If gay marriage is legal...let's get rid of ALL legal marriage....

Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:

And they say Republican's want less government, and they don't interfere into people's person lives....BOY, THAT IS RICH! LOL!
Why is it you liberals don't understand how the country was founded to work? Less government doesn't mean less states rights or less voice for the voter
Yeah let's unleash chaos on society! Fuck yeah!
No that isnt happening.

Mark this on your calendars everyone...

..................... I agree.

You probably dont.
I am ridiculing your suggestions. Leaving women with no source of income on which to raise kids, especialy after perhaps they sacrificed and struggled to put their husbands through medical school etc, just isnt going to happen and isnt right anyway.
Getting government out of marriage is a bumper sticker slogan for the narco-libertarian crowd. Nothing more.

As long as government is involved with marriage then you will have to accept gay "Marriage". Can you accept that?
No. Since the people in most states voted no then it is no.
So...if the people in most states vote to make crazy evangelizing from door to door illegal, it's ok then.
False comparison.
Rabbi Rules!
]Please list those reasons. And sources.
What sources? We're talking common knowledge to all but the prematurely senile. As stated previously, the welfare of children and the orderly division of property in event of a split up or death.
Oh, so you have no sources, just mere assertion on your part.That's a failure.
Are my assertions incorrect? Aren't both of the situations I mentioned things into which the state gets involved? You're just using a cheap excuse to avoid admitting you're wrong.
The state gets involved in mail service too. So what?
You have no proof whatsoever. You are merely asserting an opinion.
Well, since this thread started...one more state joins the modern world...well done, Alabama!
Alabama didnt do anything. Some unelected judge overturned the will of the people again. A nd the AG there is petitioning to overturn the decision.
Argument #2.
Well done Alabama. Welcome to the 21st century....away from the third world status some want to keep you in.
Third world shitholes are ran by authoritarian governments. The very government you want here.
You support third world governments for our states. Places where your fellow Americans are not wise to go because their rights are not protected.
Take a civics class
Hun...I studied American government and paid close attention while in the Navy. You.......not so much. Your posts come across as if you want our country to be religion-driven. YOUR religion, of course.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:

And they say Republican's want less government, and they don't interfere into people's person lives....BOY, THAT IS RICH! LOL!
Why is it you liberals don't understand how the country was founded to work? Less government doesn't mean less states rights or less voice for the voter
Hey dumbass, when the country was founded most people couldn't vote, and weren't supposed to. The majority doesn't get a say here, now you know.
]Please list those reasons. And sources.
What sources? We're talking common knowledge to all but the prematurely senile. As stated previously, the welfare of children and the orderly division of property in event of a split up or death.
Oh, so you have no sources, just mere assertion on your part.That's a failure.
Are my assertions incorrect? Aren't both of the situations I mentioned things into which the state gets involved? You're just using a cheap excuse to avoid admitting you're wrong.
The state gets involved in mail service too. So what?
You have no proof whatsoever. You are merely asserting an opinion.
They do? I'm afraid not.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:

And they say Republican's want less government, and they don't interfere into people's person lives....BOY, THAT IS RICH! LOL!
You understand the proposal would result in less government, right?

You understand that it's an idiot proposal, right?
OK so your answer is No, you dont understand that it would result in less government so your comment is asinine.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:

And they say Republican's want less government, and they don't interfere into people's person lives....BOY, THAT IS RICH! LOL!
Why is it you liberals don't understand how the country was founded to work? Less government doesn't mean less states rights or less voice for the voter
Hey dumbass, when the country was founded most people couldn't vote, and weren't supposed to. The majority doesn't get a say here, now you know.
And that changed over time, didn't it? Just like our marriage laws are changing. Thank you for proving that nothing is static. :clap:
]Please list those reasons. And sources.
What sources? We're talking common knowledge to all but the prematurely senile. As stated previously, the welfare of children and the orderly division of property in event of a split up or death.
Oh, so you have no sources, just mere assertion on your part.That's a failure.
Are my assertions incorrect? Aren't both of the situations I mentioned things into which the state gets involved? You're just using a cheap excuse to avoid admitting you're wrong.
The state gets involved in mail service too. So what?
You have no proof whatsoever. You are merely asserting an opinion.
They do? I'm afraid not.
Afraid so.
Come one. What arguments do you have besides No.1 and No.2? Nothing. There is absolutely no reason citizens in a state should be barred from deciding what constitutes marriage in that state. None.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:

And they say Republican's want less government, and they don't interfere into people's person lives....BOY, THAT IS RICH! LOL!
Why is it you liberals don't understand how the country was founded to work? Less government doesn't mean less states rights or less voice for the voter

I believe same sex marriage is now legal in 36 states. Soon it will be legal in all states. Suck on that, whydontcha. You don't get to trample on others Constitutional rights.
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Are my assertions incorrect? Aren't both of the situations I mentioned things into which the state gets involved? You're just using a cheap excuse to avoid admitting you're wrong.
The state gets involved in mail service too. So what? You have no proof whatsoever. You are merely asserting an opinion.
Are my assertions incorrect? That's the bottom line? IMO, you'ere just trying to weasel out of admitting what you said is untrue. I can keep this up as long as you can. All you're doing is making everyone more and more convinced you don't care about the truth. Address the question at hand and leave non-sequiturs like the P.O. out of it.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:

And they say Republican's want less government, and they don't interfere into people's person lives....BOY, THAT IS RICH! LOL!
Why is it you liberals don't understand how the country was founded to work? Less government doesn't mean less states rights or less voice for the voter
Hey dumbass, when the country was founded most people couldn't vote, and weren't supposed to. The majority doesn't get a say here, now you know.
That has nothing to do with what i posted
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:

And they say Republican's want less government, and they don't interfere into people's person lives....BOY, THAT IS RICH! LOL!
Why is it you liberals don't understand how the country was founded to work? Less government doesn't mean less states rights or less voice for the voter
Hey dumbass, when the country was founded most people couldn't vote, and weren't supposed to. The majority doesn't get a say here, now you know.
That has nothing to do with what i posted
I'm helping you understand why you don't get a vote, and why you were never supposed to.
Are my assertions incorrect? Aren't both of the situations I mentioned things into which the state gets involved? You're just using a cheap excuse to avoid admitting you're wrong.
The state gets involved in mail service too. So what? You have no proof whatsoever. You are merely asserting an opinion.
Are my assertions incorrect? That's the bottom line? IMO, you'ere just trying to weasel out of admitting what you said is untrue. I can keep this up as long as you can. All you're doing is making everyone more and more convinced you don't care about the truth. Address the question at hand and leave non-sequiturs like the P.O. out of it.
You make assertions and then double down asserting they are correct. You have no proof therefore your assertion is invalid.
What about this do you not get?
State's interest in marriage is producing future citizens. Even if you want to argue for stability gay marriage does not provide that. W hat is the rate of failure among gay marriages?
Why is it you liberals don't understand how the country was founded to work? Less government doesn't mean less states rights or less voice for the voter
States' Rights were effectively annulled by Gore v. Bush.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:

And they say Republican's want less government, and they don't interfere into people's person lives....BOY, THAT IS RICH! LOL!
Why is it you liberals don't understand how the country was founded to work? Less government doesn't mean less states rights or less voice for the voter

I believe same sex marriage is now legal in 36 states. Soon it will be legal in all states. Suck on that, whydontcha. You don't get to trample on others Constitutional rights.
They're losing. They know they're losing...and it makes them cry.
You make assertions and then double down asserting they are correct. You have no proof therefore your assertion is invalid. What about this do you not get? State's interest in marriage is producing future citizens. Even if you want to argue for stability gay marriage does not provide that. W hat is the rate of failure among gay marriages?
Are you saying that the state's interest in marriage does not extend to division of property? If you are, I'm afraid any divorce lawyer would disabuse you of that notion.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:

And they say Republican's want less government, and they don't interfere into people's person lives....BOY, THAT IS RICH! LOL!
Why is it you liberals don't understand how the country was founded to work? Less government doesn't mean less states rights or less voice for the voter
Hey dumbass, when the country was founded most people couldn't vote, and weren't supposed to. The majority doesn't get a say here, now you know.
That has nothing to do with what i posted
I'm helping you understand why you don't get a vote, and why you were never supposed to.
Derailing the intent doeant change the facts of why we ate united states. Dont you communists even understand the amendment process?
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:

And they say Republican's want less government, and they don't interfere into people's person lives....BOY, THAT IS RICH! LOL!
Why is it you liberals don't understand how the country was founded to work? Less government doesn't mean less states rights or less voice for the voter

I believe same sex marriage is now legal in 36 states. Soon it will be legal in all states. Suck on that, whydontcha. You don't get to trample on others Constitutional rights.
They're losing. They know they're losing...and it makes them cry.
Argument #2

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