If Gadafi would have united Africa, all those girls wouldn't be abducted

CaféAuLait;9093201 said:
I was born a Jew, I volunteered when younger for the IDF, the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not.

Think lots of oil. Think Iraq.

( emphasis added)

Please quote that portion of the article. TIA. It says nothing of the sort.

BTW "the man" is Mustafa Abdel-Jalil and was Gaddafi's Justice Minister who resigned his post because of Gaddafi's violent ways .
read your own article and show me where Mustafa provides the proof or read this Guardian piece and do the same. Interestingly Gaddafi supplied the IRA with weapons, Noraid loved him for that.
Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing ? ex-minister | UK news | The Guardian

I read the article, you made the claim and I'll repeat your claim again here, you said:

"the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not"

Your lie about the article has nothing to do with the IRA or anything else. Now please quote the portion of the article you just blatantly lied about. TIA. Or would you rather continue with obfuscation to hide your claim and throw the IRA around? Nice try.

Thanks international bankers for keeping nations, continents, families divided. and good luck screwing those virgins. Also thanks to all the ignorant people who only know to blame left/right or America/Russia...

Minister Louis Farrakhan may say things against my race, but this man speaks truth that MSM will not speak, and for that I respect him:

Nah they wouldn't have been abducted, just legally taken to his (Ga-daffi-ducks) palace where he would have abused them.
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CaféAuLait;9093223 said:
CaféAuLait;9093201 said:
( emphasis added)

Please quote that portion of the article. TIA. It says nothing of the sort.

BTW "the man" is Mustafa Abdel-Jalil and was Gaddafi's Justice Minister who resigned his post because of Gaddafi's violent ways .
read your own article and show me where Mustafa provides the proof or read this Guardian piece and do the same. Interestingly Gaddafi supplied the IRA with weapons, Noraid loved him for that.
Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing ? ex-minister | UK news | The Guardian

I read the article, you made the claim and I'll repeat your claim again here, you said:

"the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not"

Your lie about the article has nothing to do with the IRA or anything else. Now please quote the portion of the article you just blatantly lied about. TIA. Or would you rather continue with obfuscation to hide your claim and throw the IRA around? Nice try.

Did Mustafa describe the proof he claimed to have in the article.......the answer is no.He never produced concrete proof.
This was part of the usual mis and dis information by the west when they want oil.I also note your comment about Saddam, was that the same Saddam Rumsfeld gave gold spurs to for buying loads of American weapons? are they still looking for the WMD's:eusa_liar:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4LDQixpCa8]George Galloway BLISTERING ATTACK on the U.S. SENATE - YouTube[/ame]
CaféAuLait;9093223 said:
read your own article and show me where Mustafa provides the proof or read this Guardian piece and do the same. Interestingly Gaddafi supplied the IRA with weapons, Noraid loved him for that.
Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing ? ex-minister | UK news | The Guardian

I read the article, you made the claim and I'll repeat your claim again here, you said:

"the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not"

Your lie about the article has nothing to do with the IRA or anything else. Now please quote the portion of the article you just blatantly lied about. TIA. Or would you rather continue with obfuscation to hide your claim and throw the IRA around? Nice try.

Did Mustafa describe the proof he claimed to have in the article.......the answer is no.He never produced concrete proof.
This was part of the usual mis and dis information by the west when they want oil.I also note your comment about Saddam, was that the same Saddam Rumsfeld gave gold spurs to for buying loads of American weapons? are they still looking for the WMD's:eusa_liar:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4LDQixpCa8]George Galloway BLISTERING ATTACK on the U.S. SENATE - YouTube[/ame]

Still trying to get away from your lie? Now we are onto Rumsfeld, gold and WMD's? :lmao:

Come on post the quote you claimed was in the article. Pretty please with sugar on top?

Pssst the claim was not made by "The West", but by a Libyan who used to work for Gaddafi as his justice minister, but quit because Gaddafi was too violent. That Libyan made those claims in Libya which were then written by those terrible Swedes from Sweden.

Last edited:
CaféAuLait;9093162 said:
Muammar al-Gaddafi uniting Africa would have been like Hitler uniting Europe: Gaddafi was a ruthless, murderous dictator.

You say Muammar, I fondly call him Omar...you spell his last name Gaddafi, I spell it the way it strikes me at the moment. Either way, I liked the man. He was NO Hitler because Muammar loved Black people and Hitler hated them...just like you and many of the posters here hate Blacks.

