If Gadafi would have united Africa, all those girls wouldn't be abducted

CaféAuLait;9098020 said:
Qaddafi was a great man. Look at the things he did for the people of Libya not the media lies.

CaféAuLait;9096851 said:
Gadaffi's Minister of Justice who resigned because Gaddafi was too violent and he disagreed with him.
And the evidence for that is "because someone within his movement (was possibly paid to) resign" - JUST LIKE HOW THEY FOUND GALLOWAY GUILTY in the video here - based on the fact that"He talked to Saddam".

Seriously? You don't believe he tortured people? Libyans have all been paid to talk smack against him?
Exactly. I do not believe anything from the source I call the axis of democracy, let me explain: I have seen these criminals caught lying over and over again, fabricating accusations. here is just ONE very recent example: (I also suggest you watch the Galloway video here)

I also do not trust the gang who repeatedly lie:

And act like the opposite side of the same coin:

And sell children and send death row inmates to fight people in other nations:
Report: Saudis sent death-row inmates to fight Syria

I do not trust the axis of those people, is that really hard to understand or believe?
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CaféAuLait;9098459 said:

I suppose you forgot once again this thread is about Gaddafi? Not Obama's torture in GTMO and Bush or Obama's and Bush's renditions to countries that torture, ironically both Obama and Bush sends those they snatch to Libya to be tortured.

Why do you continue to defend a monster that raped little boys and girls? Torturing thousands and murdering others, so much so his Minister resigned in protest?

Strange that.

Human Rights Watch is probably a credible source. Obviously, after Kaddafi’s death, this organization has had access to any evidence of predatory sexual practices committed by his regime. While this article serves to show the nexus between the Bush administration and Kaddafi, it does not mention or even hint at the perversions of which Kaddafi has been accused. Torture, though, IS hinted at. Note the subtlety of the hint as the Bush administration’s discovered complicity overshadows it all.
But the essential piece in the article even insinuating any allegations of unbridled licentiousness and/or predation, is nowhere to be found. Furthermore, the WSJ article shows that Kaddafi had even gone as far as to extend the CIA an invitation to set up shop in Libya in 2004. Would a dictator engaged in crimes against humanity be so eager to welcome foreign spies into his realm? I don’t know if the CIA took him up on his offer but the Benghazi affair seems to bear it out. If they did, surely the allegations would have surfaced much sooner were there any truth to them at all.

BTW, no one is defending or supporting any wrongs committed by Gaddafi if fair and just scrutiny satisfies those claims. OTOH is it wise to ignore the good he did or to trivialize his Pan African aspirations which promised new hope to millions of Africans who have been shut out and exploited by the West for so long? As the debate continues, new credible evidence may cause me to change my mind; but. for now, I feel the good out weighs the allegations.

Qaddafi was a CIA Asset | Informed Comment
By Juan Cole | Sep. 3, 2011

Human Rights Watch found documents in Libya after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi that it passed on to the Wall Street Journal, which is analyzing them. The WSJ reported today that the documents show that Qaddafi developed so warm a relation ship with George W. Bush that Bush sent people he had kidnapped (“rendition”) to Libya to be “questioned” by Libya’s goons, and almost certainly to be tortured. The formal paperwork asked Libya to observe human rights, but Bush’s office also sent over a list of specific questions it wanted the Libyan interrogators to ask. Qaddafi also gave permission to the CIA from 2004 to establish a formal presence in the country.
By Juan Cole | Sep. 3, 2011

Human Rights Watch found documents in Libya after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi that it passed on to the Wall Street Journal, which is analyzing them. The WSJ reported today that the documents show that Qaddafi developed so warm a relation ship with George W. Bush that Bush sent people he had kidnapped (“rendition”) to Libya to be “questioned” by Libya’s goons, and almost certainly to be tortured. The formal paperwork asked Libya to observe human rights, but Bush’s office also sent over a list of specific questions it wanted the Libyan interrogators to ask. Qaddafi also gave permission to the CIA from 2004 to establish a formal presence in the country.
Like with the Galloway accusations video in this thread, your foot note, your "kicker" evidence against Gadhafi is that "Bush sent prisoners to be tortured by Libya"... And as the Galloway video here brilliantly shows, these types of judgments come all the way from the TOP of American administration, then copied by political pundits.
oh i see; so are you left-wing losers defending Khadafy lemming dupes for obama's chicago buddies in the Nation of Islam?
a pencil-necked geek the world is laughing at superimposed over the body of a boxer?

oh i see; so are you left-wing losers defending Khadafy lemming dupes for obama's chicago buddies in the Nation of Islam?
One has to be quite a ding bat to make that connection considering Obama "the leftist" was the one who ordered the bombing of Libya.
oh i see; so are you left-wing losers defending Khadafy lemming dupes for obama's chicago buddies in the Nation of Islam?
One has to be quite a ding bat to make that connection considering Obama "the leftist" was the one who ordered the bombing of Libya.

