If God doesn't exist...

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ChrisL, He didn't overtly save the other sinners. Of the 2 thieves He was hanging between, He ignored the mocking from one, and the one who recognized Him for who He really was, was saved that very day. The only way that the other may have been forgiven was in the blanket plea Jesus made to forgive those who knew not what they did.
"Everyone needs the grace of god"

We are all responsible for our own behavior, ESPECIALLY people who have the audacity to assume the leadership of others. There are no "gimmies". There is no "forgiveness". There are no "mulligans".

An atheist takes the lead position seriously. He or she understands the weight of the responsibility in telling others to risk their lives to support the leader's decisions. Unless the atheist is also a psychopath and a sociopath he or she must absolutely believe in any "path" chosen that risks other's lost future.

"We" (=spiritual human beings believing in god) will see what you think about after your death. And you are right: You are - like everyone else - responsible in the eyes of god for your deeds - that's what "responsibility" means. Responsibilty and freedom are the two sides of the same coin. There's no difference between anyone on this planet - everyone is responsible - no one has any excuse. On the other side: Everyone is free. To live on the own free will in slavery is also not an excuse.

There will be nothing after my death. No judgement by you or anything will I have to endure. That is by the departed.

If I was in a position of leadership and made beau-coup mistakes that hurt the lives of those still drawing breath THAT is the only judgement I would have to pay for. Except I would be dead. The eyes and ears no workie.

Do you think Hitler squirms in some way tortured and uncomfortable? If you do you are a fool. That is why what you do while a horrible person is alive is all that matters. There is no hell. Adolf got away with it. He just smooth got away with it. All that whining about how Hitler will pay in hell is the real evil of christianity. You all ask "what bad could believing in a god and a heaven and a hell possibly do?" It's just THAT giving evil a pass here on earth in what I like to call "reality" based on your firm beliefs you also defer the acts of evil to the judgement of your god. You enable acts of evil. You are the co-conspirators of the evil that happens.

As long as you pass judgement to some afterlife hearing and indictment you enable evil to use your stupidity against the living.

And many of the people posting about being such good religious people are also PRO death penalty. Lol. I think that directly goes against the teachings of Christ.

Im not so sure that Jesus was anti Death penalty. There was that phrase he used, " render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and render unto God what is God's" ( or something like that) I think that means to obey the laws in the Temporal world as they are in place and then to live your personal life in a way that is obedient to God, with the emphasis of the next life which is supposed to be eternal.
Jesus did allow himself to be executed with that same understanding I think

I don't think so. Jesus forgave the other "sinners" who were crucified along with him. He was not a fan of "killing." Of course the religious people will say otherwise to make themselves sound better.

I know a lot is open to interpretation, I'm not saying thats the way it is, but just a way of looking at it .
"We" (=spiritual human beings believing in god) will see what you think about after your death. And you are right: You are - like everyone else - responsible in the eyes of god for your deeds - that's what "responsibility" means. Responsibilty and freedom are the two sides of the same coin. There's no difference between anyone on this planet - everyone is responsible - no one has any excuse. On the other side: Everyone is free. To live on the own free will in slavery is also not an excuse.

There will be nothing after my death. No judgement by you or anything will I have to endure. That is by the departed.

If I was in a position of leadership and made beau-coup mistakes that hurt the lives of those still drawing breath THAT is the only judgement I would have to pay for. Except I would be dead. The eyes and ears no workie.

Do you think Hitler squirms in some way tortured and uncomfortable? If you do you are a fool. That is why what you do while a horrible person is alive is all that matters. There is no hell. Adolf got away with it. He just smooth got away with it. All that whining about how Hitler will pay in hell is the real evil of christianity. You all ask "what bad could believing in a god and a heaven and a hell possibly do?" It's just THAT giving evil a pass here on earth in what I like to call "reality" based on your firm beliefs you also defer the acts of evil to the judgement of your god. You enable acts of evil. You are the co-conspirators of the evil that happens.

As long as you pass judgement to some afterlife hearing and indictment you enable evil to use your stupidity against the living.

And many of the people posting about being such good religious people are also PRO death penalty. Lol. I think that directly goes against the teachings of Christ.

Im not so sure that Jesus was anti Death penalty. There was that phrase he used, " render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and render unto God what is God's" ( or something like that) I think that means to obey the laws in the Temporal world as they are in place and then to live your personal life in a way that is obedient to God, with the emphasis of the next life which is supposed to be eternal.
Jesus did allow himself to be executed with that same understanding I think

I don't think so. Jesus forgave the other "sinners" who were crucified along with him. He was not a fan of "killing." Of course the religious people will say otherwise to make themselves sound better.

I know a lot is open to interpretation, I'm not saying thats the way it is, but just a way of looking at it .

Sorry, I just find that people who claim to be religious are very hateful people in reality.
There will be nothing after my death. No judgement by you or anything will I have to endure. That is by the departed.

If I was in a position of leadership and made beau-coup mistakes that hurt the lives of those still drawing breath THAT is the only judgement I would have to pay for. Except I would be dead. The eyes and ears no workie.

Do you think Hitler squirms in some way tortured and uncomfortable? If you do you are a fool. That is why what you do while a horrible person is alive is all that matters. There is no hell. Adolf got away with it. He just smooth got away with it. All that whining about how Hitler will pay in hell is the real evil of christianity. You all ask "what bad could believing in a god and a heaven and a hell possibly do?" It's just THAT giving evil a pass here on earth in what I like to call "reality" based on your firm beliefs you also defer the acts of evil to the judgement of your god. You enable acts of evil. You are the co-conspirators of the evil that happens.

As long as you pass judgement to some afterlife hearing and indictment you enable evil to use your stupidity against the living.