Just curious: what makes you think "Gaddafi" was a murderous dictator? Give me one example of one thing he did that at least two or more of our American presidents have not done.

Pan AM 103

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'

Brutally raping 100's of teen aged girls in Dungeons, some as young as 14. Murdering them, leaving them to die after raping hundreds. Murdering students and making those girls he raped watch and cheer their deaths... Raping teen boys and keeping them in his 'service division". Keeping the bodies of those he murdered in Freezers so he could gaze upon their dead bodies ...

But hey, since you 'liked him" I suppose its akin to those who like/liked Hitler for the scum he was.

Gruesome details of Gadhafi's rape of teenagers and other crimes revealed - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz

As far as I know, no American president ( or other world leaders, such as the UK or Ireland) ordered the terrorist attack on a civilian airplane or raped children in dungeons, murdered them, raped little boys and made them watch as he shot other studens. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall it.

Obviously JQ is quite an uneducated person. Muammar al-Gaddafi was well known for his brutal, murderous regime. As well, JQ, you are apparently assuming, for some completely unknown reason, that I hate blacks. Pretty funny. That would mean I hate my nephews, who are both half black. And I hate my ex-common law husband, because he is black. And I must also hate about 90% of the people in the country where I currently live and work, because most of them, in the US, would be considered black. And I must also hate about 90% of the people I work with and live amongst. Don't assume things about people you don't know.
Muammar Qaddafi’s Death and Legacy : The New Yorker
(Great article btw)

For the first decades of Qaddafi’s rule, the Jamahiriya was in certain respects an improvement for many Libyans. In a country where more than eighty per cent of the population had been illiterate, a program of free education, up to the college level, helped push the literacy rate above fifty per cent. Medical care, if rudimentary by American standards, was free. The average annual salary, which had been two thousand dollars under King Idris, rose to ten thousand dollars. All these programs were underwritten by the increasingly rich oil economy. The worldwide oil crisis of 1973 sent prices soaring, and Libya made a fortune. Qaddafi funnelled money and jobs to his citizens, through patronage, infrastructure projects, and a public sector that at one point employed three-quarters of the working population....

Sullivan came away convinced that Qaddafi was a madman who had turned Libya into an insane asylum. “One day, driving into Tripoli, I saw dead camels everywhere,” he recalled. “Qaddafi had decided that having camels within the city limits made Tripoli look like a backward place. Since he was trying to become the head of the Organization of African Unity, that wasn’t a good thing, so he had all camels shot that were on the road into the city.”

That mix of paternalism and violence was typical. As one former Libyan diplomat told me, “The ideology of the regime was not convincing at all, but the terror was very efficient.” Qaddafi’s secret police and revolutionary committees nurtured a comprehensive network of informants, set up with the help of the East Germans. A former intelligence officer described the process: “We would be given the names of civilians. Then we would move people around to surveil the person and also use technical surveillance—wiretaps and so on. By the time the file got to the director, there would be enough information on that person to become his best friend.” ...

Recalcitrant students and political dissidents were picked up, tortured, given show trials, and either imprisoned or hanged. The hangings often took place on the grounds of universities, with fellow-students and parents forced to watch. An especially vivid and exemplary execution came in 1984, when a young man named Sadiq Hamed Shwehdi was tried in Benghazi’s basketball stadium on charges of terrorism. Hundreds of schoolchildren were bused in to attend, and the trial was broadcast live on national television. Shwehdi, on his knees, wept as he confessed to joining the “stray dogs”—Qaddafi’s term for his exiled opponents—while he was studying in the United States. A panel of revolutionary judges sentenced him to death, and he was led to a waiting gallows. Shwehdi hung from the noose, slowly strangling, until suddenly a young woman in an olive-green uniform, a “volunteer” named Huda Ben Amer, strode up and violently pulled on his legs. Qaddafi rewarded Ben Amer for her show of revolutionary zeal, and she later served two terms as the mayor of Benghazi.

Yep, he was a wonderful guy. And Hitler built lots of nice buildings while Mussolini made the trains run on time. Great guys, you bet.
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CaféAuLait;9093162 said:
Muammar al-Gaddafi uniting Africa would have been like Hitler uniting Europe: Gaddafi was a ruthless, murderous dictator.

You say Muammar, I fondly call him Omar...you spell his last name Gaddafi, I spell it the way it strikes me at the moment. Either way, I liked the man. He was NO Hitler because Muammar loved Black people and Hitler hated them...just like you and many of the posters here hate Blacks.