DO TRY TO KEEP UP LEFTARD. obama's buddies roundly criticized him for that
Black Extremists Blast U.S. Libya Campaign, Predict ...


Southern Poverty Law Center

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and Black Panther Party leader Malik Zulu ... said President Obama's attempts to topple Muammar Qaddafi will hasten the arrival of ... Ripping into the president on March 23, Shabazz said in an online ...
Obama's Ties to the Nation of Islam and Libya | Present ...


Feb 25, 2011 - Gaddafi about Obama: "He is someone I consider a friend. ... Gaddafi said that until his alliance with the Nation of Islam, “our confrontation with America was .... Ghaddafi dead and his regime toppled,with US air support; then ...
obama the leftist didnt bomb libya; obama the warmonger did

that guy wears so many hats; when consider what he came from; what he says; what he does....etc

sorry leftard; try to keep up ok?
obama the leftist didnt bomb libya; obama the warmonger did

that guy wears so many hats; when consider what he came from; what he says; what he does....etc

sorry leftard; try to keep up ok?
Your right that he wears so many hats that it isn't funny. He figures no one can catch up to who he really is or what he really thinks, and also who his real allies are.
obama the leftist didnt bomb libya; obama the warmonger did

that guy wears so many hats; when consider what he came from; what he says; what he does....etc

sorry leftard; try to keep up ok?
This post almost makes sense, only I don't see how "I" became a leftard :doubt:
obama the leftist didnt bomb libya; obama the warmonger did

that guy wears so many hats; when consider what he came from; what he says; what he does....etc

sorry leftard; try to keep up ok?
This post almost makes sense, only I don't see how "I" became a leftard :doubt:

The recent posters of the opposition seem to be progressively ignorant with every post.
Bedowin, for instance, hasn't a clue as to how to stay on topic. Not only is he burdened by stupidity, he wants to air every grievance he has against Obama. I, for one, refuse to engage him unless he adds something of import to the present dialogue and the present topic!
For those who don't know Arabic, I used Google Translate for your convenience.

"I've created a utopia here in Libya. Not a fake one that people are writing about in books, but a concrete Utopia."

And I thus concur with Cafe. That's bullshit.
Libya under MoMo had the best free health care in Africa that was available to all citizens. Libya had the best free Education system in Africa for both genders, producing the highest literacy among children in Africa and higher than certain parts of America. Libya HDI ranking was 64 out of 187 countries.

BBC news Africa.
During MoMo 42 years rule, Libya has made great strides socially and economically thanks to its vast oil income........ lots of oil in the hands of a Murdering Dictator lets invade.

Women in Libya are free to work and may dress as they like.Life expectancy is in the seventies.
And per capita income was estimated by the world bank to be $12000 in 2011
Illiteracy and Homelessness has been wiped out.
I visited Libya under MoMo and could wander anywhere, the country and its people in 2006 where fantastic socialist examples for the rest of Africa.But once again the west's destabilized and invaded a country for its oil.
Today in America there are 10 areas with lower per capita incomes than Libya 2011.Obama is struggling to create a health service like Libya's and your homeless figures are disgusting for the greatest nation in the world.
Ps stop sending me red blobs and asking me to suck your dick, I respect the fact that you are gay but I am not.
View attachment 30127
Right. most of the ding bats here criticizing Gadhafi are an extension of establishment media, posting IDENTICAL BS that one would hear on the news and they think they are experts because they heard it somewhere and were paying attention

Do you swallow everything?
CaféAuLait;9092774 said:

"لقد خلق يوتوبيا هنا في ليبيا. ليست واحدة وهمية أن الناس في الكتابة عن الكتب، ولكن يوتوبيا ملموسة."


For those who don't know Arabic, I used Google Translate for your convenience.

"I've created a utopia here in Libya. Not a fake one that people are writing about in books, but a concrete Utopia."

