If God doesn't exist...

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This concept is an essential element of Marxism. As Lenin stated: "Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism." If God exists and is in supreme command of the universe, He possesses discretionary power, and His actions cannot always be calculated accurately in advance. The whole edifice of Marxism collapses.

When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report | Essays

Can you imagine how you would look down on what you've become, if you had an actual education??

That's not even my point. I find it laughable that on one hand religious freaks think evolution and the BBT are nuts, but think this invisible deity appeared out of nowhere from nothing (but will find all sorts of excuses to say otherwise "oh, he was always there", or "it's a metaphysical thing that is beyond your comprehension" BS) to try and justify their fluffy beliefs.

As for Marx and Lenin et al, that has nothing to do with me. My lack of belief has nothing to do with any political philosophy. It's more about common sense. As for your link. Bullshit. Morality, good and evil etc are not a monopoly held by any religion. Devout Christians, Muslims and Buddhists have all killed indiscriminently in the name of their god...nobody is innocent.

"As for Marx and Lenin et al, that has nothing to do with me."

Au contraire

It seems that, as is the case with so very many other concepts, you fail to understand that Leftism is a religion, and the most dynamic religion of the last hundred years....

The denominations of the religion of Leftism include the one to which you belong...

Liberalism, communism, socialism, Progressivism, Nazism or Fascism.

The religion has a god, it is government.

It can be boiled down to this question....one that even a simpleton like you can understand:
...is government the very highest authority and power that there is....as is the concept of Leftism,

....or is there a higher power, or authority, to which government must answer, and defer, and by which governing must be judged?

Are there unalienable rights, or only those that the great god government allows citizens to have?

Traditional religion takes the view that there is such a higher power....

Leftism follows the statement of Ivan Karamazov, in “The Brothers Karamazov,” who exclaimed ‘if God does not exist, then everything is permitted.’
And so it was.....with over 100 million men, women, and children slaughtered by the minions of Leftism.......your religion.....whether you are cognizant of the fact or not.

Now, you're calling a political philosophy a religion? You couldn't make this shit up. What do you do for an encore? Look at grass and call it the moon?

You imbecile...he just gave you the definition of the term.

There is no other understanding of the term "God."

And, If you are unsure of the meaning of "imbecile," it is listed in the dictionary under your picture.

More self-flagellating waffle from a loon. Who gets to decide on the definition? The one he posted is his own. Nothing more, nothing less.

I’m proud of you! Not only are you a fool, but you have the energy to let everyone know it!

Here you are trumpeting that you are unaware of the meaning of terms you are attempting to argue about!

And.....here I am, English a second language to me.....yet I am far advanced in knowledge of the language over you!

Bravo....and don't ever change!

Now...to help you avoid future embarrassment....this is what is meant via the use of the word "God:"

When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes.

Eternality Mercy
Goodness Omnipotence
Grace Omnipresence
Holiness Omniscience
Immanence Righteousness
Immutability Self-Existence
Justice Sovereignty
Love Transcendence
The Attributes of God - Study Resources

Psst......that first term: Being without beginning or end
This concept is an essential element of Marxism. As Lenin stated: "Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism." If God exists and is in supreme command of the universe, He possesses discretionary power, and His actions cannot always be calculated accurately in advance. The whole edifice of Marxism collapses.

When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report | Essays

Can you imagine how you would look down on what you've become, if you had an actual education??

That's not even my point. I find it laughable that on one hand religious freaks think evolution and the BBT are nuts, but think this invisible deity appeared out of nowhere from nothing (but will find all sorts of excuses to say otherwise "oh, he was always there", or "it's a metaphysical thing that is beyond your comprehension" BS) to try and justify their fluffy beliefs.

As for Marx and Lenin et al, that has nothing to do with me. My lack of belief has nothing to do with any political philosophy. It's more about common sense. As for your link. Bullshit. Morality, good and evil etc are not a monopoly held by any religion. Devout Christians, Muslims and Buddhists have all killed indiscriminently in the name of their god...nobody is innocent.

"As for Marx and Lenin et al, that has nothing to do with me."

Au contraire

It seems that, as is the case with so very many other concepts, you fail to understand that Leftism is a religion, and the most dynamic religion of the last hundred years....

The denominations of the religion of Leftism include the one to which you belong...

Liberalism, communism, socialism, Progressivism, Nazism or Fascism.

The religion has a god, it is government.

It can be boiled down to this question....one that even a simpleton like you can understand:
...is government the very highest authority and power that there is....as is the concept of Leftism,

....or is there a higher power, or authority, to which government must answer, and defer, and by which governing must be judged?