Just curious: what makes you think "Gaddafi" was a murderous dictator? Give me one example of one thing he did that at least two or more of our American presidents have not done.

Pan AM 103

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'

Brutally raping 100's of teen aged girls in Dungeons, some as young as 14. Murdering them, leaving them to die after raping hundreds. Murdering students and making those girls he raped watch and cheer their deaths... Raping teen boys and keeping them in his 'service division". Keeping the bodies of those he murdered in Freezers so he could gaze upon their dead bodies ...

But hey, since you 'liked him" I suppose its akin to those who like/liked Hitler for the scum he was.

Gruesome details of Gadhafi's rape of teenagers and other crimes revealed - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz

As far as I know, no American president ( or other world leaders, such as the UK or Ireland) ordered the terrorist attack on a civilian airplane or raped children in dungeons, murdered them, raped little boys and made them watch as he shot other studens. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall it.
All your information is from the media, and the media is controlled by those who profit from conflicts and controversy and who control the money supply. but upon closer investigation I always find that their claims are baseless, just like the latest referendum in Ukraine being "illegitimate and rigged" - LiveLeak.com - State Dept.'s Psaki can't explain her beef with Ukraine
Thanks international bankers for keeping nations, continents, families divided. and good luck screwing those virgins. Also thanks to all the ignorant people who only know to blame left/right or America/Russia...

Minister Louis Farrakhan may say things against my race, but this man speaks truth that MSM will not speak, and for that I respect him:


seriously there are some very stupid people posting here
CaféAuLait;9092774 said:

"لقد خلق يوتوبيا هنا في ليبيا. ليست واحدة وهمية أن الناس في الكتابة عن الكتب، ولكن يوتوبيا ملموسة."


For those who don't know Arabic, I used Google Translate for your convenience.

"I've created a utopia here in Libya. Not a fake one that people are writing about in books, but a concrete Utopia."

And I thus concur with Cafe. That's bullshit.
Libya under MoMo had the best free health care in Africa that was available to all citizens. Libya had the best free Education system in Africa for both genders, producing the highest literacy among children in Africa and higher than certain parts of America. Libya HDI ranking was 64 out of 187 countries.

BBC news Africa.
During MoMo 42 years rule, Libya has made great strides socially and economically thanks to its vast oil income........ lots of oil in the hands of a Murdering Dictator lets invade.

Women in Libya are free to work and may dress as they like.Life expectancy is in the seventies.
And per capita income was estimated by the world bank to be $12000 in 2011
Illiteracy and Homelessness has been wiped out.
I visited Libya under MoMo and could wander anywhere, the country and its people in 2006 where fantastic socialist examples for the rest of Africa.But once again the west's destabilized and invaded a country for its oil.
Today in America there are 10 areas with lower per capita incomes than Libya 2011.Obama is struggling to create a health service like Libya's and your homeless figures are disgusting for the greatest nation in the world.
Ps stop sending me red blobs and asking me to suck your dick, I respect the fact that you are gay but I am not.
View attachment 30127
Right. most of the ding bats here criticizing Gadhafi are an extension of establishment media, posting IDENTICAL BS that one would hear on the news and they think they are experts because they heard it somewhere and were paying attention
CaféAuLait;9093239 said:
CaféAuLait;9093223 said:
I read the article, you made the claim and I'll repeat your claim again here, you said:

"the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not"

Your lie about the article has nothing to do with the IRA or anything else. Now please quote the portion of the article you just blatantly lied about. TIA. Or would you rather continue with obfuscation to hide your claim and throw the IRA around? Nice try.

Did Mustafa describe the proof he claimed to have in the article.......the answer is no.He never produced concrete proof.
This was part of the usual mis and dis information by the west when they want oil.I also note your comment about Saddam, was that the same Saddam Rumsfeld gave gold spurs to for buying loads of American weapons? are they still looking for the WMD's:eusa_liar:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4LDQixpCa8]George Galloway BLISTERING ATTACK on the U.S. SENATE - YouTube[/ame]

Still trying to get away from your lie? Now we are onto Rumsfeld, gold and WMD's? :lmao:

Come on post the quote you claimed was in the article. Pretty please with sugar on top?

Pssst the claim was not made by "The West", but by a Libyan who used to work for Gaddafi as his justice minister, but quit because Gaddafi was too violent. That Libyan made those claims in Libya which were then written by those terrible Swedes from Sweden.

