If Giuliani’s Obama Smear Wasn’t Racist, What Was It?

Do you think ANY scumbag dimocraps on this board will make a big deal out of this and condemn it?

Don't hold your breath

Huffington Post Dreams Of “Erasing” White Men From Academy Awards…
Below is a graphic from HuffPo depicting their dream of a white-free Oscars:


It’s almost like there’s a double standard when it comes to racism.

If White Dudes Were Erased From Oscar Movies – Huffington Post

This year marks the whitest Oscars since 1998, with all 20 acting nominations given to white folks. Equally awesome: Zero female directors, screenwriters, or cinematographers were nominated, and according to Women’s Media Center, among the 184 nominees across 19 non-acting categories, only 35 are women.

And so the Academy Award goes to… white dudes. This stark imbalance in both racial and gender diversity in Hollywood is manifested visually on the posters that represent the biggest films of the year. More often than not, white men are selected as the representatives for the movies they star in, even when they have equally signifigant female costars.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. NEVER forget that.


Its a mental disease, it was quite evident on the oscars. The defective liberal gene is running rampant in hollywood.
We've seen several Repubs "punt" and hide from answering real questions. Giuliani's attack was just the usual smoke screen.

Repubs know they can lead RWs around by the nose. That's all this is.
Poor Rudy. He has become a pathetic embarrassment for NaziCons. Grin and bear it...
Rudy is down in the gutter with Palin, Trump and Arpaio. So funny...
We've seen several Repubs "punt" and hide from answering real questions. Giuliani's attack was just the usual smoke screen.

Repubs know they can lead RWs around by the nose. That's all this is.

Really? Who is refusing to answer questions on the issues besides Hillary?
When Rudy Giuliani accused President Obama of not loving America, was he expressing a form of racism? If not, what was Giuliani saying?

I have argued, controversially to some on the left, that it is important to grapple with ideas on their own terms before merely analyzing their motivations. American conservatism is historically intertwined with white racism in such a way that nearly any conservative idea could plausibly be understood as an appeal to racism, but most of those ideas can be expressed and justified in non-racial terms, and deserve to be taken at face value. The trouble with Giuliani’s comments is that they lack the coherence necessary to be analyzed as an idea. Brush away the bilious rage he has emitted, and nothing solid remains behind.

The original basis for Giuliani’s comments was Obama’s allegedly unusual upbringing. “He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country,” alleged the former mayor. As Wayne Barrett points out, Giuliani’s father was a mob enforcer, and he and his five brothers all avoided military service during World War II. What about this upbringing in any way suggests it conveyed some deeper patriotism than Obama’s?

Giuliani subsequently clarified his original remarks, though not in the way he intended, by asserting that Obama’s alleged anti-Americanism amounted to “socialism or possibly anti-colonialism.” Here Giuliani is reprising the theories of Dinesh D’Souza, who has described Obama as fundamentally influenced by Kenyan anti-colonialism. Unfortunately for Giuliani, D’Souza’s racism is so transparent not even many conservatives care to defend it any longer.

More: If Giuliani's Smear Wasn't Racist, What Was It? -- NYMag

If his Obama smear wasn't racist, I have no idea what it was. It was bizarre and makes no sense to rational thinking - other than racism. But why? What's his point? Is he thinking of running for president?

No....conservatism is not mixed with racism...you confuse democrat conservatism....which wished to preserve slavery....with Republican conservatism which wants to conserve the beliefs expressed in the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights......two very different attempts at conservation.......one is racist evil....the democrat kind, the other is trying to create a better country....modern American conservatism.......

and the truth about obama wasn't a smear...merely pointing out that he has been raised by people who hate America...his mother, his grandfather, his actual father by proxy, frank marshal davis, his college professors, jeremiah wright.......bill ayers, berhnadine dorhn.....rashid khalidy......you are known by the company you keep and he keeps pretty s***y company......
We've seen several Repubs "punt" and hide from answering real questions. Giuliani's attack was just the usual smoke screen.

Repubs know they can lead RWs around by the nose. That's all this is.

Rudy stated his opinion. That opinion is shared by millions of other americans. Is it now illegal to have opinions that differ from those dictated by the government?