Are there unalienable rights, or only those that the great god government allows citizens to have?

Traditional religion takes the view that there is such a higher power....

Leftism follows the statement of Ivan Karamazov, in “The Brothers Karamazov,” who exclaimed ‘if God does not exist, then everything is permitted.’
And so it was.....with over 100 million men, women, and children slaughtered by the minions of Leftism.......your religion.....whether you are cognizant of the fact or not.

Now, you're calling a political philosophy a religion? You couldn't make this shit up. What do you do for an encore? Look at grass and call it the moon?

"Now, you're calling a political philosophy a religion?"

From the Amazon review of Godless, by Coulter…

Though liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, it bears all the attributes of a religion. In Godless, Coulter throws open the doors of the Church of Liberalism, showing us its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade), its martyrs (from Soviet spy Alger Hiss to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal), its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free), its doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokesmen from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland), and its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident).

Then, of course, there's the liberal creation myth: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

For liberals, evolution is the touchstone that separates the enlightened from the benighted.
From the Amazon review of Godless, by Coulter…


You lost me after "by Coulter". A loon quoting another loon...Yeah that helps your argument...

Another fool who hates Coulter....but has never read any of her dozen best sellers.

Seems to be a pattern with the Liberals: strong opinions based on no knowledge.

Seems you've spent far too much time hissing at Emmanuel Goldstein.
You won't understand that allusion, either.
Another fool who hates Coulter....but has never read any of her dozen best sellers.
Seems to be a pattern with the Liberals: strong opinions based on no knowledge.
Seems you've spent far too much time hissing at Emmanuel Goldstein.
You won't understand that allusion, either.

I don't hate Coulter. I just think she's an idiot. I'm sure Mein Kampf sold a few copies too. Doesn't mean it's a good read. That fact you think Coulter is worth mentioning says a lot. None of it good.
Another fool who hates Coulter....but has never read any of her dozen best sellers.
Seems to be a pattern with the Liberals: strong opinions based on no knowledge.
Seems you've spent far too much time hissing at Emmanuel Goldstein.
You won't understand that allusion, either.

I don't hate Coulter. I just think she's an idiot. I'm sure Mein Kampf sold a few copies too. Doesn't mean it's a good read. That fact you think Coulter is worth mentioning says a lot. None of it good.

"I don't hate Coulter. I just think she's an idiot."

Alert: you are not authorized to use the term 'think.'
Fact not in evidence.
the BB is cyclical, the material remains relatively constant.

Where did it come from?

PC: Where did it come from?

from the previous cycle - all existence in combination

There is no other understanding of the term "God."

the Almighty is the ruler of the Everlasting the conquer of evil, no one enters without Judgement. I dare say there are others ...


a component for a Spirits admission is accomplishing the Apex of Knowledge and the Triumph of Good vs Evil, the spoken religion of the bible - Noah.


PC: Where did it come from?

"from the previous cycle - all existence in combination"

And....before it was in 'existence'?
And....before it was in 'existence'

I answered your question - all existence in combination ...

your response is oxymoronic.

I have one for you, do you refute the Everlasting ?


".....all existence in combination ..."
A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Where from?
When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes.

When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who They truly are. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of Their attributes.

I fixed that for you - are your language skills the same reason for your idolatry, just wondering.

A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Before it's 'existence'

since you did not respond to my previous post accordingly the simplest next step would be to consider it ignorance but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....

Where did it come from?

PC: Where did it come from?

from the previous cycle - all existence in combination

There is no other understanding of the term "God."

the Almighty is the ruler of the Everlasting the conquer of evil, no one enters without Judgement. I dare say there are others ...


a component for a Spirits admission is accomplishing the Apex of Knowledge and the Triumph of Good vs Evil, the spoken religion of the bible - Noah.


PC: Where did it come from?

"from the previous cycle - all existence in combination"

And....before it was in 'existence'?
And....before it was in 'existence'

I answered your question - all existence in combination ...

your response is oxymoronic.

I have one for you, do you refute the Everlasting ?


".....all existence in combination ..."
A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Where from?
When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes.

When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who They truly are. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of Their attributes.

I fixed that for you - are your language skills the same reason for your idolatry, just wondering.

A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Before it's 'existence'

since you did not respond to my previous post accordingly the simplest next step would be to consider it ignorance but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....


Perhaps you missed this....

...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?
Where did it come from?

PC: Where did it come from?

from the previous cycle - all existence in combination

There is no other understanding of the term "God."

the Almighty is the ruler of the Everlasting the conquer of evil, no one enters without Judgement. I dare say there are others ...


a component for a Spirits admission is accomplishing the Apex of Knowledge and the Triumph of Good vs Evil, the spoken religion of the bible - Noah.


