: what makes you think "Gaddafi" was a murderous dictator? Give me one example of one thing he did that at least two or more of our American presidents have not done.

Pan AM 103

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'

Brutally raping 100's of teen aged girls in Dungeons, some as young as 14. Murdering them, leaving them to die after raping hundreds. Murdering students and making those girls he raped watch and cheer their deaths... Raping teen boys and keeping them in his 'service division". Keeping the bodies of those he murdered in Freezers so he could gaze upon their dead bodies ...

But hey, since you 'liked him" I suppose its akin to those who like/liked Hitler for the scum he was.

Gruesome details of Gadhafi's rape of teenagers and other crimes revealed - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz

As far as I know, no American president ( or other world leaders, such as the UK or Ireland) ordered the terrorist attack on a civilian airplane or raped children in dungeons, murdered them, raped little boys and made them watch as he shot other studens. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall it.

If Gaddafi really did those things he was indeed reprehensible. But just because accusations are out there doesn't make them true. Was he ever convicted of any of those crimes? Why didn't the main stream media report this? Like you, I just now googled him and found various articles...some detailing what you have posted and others showing connections between him and the Bush administration. Honestly, I had never heard of his sex dungeons before. I hereby retract my previous statement concerning Gaddafi until I do more research on him from reliable sources!
CaféAuLait;9092774 said:
Thanks international bankers for keeping nations, continents, families divided. and good luck screwing those virgins. Also thanks to all the ignorant people who only know to blame left/right or America/Russia...

Minister Louis Farrakhan may say things against my race, but this man speaks truth that MSM will not speak, and for that I respect him:



"لقد خلق يوتوبيا هنا في ليبيا. ليست واحدة وهمية أن الناس في الكتابة عن الكتب، ولكن يوتوبيا ملموسة."


For those who don't know Arabic, I used Google Translate for your convenience.

"I've created a utopia here in Libya. Not a fake one that people are writing about in books, but a concrete Utopia."

And I thus concur with Cafe. That's bullshit.
Libya under MoMo had the best free health care in Africa that was available to all citizens. Libya had the best free Education system in Africa for both genders, producing the highest literacy among children in Africa and higher than certain parts of America. Libya HDI ranking was 64 out of 187 countries.

BBC news Africa.
During MoMo 42 years rule, Libya has made great strides socially and economically thanks to its vast oil income........ lots of oil in the hands of a Murdering Dictator lets invade.

Women in Libya are free to work and may dress as they like.Life expectancy is in the seventies.
And per capita income was estimated by the world bank to be $12000 in 2011
Illiteracy and Homelessness has been wiped out.
I visited Libya under MoMo and could wander anywhere, the country and its people in 2006 where fantastic socialist examples for the rest of Africa.But once again the west's destabilized and invaded a country for its oil.
Today in America there are 10 areas with lower per capita incomes than Libya 2011.Obama is struggling to create a health service like Libya's and your homeless figures are disgusting for the greatest nation in the world.
Ps stop sending me red blobs and asking me to suck your dick, I respect the fact that you are gay but I am not.
$Picture 230.jpg
CaféAuLait;9093162 said:
You say Muammar, I fondly call him Omar...you spell his last name Gaddafi, I spell it the way it strikes me at the moment. Either way, I liked the man. He was NO Hitler because Muammar loved Black people and Hitler hated them...just like you and many of the posters here hate Blacks.

Just curious: what makes you think "Gaddafi" was a murderous dictator? Give me one example of one thing he did that at least two or more of our American presidents have not done.

Pan AM 103

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'

Brutally raping 100's of teen aged girls in Dungeons, some as young as 14. Murdering them, leaving them to die after raping hundreds. Murdering students and making those girls he raped watch and cheer their deaths... Raping teen boys and keeping them in his 'service division". Keeping the bodies of those he murdered in Freezers so he could gaze upon their dead bodies ...

But hey, since you 'liked him" I suppose its akin to those who like/liked Hitler for the scum he was.

Gruesome details of Gadhafi's rape of teenagers and other crimes revealed - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz

As far as I know, no American president ( or other world leaders, such as the UK or Ireland) ordered the terrorist attack on a civilian airplane or raped children in dungeons, murdered them, raped little boys and made them watch as he shot other studens. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall it.

If Gaddafi really did those things he was indeed reprehensible. But just because accusations are out there doesn't make them true. Was he ever convicted of any of those crimes? Why didn't the main stream media report this? Like you, I just now googled him and found various articles...some detailing what you have posted and others showing connections between him and the Bush administration. Honestly, I had never heard of his sex dungeons before. I hereby retract my previous statement concerning Gaddafi until I do more research on him from reliable sources!