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'
Do you have to work hard at being a twerp, quote from that article where Mustapha show the proof of his allegations. You really should learn to absorb what you read, quote me please where I this claim was made by the west.
Dubya and Blur loved MoMo when they could trade with him, the link contain a lovely shot of Condi and MoMo. Qaddafi: From Private Ally to Public Enemy | Tim Dickinson | Politics News | Rolling Stone
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CaféAuLait;9093162 said:
You say Muammar, I fondly call him Omar...you spell his last name Gaddafi, I spell it the way it strikes me at the moment. Either way, I liked the man. He was NO Hitler because Muammar loved Black people and Hitler hated them...just like you and many of the posters here hate Blacks.

Just curious: what makes you think "Gaddafi" was a murderous dictator? Give me one example of one thing he did that at least two or more of our American presidents have not done.

Pan AM 103

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'

Brutally raping 100's of teen aged girls in Dungeons, some as young as 14. Murdering them, leaving them to die after raping hundreds. Murdering students and making those girls he raped watch and cheer their deaths... Raping teen boys and keeping them in his 'service division". Keeping the bodies of those he murdered in Freezers so he could gaze upon their dead bodies ...

But hey, since you 'liked him" I suppose its akin to those who like/liked Hitler for the scum he was.

Gruesome details of Gadhafi's rape of teenagers and other crimes revealed - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz

As far as I know, no American president ( or other world leaders, such as the UK or Ireland) ordered the terrorist attack on a civilian airplane or raped children in dungeons, murdered them, raped little boys and made them watch as he shot other studens. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall it.

Obviously JQ is quite an uneducated person. Muammar al-Gaddafi was well known for his brutal, murderous regime.
Fortunately, my education does not hinge on how well I absorb the pernicious right wing propaganda bandied about by the enemies of Gaddafi. Would you just as readily substitute Gaddafi’s name for the names of any of those American icons who committed similar atrocities against Indians and Blacks? While many upstanding Americans took full advantage of their young child slaves, how many were condemned for it? Is Thomas Jefferson not still honored and admired as a great statesman, despite his “well lknown” sexual dalliances with the pre- adolescent slave Sally Hemming? Their Black descendants ( proven by DNA tests) exist today as a testament to those charges in vivid living color.
As well, JQ, you are apparently assuming, for some completely unknown reason, that I hate blacks.
Well, I dunno, Ezzy, you seem to side with the resident right wing extremists far more often than not!
Most of those are unapologetic about their racist views.

Pretty funny. That would mean I hate my nephews, who are both half black. And I hate my ex-common law husband, because he is black. And I must also hate about 90% of the people in the country where I currently live and work, because most of them, in the US, would be considered black.
Are YOU Black? From what the right wing crowd tells me they think Blacks hate their own kind! OTOH, if you are white… I will not add to your angst by being overly critical.

And I must also hate about 90% of the people I work with and live amongst. Don't assume things about people you don't know.
Hmm… Did you really know Gaddafi? Did you weigh the sources that castigated him against those that praised him? Probably not. Your objectivity turns on the notion that any bad news about Gaddafi is true and to hell with anything else!
CaféAuLait;9092774 said:

"لقد خلق يوتوبيا هنا في ليبيا. ليست واحدة وهمية أن الناس في الكتابة عن الكتب، ولكن يوتوبيا ملموسة."


For those who don't know Arabic, I used Google Translate for your convenience.

"I've created a utopia here in Libya. Not a fake one that people are writing about in books, but a concrete Utopia."

And I thus concur with Cafe. That's bullshit.
Libya under MoMo had the best free health care in Africa that was available to all citizens. Libya had the best free Education system in Africa for both genders, producing the highest literacy among children in Africa and higher than certain parts of America. Libya HDI ranking was 64 out of 187 countries.

BBC news Africa.
During MoMo 42 years rule, Libya has made great strides socially and economically thanks to its vast oil income........ lots of oil in the hands of a Murdering Dictator lets invade.

Women in Libya are free to work and may dress as they like.Life expectancy is in the seventies.
And per capita income was estimated by the world bank to be $12000 in 2011
Illiteracy and Homelessness has been wiped out.
I visited Libya under MoMo and could wander anywhere, the country and its people in 2006 where fantastic socialist examples for the rest of Africa.But once again the west's destabilized and invaded a country for its oil.
Today in America there are 10 areas with lower per capita incomes than Libya 2011.Obama is struggling to create a health service like Libya's and your homeless figures are disgusting for the greatest nation in the world.
Ps stop sending me red blobs and asking me to suck your dick, I respect the fact that you are gay but I am not.
View attachment 30127