PC: Where did it come from?

"from the previous cycle - all existence in combination"

And....before it was in 'existence'?
And....before it was in 'existence'

I answered your question - all existence in combination ...

your response is oxymoronic.

I have one for you, do you refute the Everlasting ?


".....all existence in combination ..."
A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Where from?
When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes.

When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who They truly are. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of Their attributes.

I fixed that for you - are your language skills the same reason for your idolatry, just wondering.

A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Before it's 'existence'

since you did not respond to my previous post accordingly the simplest next step would be to consider it ignorance but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....


"When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who They truly are. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of Their attributes.

I fixed that for you - are your language skills the same reason for your idolatry, just wondering."

Unlike you, I am not a pantheist....so, clearly, you fixed nothing.
You simply tried to add confusion, which seems to be the hallmark of your posts.

PC: Where did it come from?

from the previous cycle - all existence in combination

the Almighty is the ruler of the Everlasting the conquer of evil, no one enters without Judgement. I dare say there are others ...


a component for a Spirits admission is accomplishing the Apex of Knowledge and the Triumph of Good vs Evil, the spoken religion of the bible - Noah.


PC: Where did it come from?

"from the previous cycle - all existence in combination"

And....before it was in 'existence'?
And....before it was in 'existence'

I answered your question - all existence in combination ...

your response is oxymoronic.

I have one for you, do you refute the Everlasting ?


".....all existence in combination ..."
A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Where from?
When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes.

When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who They truly are. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of Their attributes.

I fixed that for you - are your language skills the same reason for your idolatry, just wondering.

A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Before it's 'existence'

since you did not respond to my previous post accordingly the simplest next step would be to consider it ignorance but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....


Perhaps you missed this....

...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?
...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?

the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -

Unlike you, I am not a pantheist....so, clearly, you fixed nothing.
You simply tried to add confusion, which seems to be the hallmark of your posts.

I am not a pantheist, mortal beings haven't a free pass to the Everlasting -

and what does gender have to do with pantheism .... your choice of Him in regards to the Almighty is lacking and disrespectful .... but then you are a republican which does explains many of your missing gaps.

PC: Where did it come from?

"from the previous cycle - all existence in combination"

And....before it was in 'existence'?
And....before it was in 'existence'

I answered your question - all existence in combination ...

your response is oxymoronic.

I have one for you, do you refute the Everlasting ?


".....all existence in combination ..."
A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Where from?
When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes.

When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who They truly are. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of Their attributes.

I fixed that for you - are your language skills the same reason for your idolatry, just wondering.

A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Before it's 'existence'

since you did not respond to my previous post accordingly the simplest next step would be to consider it ignorance but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....


Perhaps you missed this....

...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?
...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?

the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -

Unlike you, I am not a pantheist....so, clearly, you fixed nothing.
You simply tried to add confusion, which seems to be the hallmark of your posts.

I am not a pantheist, mortal beings haven't a free pass to the Everlasting -

and what does gender have to do with pantheism .... your choice of Him in regards to the Almighty is lacking and disrespectful .... but then you are a republican which does explains many of your missing gaps.


"the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -"

You can run...but you can't hide.

Sooooo.......where did the material, that comprises what we call our universe, come from?

How about you simply admit that you have no idea, but fear the possibility that has been suggested, and destroys your worldview?

That would be far more courageous than the smoke and mirrors you've been trying to advance.

Or...you may pin the tail on yourself.
I answered your question - all existence in combination ...

your response is oxymoronic.

I have one for you, do you refute the Everlasting ?


".....all existence in combination ..."
A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Where from?
When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes.

When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who They truly are. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of Their attributes.

I fixed that for you - are your language skills the same reason for your idolatry, just wondering.

A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Before it's 'existence'

since you did not respond to my previous post accordingly the simplest next step would be to consider it ignorance but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....


Perhaps you missed this....

...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?
...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?

the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -

Unlike you, I am not a pantheist....so, clearly, you fixed nothing.
You simply tried to add confusion, which seems to be the hallmark of your posts.

I am not a pantheist, mortal beings haven't a free pass to the Everlasting -

and what does gender have to do with pantheism .... your choice of Him in regards to the Almighty is lacking and disrespectful .... but then you are a republican which does explains many of your missing gaps.


"the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -"

You can run...but you can't hide.

Sooooo.......where did the material, that comprises what we call our universe, come from?

How about you simply admit that you have no idea, but fear the possibility that has been suggested, and destroys your worldview?

That would be far more courageous than the smoke and mirrors you've been trying to advance.