And I thus concur with Cafe. That's bullshit.
Libya under MoMo had the best free health care in Africa that was available to all citizens. Libya had the best free Education system in Africa for both genders, producing the highest literacy among children in Africa and higher than certain parts of America. Libya HDI ranking was 64 out of 187 countries.

BBC news Africa.
During MoMo 42 years rule, Libya has made great strides socially and economically thanks to its vast oil income........ lots of oil in the hands of a Murdering Dictator lets invade.

Women in Libya are free to work and may dress as they like.Life expectancy is in the seventies.
And per capita income was estimated by the world bank to be $12000 in 2011
Illiteracy and Homelessness has been wiped out.
I visited Libya under MoMo and could wander anywhere, the country and its people in 2006 where fantastic socialist examples for the rest of Africa.But once again the west's destabilized and invaded a country for its oil.
Today in America there are 10 areas with lower per capita incomes than Libya 2011.Obama is struggling to create a health service like Libya's and your homeless figures are disgusting for the greatest nation in the world.
Ps stop sending me red blobs and asking me to suck your dick, I respect the fact that you are gay but I am not.
View attachment 30127

MoMo? WTF?

Did you visit Libya before "MoMo's" regime stole power? Perhaps you should read about Libya's long history. "MoMo" was certainly no better than Mussolini who stole Libya. Libya gained independence in the very early '50s and blossomed, thanks to the oil industry and King Idris' intelligence and desire to rebuild Libya.

"MoMo" nearly killed Libya. He didn't care about the citizens. He LIED if he said he did. Go look at photographs of Libya pre "MoMo" and after. Tell me that he is a hero.

I am glad he is dead. I pray that Libya survives whatever monsters are thrown at them now, thanks to "MoMo" opening the political gates of Hell.

nice to see some real stupid people posting some real stupid sh*t here

Africans cant unite; they cant even stop slaughtering each other in their own countries

"if Gadafi would have united......................."

as if the other countries didnt or wouldnt have had a say in that

what an utter idiot the OP is

the OP is a racist moron
The more I learn about Ghadaffi and his massive WATER and IRRIGATION project, the more convinced I become that he was offed by the WESTERN MASTERS to gain control over NORTH AFRICA'S best shot at recovering economically.
For those who don't know Arabic, I used Google Translate for your convenience.

"I've created a utopia here in Libya. Not a fake one that people are writing about in books, but a concrete Utopia."

And I thus concur with Cafe. That's bullshit.
Libya under MoMo had the best free health care in Africa that was available to all citizens. Libya had the best free Education system in Africa for both genders, producing the highest literacy among children in Africa and higher than certain parts of America. Libya HDI ranking was 64 out of 187 countries.

BBC news Africa.
During MoMo 42 years rule, Libya has made great strides socially and economically thanks to its vast oil income........ lots of oil in the hands of a Murdering Dictator lets invade.

Women in Libya are free to work and may dress as they like.Life expectancy is in the seventies.
And per capita income was estimated by the world bank to be $12000 in 2011
Illiteracy and Homelessness has been wiped out.
I visited Libya under MoMo and could wander anywhere, the country and its people in 2006 where fantastic socialist examples for the rest of Africa.But once again the west's destabilized and invaded a country for its oil.
Today in America there are 10 areas with lower per capita incomes than Libya 2011.Obama is struggling to create a health service like Libya's and your homeless figures are disgusting for the greatest nation in the world.
Ps stop sending me red blobs and asking me to suck your dick, I respect the fact that you are gay but I am not.
View attachment 30127

MoMo? WTF?

Did you visit Libya before "MoMo's" regime stole power? Perhaps you should read about Libya's long history. "MoMo" was certainly no better than Mussolini who stole Libya. Libya gained independence in the very early '50s and blossomed, thanks to the oil industry and King Idris' intelligence and desire to rebuild Libya.

"MoMo" nearly killed Libya. He didn't care about the citizens. He LIED if he said he did. Go look at photographs of Libya pre "MoMo" and after. Tell me that he is a hero.

I am glad he is dead. I pray that Libya survives whatever monsters are thrown at them now, thanks to "MoMo" opening the political gates of Hell.

so you support the british colonial implanted despot Idris.Idris was like all colonial plants a dim witted twerp who was a puppet for his British master. When did you run from your country and why?
Read this about MoMo rule,
Celebrating The Great Achievments Of Muammar Gaddafi | Libya 360° Archive

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