If God doesn't exist...

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Powerful enough to create (kick start) a universe.

It is most likely that nothing "kick started" the universe. The Universe just ... is...
And always has been and always will be. Will our sun be forever? No. Will the milky way last forever? No. Will our universe that we see last forever? No. One day every light will fade. We guestimate we have about another 10 billion years. So what will happen after the last star burns out? It will be complete darkness. And all the rock from every star will drift around for a few billion years until who knows? Maybe another universe will form after all the rocks join together and condense into something the size of your fist. Then explode into a big bang and then in 13 billion years from that date, some life on some planet in the new universe will think they are special and a god created it all for them. LOL

There is no "after". Time is only one more dimension in the Space-Time continuum.

Asking "what happens after?" is like asking "What is North of the North Pole?"

But my point is that most scientists tend to believe that there are multiple space-time continua. Ours, the one that started with the Big Bang, is just one of an infinite number. So, bottom line, there is no "need" for anything to "kick-start" the Universe.
See one of those small dots? That's us. And I don't mean our planet I mean our universe. Each bubble is a universe. But now there are infinite universes and dark space in between each of them. ENDLESS.

I don't think God exists at all.

How do you think of god? Because really if you aren't thinking what the Jews Chrstians or Muslims are thinking and saying, you're really just a little cult. Some would say a solo church.
Suits me well. God is incorporeal.
God doesn't exist. And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?


If science doesn't hold the answer to all questions then how do you know God doesn't exist?

As for your question... I'm waiting on a response from some all knowledgeable scientific minded atheist to provide me with an input on that prior to providing a response of my own.



I got it! If God doesn't exist you will still wake up today, still go to sleep tonight, still either be a good or bad person, you will still die one day.

What makes you think God cares what you do in your subjective reality or your abstract human concepts of good and evil?

In other words God has no impact on anything. Other than in your head of course.

God has all sorts of impact. Without God we wouldn't exist.

Now try posting without putting up a music video that no one is watching


View attachment 68653



Then what kick started the universe? If that's the question I've got a good scientific answer. We don't know. As of yet there isn't a scientific theory to explain it. Does that mean god exist? Maybe, I can't disprove it so it's a possibility. Until about 150 years ago we didn't know about the existence of galaxies. We didnt conceive atoms, we hardly understood elektricity, tectonic drift, where we came from was just begining to get understood. Al of these issues religion felt it had a biblical answer for and they collided with the scientific community. Violently even. My point is this, since religion as a concept started, it gave answers to everything we didn't understand. From what the sun was to modern monotheism. Over the millenia the place where knowledge has to simply claim ignorance has gotten smaller and smaller. And you like most religious ppl, use the fact that there's a lack of knowledge as proof that God exists. Religion has proven
wrong time and time again. It's actually pretty understandable. Religion offers an easy answer to EVERY question, God. So since science doesn't offer that fix all mentality, you think of it as a weakness. When in truth the not knowing is actually the driving force behind science.


Perhaps you should read the entire thread prior to criticizing my belief in God.

The only one showing ignorance at this time would be yourself.

I'm quite comfortable with calling the creation of the universe a miracle of God and would gladly increase funding into scientific research to find out how God went about doing this miracle.



You would do well to gain a working knowledge of the scientific method before suggesting that the science community be employed to study your partisan gods. How is the scientific method applied against supernaturalism?

I'm afraid that demands for acceptance of various gods has been supplanted by the discipline of the scientific method. The Age of Enlightenment began the evisceration of metaphysics and the shroud of fear and superstition was the province of the church. Philosophy and theology were relegated to their place at the back of the line as science carried exploration and knowledge to the scientific arena where physical truths must be accounted for. It is undeniable that the development of the scientific method and the consensus it brings, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, left less and less room for literal interpretations of biblical tales and fables.