And many of the people posting about being such good religious people are also PRO death penalty. Lol. I think that directly goes against the teachings of Christ.
Im not so sure that Jesus was anti Death penalty. There was that phrase he used, " render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and render unto God what is God's" ( or something like that) I think that means to obey the laws in the Temporal world as they are in place and then to live your personal life in a way that is obedient to God, with the emphasis of the next life which is supposed to be eternal.
Jesus did allow himself to be executed with that same understanding I think

I don't think so. Jesus forgave the other "sinners" who were crucified along with him. He was not a fan of "killing." Of course the religious people will say otherwise to make themselves sound better.

I know a lot is open to interpretation, I'm not saying thats the way it is, but just a way of looking at it .

Sorry, I just find that people who claim to be religious are very hateful people in reality.

Well, its true Ive seen those, sometimes spiteful people, but Ive seen very nice ones too. Do you feel that the death penalty is in place due to Hate? or as a Deterant? I always thought it was the latter myself.
Adaptation is what Darwin noted in birds beaks and mistook it for a new species. It was the same bird, whose beak had adapted to take advantage of the foliage on a different island. Living things adapt to their surroundings. They do not morph into different species. Had Darwin known about DNA, we would never had heard of Darwin. To this day, Monkey DNA remains monkey DNA. Because it is similar to ours means absolutely nothing. A cloud, a watermelon and a jelly fish have similar properties. That doesn't mean that a watermelon used to be a jellyfish. Had Darwin been correct we would literally be walking on the millions of years worth of missing link bones per species, necessary for one species to become something other than what it started out being. For a species to morph into something different, a mistake has to be produced in the DNA. The exact same mistake would have to reoccur, exactly, for millions of generations to create a different species. Exact same mistake is an oxymoron. DNA is self correcting.

The atheist scientists just ignore this. They were wrong about junk DNA. Darwin wasn't the only one who thought species change by natural selection. Alfred Russell Wallace had the same theory, and Darwin was fortunate to get his publication in first. Even then, he had to fight off charges of plagiarism.

There was a bit of a problem with all of this natural selection stuff, though: Darwin didn’t know how it, uh, worked. Offspring had a mix of their parents’ features, sure. But how? What was going on at the moment of conception? It was a huge hole in Darwin’s theory of evolution. So in 1868, almost a decade after he published On the Origin of Species, Darwin tried to plug that hole with the theory of “pangenesis,” a wildly wrong idea that goes a little something like this:

Every cell in our bodies sheds tiny particles called gemmules, “which are dispersed throughout the whole system,” Darwin wrote, and “these, when supplied with proper nutriment, multiply by self-division, and are ultimately developed into units like those from which they were originally derived.” Gemmules are, in essence, seeds of cells. “They are collected from all parts of the system to constitute the sexual elements, and their development in the next generation forms a new being.”

Because both parents contribute these cell seeds, offspring end up blending the features of mom and dad. But what about a child exhibiting more features of one parent than the other? This comes about when “the gemmules in the fertilized germ are superabundant in number,” where the gemmules “derived from one parent may have some advantage in number, affinity, or vigor over those derived from the other parent.” In other words, they kinda just put more effort into it.

Gemmules must develop in the proper order to build a healthy organism. When something glitches along the way, though, you get birth defects. “According to the doctrine of pangenesis,” Darwin wrote, “the gemmules of the transposed organs become developed in the wrong place, from uniting with wrong cells or aggregates of cells during their nascent state.”

But most important of all, Darwin’s theory of pangenesis could finally explain variations among organisms—the raw fuel of evolution. This has two causes. First, “fluctuating variability” comes from “the deficiency, superabundance, and transposition of gemmules, and the redevelopment of those which have long been dormant.” In other words, they’re expressed in a grandchild after skipping a generation, though the gemmules themselves haven’t “undergone any modification.”

Fantastically Wrong: What Darwin Really Screwed Up About Evolution

What exactly did Darwin get right besides modication by natural selection?
That's fine if some of you do not want to think about it and want to follow some ancient men's book from thousands of years ago, but anyone who opens their eyes and looks can see it makes absolutely no sense at all. Too many contradictions.
Again, that's where "contradictions" are coming from:
And everyone seems to take the literal parts metaphorically and the metaphorical parts literally."

I've noticed that you still haven't addressed my specific question about original sin and what it says in the Bible about Jesus. Did Jesus die on the cross or not? Is the Adam and Eve story a "parable" or not? Do you believe these fantastical stories to be true? What about the Ten Commandments? Where did those come from? God who revealed himself to Moses in the form of a burning bush? Come on.

What is your answer?

Here's mine. OS meant banishment from going against God and we lost perfection. We still have it to this day. Yes. No. Yes. What about it? Moses. Yes.

Doesn't make sense. You are just cherry picking your data. There is no such thing as "perfection" especially when it comes to human beings. Most of you religious folks are extremely hateful and divisive. You need a lot of work.

I'm answering your questions, and not cherry picking any data. Where are your answers?
That's fine if some of you do not want to think about it and want to follow some ancient men's book from thousands of years ago, but anyone who opens their eyes and looks can see it makes absolutely no sense at all. Too many contradictions.
Again, that's where "contradictions" are coming from:
And everyone seems to take the literal parts metaphorically and the metaphorical parts literally."

I've noticed that you still haven't addressed my specific question about original sin and what it says in the Bible about Jesus. Did Jesus die on the cross or not? Is the Adam and Eve story a "parable" or not? Do you believe these fantastical stories to be true? What about the Ten Commandments? Where did those come from? God who revealed himself to Moses in the form of a burning bush? Come on.

