If gay marriage is legal...let's get rid of ALL legal marriage....

The People don't get a vote. We don't have Mob Rule here. How long before you figure that out?

Actually your view is we do have mob rule here when it yields the result you want and we don't have mob rule when it doesn't, then we are a dictatorship.
No, we don't have mob rule here ever, period.
Gotcha, when the majority want what you want, it isn't mob rule, it's majority rule. When the majority don't want what you want, then it's mob rule and the job of the courts to throw it out. This is very educational.
No, we don't have mob rule here ever, period. And I'm not saying it again little man so grow up and learn why the minority is protected from the whims of the majority here. It doesn't matter a fucking damn what the majority believe, either way, ever.
The People don't get a vote. We don't have Mob Rule here. How long before you figure that out?

Actually your view is we do have mob rule here when it yields the result you want and we don't have mob rule when it doesn't, then we are a dictatorship.
No, we don't have mob rule here ever, period.
Gotcha, when the majority want what you want, it isn't mob rule, it's majority rule. When the majority don't want what you want, then it's mob rule and the job of the courts to throw it out. This is very educational.
Actually not.

It's the responsibility of the majority to enact measures that comport with the Constitution and its case law; and when the majority errs, such as is the case with denying same-sex couples access to marriage law, it's the responsibility of the courts to invalidate those measures which are repugnant to the Constitution.

In essence, if the people and lawmakers enacted measure in good faith, seeking to comply with the Constitution and its case law, there'd be little need for disadvantaged citizens to seek relief in Federal court.

These lawsuits are the result of the people and states acting in bad faith, where the states alone are responsible for un-Constitutional measures being struck down.
Well, since this thread started...one more state joins the modern world...well done, Alabama!
Alabama didnt do anything. Some unelected judge overturned the will of the people again. A nd the AG there is petitioning to overturn the decision.
Argument #2.
The People don't get a vote. We don't have Mob Rule here. How long before you figure that out?
Tell that to looting "protestors".
Who didn't do anything put rip off a few stores. It's not like they founded a new nation now did they, and that wasn't done my a majority either now was it?
No, we don't have mob rule here ever, period. And I'm not saying it again little man so grow up and learn why the minority is protected from the whims of the majority here. It doesn't matter a fucking damn what the majority believe, either way, ever.


Yeah, I'm protected from you and your wealth envy and greed. Again, mob rule is what you call the majority not wanting what you do.

No, we don't have mob rule here ever, period. And I'm not saying it again little man so grow up and learn why the minority is protected from the whims of the majority here. It doesn't matter a fucking damn what the majority believe, either way, ever.


Yeah, I'm protected from you and your wealth envy and greed. Again, mob rule is what you call the majority not wanting what you do.

Mob rule is dumb animals killing weaker animals, and that's not our system in which the minority have actual rights, that you wouldn't grant them.
Fuck off. Take your bigoted anti hetro bullshit and sell it to the mentally ill like chewy
A good "Christian" at work...
Christian doesnt mean i have to eat your shit
No, it means you need to follow the teachings of the Christ, which you ignore. He might disapprove of me but I, unlike you, don't do evil in his name. If the Christ was alive today he'd sue you all for defamation.
You consistently show that you know jack squat about Christians but i dont expect a racist hate filled loser like you to understand.
The People don't get a vote. We don't have Mob Rule here. How long before you figure that out?

Actually your view is we do have mob rule here when it yields the result you want and we don't have mob rule when it doesn't, then we are a dictatorship.
No, we don't have mob rule here ever, period.
Gotcha, when the majority want what you want, it isn't mob rule, it's majority rule. When the majority don't want what you want, then it's mob rule and the job of the courts to throw it out. This is very educational.
Actually not.

It's the responsibility of the majority to enact measures that comport with the Constitution and its case law; and when the majority errs, such as is the case with denying same-sex couples access to marriage law, it's the responsibility of the courts to invalidate those measures which are repugnant to the Constitution.

In essence, if the people and lawmakers enacted measure in good faith, seeking to comply with the Constitution and its case law, there'd be little need for disadvantaged citizens to seek relief in Federal court.