Rational science is demonstrated by the scientific method. It's a logical and rational progression of ideas, theories and experimentation. It's a process of discovery which is absent in your world of religious fundamentalism wherein the world is governed by magical gods inhabiting your version of magical spirit realms.
Of course you don't see any difference. You filter your the information regarding how the universe came to be through your concept and understanding of the bible. That process varies from denial to just pure faith....meaning that which you do not understand you take the scripture's viewpoint even if it does not make any scientific sense. The more a scientific argument centers on basic ideas such as the Big Bang the more apt you are to defer to a biblical passage or "witness".

Where and when did I state that I was Christian or a member of any other major religion?

I think you better go back and read the entire thread before assuming things.

It is unlikely you are capable of thinking freely about matters such as "how the universe came into being" without comparing these ideas to and deferring to the bible references.

I think you'd be absolutely WRONG.

Religists are to me similar any group of people that have acquired a strong prejudice which makes it impossible to think openly about some subjects.

I'm seeing quite a bit of that from confirmed atheists, such as yourself, who supposedly know all about science.

For instance try talking to many blacks about racism and say the word "ni**er". They feel so strongly about that word that their brain completely shuts down and the discussion is over.

You mean like suggesting to an atheist that a miracle occurred when the universe began?

The same thing happens when the basic fundamentals of christianity are challenged.

That's between you and them.

The human brain is only capable of just so much anyway. Trying to visualize the big bang even without poisoning the concept with made up images of some humanoid creature lurking nearby orchestrating the whole event is just too much silliness mixed in with a cold scientific visualization.

I can visualize the universe being created by God without all the metaphorical visual aids or with them.

Why do you seem to have a problem with that? No imagination perhaps?

If someone has invested a substantial portion of their life sincerely believing that there is an actual god that has created everything the shock associated with finding out that there actually is no such being would be too much and drive many christians over the edge to mental breakdowns.

You seem to spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone that there is no God....

Are you ready for a melt down?

In short ..you do not want to know that there is no god and there never was a god. Your mind will not allow that idea to sink in no matter how much proof I were to provide.

It would seem that the opposite is true in your case.

View attachment 68664

I observe God and his/her wondrous works everyday.


"Where and when did I state that I was Christian or a member of any other major religion?"

Do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save our souls from "original sin?" If so, then you are a "CHRISTian." Easy enough. Lol.

Do you know what the original sin was? Eve eating the apple from the Tree of KNOWLEDGE.

Knowledge is a bad thing to Christians. Stay ignorant and follow blindly like a zombie.
Of course you don't see any difference. You filter your the information regarding how the universe came to be through your concept and understanding of the bible. That process varies from denial to just pure faith....meaning that which you do not understand you take the scripture's viewpoint even if it does not make any scientific sense. The more a scientific argument centers on basic ideas such as the Big Bang the more apt you are to defer to a biblical passage or "witness".

Where and when did I state that I was Christian or a member of any other major religion?

I think you better go back and read the entire thread before assuming things.

It is unlikely you are capable of thinking freely about matters such as "how the universe came into being" without comparing these ideas to and deferring to the bible references.

I think you'd be absolutely WRONG.

Religists are to me similar any group of people that have acquired a strong prejudice which makes it impossible to think openly about some subjects.

I'm seeing quite a bit of that from confirmed atheists, such as yourself, who supposedly know all about science.

For instance try talking to many blacks about racism and say the word "ni**er". They feel so strongly about that word that their brain completely shuts down and the discussion is over.

You mean like suggesting to an atheist that a miracle occurred when the universe began?

The same thing happens when the basic fundamentals of christianity are challenged.

That's between you and them.

The human brain is only capable of just so much anyway. Trying to visualize the big bang even without poisoning the concept with made up images of some humanoid creature lurking nearby orchestrating the whole event is just too much silliness mixed in with a cold scientific visualization.

I can visualize the universe being created by God without all the metaphorical visual aids or with them.

Why do you seem to have a problem with that? No imagination perhaps?

If someone has invested a substantial portion of their life sincerely believing that there is an actual god that has created everything the shock associated with finding out that there actually is no such being would be too much and drive many christians over the edge to mental breakdowns.