What is your answer?

Here's mine. OS meant banishment from going against God and we lost perfection. We still have it to this day. Yes. No. Yes. What about it? Moses. Yes.

Doesn't make sense. You are just cherry picking your data. There is no such thing as "perfection" especially when it comes to human beings. Most of you religious folks are extremely hateful and divisive. You need a lot of work.

I'm answering your questions, and not cherry picking any data. Where are your answers?

Sure you are. You choose which stories are "parables" and which are not. Lol. You either believe your Bible and all the fantastical stories or you do not. Choose.
Again, that's where "contradictions" are coming from:

I've noticed that you still haven't addressed my specific question about original sin and what it says in the Bible about Jesus. Did Jesus die on the cross or not? Is the Adam and Eve story a "parable" or not? Do you believe these fantastical stories to be true? What about the Ten Commandments? Where did those come from? God who revealed himself to Moses in the form of a burning bush? Come on.

What is your answer?

Here's mine. OS meant banishment from going against God and we lost perfection. We still have it to this day. Yes. No. Yes. What about it? Moses. Yes.

Doesn't make sense. You are just cherry picking your data. There is no such thing as "perfection" especially when it comes to human beings. Most of you religious folks are extremely hateful and divisive. You need a lot of work.

I'm answering your questions, and not cherry picking any data. Where are your answers?

Sure you are. You choose which stories are "parables" and which are not. Lol. You either believe your Bible and all the fantastical stories or you do not. Choose.

Still no answers. The Bible is fantastic. Which stories are fantastical? I guess you mean incredulous or not willing to believe something.
Evos: The geographic and rock layers of the earth support a gradual development of life. Darwin expected that if fossils were found in Precambrian rocks they would show a gradual development.

Not true. Stephen Jay Gould states, "the Precambrian fossils that actually were found after Darwin’s death." Also, evos are basing their "religion" on old books such as Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology (1830) and Charles Darwin's Origin of Species (1859).

Evos: The fossil record proves evolution is true. For example,the fact that primate or ape-like fossils are not found in Devonian layers proves that apes had not evolved yet.

False. If there were ape-like fossils found, then it would be ignored by evos (anything that contradicts evolution is ignored) or say it was planted. Creationists say that the layers are based on geography, not time.

Let's look at the layers. Even their names are based on geography, not time.

Geologic Strata - The distinctive characteristic of a layer might be the kind of minerals found in it, or the kind of. There is something unique about the layer that geologists recognize and think is significant.

Geologists, like biologists, like to classify similar things by giving a name to a group of similar things. This makes it easier to study the rocks, and talk to other geologists about the rocks.

Devonian Layer - It is named after Devon, England, where rocks from this period were first studied.There are lots of fish fossils in this layer, but noprimate fossils, as evolutionists love to point out. Why is this? Is it because primates did not exist anywhere in the world when the Devonian rocks were formed? Or was it because apes don’t live where fish live?

To find fossils of extinct primates, paleontologists go to Tanzania or Kenya; but they don’t find fish fossils there. Is that because fish did not exist when
Homo habilis or Australopithecus Afarensis lived? Or is it because fish don’t live on dry land where Homo habilis or Australopithecus Afarensis lived?

Fossils are formed when things get buried rapidly by a landslide, sandstorm, tsunami, flood, or any other disaster that might bury things. The things that get buried are the things that happened to be at the place that got buried.

On rare occasions, things get buried out of place. Someone might have caught a fish and brought it back to camp just before a rockslide buried the camp, causing a fish fossil to be foundmysteriously out of place. But that’s a rare anomaly. Fossil-bearing strata overwhelmingly tend to contain fossils associated with a particular habitat. In fact, that’s how paleontologists determine what the habitat was like.

Geographic Names
There are a few exceptions, but generally speaking, strata have geographic names. For example,

The Jurassic is named after the Jura Mountains within the European Alps, where limestone strata from the period was first identified.

The Mississippian is so named because rocks with this age are exposed in the Mississippi River valley.

The Pennsylvanian is named after the American state of Pennsylvania, where rocks with this age are widespread.

Notice that each layer is associated with an age. Why is that? Mississippian rocks are supposedly older than Pennsylvanian rocks; but Pennsylvania was a state before Mississippi was. Chronologically, the two names make no sense. That’s because the names are based on geography, not time.

More, as I get time.
I'll make a couple of points here.
1. How do you explain the starfilled sky?
2. "Even their names are based on geography, not time." , think that's stretching the truth quite a bit
Archean time period from the Greek for beginning.
Protorezoic time period Greek for earlier life
Phanerozoic time period Greek for visible life. the list goes on but you get my drift.
3. If you claim science supress data I would like proof of that statement. Not "If there were ape-like fossils found, then it would be ignored by evos"
4. The fact that you admit to these layers, proves my point that the earth is older then 6000 years. Fossilazation in itself is a process wich is understood to take a minimum of 10000 years. Coal, oil are known to be biological in origin. and take hundred of thousands of years minimally, a few exeptions not withstanding. These are natural processes know and understood by science.
5. Ill make this point again. I can use different tracks to disprove a young earth. You might say they're both believe systems, but my belief system does seem to offer a tremendous amount of cooberating facts. I accept since you have faith you don't feel the need to prove what you belief. But if, and I'm talking about creatonism, you feel the need to use the Bible as the ultimate proof in a scientific world. I think it reasonable that the bible needs to go trough the same scrutiny as any scientific theory before you can actually put it in a classroom for instance.
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Evos: The geographic and rock layers of the earth support a gradual development of life. Darwin expected that if fossils were found in Precambrian rocks they would show a gradual development.

