If God doesn't exist...

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What if time space and universes are eternal? They must be. If not what did God do before our universe?

I believe Moses said that God created everything so I have to wonder what was God doing before everything existed. This is my problem with God. I believe everything operates though cause and effect so to have a something outside cause and effect is merely imaginary.
Just because you don't know doesn't mean a miracle occured. That's such a primitive unscientific way of thinking.

So you believe that science holds the answers to all questions but refuse to believe there are things that are unknowable.

What makes you think the current scientific way of thinking is not primitive if even correct?

No, as a rational person because I can't explain something that doesn't mean a miracle occured. Something amazing and miraculous occured that's for sure.

That's humorous... You believe that something miraculous occurred but refuse to call it a miracle.

I wonder what was before the big bang? That too is another unknowable thing. Are there other universes? What's beyond our universe?

Why should you or science care about that? Science is only concerned with what it can observe and measure. Anything else falls into the realm of the theologians and philosophers.

So what if a God doesn't exist? What if time space and universes are eternal? They must be. If not what did God do before our universe?

Perhaps he smoked, drank, and chased women...


The question I proposed, and the votes I'd like to see, are based on why a benevolent, omnipotent, all-knowing "God" would let those horrors happen.

First of all you are assigning acts of men to God which is ridiculous.

Your benevolent, omnipotent God dictates all human behavior. Thus he allowed it, didn't know about, didn't care, or doesn't exist....
Somehow that got trapped in the previous post, but here it goes again:

No! That is not an answer based on the question. Sure! If you instill that mental illness into your offspring, and then they go about and do things that are detrimental to society, they are still following the religion that the parents taught them. Which tells them that "God" commands and approves those horrific acts.

So it does come back to the "God" question. Because if that bullshit didn't exist, most people wouldn't do the bad things they have done. And if "He" is an omnipotent, benevolent, and all-knowing figure, there are only 4 reasons why He would allow the mass atrocities that have happened in the last 6000 years of recorded human history. I'm talking the really terrible shit.

I was born into that religious bullshit. I refused it as a child, and after many years, learned reality. Luckily, my parents didn't force me to continue the bullshit. But I still did, on my own, researching stuff... and learned a lot of things! Before the internet!

If i was one of those people given the choice to accept or die, during the Crusades and the Inquisitions... I would have probably accepted the BS if I had a family. If i didn't, I would have spit in their faces, and let them burn me as a faggot, and try to take as many of them down before I got burnt.

The question I proposed, and the votes I'd like to see, are based on why a benevolent, omnipotent, all-knowing "God" would let those horrors happen. There are 4 options that I can think of, and I listed them above. If anyone can think of a 5th, feel free to add it.... :)

Ok fine.

I would have to go with #2, he doesn't give a shit.

If you told someone that if they filled their minds with irrational garbage they would become confused and say and do stupid things that injure themselves and others and they did it anyway would you care if they disregarded your warning, filled their heads with irrational garbage, became confused, and did stupid things?

If you saw someone die before your eyes, would you try to revive them a few years later no matter how much you cared? If you didn't would it be because you didn't care?

If a person who claimed to love you disrespected you to your face would you then invite them to a party in your house? Would you care if they had no where else to go?

Even if God exists or doesn't exist, give a shit, or doesn't give a shit, the problem is still with people. They are the cause of the problems that only they can fix.

If people gave a shit, it would not be legal to rape the minds of children, the Pope would not be on national television eating the flesh of a three in one mangod as if it was some holy obligation, and religious hypocrites, actual talking serpents just like in the fairy tale, would be purged from every level and branch of government.

Then maybe God would care and things would improve immediately..........

If you thought something was dead but then saw signs of life wouldn't you immediately try to assist in its revival, but only after seeing signs of life?

Do you give a shit?

Very nice! I'll put you down as voting for #2!

I would care, but that's me personally. I give a shit about the rest of the world. :)
Just because you don't know doesn't mean a miracle occured. That's such a primitive unscientific way of thinking.

So you believe that science holds the answers to all questions but refuse to believe there are things that are unknowable.

What makes you think the current scientific way of thinking is not primitive if even correct?

No, as a rational person because I can't explain something that doesn't mean a miracle occured. Something amazing and miraculous occured that's for sure.

That's humorous... You believe that something miraculous occurred but refuse to call it a miracle.

I wonder what was before the big bang? That too is another unknowable thing. Are there other universes? What's beyond our universe?

Why should you or science care about that? Science is only concerned with what it can observe and measure. Anything else falls into the realm of the theologians and philosophers.