You seem to spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone that there is no God....

Are you ready for a melt down?

In short ..you do not want to know that there is no god and there never was a god. Your mind will not allow that idea to sink in no matter how much proof I were to provide.

It would seem that the opposite is true in your case.

View attachment 68664

I observe God and his/her wondrous works everyday.



Let me try this again. :D

Do you believe that Christ died on the cross to cleanse us of original sin? If so then you are a CHRISTian.

Original sin was when Eve ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and we all know that Christians hate knowledge. Remain ignorant and follow blindly is their motto.

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist.

And what's your reason why you chose this belief?

And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?

Specially the third law - because the big bang is not a reaction.

The third law is not violated. The sum of all forces acting in the Universe is zero and has been since the big bang.
As stated elsewhere, the fact that questions can be formed does not make them sensible. "What is more red than red?" works grammatically, but has no sense. When the subject is one for which mind and language lack comprehension, or even vocabulary, such errors of logic lead far astray.
It was the tree of the knowledge of 'good' and 'evil'. Dualism, if you will.
Powerful enough to create (kick start) a universe.

It is most likely that nothing "kick started" the universe. The Universe just ... is...
And always has been and always will be. Will our sun be forever? No. Will the milky way last forever? No. Will our universe that we see last forever? No. One day every light will fade. We guestimate we have about another 10 billion years. So what will happen after the last star burns out? It will be complete darkness. And all the rock from every star will drift around for a few billion years until who knows? Maybe another universe will form after all the rocks join together and condense into something the size of your fist. Then explode into a big bang and then in 13 billion years from that date, some life on some planet in the new universe will think they are special and a god created it all for them. LOL

There is no "after". Time is only one more dimension in the Space-Time continuum.

Asking "what happens after?" is like asking "What is North of the North Pole?"

But my point is that most scientists tend to believe that there are multiple space-time continua. Ours, the one that started with the Big Bang, is just one of an infinite number. So, bottom line, there is no "need" for anything to "kick-start" the Universe.
See one of those small dots? That's us. And I don't mean our planet I mean our universe. Each bubble is a universe. But now there are infinite universes and dark space in between each of them. ENDLESS.


You have quantifiable proof of this or is this simply more scientific theology?

What happens if your proven wrong?

Oh! You just redefine the goal posts.

Weren't you accusing those who have religious beliefs of that earlier?

You still haven't shown proof of what caused the big bang to happen and I'm still going with a miracle occurred.



If science doesn't hold the answer to all questions then how do you know God doesn't exist?

As for your question... I'm waiting on a response from some all knowledgeable scientific minded atheist to provide me with an input on that prior to providing a response of my own.



I got it! If God doesn't exist you will still wake up today, still go to sleep tonight, still either be a good or bad person, you will still die one day.

What makes you think God cares what you do in your subjective reality or your abstract human concepts of good and evil?

In other words God has no impact on anything. Other than in your head of course.

God has all sorts of impact. Without God we wouldn't exist.

Now try posting without putting up a music video that no one is watching


View attachment 68653



Then what kick started the universe? If that's the question I've got a good scientific answer. We don't know. As of yet there isn't a scientific theory to explain it. Does that mean god exist? Maybe, I can't disprove it so it's a possibility. Until about 150 years ago we didn't know about the existence of galaxies. We didnt conceive atoms, we hardly understood elektricity, tectonic drift, where we came from was just begining to get understood. Al of these issues religion felt it had a biblical answer for and they collided with the scientific community. Violently even. My point is this, since religion as a concept started, it gave answers to everything we didn't understand. From what the sun was to modern monotheism. Over the millenia the place where knowledge has to simply claim ignorance has gotten smaller and smaller. And you like most religious ppl, use the fact that there's a lack of knowledge as proof that God exists. Religion has proven
wrong time and time again. It's actually pretty understandable. Religion offers an easy answer to EVERY question, God. So since science doesn't offer that fix all mentality, you think of it as a weakness. When in truth the not knowing is actually the driving force behind science.