Not true. Stephen Jay Gould states, "the Precambrian fossils that actually were found after Darwin’s death." Also, evos are basing their "religion" on old books such as Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology (1830) and Charles Darwin's Origin of Species (1859).

Evos: The fossil record proves evolution is true. For example,the fact that primate or ape-like fossils are not found in Devonian layers proves that apes had not evolved yet.

False. If there were ape-like fossils found, then it would be ignored by evos (anything that contradicts evolution is ignored) or say it was planted. Creationists say that the layers are based on geography, not time.

Let's look at the layers. Even their names are based on geography, not time.

Geologic Strata - The distinctive characteristic of a layer might be the kind of minerals found in it, or the kind of. There is something unique about the layer that geologists recognize and think is significant.

Geologists, like biologists, like to classify similar things by giving a name to a group of similar things. This makes it easier to study the rocks, and talk to other geologists about the rocks.

Devonian Layer - It is named after Devon, England, where rocks from this period were first studied.There are lots of fish fossils in this layer, but noprimate fossils, as evolutionists love to point out. Why is this? Is it because primates did not exist anywhere in the world when the Devonian rocks were formed? Or was it because apes don’t live where fish live?

To find fossils of extinct primates, paleontologists go to Tanzania or Kenya; but they don’t find fish fossils there. Is that because fish did not exist when
Homo habilis or Australopithecus Afarensis lived? Or is it because fish don’t live on dry land where Homo habilis or Australopithecus Afarensis lived?

Fossils are formed when things get buried rapidly by a landslide, sandstorm, tsunami, flood, or any other disaster that might bury things. The things that get buried are the things that happened to be at the place that got buried.

On rare occasions, things get buried out of place. Someone might have caught a fish and brought it back to camp just before a rockslide buried the camp, causing a fish fossil to be foundmysteriously out of place. But that’s a rare anomaly. Fossil-bearing strata overwhelmingly tend to contain fossils associated with a particular habitat. In fact, that’s how paleontologists determine what the habitat was like.

Geographic Names
There are a few exceptions, but generally speaking, strata have geographic names. For example,

The Jurassic is named after the Jura Mountains within the European Alps, where limestone strata from the period was first identified.

The Mississippian is so named because rocks with this age are exposed in the Mississippi River valley.

The Pennsylvanian is named after the American state of Pennsylvania, where rocks with this age are widespread.

Notice that each layer is associated with an age. Why is that? Mississippian rocks are supposedly older than Pennsylvanian rocks; but Pennsylvania was a state before Mississippi was. Chronologically, the two names make no sense. That’s because the names are based on geography, not time.

More, as I get time.
I'll make a couple of points here.
1. How do you explain the starfilled sky?
2. "Even their names are based on geography, not time." , think that's stretching the truth quite a bit
Archean time period from the Greek for beginning.
Protorezoic time period Greek for earlier life
Phanerozoic time period Greek for visible life. the list goes on but you get my drift.
3. If you claim science supress data I would like proof of that statement. Not "If there were ape-like fossils found, then it would be ignored by evos"
4. The fact that you admit to these layers, proves my point that the earth is older then 6000 years. Fossilazation in itself is a process wich is understood to take a minimum of 10000 years. Coal, oil are known to be biological in origin. and take hundred of thousands of years minimally, a few exeptions not withstanding. These are natural processes know and understood by science.
5. Ill make this point again. I can use different tracks to disprove a young earth. You might say they're both believe systems, but my belief system does seem to offer a tremendous amount of cooberating facts. I accept since you have faith you don't feel the need to prove what you belief. But if, and I'm talking about creatonism, you feel the need to use the Bible as the ultimate proof in a scientific world. I think it reasonable that the bible needs to go trough the same scrutiny as any scientific theory before you can actually put it in a classroom for instance.
Just how fast can a fossil form?

April 5, 2012 by Ian Juby

So last week I mentioned (and showed a picture of) my fossil teddy bear. I intended to discuss this in a later post, but I didn’t expect the attention it would get and people asking me “Well….what about that teddy bear???” :)

A fossilized Hadrosaur egg, a modern ostrich egg, and... a fossilized teddy bear
Of course a fossil teddy bear demonstrates that either:

a) T. rex was a sissy whose teddy bear got fossilized with him, OR

b) Fossils can form rapidly.

So just how long does it take a fossil to form? Doesn’t it take thousands or millions of years? Nope. The fossilized teddy bear above only took about 3 months to make. It’s the same process (called permineralization) that occurs with dinosaur bones. In fact this is significant for a number of reasons. If we were to cut into the bear, we would find that the bear is still there. It’s the same with fossil dinosaur bones – the bone is still there. The bone has been coated with, and permeated by rock, but the bone is still there.

This process has led to remarkable findings such as soft T. rex meat, blood vessels and blood cells found inside a fossil T. rex leg bone in Montana a few years back. This also allows carbon dating to be done on the fossil bone, which has been done. I’ll leave you hanging on what the results were and why it matters.

Alright, so we can make fossils quickly now, but what about the fossils in the fossil record? Didn’t they take millions of years? Perhaps, but the fossils don’t come with dates stamped on them. However, there are many fossils that we know fossilized very quickly. In fact, Dr. Phillip Curie (former curator of the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta) wrote in his book “101 Questions About Dinosaurs”:

“Fossilization is a process that can take anything from a few hours to millions of years.”

Wait – a few hours?!?!??? Yup, you heard straight from the horse’s mouth – and he’s right. It can happen remarkably fast. In fact the fossil fish in the Santana formation of Brazil were declared by one evolutionary researcher to have fossilized in minutes. It was suggested that perhaps fossilization is actually what killed the fish!

