If God Doesn’t Exist

They also include the angry, militant types who want to force their religion into the public schools.
Seriously, what has that to do with you? Do you teach science? Are you on the school board? Has the curriculum been changed? How close is any affected school to you?
Again Hollie does not think anything, all she does is parrot, no intelligence needed
Let's give her a chance. She is either here because she has insights she wishes to share with us. Alternatively she is here to combat beliefs that she feels we have. Since we do not hold the beliefs she feels we have, there is nothing to discuss.
All you can do is give her a seed or cracker because Polly Hollie does not think, parrots never do.
They also include the angry, militant types who want to force their religion into the public schools.
Seriously, what has that to do with you? Do you teach science? Are you on the school board? Has the curriculum been changed? How close is any affected school to you?
Ah, I see. The law doesn't apply to religious people.
What law Hollie? Are peoples beliefs whatever they are controlled by law?

And if everyone believes that billions of lines assembled themselves without intelligence in a dead pond because nothing decided to write code, does this make it either real or the law?
Ah, I see. The law doesn't apply to religious people.
No, you don't see at all. That never even crossed my mind. I teach science. Every so often I deal with students/parents who are uneasy about evolution. It has always worked out fine. Always. You are worried about nothing.
Ah, I see. The law doesn't apply to religious people.
No, you don't see at all. That never even crossed my mind. I teach science. Every so often I deal with students/parents who are uneasy about evolution. It has always worked out fine. Always. You are worried about nothing.
Evolution is a process controlled by billions of lines of code even for a one celled organism, the possibility of this code forming itself is scientifically null. Yet schools teach exactly this
Ah, I see. The law doesn't apply to religious people.
No, you don't see at all. That never even crossed my mind. I teach science. Every so often I deal with students/parents who are uneasy about evolution. It has always worked out fine. Always. You are worried about nothing.
I see clearly the attempts by fundamentalist Christians to impose their religious beliefs in public schools. There has been a lot of time and effort expended refuting those attempts. That's not nothing. Its a violation of Constitutional law.
Evolution is a process controlled by billions of lines of code even for a one celled organism, the possibility of this code forming itself is scientifically null. Yet schools teach exactly this
I do not know what they are teaching in colleges and universities, but in my experiences it is not true at the middle and high school levels. Basically, we go over the formation of solar systems, etc. We go over common ancestry--i.e., we did not evolve from monkeys but humans and apes more than likely had a common ancestor--without insisting that we did. The times I have had students/parents who cared deeply about both grades and young earth creation, it was very easy to come to an agreement that the student could always begin by, "According to science text book...." It has been my experience that people are reasonable, especially when reasonable solutions are offered.

In any case, at the level I teach we don't cover the original strand of DNA or its formation.
I see clearly the attempts by fundamentalist Christians to impose their religious beliefs in public schools. There has been a lot of time and effort expended refuting those attempts. That's not nothing. Its a violation of Constitutional law.
Do you see the response? Again, are you a teacher? A parent? A classroom volunteer? A member of the school board? If not, you may be spinning problems where an issue doesn't really exist. You might also want to take a look into what news agencies are covering this--and their purpose for doing so. Naturally, I do not live in all areas of the country, but you seem frantic about what is really a non-issue for most.
Ah, I see. The law doesn't apply to religious people.
No, you don't see at all. That never even crossed my mind. I teach science. Every so often I deal with students/parents who are uneasy about evolution. It has always worked out fine. Always. You are worried about nothing.
I see clearly the attempts by fundamentalist Christians to impose their religious beliefs in public schools. There has been a lot of time and effort expended refuting those attempts. That's not nothing. Its a violation of Constitutional law.
Actually hollie constitutional law protects religious beliefs

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Evolution is a process controlled by billions of lines of code even for a one celled organism, the possibility of this code forming itself is scientifically null. Yet schools teach exactly this
I do not know what they are teaching in colleges and universities, but in my experiences it is not true at the middle and high school levels. Basically, we go over the formation of solar systems, etc. We go over common ancestry--i.e., we did not evolve from monkeys but humans and apes more than likely had a common ancestor--without insisting that we did. The times I have had students/parents who cared deeply about both grades and young earth creation, it was very easy to come to an agreement that the student could always begin by, "According to science text book...." It has been my experience that people are reasonable, especially when reasonable solutions are offered.

