If God doesn't exist...

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All I know, no atheist in Fox holes and no one I ever heard of on their death bed say I pray to nothing for just one last breath
Plenty of atheists in foxholes. I was one.
post here when you are on your death bed.....and let me know what you think then .

It would be very interesting, if you felt the same as today.
Seriously I would love to hear it if you are going to go out stubborn and not believe in any higher power...
Hi everyone,

Infinite regress is a problem not just with the idea of God. Its a problem with any idea of a beginning. The Singularity that the universe is said to have begun with, also needs to be explained.....and that can take us into infinite regress.

I agree that religious mythology and varied images of God need not be taken seriously....but the idea of Consciousness being the fundamental cause of creation has its takers in scientific circles. Check out Participatory Anthropic Principle of John wheeler.

Best wishes

Seriously I would love to hear it if you are going to go out stubborn and not believe in any higher power...
"Stubborn?" How does being on one's deathbed change the arguments? Or are you claiming that atheists secretly do believe in god but don't want to admit it?
The point about language is a good one.

If you tell people there was nothing before the big bang they assume 'you mean a vacuum of empty space'. And no it means there was not even empty space. There was literally nothing. It is very hard for the human mind to grasp such a concept.

There are many things we don't know yet, but one can't then argue 'the god of the gaps' in our knowledge. Meaning many people will assert 'well if we don't know then that mean it was god'. No, it means we don't know yet, just as we didn't know what caused disease 300 years ago.

We do know the universe is 13.7 billion years old and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars.

To believe in any god, you have to believe it was all put in motion and allowed to continue on for 13.7 billion years to wait specifically for humans to arrive or be placed on the scene. And all those other galaxies, stars, and planets billions of light years away are just stage dressing so 13.7 billion years later we'd have something to look at.

That is quite a leap.


So with all of infinity to play with the universe is all of a definitive 13.7 billion years old? Nothing happened prior to that and once it all collapses in on itself, if it does, nothing will be happening afterward either..... Seems kinda' pointless to continue doesn't it?

And who's saying that God waited around for 13.7 billion years for some puny insignificant bipedal species to suddenly appear?

As for saying 'we don't know yet'.... You do realize what the definition of a miracle is don't you?



...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Science does not hold the answer to all questions. Science is a method, not a depository. 200 years ago "science" didn't know how the sun worked. That didn't mean it was a god just because science didn't have the answer.


And yet in it's arrogance science created a creation theology to deny that some higher power might exist.


"......and science holds the answer to all questions....."

Our current level of science do not hold the answers to all questions!!
(OP fail)

That is difference between science and religion. Science is humble, clumsy, and woefully inquisitive.

Religions are arrogant, heavy-handed, and over assuming.

Yet science has a better description of reality than religion. Why is that so?
The point about language is a good one.

If you tell people there was nothing before the big bang they assume 'you mean a vacuum of empty space'. And no it means there was not even empty space. There was literally nothing. It is very hard for the human mind to grasp such a concept.

There are many things we don't know yet, but one can't then argue 'the god of the gaps' in our knowledge. Meaning many people will assert 'well if we don't know then that mean it was god'. No, it means we don't know yet, just as we didn't know what caused disease 300 years ago.

We do know the universe is 13.7 billion years old and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars.

To believe in any god, you have to believe it was all put in motion and allowed to continue on for 13.7 billion years to wait specifically for humans to arrive or be placed on the scene. And all those other galaxies, stars, and planets billions of light years away are just stage dressing so 13.7 billion years later we'd have something to look at.

That is quite a leap.


So with all of infinity to play with the universe is all of a definitive 13.7 billion years old? Nothing happened prior to that and once it all collapses in on itself, if it does, nothing will be happening afterward either..... Seems kinda' pointless to continue doesn't it?

And who's saying that God waited around for 13.7 billion years for some puny insignificant bipedal species to suddenly appear?

As for saying 'we don't know yet'.... You do realize what the definition of a miracle is don't you?



We only know of the age of the current universe, what came before, if anything is not known...yet. And there are various theories on what the final end of this universe will be. It may continue to expand into infinity and all the stars burn out, leaving the universe cold and dark. Or there may be a mechanism that causes it to collapse again, perhaps into another big bang, something of a causality loop.