Fossil fish from the Solnhofen formation. Fish like this found in Brazil were probably fossilized in minutes.
Not only do we find fast fossils, we find unfossilized dinosaur bones. Curie mentions the Hadrosaur bone beds of Alaska in his book:

“In Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta, dinosaur bones were sometimes encased in ironstone nodules shortly after they were buried 75 million years ago. The nodules prevented water from invading the bones, which for all intents and purposes cannot he distinguished from modern bone. A more spectacular example was found on the North Slope of Alaska, where many thousands of bones lack any significant degree of permineralization. The bones look and feel like old cow bones, and the discoverers of the site did not report it for twenty years because they assumed they were bison, not dinosaur, bones.”

So we find fossils that were formed incredibly fast (it did not take thousands or millions of years), we also find dinosaur remains that should have fossilized, and have not. So are those dinosaur bones millions of years old? Probably not. In fact forensic science would contend that soft tissue and red blood cells should simply not be found in dinosaur bones alleged to be millions of years old, end of discussion. This could be found, however, in bones that are only a few thousand years old – like the dinosaur bones we would contend were from dinosaurs killed in Noah’s flood.
I've noticed that you still haven't addressed my specific question about original sin and what it says in the Bible about Jesus. Did Jesus die on the cross or not? Is the Adam and Eve story a "parable" or not? Do you believe these fantastical stories to be true? What about the Ten Commandments? Where did those come from? God who revealed himself to Moses in the form of a burning bush? Come on.

What is your answer?

Here's mine. OS meant banishment from going against God and we lost perfection. We still have it to this day. Yes. No. Yes. What about it? Moses. Yes.

Doesn't make sense. You are just cherry picking your data. There is no such thing as "perfection" especially when it comes to human beings. Most of you religious folks are extremely hateful and divisive. You need a lot of work.

I'm answering your questions, and not cherry picking any data. Where are your answers?

Sure you are. You choose which stories are "parables" and which are not. Lol. You either believe your Bible and all the fantastical stories or you do not. Choose.

Still no answers. The Bible is fantastic. Which stories are fantastical? I guess you mean incredulous or not willing to believe something.

They are ridiculous. Does anyone really believe that Noah built an ark and had two of each animal on it? What did they eat? Lol. I'm sorry but your bible stories just do not add up when you use any kind of logic.
Evos: The geographic and rock layers of the earth support a gradual development of life. Darwin expected that if fossils were found in Precambrian rocks they would show a gradual development.

Not true. Stephen Jay Gould states, "the Precambrian fossils that actually were found after Darwin’s death." Also, evos are basing their "religion" on old books such as Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology (1830) and Charles Darwin's Origin of Species (1859).

Evos: The fossil record proves evolution is true. For example,the fact that primate or ape-like fossils are not found in Devonian layers proves that apes had not evolved yet.

False. If there were ape-like fossils found, then it would be ignored by evos (anything that contradicts evolution is ignored) or say it was planted. Creationists say that the layers are based on geography, not time.

Let's look at the layers. Even their names are based on geography, not time.

Geologic Strata - The distinctive characteristic of a layer might be the kind of minerals found in it, or the kind of. There is something unique about the layer that geologists recognize and think is significant.

Geologists, like biologists, like to classify similar things by giving a name to a group of similar things. This makes it easier to study the rocks, and talk to other geologists about the rocks.

Devonian Layer - It is named after Devon, England, where rocks from this period were first studied.There are lots of fish fossils in this layer, but noprimate fossils, as evolutionists love to point out. Why is this? Is it because primates did not exist anywhere in the world when the Devonian rocks were formed? Or was it because apes don’t live where fish live?

To find fossils of extinct primates, paleontologists go to Tanzania or Kenya; but they don’t find fish fossils there. Is that because fish did not exist when
Homo habilis or Australopithecus Afarensis lived? Or is it because fish don’t live on dry land where Homo habilis or Australopithecus Afarensis lived?

Fossils are formed when things get buried rapidly by a landslide, sandstorm, tsunami, flood, or any other disaster that might bury things. The things that get buried are the things that happened to be at the place that got buried.

On rare occasions, things get buried out of place. Someone might have caught a fish and brought it back to camp just before a rockslide buried the camp, causing a fish fossil to be foundmysteriously out of place. But that’s a rare anomaly. Fossil-bearing strata overwhelmingly tend to contain fossils associated with a particular habitat. In fact, that’s how paleontologists determine what the habitat was like.

Geographic Names
There are a few exceptions, but generally speaking, strata have geographic names. For example,

The Jurassic is named after the Jura Mountains within the European Alps, where limestone strata from the period was first identified.

The Mississippian is so named because rocks with this age are exposed in the Mississippi River valley.

The Pennsylvanian is named after the American state of Pennsylvania, where rocks with this age are widespread.

Notice that each layer is associated with an age. Why is that? Mississippian rocks are supposedly older than Pennsylvanian rocks; but Pennsylvania was a state before Mississippi was. Chronologically, the two names make no sense. That’s because the names are based on geography, not time.

More, as I get time.
I'll make a couple of points here.
1. How do you explain the starfilled sky?
2. "Even their names are based on geography, not time." , think that's stretching the truth quite a bit
Archean time period from the Greek for beginning.
Protorezoic time period Greek for earlier life
Phanerozoic time period Greek for visible life. the list goes on but you get my drift.
3. If you claim science supress data I would like proof of that statement. Not "If there were ape-like fossils found, then it would be ignored by evos"
4. The fact that you admit to these layers, proves my point that the earth is older then 6000 years. Fossilazation in itself is a process wich is understood to take a minimum of 10000 years. Coal, oil are known to be biological in origin. and take hundred of thousands of years minimally, a few exeptions not withstanding. These are natural processes know and understood by science.
5. Ill make this point again. I can use different tracks to disprove a young earth. You might say they're both believe systems, but my belief system does seem to offer a tremendous amount of cooberating facts. I accept since you have faith you don't feel the need to prove what you belief. But if, and I'm talking about creatonism, you feel the need to use the Bible as the ultimate proof in a scientific world. I think it reasonable that the bible needs to go trough the same scrutiny as any scientific theory before you can actually put it in a classroom for instance.