So what if a God doesn't exist? What if time space and universes are eternal? They must be. If not what did God do before our universe?

Perhaps he smoked, drank, and chased women...



Didn't say science logic and reasoning hold all the answers. I just don't believe in superstition, religion, ghosts, angels, fortune tellers, mediums or magical thinking.

Yes miraculous. Seems like a miracle because we don't know. God of the gaps....

How come you don't attempt to answer my questions? Do they scare you?
Your benevolent, omnipotent God dictates all human behavior. Thus he allowed it, didn't know about, didn't care, or doesn't exist....

According to my limited knowledge of Christianity - false.
Your benevolent, omnipotent God dictates all human behavior. Thus he allowed it, didn't know about, didn't care, or doesn't exist....

According to my limited knowledge of Christianity - false.
According to my limited knowledge of Christianity - true

The Christian God is all-knowing and omnipotent. The fact that He allows terrible things to happen to humanity, means one of the options. I don't know how you can argue that, but I'm always open to new options. But you have to admit, those are the only real options.

So you gotta soak that up, and step outside the box for a bit. And then maybe there are some other ideas that could help better explain stuff....
And I'm a good person to talk with about alternatives! :)

I mean theology, not lifestyles... :)
If 'God' were knowable in the ways that most people speak, there would be no 'if'.

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Just because you don't know doesn't mean a miracle occured. That's such a primitive unscientific way of thinking.

No, as a rational person because I can't explain something that doesn't mean a miracle occured. Something amazing and miraculous occured that's for sure.

I wonder what was before the big bang? That too is another unknowable thing. Are there other universes? What's beyond our universe?

So what if a God doesn't exist? What if time space and universes are eternal? They must be. If not what did God do before our universe?

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes an eternal universe.
The question I proposed, and the votes I'd like to see, are based on why a benevolent, omnipotent, all-knowing "God" would let those horrors happen.

First of all you are assigning acts of men to God which is ridiculous.

Your benevolent, omnipotent God dictates all human behavior. Thus he allowed it, didn't know about, didn't care, or doesn't exist....
No. That is a simplistic and incorrect view of reality.

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Just because you don't know doesn't mean a miracle occured. That's such a primitive unscientific way of thinking.

No, as a rational person because I can't explain something that doesn't mean a miracle occured. Something amazing and miraculous occured that's for sure.

I wonder what was before the big bang? That too is another unknowable thing. Are there other universes? What's beyond our universe?

So what if a God doesn't exist? What if time space and universes are eternal? They must be. If not what did God do before our universe?

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes an eternal universe.

What's an eternal universe? Our universe is just one of many. Think of a lava lamp only infinite.

You're thinking too small. Think outside the universe or beyond it. What's beyond that? Are you saying God doesn't exist outside our universe?
Your benevolent, omnipotent God dictates all human behavior. Thus he allowed it, didn't know about, didn't care, or doesn't exist....

According to my limited knowledge of Christianity - false.
According to my limited knowledge of Christianity - true

The Christian God is all-knowing and omnipotent. The fact that He allows terrible things to happen to humanity, means one of the options. I don't know how you can argue that, but I'm always open to new options. But you have to admit, those are the only real options.

So you gotta soak that up, and step outside the box for a bit. And then maybe there are some other ideas that could help better explain stuff....

I personally don't get the 'God' thing. Why create a universe where there's do much suffering. If I was God I would have created one where everyone was happy - no suffering. No brainer.
Your benevolent, omnipotent God dictates all human behavior. Thus he allowed it, didn't know about, didn't care, or doesn't exist....

According to my limited knowledge of Christianity - false.
According to my limited knowledge of Christianity - true

The Christian God is all-knowing and omnipotent. The fact that He allows terrible things to happen to humanity, means one of the options. I don't know how you can argue that, but I'm always open to new options. But you have to admit, those are the only real options.

So you gotta soak that up, and step outside the box for a bit. And then maybe there are some other ideas that could help better explain stuff....

I personally don't get the 'God' thing. Why create a universe where there's do much suffering. If I was God I would have created one where everyone was happy - no suffering. No brainer.
Order from chaos.

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Just because you don't know doesn't mean a miracle occured. That's such a primitive unscientific way of thinking.

No, as a rational person because I can't explain something that doesn't mean a miracle occured. Something amazing and miraculous occured that's for sure.

I wonder what was before the big bang? That too is another unknowable thing. Are there other universes? What's beyond our universe?

So what if a God doesn't exist? What if time space and universes are eternal? They must be. If not what did God do before our universe?

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes an eternal universe.

What's an eternal universe? Our universe is just one of many. Think of a lava lamp only infinite.