Or...you may pin the tail on yourself.
that comprises what we call our universe

from the previous cycle - all existence in combination

but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....

and what does gender have to do with pantheism

the question you may need an answer for first is - where did you come from ...

you refuse to respond to the answers or questions in an intelligible way simply verifying your lack of comprehension ... nothing anyone can do about that.

".....all existence in combination ..."
A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Where from?
When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes.

When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who They truly are. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of Their attributes.

I fixed that for you - are your language skills the same reason for your idolatry, just wondering.

A meaningless words salad.

Where did the material that has become the universe.....come from....
Before it's 'existence'.

Before it's 'existence'

since you did not respond to my previous post accordingly the simplest next step would be to consider it ignorance but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....


Perhaps you missed this....

...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?
...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?

the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -

Unlike you, I am not a pantheist....so, clearly, you fixed nothing.
You simply tried to add confusion, which seems to be the hallmark of your posts.

I am not a pantheist, mortal beings haven't a free pass to the Everlasting -

and what does gender have to do with pantheism .... your choice of Him in regards to the Almighty is lacking and disrespectful .... but then you are a republican which does explains many of your missing gaps.


"the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -"

You can run...but you can't hide.

Sooooo.......where did the material, that comprises what we call our universe, come from?

How about you simply admit that you have no idea, but fear the possibility that has been suggested, and destroys your worldview?

That would be far more courageous than the smoke and mirrors you've been trying to advance.

Or...you may pin the tail on yourself.
that comprises what we call our universe

from the previous cycle - all existence in combination

but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....

and what does gender have to do with pantheism

the question you may need an answer for first is - where did you come from ...

you refuse to respond to the answers or questions in an intelligible way simply verifying your lack of comprehension ... nothing anyone can do about that.


So we can stipulate that the source, the origin, the provenance of the matter that makes up our universe is of such a nature that even speculating on same causes you palpable fear.

When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who They truly are. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of Their attributes.

I fixed that for you - are your language skills the same reason for your idolatry, just wondering.

Before it's 'existence'

since you did not respond to my previous post accordingly the simplest next step would be to consider it ignorance but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....


Perhaps you missed this....

...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?
...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?

the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -

Unlike you, I am not a pantheist....so, clearly, you fixed nothing.
You simply tried to add confusion, which seems to be the hallmark of your posts.

I am not a pantheist, mortal beings haven't a free pass to the Everlasting -

and what does gender have to do with pantheism .... your choice of Him in regards to the Almighty is lacking and disrespectful .... but then you are a republican which does explains many of your missing gaps.


"the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -"

You can run...but you can't hide.

Sooooo.......where did the material, that comprises what we call our universe, come from?

How about you simply admit that you have no idea, but fear the possibility that has been suggested, and destroys your worldview?

That would be far more courageous than the smoke and mirrors you've been trying to advance.

Or...you may pin the tail on yourself.
that comprises what we call our universe

from the previous cycle - all existence in combination

but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....

and what does gender have to do with pantheism

the question you may need an answer for first is - where did you come from ...

you refuse to respond to the answers or questions in an intelligible way simply verifying your lack of comprehension ... nothing anyone can do about that.


So we can stipulate that the source, the origin, the provenance of the matter that makes up our universe is of such a nature that even speculating on same causes you palpable fear.

So we can stipulate

So we can stipulate ...

I presume the we includes yourself and the other biblicists who insist the universe was "created" 6K years ago and the next day all living beings in adult form.

I have given you my answer: from the previous cycle - all existence in combination as the origin of matter in the visible universe, a constructive comment from you is your choice ....

I am not a pantheist, mortal beings haven't a free pass to the Everlasting -

your choice of Him in regards to the Almighty is lacking and disrespectful .... but then you are a republican which does explains many of your missing gaps.

my response to you unlike yours to me has not been lacking.

Perhaps you missed this....

...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?
...where did the material that makes up our universe come from?

the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -

Unlike you, I am not a pantheist....so, clearly, you fixed nothing.
You simply tried to add confusion, which seems to be the hallmark of your posts.

I am not a pantheist, mortal beings haven't a free pass to the Everlasting -

and what does gender have to do with pantheism .... your choice of Him in regards to the Almighty is lacking and disrespectful .... but then you are a republican which does explains many of your missing gaps.


"the composite universe, maybe that will help this time otherwise, you are simply brain dead. -"

You can run...but you can't hide.

Sooooo.......where did the material, that comprises what we call our universe, come from?

How about you simply admit that you have no idea, but fear the possibility that has been suggested, and destroys your worldview?

That would be far more courageous than the smoke and mirrors you've been trying to advance.