They are living in denial. That much is obvious. Lol. Of course, they are frightened to think that there is no afterlife and that the end really is the END. They've had this stuff put into their heads since they were babies and are afraid to even question it. That is why I say, trying to reason with religious people is like trying to reason with insane people. It's really not worth the effort because they just aren't logical.
What is your answer?

Here's mine. OS meant banishment from going against God and we lost perfection. We still have it to this day. Yes. No. Yes. What about it? Moses. Yes.

Doesn't make sense. You are just cherry picking your data. There is no such thing as "perfection" especially when it comes to human beings. Most of you religious folks are extremely hateful and divisive. You need a lot of work.

I'm answering your questions, and not cherry picking any data. Where are your answers?

Sure you are. You choose which stories are "parables" and which are not. Lol. You either believe your Bible and all the fantastical stories or you do not. Choose.

Still no answers. The Bible is fantastic. Which stories are fantastical? I guess you mean incredulous or not willing to believe something.

They are ridiculous. Does anyone really believe that Noah built an ark and had two of each animal on it? What did they eat? Lol. I'm sorry but your bible stories just do not add up when you use any kind of logic.
It was huge ark.
What is your answer?

Here's mine. OS meant banishment from going against God and we lost perfection. We still have it to this day. Yes. No. Yes. What about it? Moses. Yes.

Doesn't make sense. You are just cherry picking your data. There is no such thing as "perfection" especially when it comes to human beings. Most of you religious folks are extremely hateful and divisive. You need a lot of work.

I'm answering your questions, and not cherry picking any data. Where are your answers?

Sure you are. You choose which stories are "parables" and which are not. Lol. You either believe your Bible and all the fantastical stories or you do not. Choose.

Still no answers. The Bible is fantastic. Which stories are fantastical? I guess you mean incredulous or not willing to believe something.

They are ridiculous. Does anyone really believe that Noah built an ark and had two of each animal on it? What did they eat? Lol. I'm sorry but your bible stories just do not add up when you use any kind of logic.
Genesis 7:2 You must take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, the male and its mate, two of every kind of unclean animal, the male and its mate,

Now I do believe that the larger creatures were weaned but very young and so they were a lot smaller. I also believe in KINDS. So there were some wild wolves but every type of "Dog" was not on the ark. I do believe in uniqueness in everything, and I also know that GOD (who according to the Bible record) brought the animals to Noah. So, for me it is totally logical that GOD would select the perfect animals of every KIND that held all the DNA necessary for diversity after the Flood. In that regard every color size and shade of every KIND as not necessary.

According to the Biblical Epic, GOD even shut the door to the Ark. Now if GOD would take charge of that, can't you logically grasp that GOD could bring just the right grouping of animals to reestablish the animal kingdom on earth? And even Noah's sons are the fathers of all the ethnic variety we have today (tall, short, muscular, lean, heavy, olive skinned, black, brown, red, white, bald, hairy, curly, straight haired, blond, brunette, auburn, six fingered/toed, etc...).

There is really no way to prove that all the fossils we find today are not a few kinds of animals at various stages of development. I mean a mega shark is just as likely a bigger version of a shark. And the only animals that went into the ark were oxygen breathing land animals. That eliminates a lot of Kinds.
Evos: The geographic and rock layers of the earth support a gradual development of life. Darwin expected that if fossils were found in Precambrian rocks they would show a gradual development.

Not true. Stephen Jay Gould states, "the Precambrian fossils that actually were found after Darwin’s death." Also, evos are basing their "religion" on old books such as Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology (1830) and Charles Darwin's Origin of Species (1859).

Evos: The fossil record proves evolution is true. For example,the fact that primate or ape-like fossils are not found in Devonian layers proves that apes had not evolved yet.

False. If there were ape-like fossils found, then it would be ignored by evos (anything that contradicts evolution is ignored) or say it was planted. Creationists say that the layers are based on geography, not time.

Let's look at the layers. Even their names are based on geography, not time.

Geologic Strata - The distinctive characteristic of a layer might be the kind of minerals found in it, or the kind of. There is something unique about the layer that geologists recognize and think is significant.

Geologists, like biologists, like to classify similar things by giving a name to a group of similar things. This makes it easier to study the rocks, and talk to other geologists about the rocks.

Devonian Layer - It is named after Devon, England, where rocks from this period were first studied.There are lots of fish fossils in this layer, but noprimate fossils, as evolutionists love to point out. Why is this? Is it because primates did not exist anywhere in the world when the Devonian rocks were formed? Or was it because apes don’t live where fish live?

To find fossils of extinct primates, paleontologists go to Tanzania or Kenya; but they don’t find fish fossils there. Is that because fish did not exist when
Homo habilis or Australopithecus Afarensis lived? Or is it because fish don’t live on dry land where Homo habilis or Australopithecus Afarensis lived?

Fossils are formed when things get buried rapidly by a landslide, sandstorm, tsunami, flood, or any other disaster that might bury things. The things that get buried are the things that happened to be at the place that got buried.