Which republicans have refused to answer questions? Seems like the only ones refusing to answer are obama and hillary.
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama hates this Nation, and he hates white people as much, because he's black and feels left out.
2. When will the black brain catch up with humanity?
3. WHen will they learn to love themselves as much as they love the white mans skin?
4. Nothing says hate more than black skin.
5. One day as MLK said they the black man will be able to evolve into loving caring human beings, that will respect and love themselves like all good humans do, and finally grow into sound loving characters .
6. Until then they hate, they hate most white people.

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We've seen several Repubs "punt" and hide from answering real questions. Giuliani's attack was just the usual smoke screen.

Repubs know they can lead RWs around by the nose. That's all this is.

Rudy stated his opinion. That opinion is shared by millions of other americans. Is it now illegal to have opinions that differ from those dictated by the government?

Which republicans have refused to answer questions? Seems like the only ones refusing to answer are obama and hillary.

"Which republicans have refused to answer questions?" Do you really want to go there...?
We've seen several Repubs "punt" and hide from answering real questions. Giuliani's attack was just the usual smoke screen.

Repubs know they can lead RWs around by the nose. That's all this is.

Rudy stated his opinion. That opinion is shared by millions of other americans. Is it now illegal to have opinions that differ from those dictated by the government?

Which republicans have refused to answer questions? Seems like the only ones refusing to answer are obama and hillary.

"Which republicans have refused to answer questions?" Do you really want to go there...?

sure, lets do it for both parties-----------OK?

Now, as to the OP, would it be racist if Alan West said that Biden didn't love the USA?
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama hates this Nation, and he hates white people as much, because he's black and feels left out.
2. When will the black brain catch up with humanity?
3. WHen will they learn to love themselves as much as they love the white mans skin?
4. Nothing says hate more than black skin.
5. One day as MLK said they the black man will be able to evolve into a loving caring human beings, that will respect and love themselves like all good humans do, and finally grow into sound loving characters .
6. Until then they hate, they hate most white people.


How did RWs get so damn dumb?

Seriously. There is no sense in actually trying to converse people who are this ignorant, dumb, stupid, uneducated.
Rudy should have called him a queer too...I feel a little let down he stopped where he did. :lol:
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama hates this Nation, and he hates white people as much, because he's black and feels left out.
2. When will the black brain catch up with humanity?
3. WHen will they learn to love themselves as much as they love the white mans skin?
4. Nothing says hate more than black skin.
5. One day as MLK said they the black man will be able to evolve into a loving caring human beings, that will respect and love themselves like all good humans do, and finally grow into sound loving characters .
6. Until then they hate, they hate most white people.


How did RWs get so damn dumb?

Seriously. There is no sense in actually trying to converse people who are this ignorant, dumb, stupid, uneducated.

That poster has a problem with black people. Nothing in that post related to policy differences at all. There is no context to assume he/she/it is a right-winger. What we are seeing here is an old-fashioned racist, and that doesn't know party.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its the blunt truth.
2. I wish it wasn't but it is.

the Liar in Chief was raised by a a communist. His real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Member of the CPUSA.

His Mother was a degenerate whore who saw her son as baggage and a hindrance.

His grandfather, who raised him in his latter years (with Frank Marshall Davis as a Mentor) was a communist.

obama learned at an early age to exploit his bi-racialism. He benefited from being in a WHITE household, went to WHITE Schools, had WHITE Girlfriends but also used the 'system' to benefit from Afro-American handouts and Affirmative Action Programs.

He went to Madrassas (Islamic Schools) in Indonesia and hung out with mooslum goat fuckers at Columbia and Hawvawd.

No, the Piece of FUCKING SHIT does NOT love America.

All he ever does is complain about America. He complains about our whiteness, about our economic culture (income disparity) about how unfair America is, went on an "Apology Tour" as his very first International action in office and to this day will tell anyone who will listen how unfair America is to Blacks, College kids (it just ain't right to expect them to pay back their College loans)

the man is a piece of fucking shit who HATES America.

It's not that he doesn't "love' America. It's not that he is apathetic toward America.


And the scumbags that take up for him?

They do, too. Make no mistake. Most of the dimocrap scum party hates America, people.

Deal with it. You let it happen.
Aaaand the race card being played by the unappreciative brilliant redskin.

She asks what was was it if not about race.

How the fucking truth you miserable fucking hypocrite?

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