If God doesn't exist...

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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist.

And what's your reason why you chose this belief?

And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?

Specially the third law - because the big bang is not a reaction.

The third law is not violated. The sum of all forces acting in the Universe is zero and has been since the big bang.


However until you can explain what kick started the universe by causing the big bang Newton's First Law Of Motion has been violated.

Was it hit by a bullet or a big 'rock' to put it in motion?


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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist.

And what's your reason why you chose this belief?

And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?

Specially the third law - because the big bang is not a reaction.

The third law is not violated. The sum of all forces acting in the Universe is zero and has been since the big bang.


However until you can explain what kick started the universe by causing the big bang the Newton's First Law Of Motion has been violated.

Was it hit by a bullet or a big 'rock' to put it in motion?



It was Stephen Hawking...every fool knows that.
God doesn't even bother showing you any proof of its existence.

View attachment 68665


The proof is all around you.



So you have nothing, got it.


I have everything! My proof of God's existence is all around me.

What do you have with your scientific creation theology other than being able to say 'I don't know' when asked a simple question?

I'm still going with a miracle happened.



...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist.

And what's your reason why you chose this belief?

And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?

Specially the third law - because the big bang is not a reaction.

The third law is not violated. The sum of all forces acting in the Universe is zero and has been since the big bang.


However until you can explain what kick started the universe by causing the big bang the Newton's First Law Of Motion has been violated.

Was it hit by a bullet or a big 'rock' to put it in motion?



It was Stephen Hawking...every fool knows that.


I've read all his books.... Is that an informational thing that I shouldn't have posted? Oh well!

Hasn't he been flip flopping on a lot of his theories lately?


God doesn't exist.

And what's your reason why you chose this belief?

And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?

Specially the third law - because the big bang is not a reaction.

The third law is not violated. The sum of all forces acting in the Universe is zero and has been since the big bang.


However until you can explain what kick started the universe by causing the big bang the Newton's First Law Of Motion has been violated.

Was it hit by a bullet or a big 'rock' to put it in motion?



It was Stephen Hawking...every fool knows that.


I've read all his books.... Is that an informational thing that I shouldn't have posted? Oh well!

Hasn't he been flip flopping on a lot of his theories lately?



I learn a lot of Torah and so have developed an insanely bizarre view of reality.
Hawking, in his efforts to remain relevant, changes his theories every few years and presumes no one really knows what the heck he's talking about anyway.

Did I forget to mention at the beginning of this thread that the major I was studying for in college, Iowa State to be specific, was physics until the money ran out. Of course when your major is in a field of science they also require a lot of liberal arts courses, like philosophy, to 'teach you morals and ethics' so you don't blow up the world or something.


Powerful enough to create (kick start) a universe.

It is most likely that nothing "kick started" the universe. The Universe just ... is...
And always has been and always will be. Will our sun be forever? No. Will the milky way last forever? No. Will our universe that we see last forever? No. One day every light will fade. We guestimate we have about another 10 billion years. So what will happen after the last star burns out? It will be complete darkness. And all the rock from every star will drift around for a few billion years until who knows? Maybe another universe will form after all the rocks join together and condense into something the size of your fist. Then explode into a big bang and then in 13 billion years from that date, some life on some planet in the new universe will think they are special and a god created it all for them. LOL

There is no "after". Time is only one more dimension in the Space-Time continuum.

Asking "what happens after?" is like asking "What is North of the North Pole?"

But my point is that most scientists tend to believe that there are multiple space-time continua. Ours, the one that started with the Big Bang, is just one of an infinite number. So, bottom line, there is no "need" for anything to "kick-start" the Universe.
See one of those small dots? That's us. And I don't mean our planet I mean our universe. Each bubble is a universe. But now there are infinite universes and dark space in between each of them. ENDLESS.

View attachment 68708

You have quantifiable proof of this or is this simply more scientific theology?

What happens if your proven wrong?

Oh! You just redefine the goal posts.

Weren't you accusing those who have religious beliefs of that earlier?

You still haven't shown proof of what caused the big bang to happen and I'm still going with a miracle occurred.



