If God doesn't exist...

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Did Jesus Christ really "rise from the dead" or is that just another parable? I guess, according to the religious folks, only the stories from the Bible that have been proven untrue are the "parables?" ;)

Rising from the dead is a metaphor.

First Jesus rose from the death and entombment of false religious beliefs and degrading religious practices. He then ascended bodily into heaven, the highest sphere of intelligences, as he walked through life until he was killed. After three days, according to scripture, he rose again and appeared in dreams to his disciples which convinced them that Jesus survived physical death.

Their belief was that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing and communicating with Jesus in dreams after he died was proof enough to them that Jesus was alive and well and in the realm of God, literally.

That's not what it says in the Bible. It specifically states that Jesus actually awoke from the dead. There were allegedly women there who witnessed it and saw his tomb was empty!

Right, and there was another account where some angelic being floated down from the sky and rolled away his stone. What you remember reading were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

People do not pop in and out of reality or float up into the sky anywhere except for in dreams.

Jesus was raised as an observant Jew. This same Jesus compared pharisaic beliefs and practices to unmarked graves and whitewashed tombs. Do the math.

He really did awaken from the dead after being baptized by John as a token of repentance for the forgiveness of sin. Thats when, " The heavens opened up to him".

Whats so hard to believe? You used to be protestant, right? Now you don't believe in any of it, right?

Didn't you wake up from the dead at some point or are you just sleeptalking?
IOW, you don't know. Typical "religious whack" response when confronted with logic.
I cannot tell you, the spirit has to tell you. It is a discovery for all on their own.

There is no such things as "spirits" except for in your imagination.
There are spirits. You have your own spirit and it dwells in your soul and your soul dwells in your body.

Um, no. I don't believe in spirits or gods.
Um, no. I don't believe in spirits or gods.
So you do not believe you have your spirit?
Do you believe you have as soul?
I assume you believe you have a body.

I have a body and a brain. There is no such thing as a "spirit" as defined by religion. Your "spirit" comes from your personality and your brain, your feelings. Once you die, that is gone forever.
Um, no. I don't believe in spirits or gods.
So you do not believe you have your spirit?
Do you believe you have as soul?
I assume you believe you have a body.

I have a body and a brain. There is no such thing as a "spirit" as defined by religion. Your "spirit" comes from your personality and your brain, your feelings. Once you die, that is gone forever.
Do you have a soul?
Um, no. I don't believe in spirits or gods.
So you do not believe you have your spirit?
Do you believe you have as soul?
I assume you believe you have a body.

I have a body and a brain. There is no such thing as a "spirit" as defined by religion. Your "spirit" comes from your personality and your brain, your feelings. Once you die, that is gone forever.
Do you have a soul?

Define "soul."
If God didn't exist, we wouldn't know what is happening and about to happen in our future. I can't tell you who will win next year's Super Bowl, but God told us 2,000 years ago what we see happening on the nightly news.

Someone or thing had to have put into motion the Laws of Physics that our scientists keep discovering in the universe and beyond. Physics can't be explained away through evolution. The speed of light didn't start out at a trot first. DNA was complex from the beginning. For the eye to work properly it was extremely complex for the start.
Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Define "soul."
Do you have one or not?

Every human ever born has a soul. And a human spirit. Spirits are eternal. We never cease to exist. We are also given the opportunity to house a portion of the Holy Spirit of God. The soul and the Holy Spirit are never to be subject to the human spirit. The Holy Spirit feeds the soul. The human spirit was the last thing Christ dealt with on the cross. He commanded it to remove itself to the Father. It is the breath of life God breathed into Adam, and is passed on down from parent to child. When it leaves the body, the body ceases to function. It dies. You don't. You merely step right out of the terrestrial part. This life as we know it is merely a blip in our eternal life. It is basic training.
...1,I don't think my teacher was a bad catholic, simply a devout Roman Catholic who believed like alot of ppl

ppl? people?

on these forums that their brand of whatever religion they adhere is the one and only correct one.

While everyone of the people (=constructions of the shadows of your own thoughts) should know that your opinion about god and the world is the only correct one?

I understand now that in organised religion you can't pick and choose what you accept in said religion, you believe the whole thing or you aren't in, that simple.

That's only "simple" =(in harmony with your own mentalitiy and indoctrinations) because your enemies are munsters - whatever or whoever they are really.

2,As to your nt blib.


I'll put in this question. If god is allknowing.

¿God is allknowing?

Don't you think he would be able to forgive the minor fact that you don't recognise him as your creator providing you live a live in the spirit of his son?