You're thinking too small. Think outside the universe or beyond it. What's beyond that? Are you saying God doesn't exist outside our universe?

And yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics still precludes an infinite universe with usable energy.
Your benevolent, omnipotent God dictates all human behavior. Thus he allowed it, didn't know about, didn't care, or doesn't exist....

According to my limited knowledge of Christianity - false.
According to my limited knowledge of Christianity - true

The Christian God is all-knowing and omnipotent. The fact that He allows terrible things to happen to humanity, means one of the options. I don't know how you can argue that, but I'm always open to new options. But you have to admit, those are the only real options.

So you gotta soak that up, and step outside the box for a bit. And then maybe there are some other ideas that could help better explain stuff....

I personally don't get the 'God' thing. Why create a universe where there's do much suffering. If I was God I would have created one where everyone was happy - no suffering. No brainer.
Order from chaos.

That doesn't make sense.

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Just because you don't know doesn't mean a miracle occured. That's such a primitive unscientific way of thinking.

No, as a rational person because I can't explain something that doesn't mean a miracle occured. Something amazing and miraculous occured that's for sure.

I wonder what was before the big bang? That too is another unknowable thing. Are there other universes? What's beyond our universe?

So what if a God doesn't exist? What if time space and universes are eternal? They must be. If not what did God do before our universe?

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes an eternal universe.

What's an eternal universe? Our universe is just one of many. Think of a lava lamp only infinite.

You're thinking too small. Think outside the universe or beyond it. What's beyond that? Are you saying God doesn't exist outside our universe?

And yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics still precludes an infinite universe with usable energy.

Do you believe 100% in thermodynamic science? Why is it you doubt all other sciences but you put all your eggs in the thermodynamic basket?

"The state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time." Who says? Who says it won't slow down or stop eventually? Is that a fact or scientific consensus?

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Just because you don't know doesn't mean a miracle occured. That's such a primitive unscientific way of thinking.

No, as a rational person because I can't explain something that doesn't mean a miracle occured. Something amazing and miraculous occured that's for sure.

I wonder what was before the big bang? That too is another unknowable thing. Are there other universes? What's beyond our universe?

So what if a God doesn't exist? What if time space and universes are eternal? They must be. If not what did God do before our universe?

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes an eternal universe.

What's an eternal universe? Our universe is just one of many. Think of a lava lamp only infinite.

You're thinking too small. Think outside the universe or beyond it. What's beyond that? Are you saying God doesn't exist outside our universe?

And yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics still precludes an infinite universe with usable energy.

Do you believe 100% in thermodynamic science? Why is it you doubt all other sciences but you put all your eggs in the thermodynamic basket?

"The state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time." Who says? Who says it won't slow down or stop eventually? Is that a fact or scientific consensus?

The latest is the universe is speeding up not slowing down.
Just because you don't know doesn't mean a miracle occured. That's such a primitive unscientific way of thinking.

No, as a rational person because I can't explain something that doesn't mean a miracle occured. Something amazing and miraculous occured that's for sure.

I wonder what was before the big bang? That too is another unknowable thing. Are there other universes? What's beyond our universe?

So what if a God doesn't exist? What if time space and universes are eternal? They must be. If not what did God do before our universe?
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes an eternal universe.
What's an eternal universe? Our universe is just one of many. Think of a lava lamp only infinite.

You're thinking too small. Think outside the universe or beyond it. What's beyond that? Are you saying God doesn't exist outside our universe?
And yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics still precludes an infinite universe with usable energy.

Do you believe 100% in thermodynamic science? Why is it you doubt all other sciences but you put all your eggs in the thermodynamic basket?

"The state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time." Who says? Who says it won't slow down or stop eventually? Is that a fact or scientific consensus?

The latest is the universe is speeding up not slowing down.
I know that. Does it mean it always will? Does an explosion get faster before it slows down? Could be huge distances between two universes
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes an eternal universe.
What's an eternal universe? Our universe is just one of many. Think of a lava lamp only infinite.

You're thinking too small. Think outside the universe or beyond it. What's beyond that? Are you saying God doesn't exist outside our universe?
And yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics still precludes an infinite universe with usable energy.

Do you believe 100% in thermodynamic science? Why is it you doubt all other sciences but you put all your eggs in the thermodynamic basket?

"The state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time." Who says? Who says it won't slow down or stop eventually? Is that a fact or scientific consensus?

The latest is the universe is speeding up not slowing down.
I know that. Does it mean it always will? Does an explosion get faster before it slows down? Could be huge distances between two universes

Don't know. Maybe know more when we understand dark energy more.
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