And let us not forget that Qaddafi was anti-AL-Qaeda. He was an American ally in that sense. As you have pointed out, his altruism shines through. From that perspective, a huge vacuum was left where Gaddafi once ruled. Libya is a far more dangerous place now that Omar is gone.
CaféAuLait;9093223 said:
read your own article and show me where Mustafa provides the proof or read this Guardian piece and do the same. Interestingly Gaddafi supplied the IRA with weapons, Noraid loved him for that.
Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing ? ex-minister | UK news | The Guardian

I read the article, you made the claim and I'll repeat your claim again here, you said:

"the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not"

Your lie about the article has nothing to do with the IRA or anything else. Now please quote the portion of the article you just blatantly lied about. TIA. Or would you rather continue with obfuscation to hide your claim and throw the IRA around? Nice try.

Did Mustafa describe the proof he claimed to have in the article.......the answer is no.He never produced concrete proof.
This was part of the usual mis and dis information by the west when they want oil.I also note your comment about Saddam, was that the same Saddam Rumsfeld gave gold spurs to for buying loads of American weapons? are they still looking for the WMD's:eusa_liar:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4LDQixpCa8]George Galloway BLISTERING ATTACK on the U.S. SENATE - YouTube[/ame]
This is a great video! I just watched it all. I watched Galloway speeches before, did not see this one.
CaféAuLait;9093239 said:
Did Mustafa describe the proof he claimed to have in the article.......the answer is no.He never produced concrete proof.
This was part of the usual mis and dis information by the west when they want oil.I also note your comment about Saddam, was that the same Saddam Rumsfeld gave gold spurs to for buying loads of American weapons? are they still looking for the WMD's:eusa_liar:
George Galloway BLISTERING ATTACK on the U.S. SENATE - YouTube

Still trying to get away from your lie? Now we are onto Rumsfeld, gold and WMD's? :lmao:

Come on post the quote you claimed was in the article. Pretty please with sugar on top?

Pssst the claim was not made by "The West", but by a Libyan who used to work for Gaddafi as his justice minister, but quit because Gaddafi was too violent. That Libyan made those claims in Libya which were then written by those terrible Swedes from Sweden.

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'
Do you have to work hard at being a twerp, quote from that article where Mustapha show the proof of his allegations. You really should learn to absorb what you read, quote me please where I this claim was made by the west.
Dubya and Blur loved MoMo when they could trade with him, the link contain a lovely shot of Condi and MoMo. Qaddafi: From Private Ally to Public Enemy | Tim Dickinson | Politics News | Rolling Stone

You said:

"the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not"

It's silly for me to ask again, because you refuse to provide the quote, because it was never stated in the article as you claimed.

Stop with the deflections and admit you made it up. Here is the link again in case you forgot where is was with your constant deflection.

BBC News - Colonel Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing'

Keep claiming this was stated by someone from "The West" when in fact it as Gadaffi's Minister of Justice who resigned because Gaddafi was too violent and he disagreed with him.
Qaddafi was a great man. Look at the things he did for the people of Libya not the media lies.

CaféAuLait;9096851 said:
Gadaffi's Minister of Justice who resigned because Gaddafi was too violent and he disagreed with him.
And the evidence for that is "because someone within his movement (was possibly paid to) resign" - JUST LIKE HOW THEY FOUND GALLOWAY GUILTY in the video here - based on the fact that"He talked to Saddam".
Qaddafi was a great man. Look at the things he did for the people of Libya not the media lies.

CaféAuLait;9096851 said:
Gadaffi's Minister of Justice who resigned because Gaddafi was too violent and he disagreed with him.
And the evidence for that is "because someone within his movement (was possibly paid to) resign" - JUST LIKE HOW THEY FOUND GALLOWAY GUILTY in the video here - based on the fact that"He talked to Saddam".

Seriously? You don't believe he tortured people? Libyans have all been paid to talk smack against him?

Horrors from the Libya torture prison

Libya: rebel describes torture and starvation at hands of Gaddafi loyalists - Telegraph

Raped little boys and girls?

The macabre rape chamber of Gaddafi | News.com.au

This did not happen either? Was she paid as well?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUjHAWPVc5o]Woman is a Rape Victim by Gaddafi Forces in Tripoli Sky News... ?????? ????? - YouTube[/ame]
CaféAuLait;9098020 said:
Qaddafi was a great man. Look at the things he did for the people of Libya not the media lies.

