If Giuliani’s Obama Smear Wasn’t Racist, What Was It?

Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Sounds like Rudy should be more concerned with the skeletons in his own closet.

Suppose every bit of that is true. How does it prove Obama loves his country?

Who gives a fuck whether Obama loves his country? He's doing his job.

It's above his PAY GRADE!...As is everything else!

Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Sounds like Rudy should be more concerned with the skeletons in his own closet.

Suppose every bit of that is true. How does it prove Obama loves his country?

Who gives a fuck whether Obama loves his country? He's doing his job.
That's what this thread is all about, dumbass. If you don't give a fuck, then why have you made so many posts about it?
Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Sounds like Rudy should be more concerned with the skeletons in his own closet.

Suppose every bit of that is true. How does it prove Obama loves his country?

Who gives a fuck whether Obama loves his country? He's doing his job.
That's what this thread is all about, dumbass. If you don't give a fuck, then why have you made so many posts about it?

Well, I sorta gave a fuck until you came along.
Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Sounds like Rudy should be more concerned with the skeletons in his own closet.

Suppose every bit of that is true. How does it prove Obama loves his country?

Who gives a fuck whether Obama loves his country? He's doing his job.
That's what this thread is all about, dumbass. If you don't give a fuck, then why have you made so many posts about it?

Like the Manchurian muslim, righteingnut, and muttley, there are only 2 answers possible... they are full tilt crazy, or they get paid... probably 25% of #1 and 75% #2!
Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Sounds like Rudy should be more concerned with the skeletons in his own closet.

Suppose every bit of that is true. How does it prove Obama loves his country?

Who gives a fuck whether Obama loves his country? He's doing his job.
That's what this thread is all about, dumbass. If you don't give a fuck, then why have you made so many posts about it?

Like the Manchurian muslim, righteingnut, and muttley, there are only 2 answers possible... they are full tilt crazy, or they get paid... probably 25% of #1 and 75% #2!

Life is good...
Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Sounds like Rudy should be more concerned with the skeletons in his own closet.

Suppose every bit of that is true. How does it prove Obama loves his country?

Who gives a fuck whether Obama loves his country? He's doing his job.
That's what this thread is all about, dumbass. If you don't give a fuck, then why have you made so many posts about it?

Like the Manchurian muslim, righteingnut, and muttley, there are only 2 answers possible... they are full tilt crazy, or they get paid... probably 25% of #1 and 75% #2!

Life is good...

It sure is, we have you to laugh at!
Suppose every bit of that is true. How does it prove Obama loves his country?

Who gives a fuck whether Obama loves his country? He's doing his job.
That's what this thread is all about, dumbass. If you don't give a fuck, then why have you made so many posts about it?

Like the Manchurian muslim, righteingnut, and muttley, there are only 2 answers possible... they are full tilt crazy, or they get paid... probably 25% of #1 and 75% #2!

Life is good...

It sure is, we have you to laugh at!

Okay, my shift is over. Goodnight...

When Rudy Giuliani accused President Obama of not loving America, was he expressing a form of racism? If not, what was Giuliani saying?

I have argued, controversially to some on the left, that it is important to grapple with ideas on their own terms before merely analyzing their motivations. American conservatism is historically intertwined with white racism in such a way that nearly any conservative idea could plausibly be understood as an appeal to racism, but most of those ideas can be expressed and justified in non-racial terms, and deserve to be taken at face value. The trouble with Giuliani’s comments is that they lack the coherence necessary to be analyzed as an idea. Brush away the bilious rage he has emitted, and nothing solid remains behind.

The original basis for Giuliani’s comments was Obama’s allegedly unusual upbringing. “He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country,” alleged the former mayor. As Wayne Barrett points out, Giuliani’s father was a mob enforcer, and he and his five brothers all avoided military service during World War II. What about this upbringing in any way suggests it conveyed some deeper patriotism than Obama’s?

Giuliani subsequently clarified his original remarks, though not in the way he intended, by asserting that Obama’s alleged anti-Americanism amounted to “socialism or possibly anti-colonialism.” Here Giuliani is reprising the theories of Dinesh D’Souza, who has described Obama as fundamentally influenced by Kenyan anti-colonialism. Unfortunately for Giuliani, D’Souza’s racism is so transparent not even many conservatives care to defend it any longer.