The answer is in the video you posted. Listen to it. A little after two minutes into the video.
I don't doubt about the quality of catholic schools. But "home schooling" is in my view nearly a crime. Parents don't have enough knowledge and are not able to be the teachers of their own children on many reasons - and it's much more fun for children to go to school and to have contact to other children there. But take Pope Benedict XVI. as an example. What was wrong with the schools he visited? He discussed even with the best atheistic philosophers and wan. I read for exampel once also a very interesting article about his knowldege of the Laltin language. He was one of the best living users of the Latin language. Lots of Clerics are only translatuing their thoughts into the Latin language - but he was able to use the structure of of the Latin language as if it would had been his mothertongue - although German is not a language with big latin roots like other languages.

"But "home schooling" is in my view nearly a crime."

That pretty much identifies you as a fool.

The Results

Overall the study showed significant advances in homeschool academic achievement as well as revealing that issues such as student gender, parents’ education level, and family income had little bearing on the results of homeschooled students.

National Average Percentile Scores



Public School













Social Studies









a. Core is a combination of Reading, Language, and Math.
b. Composite is a combination of all subtests that the student took on the test.

Household income had little impact on the results of homeschooled students.

$34,999 or less—85th percentile
$35,000–$49,999—86th percentile
$50,000–$69,999—86th percentile
$70,000 or more—89th percentile

The education level of the parents made a noticeable difference, but the homeschooled children of non-college educated parents still scored in the 83rd percentile, which is well above the national average.

Neither parent has a college degree—83rd percentile
One parent has a college degree—86th percentile
Both parents have a college degree—90th percentile

Whether either parent was a certified teacher did not matter.

Certified (i.e., either parent ever certified)—87th percentile
Not certified (i.e., neither parent ever certified)—88th percentile

Parental spending on home education made little difference.

Spent $600 or more on the student—89th percentile
Spent under $600 on the student—86th percentile

The extent of government regulation on homeschoolers did not affect the results.

Low state regulation—87th percentile
Medium state regulation—88th percentile
High state regulation—87th percentile
HSLDA: New Nationwide Study Confirms Homeschool Academic Achievement

The school system of the USA is for me personally not very interesting. I would not know what to do with knowledge about. Let me give you this thought of one of my teachers. He said once: "Let us be honest. Even the worst school system is not able to inhibit a talented student to learn something".

So, it seems that you have retreated from this absurd comment..".But "home schooling" is in my view nearly a crime.'


Still home schooling is in my eyes nearly a crime. But I don't not know what's in this case the best for the USA - and even if I would know it this would be nearly unimportant because I'm not a citizen of the USA.

"Still home schooling is in my eyes nearly a crime."
As this is in the face of easily obtainable evidence, you remain a fool.

To call someone "fool" has as less to do with the christian religion as "home schooling" has something to do with the christian religion. As far as I know grew around the monasteries the first schools for everyone. Believe it or not: home schooling is per se a paradox. I'm for example a stranger - from my point of view a kind of journeyman. I'm always learning - that's my way.

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... The fact is we don't know. ...

You don't know god is not existing?

So unwilling it is. Every time you post a video to me I say fuck your God in the ass.

So by posting a video you are asking me to say fuck your God in the ass.

Go ahead, post another video. I know you like hearing fuck your God in the ass

What about íf I would be an ET with a big red button? Or more worse: I could be an ancient germanic warrior with a tomahawk drone. So what about an answer? Do you say normally "There is no god" or do you say normally "I don't believe in [the existance of] god".

I believe you're either being stupid or a dick posting those video's. What is wrong with you?

Hmm ... What's wrong with me? ... Better to ask: What's wrong around me? ... I'm asking for example questions and one of your answers here is: "You are a stupid dick". I guess this means your background is: "I [have the feeling to] know: 'god is not real' - and everyone who says or asks anything else is my enemy".

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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist.

And what's your reason why you chose this belief?

And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?

Specially the third law - because the big bang is not a reaction.

The third law is not violated. The sum of all forces acting in the Universe is zero and has been since the big bang.