Again: "What?" I am a Catholic. Normally I don't discuss bullshit. So don't try to tell me what I think or what I do not think. If someone asks one of our teachers "Am I a Catholic, If I don't believe in the triune god nor in Jesus Christ who is for me not true god from true god?" then why to say anything else than "no"? Who needs more words? You can write 10000 books about - but you are not a Catholic. So what?

Knowing forgiveness is a big part of what Jesus preached. In other words do you think God would be petty enough to say, "yes you might be a good person but you don't believe in me so I will punish you for eternity."?

I'm not god - what you would know if you ever had to do anything with Catholics.

3,As to all the rest. There's been plenty of religious wars during the centuries, crusades being an obvious one.

I know, worryor. Better to say : I don't know this on plausible reasons, because I studied last century a long list of wars of the last 350 years and not any of this wars had anyting to do with religious reasons.

4,I was saying all out war is getting rarer, not because we've become more peacefull

The USA would live in a hell today if the most people in the world would not be very peaceful.

but because the body count has become unsustainable.


5,and to the last one. If you believe strictly what is in religious texts, you put yourself into a corner.since science is capable of disproving large swaths of your beliefs. Thats what's wrong.

Catholics are not fighting against spiritual truths and Catholics are not fighting against real truths. All truthes are part of the truth. Sometimes a way is not easy to find, that's all. So I would say you are fighting aginst Catholics on a very simple reason: You hate the truth and so you hate us without any reason to do so. I guess you think human beings make what's true or not - that's what your indoctrination teaches you. In this case no one has to understand anything or to learn any longer anything.

Ok here goes, James who has been discussing the same thing with me that you are, can do so without acting like I am attacking him. We might not agree but we can not agree without the need to get combative.

"combative" ... Sorry if I slashed your monitior from inside with my longsword. But still your head seems to be on your neck.

And next time you feel the need to attack my spelling or grammar, realise that I'm not typing in my mother tongue.

If you should think it is englsh what I am using then this is also only an illusion.

Btw you are proving my point. I don't hate any religion.

A professional killer shoots now two time now after saying so. Let me take a look. Hmmm - no holes in my monitor. Seems to be true. Nevertheless I don't have the feeling anyone who is religious should trust in you.

If you look for my other posts on this forum you'll see I try to treat ppl with respect even those I don't agree with, What I have immens trouble with is bigotry in any form. If you don't like what I say, that's your right, but don't come at me with "you hate us" because you don't agree, try to show me why I'm wrong.

I said somethijng to you and you answered with many "friendly" words: "I am innocent, bastard". But if you ask about wrongness: You are by the way completly wrong to try to see in natural science a substitute for religions. Natural science is not a religion - never was - never will be.

Natural science is not a religion - never was - never will be. See you do agree with me. This is what started the conversation with James for me. If you have faith good for you. When your faith feels the need to equate itself with science there's a problem. Genesis as a parable isn't a problem. People actually believing and defending a statement saying the earth is 6000 years old is a problem. Because the only way you can make that statement hold up is to make science go away.

About 6000 years was the first approximation - meanwhile we speak about 13.82 billion years in case of the universe and about four and a half billion years in case of the solar system and the planet Earth. The man who had the first time in history of mankind the idea to ask the quantity of years since the world was created was a genius. So you can see: You are the ignorant who attacks what he doesn't understand far from reasons of science. I would be really happy if atheists would understand that atheism is also only a belief. The belief not to believe is indeed a little more paradox than to believe in god.

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...1,I don't think my teacher was a bad catholic, simply a devout Roman Catholic who believed like alot of ppl

ppl? people?

on these forums that their brand of whatever religion they adhere is the one and only correct one.

While everyone of the people (=constructions of the shadows of your own thoughts) should know that your opinion about god and the world is the only correct one?

I understand now that in organised religion you can't pick and choose what you accept in said religion, you believe the whole thing or you aren't in, that simple.

That's only "simple" =(in harmony with your own mentalitiy and indoctrinations) because your enemies are munsters - whatever or whoever they are really.

2,As to your nt blib.


I'll put in this question. If god is allknowing.

¿God is allknowing?

Don't you think he would be able to forgive the minor fact that you don't recognise him as your creator providing you live a live in the spirit of his son?

Again: "What?" I am a Catholic. Normally I don't discuss bullshit. So don't try to tell me what I think or what I do not think. If someone asks one of our teachers "Am I a Catholic, If I don't believe in the triune god nor in Jesus Christ who is for me not true god from true god?" then why to say anything else than "no"? Who needs more words? You can write 10000 books about - but you are not a Catholic. So what?

Knowing forgiveness is a big part of what Jesus preached. In other words do you think God would be petty enough to say, "yes you might be a good person but you don't believe in me so I will punish you for eternity."?

I'm not god - what you would know if you ever had to do anything with Catholics.