More: If Giuliani's Smear Wasn't Racist, What Was It? -- NYMag

If his Obama smear wasn't racist, I have no idea what it was. It was bizarre and makes no sense to rational thinking - other than racism. But why? What's his point? Is he thinking of running for president?
I dunno. Gosh. Let's ask Rev Wright what Obama thinks of it. All those years at his church and listening to his hateful preachings and all.
Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Sounds like Rudy should be more concerned with the skeletons in his own closet.

Suppose every bit of that is true. How does it prove Obama loves his country?

Who gives a fuck whether Obama loves his country? He's doing his job.
That's what this thread is all about, dumbass. If you don't give a fuck, then why have you made so many posts about it?

Well, I sorta gave a fuck until you came along.
You mean you gave a fuck until I pointed out that you're a fool
This young man knows.... the left is starting to have a problem, the young thinking for themselves!

Lakhota likes to wax eloquent on how no one provides examples of Obama unamericanism. Many posters already commented on his wife's comments, his fundamental comment, and his association with anti American terrorists, but there is a cumulative litany of other unamerican actions. Remember, Obama is a product of an extreme liberal college education, a youth way out of the mainstream, and an ideology of globalism vs nationalism.

Cling to their guns and religion. Obama is not a supporter of the second amendment and short of putting on a facade of going to church before 2008 can anyone produce the number of times Obama has gone to church since he was elected? Lots of people don't go to church, and it sure doesn't make you a patriot, but it is something that was intricately woven into the founding of our country and which is not recognized in that sense by Obama.

Benghazi is one of the most significant unamerican moment for Obama in my opinion. One of the credos of the military is to leave no man behind. Apparently Obama never got the memo. It isn't that we could have saved these men, it's the fact that he didn't even try, and off to another fundraiser the next morning after a supposedly good nights sleep.

Obama felt the fort hood murders were workplace violence. This is not the conclusion of a patriot.

An American is beheaded and Obama is off playing golf in twenty minutes. So what was more important, his kinship with another American or his golf game? He made the choice, I didn't. It is what you call showing his true colors.

He does not believe America is exceptional. Reagan thought America could be that shining city on the hill, Obama thinks it is a capitalist ghetto.

Lakhota not everyone here lets their partisanship make judgements for them. I am not of the camp that we cant assess the character of other people. We have had to live with Obama for six years and the idea that we cannot make objective judgements on this president is ludicrous. You may see the same set of facts differently, that's America, but impugning the motives of those that don't agree with you does not invalidate their opinions. Rudy spoke honestly and forthrightly. There is plenty of evidence for his position.

Damn, you're pretty fucked up.

It's interesting to watch your childish tantrums when you are thoroughly owned in a rebuttal. Notice you couldn't even attempt to dispute what was said? Instead, all you had left were childish insults.
Rudy, greatest NYC Mayor Ever. Took a City on a Democrat Detroit Glide path and transformed it back into a work class city. The value of all real estate in NYC must be up over $1 trillion because of Rudy
The Squaw, and the other RACE HUSTLERS of the CommiecRAT party in here can't get the nuance that the TRUTH isn't racist, it's simply THE TRUTH.... He LOVES everyone BUT Americans...He loves Islam, He Loves invaders from Central and South America, but MOST OF ALL, he LOVES to be able to BUY VOTES to keep his party in power, as the longer they are in power, the more MONEY can be funneled to friends, and other CORRUPT entities that will enhance that power!

Obama is just honest about America - which is a combination of good and shitty. He just doesn't polish the turds like NaziCons do - and I respect him for that. America is just a piece of the planet - not all of it.
You don't crave to "fundamentally change" something you love. Period. You're pissed off because Obama's own words buried you're unhinged thought process.

Game. Set. Match.
Opposition to Obama is because he is a black man.

"He wasnt raised like you and I" - Rudy

But remember everyone. The reason republicans said Obama swore on the Koran, Said he was Kenyan, Asked for his birth cert, College records, calls him half black, says that Ebola was his way of getting back whitey, Glenn Beck said he hates white people and believes hes a secret muslim is because...

...They dislike his POLICIES...Remember that...Its anything EXCEPT racism.
Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Sounds like Rudy should be more concerned with the skeletons in his own closet.

Suppose every bit of that is true. How does it prove Obama loves his country?

Who gives a fuck whether Obama loves his country? He's doing his job.
That's what this thread is all about, dumbass. If you don't give a fuck, then why have you made so many posts about it?

Well, I sorta gave a fuck until you came along.
You mean you gave a fuck until I pointed out that you're a fool
His short term memory is gone from all the meth. The fact that he is a fool is pointed out daily.

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