I'm not sure wether you are right or wrong with your second sentence here - but I guess you said "Because the universe is no force it did not start". So do you say also it is not expanding? The so called "big bang" - the universe had once a size of less than an electron and all power or energy of all forces and everything else were inside - is the other side of the expansion of the universe: If it expands now it started to expand once. Whatever we can say in physics - the big bang was the first cause for all forces and anything else within our universe. But a first cause is without cause - otherwise it would not be a first cause. So it's impossible that the big bang was a reaction. The big bang was a "re"-action without action before - so it was only an action and not a reaction. Everything started suddenly. Afterwards made it sense to say "actio est reactio". But this law is not able to explain the big bang.

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... The fact is we don't know. ...

You don't know god is not existing?

So unwilling it is. Every time you post a video to me I say fuck your God in the ass.

So by posting a video you are asking me to say fuck your God in the ass.

Go ahead, post another video. I know you like hearing fuck your God in the ass

What about íf I would be an ET with a big red button? Or more worse: I could be an ancient germanic warrior with a tomahawk drone. So what about an answer? Do you say normally "There is no god" or do you say normally "I don't believe in [the existance of] god".

I believe you're either being stupid or a dick posting those video's. What is wrong with you?

Hmm ... What's wrong with me? ... Better to ask: What's wrong around me? ... I'm asking for example questions and one of your answers here is: "You are a stupid dick". I guess this means your background is: "I [have the feeling to] know: 'god is not real' - and everyone who says or asks anything else is my enemy".

No, it's just the annoying videos. Why don't you stop posting them. Makes you seem weird
... For instance try talking to many blacks about racism and say the word "ni**er". They feel so strongly about that word that their brain completely shuts down and the discussion is over. ...

Is this the same íf someone uses the word "negroe"?

Too bad I'll never watch one video

So you don't know what you miss and you never will feel the yearning of Nils in Scandinavia for one of the best sides of your country.

You don't know god is not existing?

So unwilling it is. Every time you post a video to me I say fuck your God in the ass.

So by posting a video you are asking me to say fuck your God in the ass.

Go ahead, post another video. I know you like hearing fuck your God in the ass

What about íf I would be an ET with a big red button? Or more worse: I could be an ancient germanic warrior with a tomahawk drone. So what about an answer? Do you say normally "There is no god" or do you say normally "I don't believe in [the existance of] god".

I believe you're either being stupid or a dick posting those video's. What is wrong with you?

Hmm ... What's wrong with me? ... Better to ask: What's wrong around me? ... I'm asking for example questions and one of your answers here is: "You are a stupid dick". I guess this means your background is: "I [have the feeling to] know: 'god is not real' - and everyone who says or asks anything else is my enemy".

No, it's just the annoying videos. Why don't you stop posting them. Makes you seem weird

So you seem not to be able to give an answer, because I am I and not this what you would prefer what I should be.

... For instance try talking to many blacks about racism and say the word "ni**er". They feel so strongly about that word that their brain completely shuts down and the discussion is over. ...

Is this the same íf someone uses the word "negroe"?

Too bad I'll never watch one video

So you don't know what you miss and you never will feel the yearning of Nils in Scandinavia for one of the best sides of your country.

Don't even understand
So you seem not to be able to give an answer, because I am I and not this what you would prefer what I should be.
You forgot the video...you know, to make Sealybobo happy....
There's a video in his reply. It's like he's speaking in tongues

This is the best argument for God. Say a bunch of stupid shit, ask a bunch of stupid questions, make no sense, post a bunch of stupid videos which BTW sort of expose that the guy is too emotional to think rationally or logically.

It's why they play sad music during movies. Helps set the mood. Even I got emotional when Celine Deon sang in Titanic.

So I'm talking with my brain and he's talking from the heart.
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So you seem not to be able to give an answer, because I am I and not this what you would prefer what I should be.
You forgot the video...you know, to make Sealybobo happy....
Did you know at one time in human history people thought thinking came from the heart not the brain?

Then one day a Catholic King ripped out someone's heart and realized the still living person could still see and think. At least for a few seconds. Mess with the brain and lights out
Did you know at one time in human history people thought thinking came from the heart not the brain?

Then one day a Catholic King ripped out someone's heart and realized the still living person could still see and think. At least for a few seconds. Mess with the brain and lights out
I guess he took the Scriptures too literally.
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