On rare occasions, things get buried out of place. Someone might have caught a fish and brought it back to camp just before a rockslide buried the camp, causing a fish fossil to be foundmysteriously out of place. But that’s a rare anomaly. Fossil-bearing strata overwhelmingly tend to contain fossils associated with a particular habitat. In fact, that’s how paleontologists determine what the habitat was like.

Geographic Names
There are a few exceptions, but generally speaking, strata have geographic names. For example,

The Jurassic is named after the Jura Mountains within the European Alps, where limestone strata from the period was first identified.

The Mississippian is so named because rocks with this age are exposed in the Mississippi River valley.

The Pennsylvanian is named after the American state of Pennsylvania, where rocks with this age are widespread.

Notice that each layer is associated with an age. Why is that? Mississippian rocks are supposedly older than Pennsylvanian rocks; but Pennsylvania was a state before Mississippi was. Chronologically, the two names make no sense. That’s because the names are based on geography, not time.

More, as I get time.
I'll make a couple of points here.
1. How do you explain the starfilled sky?
2. "Even their names are based on geography, not time." , think that's stretching the truth quite a bit
Archean time period from the Greek for beginning.
Protorezoic time period Greek for earlier life
Phanerozoic time period Greek for visible life. the list goes on but you get my drift.
3. If you claim science supress data I would like proof of that statement. Not "If there were ape-like fossils found, then it would be ignored by evos"
4. The fact that you admit to these layers, proves my point that the earth is older then 6000 years. Fossilazation in itself is a process wich is understood to take a minimum of 10000 years. Coal, oil are known to be biological in origin. and take hundred of thousands of years minimally, a few exeptions not withstanding. These are natural processes know and understood by science.
5. Ill make this point again. I can use different tracks to disprove a young earth. You might say they're both believe systems, but my belief system does seem to offer a tremendous amount of cooberating facts. I accept since you have faith you don't feel the need to prove what you belief. But if, and I'm talking about creatonism, you feel the need to use the Bible as the ultimate proof in a scientific world. I think it reasonable that the bible needs to go trough the same scrutiny as any scientific theory before you can actually put it in a classroom for instance.

They are living in denial. That much is obvious. Lol. Of course, they are frightened to think that there is no afterlife and that the end really is the END. They've had this stuff put into their heads since they were babies and are afraid to even question it. That is why I say, trying to reason with religious people is like trying to reason with insane people. It's really not worth the effort because they just aren't logical.

It's the atheist who is in denial and totally seems lacking any philosophical imagination. They have no logical explanation of how biological life can spring from dust, and yet they trash the only logical explanation available. GOD created matter, light, time, and life. Before that there existed only GOD. And the proof? When one is bad one reaps rotten things, and when one is good, one is content.
I'm not sure about this. There's maybe indeed a kind of prove for the existance of a soul. For sure something existed - let me say a thousand or a million or a billion years ago - what was necesarry for your existance now. If someone could travel back in time he could easily erase your existance by destroying in former times this what I would call "the way of your soul". (But we don't know in this case anything about the new way a soul would go). I'm not sure wether this experiment by thoughts shows that a soul has necessarily to exist - although we are not able now and here to notice the ways of the souls of the futures.

That Christ died, was no out of the ordinary event. That he returned from the dead was an extraordinary event, and indicates that there is indeed life after death.

If someone believes then the belief in a soul and/or afterlife is not a problem. I'm by the way also able to explain that an afterlife is possible in case a soul is not existing. Christians believe in a surrection of a [transformed] body - so there's no need to separate body and soul.

read the accounts of the 2 formerly dead priests that returned with Christ,

What? Two formerly dead priests? Never heard anything about.

and gave testimony to the events,at the Temple, you'll see that just like the Bible describes, those men were alive and well, absent from there terrestrial shells, and were waiting in Abraham's bosom for the appearance of Christ. Those souls could not enter heaven until pure blood was shed for their sins. Aprox. 10,000 souls, reunited with their (glorified at that point) bodies, returned with Christ, and ascended with him 40 days later.

A strange story that seems to be important for you. In our tradition we pray 40 days if someone dies. So we accompany a beloved dead person with prayers and this helps to find orientation - as well for the dead person with the lights of our souls - as well for us ourselve in our concrete life here, because it minimizes normally our suffer to be able to help. For sure best wishes and the will to help are never wrong - even if someone is not able to believe in such stories.

The following ritual shows how we bury our highest political authorities - the german emperor who lived in Vienna before Napoleon destroyed the holy empire. Because of Napoleons attacks he was only the Austrian emperor any longer. Someone knocks in this ritual three times. A monk asks "Who is there?". Later 2 times is the anwer "We don't know him" and the last answer is to open the doors. The text starts after the first knocking with all international titles and mights and honors - reduces after the second knocking to the personal name and title - and ends after the third knocking with the forename and "a poor sinner". That's what we are - everyone of us - without any exception. Poor sinners. Everyone needs the grace of god.

"Everyone needs the grace of god"

We are all responsible for our own behavior, ESPECIALLY people who have the audacity to assume the leadership of others. There are no "gimmies". There is no "forgiveness". There are no "mulligans".

An atheist takes the lead position seriously. He or she understands the weight of the responsibility in telling others to risk their lives to support the leader's decisions. Unless the atheist is also a psychopath and a sociopath he or she must absolutely believe in any "path" chosen that risks other's lost future.

"We" (=spiritual human beings believing in god) will see what you think about after your death. And you are right: You are - like everyone else - responsible in the eyes of god for your deeds - that's what "responsibility" means. Responsibilty and freedom are the two sides of the same coin. There's no difference between anyone on this planet - everyone is responsible - no one has any excuse. On the other side: Everyone is free. To live on the own free will in slavery is also not an excuse.

There will be nothing after my death.