CaféAuLait;9096851 said:
Gadaffi's Minister of Justice who resigned because Gaddafi was too violent and he disagreed with him.
And the evidence for that is "because someone within his movement (was possibly paid to) resign" - JUST LIKE HOW THEY FOUND GALLOWAY GUILTY in the video here - based on the fact that"He talked to Saddam".

Seriously? You don't believe he tortured people? Libyans have all been paid to talk smack against him?

Horrors from the Libya torture prison
you do spew some rubbish, you like the Beeb but please familiarise yourself with the others.

BBC - Ethics - Torture: Rendition



Last edited:
For those who don't know Arabic, I used Google Translate for your convenience.

"I've created a utopia here in Libya. Not a fake one that people are writing about in books, but a concrete Utopia."

And I thus concur with Cafe. That's bullshit.
Libya under MoMo had the best free health care in Africa that was available to all citizens. Libya had the best free Education system in Africa for both genders, producing the highest literacy among children in Africa and higher than certain parts of America. Libya HDI ranking was 64 out of 187 countries.

BBC news Africa.
During MoMo 42 years rule, Libya has made great strides socially and economically thanks to its vast oil income........ lots of oil in the hands of a Murdering Dictator lets invade.

Women in Libya are free to work and may dress as they like.Life expectancy is in the seventies.
And per capita income was estimated by the world bank to be $12000 in 2011
Illiteracy and Homelessness has been wiped out.
I visited Libya under MoMo and could wander anywhere, the country and its people in 2006 where fantastic socialist examples for the rest of Africa.But once again the west's destabilized and invaded a country for its oil.
Today in America there are 10 areas with lower per capita incomes than Libya 2011.Obama is struggling to create a health service like Libya's and your homeless figures are disgusting for the greatest nation in the world.
Ps stop sending me red blobs and asking me to suck your dick, I respect the fact that you are gay but I am not.
View attachment 30127

And let us not forget that Qaddafi was anti-AL-Qaeda. He was an American ally in that sense. As you have pointed out, his altruism shines through. From that perspective, a huge vacuum was left where Gaddafi once ruled. Libya is a far more dangerous place now that Omar is gone.
I concur, I posted quite a tame BBC description of the CIA rendition programme, or free flights to torture.One of the destination was Assad's Syria:badgrin:
CaféAuLait;9093223 said:
I read the article, you made the claim and I'll repeat your claim again here, you said:

"the BBC article states that when the man who claimed he had proof that Gaddafi order Lockerbie was asked to produce the proof he could not"

Your lie about the article has nothing to do with the IRA or anything else. Now please quote the portion of the article you just blatantly lied about. TIA. Or would you rather continue with obfuscation to hide your claim and throw the IRA around? Nice try.

Did Mustafa describe the proof he claimed to have in the article.......the answer is no.He never produced concrete proof.
This was part of the usual mis and dis information by the west when they want oil.I also note your comment about Saddam, was that the same Saddam Rumsfeld gave gold spurs to for buying loads of American weapons? are they still looking for the WMD's:eusa_liar:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4LDQixpCa8]George Galloway BLISTERING ATTACK on the U.S. SENATE - YouTube[/ame]
This is a great video! I just watched it all. I watched Galloway speeches before, did not see this one.
I am glad you liked it, he gave that toss pot Coleman a wonderfully cultured slapping. Gorgeous George was a member of the Labour party at the same time as I was, I resigned when we invaded Iraq, my close friend Dr B Iddon MP was one of the 217 rebel MP's who supported the amendment to stop the war.
CaféAuLait;9098020 said:
And the evidence for that is "because someone within his movement (was possibly paid to) resign" - JUST LIKE HOW THEY FOUND GALLOWAY GUILTY in the video here - based on the fact that"He talked to Saddam".

Seriously? You don't believe he tortured people? Libyans have all been paid to talk smack against him?

Horrors from the Libya torture prison
you do spew some rubbish, you like the Beeb but please familiarise yourself with the others.

BBC - Ethics - Torture: Rendition

May 2004: The images that shamed America | Gallery | guardian.co.uk

Inside Guantanamo Bay: Horrifying pictures show the restraint chairs, feeding tubes and operating theatre used on inmates in terror prison | Mail Online

Mahmudiyah killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I suppose you forgot once again this thread is about Gaddafi? Not Obama's torture in GTMO and Bush or Obama's and Bush's renditions to countries that torture, ironically both Obama and Bush sends those they snatch to Libya to be tortured.

Why do you continue to defend a monster that raped little boys and girls? Torturing thousands and murdering others, so much so his Minister resigned in protest?

Strange that.

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