Or...you may pin the tail on yourself.
that comprises what we call our universe

from the previous cycle - all existence in combination

but in the sake of curiosity I might ask what was the material at the moment of Singularity and the universe ....

and what does gender have to do with pantheism

the question you may need an answer for first is - where did you come from ...

you refuse to respond to the answers or questions in an intelligible way simply verifying your lack of comprehension ... nothing anyone can do about that.


So we can stipulate that the source, the origin, the provenance of the matter that makes up our universe is of such a nature that even speculating on same causes you palpable fear.

So we can stipulate

So we can stipulate ...

I presume the we includes yourself and the other biblicists who insist the universe was "created" 6K years ago and the next day all living beings in adult form.

I have given you my answer: from the previous cycle - all existence in combination as the origin of matter in the visible universe, a constructive comment from you is your choice ....

I am not a pantheist, mortal beings haven't a free pass to the Everlasting -

your choice of Him in regards to the Almighty is lacking and disrespectful .... but then you are a republican which does explains many of your missing gaps.

my response to you unlike yours to me has not been lacking.


"I presume the we includes yourself and the other biblicists who insist the universe was "created" 6K years ago and the next day all living beings in adult form."

I presume the we includes yourself and the other biblicists who insist the universe was "created" 6K years ago and the next day all living beings in adult form."

Of course when your and intransigence is revealed, you may attempt to change he subject.

As you just attempted.

We both know you won't even try to find any such pronouncements on my part, as they don't exist.

I have simply proven that you

a. know that the universe exists

b. it is made of matter and energy

c. the matter and energy must have come into existence at some point.

d. are afraid to provide any suggestion known to account for same.

e. and now you've become even more dishonest and petulant due to my having shown the above to be true.

And I love every minute of your discomfort.

Now....calm down, and remember.... I'm just like you.....just smarter and better looking.
So, you're admitting you know very little about science but expect scientific explanations? Otherwise, please explain the Big Bang Theory and how the universe started in your own words.

In regards to this question, you can't have it both ways. Science does not accept the Bible nor any supernatural explanations. Moreover, there was no science then.

It also shows to me and others here that you are a person of limited scope. Science is not the onlyhttp://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/if-god-doesnt-exist.433708/page-164#post-14651907 way to ascertain truth. We have factshttp://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/if-god-doesnt-exist.433708/page-164#post-14651907 in which we can use to reason with and also there are historical truths. We can use law to determine what happened and who is telling the truth. Thus, I use facts, reasoning, historical truths and other methods including science to ascertain truths while you are limited to your narrow science. Tsk.

The word serpent is clearly explained as a snake in the Bible. I gave you the passage, so you can look it up yourself. We know animals cannot talk even though a parrot or other birds can copy what was said.

As for the rest, this happened outside our realm which is timeless and spaceless. God created angels before His other creations. ""Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone - while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?" Job 38:4-7

He also created free will. Angels are spiritual beings who have personalities that include emotions Luke 2:13-14, intelligence 2 Corinthians 11:3, 14, and wills 2 Timothy 2:26. Satan was an angel who was cast out of heaven along with many other angels who decided to follow him and chose to sin 2 Peter 2:4. In terms of free will, the Bible reveals this was an exercise of their ability to choose Jude 1:6.

During this time, He also created heaven which is explained in Genesis.

Because of free will, there were some powerful angels led by Satan who wanted an equal or separate share of heaven and to rule like God. They were banished because they disobeyed God's will.

God created all the angels then and there will be no more. Angels in the material world refer to messengers, prophets, priests and church leaders. For example, if someone sends you a telegram and they were instructed to read it to you, you are not going to question how they know something about you or your situation. The message is what's important.

Thus, Adam and Eve did not know animals weren't suppose to talk. They just accepted it and the message being delivered.

There are entire textbooks about the Big Bang, I have no idea why you don't research it yourself. I mean, if I do that's not going to change your mind, and if I don't that's not going to change anything aside from you advertising your lack of understand of the concept of "i dont know"

I still can't find a damn thing on these invisible particles you speak of, by the way.

Also, you make so many assertions in that post but don't back up anything, and they are all contingent on the existence of a creator. None of this is actual science. We know snakes can't talk. so why are you trying to scientifically justify a book that has a talking snake. or is it just a possessed snake, or someone has shapeshifted into a snake? Citing the bible is doing you no good

So, you believe in something you can't explain lol. It also backs up what you know about science which is precious little. Let's just discard you to the troll wayside.
Who still thinks humans came from apes?

It just goes to show the extent of the fakery of the evolution scientists. They can't make a monkey out of jb, but have fooled many atheists and others.

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