Perhaps you should read the entire thread prior to criticizing my belief in God.

The only one showing ignorance at this time would be yourself.

I'm quite comfortable with calling the creation of the universe a miracle of God and would gladly increase funding into scientific research to find out how God went about doing this miracle.



You would do well to gain a working knowledge of the scientific method before suggesting that the science community be employed to study your partisan gods. How is the scientific method applied against supernaturalism?

What makes you think that I don't understand the scientific method better than you?


Which partisan gods would those be?

I'm afraid that demands for acceptance of various gods has been supplanted by the discipline of the scientific method. The Age of Enlightenment began the evisceration of metaphysics and the shroud of fear and superstition was the province of the church. Philosophy and theology were relegated to their place at the back of the line as science carried exploration and knowledge to the scientific arena where physical truths must be accounted for. It is undeniable that the development of the scientific method and the consensus it brings, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, left less and less room for literal interpretations of biblical tales and fables.

And yet the Hebrews and Christians came up with the idea of creation thousands of years prior to your vaulted 'Age Of Enlightenment' came up with your scientific creation theology.

Rational science is demonstrated by the scientific method. It's a logical and rational progression of ideas, theories and experimentation. It's a process of discovery which is absent in your world of religious fundamentalism wherein the world is governed by magical gods inhabiting your version of magical spirit realms.

Just what world of religious fundamentalism do you believe governs my world with magical gods?

Your very quick at criticizing others beliefs yet when asked a simple question become very defensive.

Perhaps you should lighten up and... read the rest of the thread prior to posting again.



Of course you don't see any difference. You filter your the information regarding how the universe came to be through your concept and understanding of the bible. That process varies from denial to just pure faith....meaning that which you do not understand you take the scripture's viewpoint even if it does not make any scientific sense. The more a scientific argument centers on basic ideas such as the Big Bang the more apt you are to defer to a biblical passage or "witness".

Where and when did I state that I was Christian or a member of any other major religion?

I think you better go back and read the entire thread before assuming things.

It is unlikely you are capable of thinking freely about matters such as "how the universe came into being" without comparing these ideas to and deferring to the bible references.

I think you'd be absolutely WRONG.

Religists are to me similar any group of people that have acquired a strong prejudice which makes it impossible to think openly about some subjects.

I'm seeing quite a bit of that from confirmed atheists, such as yourself, who supposedly know all about science.

For instance try talking to many blacks about racism and say the word "ni**er". They feel so strongly about that word that their brain completely shuts down and the discussion is over.

You mean like suggesting to an atheist that a miracle occurred when the universe began?

The same thing happens when the basic fundamentals of christianity are challenged.

That's between you and them.

The human brain is only capable of just so much anyway. Trying to visualize the big bang even without poisoning the concept with made up images of some humanoid creature lurking nearby orchestrating the whole event is just too much silliness mixed in with a cold scientific visualization.

I can visualize the universe being created by God without all the metaphorical visual aids or with them.

Why do you seem to have a problem with that? No imagination perhaps?

If someone has invested a substantial portion of their life sincerely believing that there is an actual god that has created everything the shock associated with finding out that there actually is no such being would be too much and drive many christians over the edge to mental breakdowns.

You seem to spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone that there is no God....

Are you ready for a melt down?

In short ..you do not want to know that there is no god and there never was a god. Your mind will not allow that idea to sink in no matter how much proof I were to provide.

It would seem that the opposite is true in your case.

View attachment 68664

I observe God and his/her wondrous works everyday.



Let me try this again. :D

Do you believe that Christ died on the cross to cleanse us of original sin? If so then you are a CHRISTian.

Original sin was when Eve ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and we all know that Christians hate knowledge. Remain ignorant and follow blindly is their motto.


I believe I answered that in the post you attempted to quote and the line you 'attempted' to single out to ask me your question. If what I said wasn't plain enough then.....

I'll suggest that perhaps you should read the rest of the thread also.


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