These lawsuits are the result of the people and states acting in bad faith, where the states alone are responsible for un-Constitutional measures being struck down.

Right, you support the Constitution. Well, except the 9th and 10th amendments, but they put them last in the Bill of Rights for a reason. Just a suggestion really. Actually they were probably joking, limits on Federal power? Ridiculous. Oh, and the 2nd, toss that off the bat. It's actually a power for government to have guns, you know, in the bill of rights. And the first amendment, congress can actually regulate political speech in elections. Oh, and the fourth amendment, tax collection can't be burdened with Constitutional rights, we want the $$$ baby. And the fifth amendment, land can be taken for any reason, public use? Who needs that? New London got it right, that's for sure.

But the 3rd, 6th and 7th! Bam, you are all over those! Well, as long as juries do the right thing, which is the left thing. Else that one is out and the Feds can retry them. Still, the 3rd and 6th, there we're talking. You support 20% of the bill of rights, and that isn't shabby. I mean not quartering soldiers in homes without fair compensation, it's only right. Oh, and making up rights, like the right to an abortion and that gays should not have marriage laws subject to them like they are everyone else. The vapor amendments, you love those too.
Fuck off. Take your bigoted anti hetro bullshit and sell it to the mentally ill like chewy
A good "Christian" at work...
Christian doesnt mean i have to eat your shit
No, it means you need to follow the teachings of the Christ, which you ignore. He might disapprove of me but I, unlike you, don't do evil in his name. If the Christ was alive today he'd sue you all for defamation.
You consistently show that you know jack squat about Christians but i dont expect a racist hate filled loser like you to understand.
I know you faith far better than you, which is why I rejected it as the total crap that it is. Don't kid yourself though, you may believe that you have your Ticket to Heaven but you nothing like Jesus, or even a good Christian. You are the satan (the obstacle) that Jesus said to get thee behind me.
Well, since this thread started...one more state joins the modern world...well done, Alabama!
Alabama didnt do anything. Some unelected judge overturned the will of the people again. A nd the AG there is petitioning to overturn the decision.
Argument #2.
Well done Alabama. Welcome to the 21st century....away from the third world status some want to keep you in.
Fuck off. Take your bigoted anti hetro bullshit and sell it to the mentally ill like chewy
A good "Christian" at work...
Christian doesnt mean i have to eat your shit
No, it means you need to follow the teachings of the Christ, which you ignore. He might disapprove of me but I, unlike you, don't do evil in his name. If the Christ was alive today he'd sue you all for defamation.
You consistently show that you know jack squat about Christians but i dont expect a racist hate filled loser like you to understand.
I know you faith far better than you, which is why I rejected it as the total crap that it is. Don't kid yourself though, you may believe that you have your Ticket to Heaven but you nothing like Jesus, or even a good Christian. You are the satan (the obstacle) that Jesus said to get thee behind me.
You know nothing. About anything. All you post is hate and venom.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:
Really? Why not? The Government may reject any support for "legal families". moreover social programs for these families are senseless. I am interested What would you say about Christian wedding ceremony as a religious tradition??
No problem. We got married in a Christian wedding ceremony a decade before we could marry legally. It's funny that anyone would think that getting rid of legalized marriage and going to religious weddings only would stop gay marriage.
No real Christian church or minister would support sin so i call bullshit
You've been left far behind. Many Christian churches perform weddings for gay couples now....whether it's civilly legal or now. Some have been doing it for decades.
A good "Christian" at work...
Christian doesnt mean i have to eat your shit
No, it means you need to follow the teachings of the Christ, which you ignore. He might disapprove of me but I, unlike you, don't do evil in his name. If the Christ was alive today he'd sue you all for defamation.
You consistently show that you know jack squat about Christians but i dont expect a racist hate filled loser like you to understand.
I know you faith far better than you, which is why I rejected it as the total crap that it is. Don't kid yourself though, you may believe that you have your Ticket to Heaven but you nothing like Jesus, or even a good Christian. You are the satan (the obstacle) that Jesus said to get thee behind me.
You know nothing. About anything. All you post is hate and venom.
Well, there's Irony right there.

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