Hopefully not. But your are right: Lots of people live in a way as if nothing should come after them any longer.

No judgement by you or anything will I have to endure. That is by the departed.

So what means "to be responsible" for you? I will have to speak with Jesus after my death. I can live with if we discuss only the bad football results. But whom do you give a response? What's the counterfort of your form of "responsibility"?

If I was in a position of leadership and made beau-coup mistakes that hurt the lives of those still drawing breath THAT is the only judgement I would have to pay for. Except I would be dead. The eyes and ears no workie.

Do you think Hitler squirms in some way tortured and uncomfortable? If you do you are a fool.

What have I to do with Hitler?

That is why what you do while a horrible person is alive is all that matters. There is no hell. Adolf got away with it. He just smooth got away with it. All that whining about how Hitler will pay in hell is the real evil of christianity. You all ask "what bad could believing in a god and a heaven and a hell possibly do?" It's just THAT giving evil a pass here on earth in what I like to call "reality" based on your firm beliefs you also defer the acts of evil to the judgement of your god. You enable acts of evil. You are the co-conspirators of the evil that happens.

As long as you pass judgement to some afterlife hearing and indictment you enable evil to use your stupidity against the living.

Interesting what Americans think about other American - but I'm not an Amercian - I'm a Catholic - ah sorry: German. I'm a Catholic and I'm a German. Both. From both points of view is it for me very diffcult to understand what you say here.

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Rising from the dead is a metaphor.

First Jesus rose from the death and entombment of false religious beliefs and degrading religious practices. He then ascended bodily into heaven, the highest sphere of intelligences, as he walked through life until he was killed. After three days, according to scripture, he rose again and appeared in dreams to his disciples which convinced them that Jesus survived physical death.

Their belief was that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing and communicating with Jesus in dreams after he died was proof enough to them that Jesus was alive and well and in the realm of God, literally.

That's not what it says in the Bible. It specifically states that Jesus actually awoke from the dead. There were allegedly women there who witnessed it and saw his tomb was empty!

That's what the women reported. Should we not trust in women?

This doesn't even make sense, and shows your ignorance, like putting it up on a billboard with flashing lights!

What makes no sense?

Your posts. Full of contradictions, as is typical for religious beliefs.

Example? And please don't confuse paradoxes with contradictions as if paradoxes would be only a possibility of the own choice. Loving minds can live with paradoxes - machine minds not - but machine minds are maybe not even really living. Someone who believes in god has lots of ways to think, because we always look for ways and if there's no way any longer then we will fall in the hands of god. He will keep us. He's our savior.

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If someone believes then the belief in a soul and/or afterlife is not a problem. I'm by the way also able to explain that an afterlife is possible in case a soul is not existing. Christians believe in a surrection of a [transformed] body - so there's no need to separate body and soul.

What? Two formerly dead priests? Never heard anything about.

A strange story that seems to be important for you. In our tradition we pray 40 days if someone dies. So we accompany a beloved dead person with prayers and this helps to find orientation - as well for the dead person with the lights of our souls - as well for us ourselve in our concrete life here, because it minimizes normally our suffer to be able to help. For sure best wishes and the will to help are never wrong - even if someone is not able to believe in such stories.

The following ritual shows how we bury our highest political authorities - the german emperor who lived in Vienna before Napoleon destroyed the holy empire. Because of Napoleons attacks he was only the Austrian emperor any longer. Someone knocks in this ritual three times. A monk asks "Who is there?". Later 2 times is the anwer "We don't know him" and the last answer is to open the doors. The text starts after the first knocking with all international titles and mights and honors - reduces after the second knocking to the personal name and title - and ends after the third knocking with the forename and "a poor sinner". That's what we are - everyone of us - without any exception. Poor sinners. Everyone needs the grace of god.

"Everyone needs the grace of god"

We are all responsible for our own behavior, ESPECIALLY people who have the audacity to assume the leadership of others. There are no "gimmies". There is no "forgiveness". There are no "mulligans".

An atheist takes the lead position seriously. He or she understands the weight of the responsibility in telling others to risk their lives to support the leader's decisions. Unless the atheist is also a psychopath and a sociopath he or she must absolutely believe in any "path" chosen that risks other's lost future.

"We" (=spiritual human beings believing in god) will see what you think about after your death. And you are right: You are - like everyone else - responsible in the eyes of god for your deeds - that's what "responsibility" means. Responsibilty and freedom are the two sides of the same coin. There's no difference between anyone on this planet - everyone is responsible - no one has any excuse. On the other side: Everyone is free. To live on the own free will in slavery is also not an excuse.

There will be nothing after my death. No judgement by you or anything will I have to endure. That is by the departed.

If I was in a position of leadership and made beau-coup mistakes that hurt the lives of those still drawing breath THAT is the only judgement I would have to pay for. Except I would be dead. The eyes and ears no workie.

Do you think Hitler squirms in some way tortured and uncomfortable? If you do you are a fool. That is why what you do while a horrible person is alive is all that matters. There is no hell. Adolf got away with it. He just smooth got away with it. All that whining about how Hitler will pay in hell is the real evil of christianity. You all ask "what bad could believing in a god and a heaven and a hell possibly do?" It's just THAT giving evil a pass here on earth in what I like to call "reality" based on your firm beliefs you also defer the acts of evil to the judgement of your god. You enable acts of evil. You are the co-conspirators of the evil that happens.

As long as you pass judgement to some afterlife hearing and indictment you enable evil to use your stupidity against the living.

And many of the people posting about being such good religious people are also PRO death penalty. Lol. I think that directly goes against the teachings of Christ.

Im not so sure that Jesus was anti Death penalty. ...

Jesus was a victim of death penalty.

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