3,As to all the rest. There's been plenty of religious wars during the centuries, crusades being an obvious one.

I know, worryor. Better to say : I don't know this on plausible reasons, because I studied last century a long list of wars of the last 350 years and not any of this wars had anyting to do with religious reasons.

4,I was saying all out war is getting rarer, not because we've become more peacefull

The USA would live in a hell today if the most people in the world would not be very peaceful.

but because the body count has become unsustainable.


5,and to the last one. If you believe strictly what is in religious texts, you put yourself into a corner.since science is capable of disproving large swaths of your beliefs. Thats what's wrong.

Catholics are not fighting against spiritual truths and Catholics are not fighting against real truths. All truthes are part of the truth. Sometimes a way is not easy to find, that's all. So I would say you are fighting aginst Catholics on a very simple reason: You hate the truth and so you hate us without any reason to do so. I guess you think human beings make what's true or not - that's what your indoctrination teaches you. In this case no one has to understand anything or to learn any longer anything.

Ok here goes, James who has been discussing the same thing with me that you are, can do so without acting like I am attacking him. We might not agree but we can not agree without the need to get combative.

"combative" ... Sorry if I slashed your monitior from inside with my longsword. But still your head seems to be on your neck.

And next time you feel the need to attack my spelling or grammar, realise that I'm not typing in my mother tongue.

If you should think it is englsh what I am using then this is also only an illusion.

Btw you are proving my point. I don't hate any religion.

A professional killer shoots now two time now after saying so. Let me take a look. Hmmm - no holes in my monitor. Seems to be true. Nevertheless I don't have the feeling anyone who is religious should trust in you.

If you look for my other posts on this forum you'll see I try to treat ppl with respect even those I don't agree with, What I have immens trouble with is bigotry in any form. If you don't like what I say, that's your right, but don't come at me with "you hate us" because you don't agree, try to show me why I'm wrong.

I said somethijng to you and you answered with many "friendly" words: "I am innocent, bastard". But if you ask about wrongness: You are by the way completly wrong to try to see in natural science a substitute for religions. Natural science is not a religion - never was - never will be.

Natural science is not a religion - never was - never will be. See you do agree with me. This is what started the conversation with James for me. If you have faith good for you. When your faith feels the need to equate itself with science there's a problem. Genesis as a parable isn't a problem. People actually believing and defending a statement saying the earth is 6000 years old is a problem. Because the only way you can make that statement hold up is to make science go away.

So . . . who made up the Ten Commandments. Many religious folks live by the Ten Commandments and will tell you they are the "word of God." I guess they just pick and choose which stories are "parables" and those that are "real?"

I am religious like many folks all around me too and I think something about the 10 commandements. I don't tell you now what I think about the 10 commandements but let me say: If everyone in the world would understand the word of god "Don't kill!" I guess we could live without [the idea of] the 10 commandements.

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So, did Moses go up on the mountain and receive the Ten Commandments from God and speak with God through a "burning bush?" Or is that just a parable?

No - that happened. And it happened much more than only this.

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Define "soul."
Do you have one or not?

Every human ever born has a soul. Nonsense! And a human spirit. More Nonsense! Spirits are eternal. Completely un provable! We never cease to exist. After death we only exist in the memories of those that knew us. We are also given the opportunity to house a portion of the Holy Spirit of God. More wishful thinking. The soul and the Holy Spirit are never to be subject to the human spirit. The Holy Spirit feeds the soul. The human spirit was the last thing Christ dealt with on the cross. He commanded it to remove itself to the Father. It is the breath of life God breathed into Adam, and is passed on down from parent to child. When it leaves the body, the body ceases to function. It dies. You don't. You merely step right out of the terrestrial part. This life as we know it is merely a blip in our eternal life. It is basic training.

You have been trained to believe a lot of religious psycho babble. A whole lot of energy has been wasted attempting to mold the reality of existence to fit this daydream of some goat herders 2000 years ago. Science has had these religions back peddling since the inventions of Galileo and others. You that insist on justifying your fearful imaginations have murdered and tortured in the name of protecting your gods from science.

It is all just nonsense. They have offered you this un-provable carrot of a life everlasting and because you cannot accept the stark cold reality of the finality of the end of our lives when we die you insist on believing the fantasy.

Atheism is not a religion. It is just accepting the most likely truth and refusing to waste what little time we have on bullshit. It is just an understanding that there is no meaning to our existence. There is no secret key to special favor that will allow us more time than we get here on earth.

You choosing to believe in fantasy stories of souls and heavens and hells does not make them true. If you feel safer with the make believe then maybe for you that is the best way to face the inevitable. One thing for sure is that no man or woman has ever come back from the dead to verify your fantasy.
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