Your position is there is a god? Which one? How do you know?

There is no evidence of any god. You people that believe in one, produce the evidence and I'll be on board. Of course that doesn't mean only the 'christian' god. There are 4,000 other entities that people claim is THE god.
"......and science holds the answer to all questions....."

Our current level of science do not hold the answers to all questions!!
(OP fail)

That is difference between science and religion. Science is humble, clumsy, and woefully inquisitive.

Religions are arrogant, heavy-handed, and over assuming.

Yet science has a better description of reality than religion. Why is that so?

That's not what I've been seeing of how people feel about science lately. They appear to think it's some sort of end all... When truly it is simply a beginning.

My what a broad brush you use to paint all religions.

Are you sure about that last statement? The creation myth has been around for thousands of years and the Hindu's and Buddhists appear to have some interesting thoughts about the nature of the universe.


The point about language is a good one.

If you tell people there was nothing before the big bang they assume 'you mean a vacuum of empty space'. And no it means there was not even empty space. There was literally nothing. It is very hard for the human mind to grasp such a concept.

There are many things we don't know yet, but one can't then argue 'the god of the gaps' in our knowledge. Meaning many people will assert 'well if we don't know then that mean it was god'. No, it means we don't know yet, just as we didn't know what caused disease 300 years ago.

We do know the universe is 13.7 billion years old and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars.

To believe in any god, you have to believe it was all put in motion and allowed to continue on for 13.7 billion years to wait specifically for humans to arrive or be placed on the scene. And all those other galaxies, stars, and planets billions of light years away are just stage dressing so 13.7 billion years later we'd have something to look at.

That is quite a leap.


So with all of infinity to play with the universe is all of a definitive 13.7 billion years old? Nothing happened prior to that and once it all collapses in on itself, if it does, nothing will be happening afterward either..... Seems kinda' pointless to continue doesn't it?

And who's saying that God waited around for 13.7 billion years for some puny insignificant bipedal species to suddenly appear?

As for saying 'we don't know yet'.... You do realize what the definition of a miracle is don't you?



We only know of the age of the current universe, what came before, if anything is not known...yet. And there are various theories on what the final end of this universe will be. It may continue to expand into infinity and all the stars burn out, leaving the universe cold and dark. Or there may be a mechanism that causes it to collapse again, perhaps into another big bang, something of a causality loop.

Your position is there is a god? Which one? How do you know?

There is no evidence of any god. You people that believe in one, produce the evidence and I'll be on board. Of course that doesn't mean only the 'christian' god. There are 4,000 other entities that people claim is THE god.


I'm well aware of the various theories about the various possible futures of the universe. I'm also noting that you're avoiding answering any of my questions. However I will answer your question(s)...

Because you experience God first hand every day by just existing.



...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Humankind would have done well to leave well enough alone, accept the notion of "God" as a one-off, and focus on the science and nature of all things both earth-bound and celestial.

Faith and Religion have decimated untold billions of lives on this planet and they continue to do so.

We are a race of conceited, egotistical, and self-centered beings with little to no connection to "God" other than the periodic table of elements.
The point about language is a good one.

If you tell people there was nothing before the big bang they assume 'you mean a vacuum of empty space'. And no it means there was not even empty space. There was literally nothing. It is very hard for the human mind to grasp such a concept.

There are many things we don't know yet, but one can't then argue 'the god of the gaps' in our knowledge. Meaning many people will assert 'well if we don't know then that mean it was god'. No, it means we don't know yet, just as we didn't know what caused disease 300 years ago.

We do know the universe is 13.7 billion years old and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars.

To believe in any god, you have to believe it was all put in motion and allowed to continue on for 13.7 billion years to wait specifically for humans to arrive or be placed on the scene. And all those other galaxies, stars, and planets billions of light years away are just stage dressing so 13.7 billion years later we'd have something to look at.

That is quite a leap.


So with all of infinity to play with the universe is all of a definitive 13.7 billion years old? Nothing happened prior to that and once it all collapses in on itself, if it does, nothing will be happening afterward either..... Seems kinda' pointless to continue doesn't it?