I recall the accusations of sex dungeons, it had been spoken off far before he was killed. There were stories from parents finding their children dead. Perhaps more in the coverage in the UK? BBC is a fine source, it was their documentary which also spoke of his brutal ways, if it had been from a blog I would disagree. I thought I recalled his being just a ruthless as Saddam.
CaféAuLait;9093162 said:
You say Muammar, I fondly call him Omar...you spell his last name Gaddafi, I spell it the way it strikes me at the moment. Either way, I liked the man. He was NO Hitler because Muammar loved Black people and Hitler hated them...just like you and many of the posters here hate Blacks.

Just curious: what makes you think "Gaddafi" was a murderous dictator? Give me one example of one thing he did that at least two or more of our American presidents have not done.

Pan AM 103

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'

Brutally raping 100's of teen aged girls in Dungeons, some as young as 14. Murdering them, leaving them to die after raping hundreds. Murdering students and making those girls he raped watch and cheer their deaths... Raping teen boys and keeping them in his 'service division". Keeping the bodies of those he murdered in Freezers so he could gaze upon their dead bodies ...

But hey, since you 'liked him" I suppose its akin to those who like/liked Hitler for the scum he was.

Gruesome details of Gadhafi's rape of teenagers and other crimes revealed - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz

As far as I know, no American president ( or other world leaders, such as the UK or Ireland) ordered the terrorist attack on a civilian airplane or raped children in dungeons, murdered them, raped little boys and made them watch as he shot other studens. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall it.

If Gaddafi really did those things he was indeed reprehensible. But just because accusations are out there doesn't make them true. Was he ever convicted of any of those crimes? Why didn't the main stream media report this? Like you, I just now googled him and found various articles...some detailing what you have posted and others showing connections between him and the Bush administration. Honestly, I had never heard of his sex dungeons before. I hereby retract my previous statement concerning Gaddafi until I do more research on him from reliable sources!
I was born a Jew, I volunteered when younger for the IDF, the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not.

Think lots of oil. Think Iraq.
CaféAuLait;9093162 said:
Pan AM 103

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'

Brutally raping 100's of teen aged girls in Dungeons, some as young as 14. Murdering them, leaving them to die after raping hundreds. Murdering students and making those girls he raped watch and cheer their deaths... Raping teen boys and keeping them in his 'service division". Keeping the bodies of those he murdered in Freezers so he could gaze upon their dead bodies ...

But hey, since you 'liked him" I suppose its akin to those who like/liked Hitler for the scum he was.

Gruesome details of Gadhafi's rape of teenagers and other crimes revealed - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz

As far as I know, no American president ( or other world leaders, such as the UK or Ireland) ordered the terrorist attack on a civilian airplane or raped children in dungeons, murdered them, raped little boys and made them watch as he shot other studens. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall it.

If Gaddafi really did those things he was indeed reprehensible. But just because accusations are out there doesn't make them true. Was he ever convicted of any of those crimes? Why didn't the main stream media report this? Like you, I just now googled him and found various articles...some detailing what you have posted and others showing connections between him and the Bush administration. Honestly, I had never heard of his sex dungeons before. I hereby retract my previous statement concerning Gaddafi until I do more research on him from reliable sources!
I was born a Jew, I volunteered when younger for the IDF, the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not.

Think lots of oil. Think Iraq.

( emphasis added)

Please quote that portion of the article. TIA. It says nothing of the sort.

BTW "the man" is Mustafa Abdel-Jalil and was Gaddafi's Justice Minister who resigned his post because of Gaddafi's violent ways .
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CaféAuLait;9093201 said:
If Gaddafi really did those things he was indeed reprehensible. But just because accusations are out there doesn't make them true. Was he ever convicted of any of those crimes? Why didn't the main stream media report this? Like you, I just now googled him and found various articles...some detailing what you have posted and others showing connections between him and the Bush administration. Honestly, I had never heard of his sex dungeons before. I hereby retract my previous statement concerning Gaddafi until I do more research on him from reliable sources!
I was born a Jew, I volunteered when younger for the IDF, the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not.

Think lots of oil. Think Iraq.

( emphasis added)

Please quote that portion of the article. TIA. It says nothing of the sort.

BTW "the man" is Mustafa Abdel-Jalil and was Gaddafi's Justice Minister who resigned his post because of Gaddafi's violent ways .
read your own article and show me where Mustafa provides the proof or read this Guardian piece and do the same. Interestingly Gaddafi supplied the IRA with weapons, Noraid loved him for that.
Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing ? ex-minister | UK news | The Guardian

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