And who's saying that God waited around for 13.7 billion years for some puny insignificant bipedal species to suddenly appear?

As for saying 'we don't know yet'.... You do realize what the definition of a miracle is don't you?



We only know of the age of the current universe, what came before, if anything is not known...yet. And there are various theories on what the final end of this universe will be. It may continue to expand into infinity and all the stars burn out, leaving the universe cold and dark. Or there may be a mechanism that causes it to collapse again, perhaps into another big bang, something of a causality loop.

Your position is there is a god? Which one? How do you know?

There is no evidence of any god. You people that believe in one, produce the evidence and I'll be on board. Of course that doesn't mean only the 'christian' god. There are 4,000 other entities that people claim is THE god.


I'm well aware of the various theories about the various possible futures of the universe. I'm also noting that you're avoiding answering any of my questions. However I will answer your question(s)...

Because you experience God first hand every day by just existing.



Which god, Zeus?

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



What kick started the universe?

Darwin dunnit.

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Humankind would have done well to leave well enough alone, accept the notion of "God" as a one-off, and focus on the science and nature of all things both earth-bound and celestial.

Faith and Religion have decimated untold billions of lives on this planet and they continue to do so.

We are a race of conceited, egotistical, and self-centered beings with little to no connection to "God" other than the periodic table of elements.


What makes you think mankind would have been any better without religion?

Mankind as a whole is...


The point about language is a good one.

If you tell people there was nothing before the big bang they assume 'you mean a vacuum of empty space'. And no it means there was not even empty space. There was literally nothing. It is very hard for the human mind to grasp such a concept.

There are many things we don't know yet, but one can't then argue 'the god of the gaps' in our knowledge. Meaning many people will assert 'well if we don't know then that mean it was god'. No, it means we don't know yet, just as we didn't know what caused disease 300 years ago.

We do know the universe is 13.7 billion years old and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars.

To believe in any god, you have to believe it was all put in motion and allowed to continue on for 13.7 billion years to wait specifically for humans to arrive or be placed on the scene. And all those other galaxies, stars, and planets billions of light years away are just stage dressing so 13.7 billion years later we'd have something to look at.

That is quite a leap.


So with all of infinity to play with the universe is all of a definitive 13.7 billion years old? Nothing happened prior to that and once it all collapses in on itself, if it does, nothing will be happening afterward either..... Seems kinda' pointless to continue doesn't it?

And who's saying that God waited around for 13.7 billion years for some puny insignificant bipedal species to suddenly appear?

As for saying 'we don't know yet'.... You do realize what the definition of a miracle is don't you?



We only know of the age of the current universe, what came before, if anything is not known...yet. And there are various theories on what the final end of this universe will be. It may continue to expand into infinity and all the stars burn out, leaving the universe cold and dark. Or there may be a mechanism that causes it to collapse again, perhaps into another big bang, something of a causality loop.

Your position is there is a god? Which one? How do you know?

There is no evidence of any god. You people that believe in one, produce the evidence and I'll be on board. Of course that doesn't mean only the 'christian' god. There are 4,000 other entities that people claim is THE god.


I'm well aware of the various theories about the various possible futures of the universe. I'm also noting that you're avoiding answering any of my questions. However I will answer your question(s)...

Because you experience God first hand every day by just existing.



Which god, Zeus?


I've always been kinda' partial to Crom..... Does it matter?



...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



What kick started the universe?

Darwin dunnit.


And here I was hopin' it was a set of jumper cables...


Can I change my answer?

I think the universe was kick started on the backs of crystals.

Can I change my answer?

I think the universe was kick started on the backs of crystals.


Doubt it. Crystals wouldn't have been able to form until more complex elements were created after the initial hydrogen present at the beginning of the Big Bang fused together. Though I suppose there might have been hydrogen crystals after the initial explosion that allowed matter to form. Kinda' hard to be any kind of crystal prior to that considering it'd only be degenerate matter at best inside a universal sized black hole..... Wait!!!!! Degenerate matter crystals? I wonder.


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