In any case, at the level I teach we don't cover the original strand of DNA or its formation.
Actually you are teaching that humans evolved from monkeys unless your anal theory dictates that the great apes spontaneously generated in darwins pond

Wake up kid you have no clue, however a clue is not needed to teach from a book

Is it professor
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Actually you are teaching that humans evolved from monkeys unless your anal theory dictates that the great apes spontaneously generated in darwins pond

Wake up kid you have no clue, however a clue is not needed to teach from a book

Is it?
You did not read my post properly which caused you to jump to erroneous conclusions about what is taught at the middle and high school levels.
I see clearly the attempts by fundamentalist Christians to impose their religious beliefs in public schools. There has been a lot of time and effort expended refuting those attempts. That's not nothing. Its a violation of Constitutional law.
Do you see the response? Again, are you a teacher? A parent? A classroom volunteer? A member of the school board? If not, you may be spinning problems where an issue doesn't really exist. You might also want to take a look into what news agencies are covering this--and their purpose for doing so. Naturally, I do not live in all areas of the country, but you seem frantic about what is really a non-issue for most.
I saw the response. It did nothing to address my comment.

Actually you are teaching that humans evolved from monkeys unless your anal theory dictates that the great apes spontaneously generated in darwins pond

Wake up kid you have no clue, however a clue is not needed to teach from a book

Is it?
You did not read my post properly which caused you to jump to erroneous conclusions about what is taught at the middle and high school levels.
Nope you said that you do not teach that humans evolved from monkeys when you actually do teach this. See the great ape is thought to have evolved from monkeys which means so did humans. You forgot about the chronology, so the error is yours professor

See if the russians or chinese can help you confuse yourself
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See the great ape is thought to have evolved from monkeys
Not true. Rather the theory is that the two may have a common ancestor. Start with hominoids who were thought to have diversified into Great Apes (in which humans are classified due to physical characteristics) and the Lesser Apes (monkeys, etc.)

Anyway, let's not try to discuss apples and oranges. Creation is diverse and creation adapts, which may be a more accurate word than evolution.
I see clearly the attempts by fundamentalist Christians to impose their religious beliefs in public schools. There has been a lot of time and effort expended refuting those attempts. That's not nothing. Its a violation of Constitutional law.
Do you see the response? Again, are you a teacher? A parent? A classroom volunteer? A member of the school board? If not, you may be spinning problems where an issue doesn't really exist. You might also want to take a look into what news agencies are covering this--and their purpose for doing so. Naturally, I do not live in all areas of the country, but you seem frantic about what is really a non-issue for most.
I saw the response. It did nothing to address my comment.

Lol the courts do not decide science just law.
See the great ape is thought to have evolved from monkeys
Not true. Rather the theory is that the two may have a common ancestor. Start with hominoids who were thought to have diversified into Great Apes (in which humans are classified due to physical characteristics) and the Lesser Apes (monkeys, etc.)

Anyway, let's not try to discuss apples and oranges. Creation is diverse and creation adapts, which may be a more accurate word than evolution.
You can not start with hominids kid, not with evolutionary theory anyway. The theory says that humans and monkeys have the same ancestor

Stop pretending to be a teacher
If God doesn’t exist, the universe came into existence by chance, the first living cell developed from non-living matter by chance, and all living things are the eventual product of the blind, undirected process of evolution. In such a case, human life is no more valuable than dust, and there is no basis for saying that any life matters. Only if there is an author of life who creates and imbues us with a meaning greater than our physical parts can lives actually matter, and in an equal way.

If God doesn’t exist, there’s also no objective standard for labeling an action—such as murder—wrong. If we’re all just the product of blind, purposeless forces, morality is just an opinion. Unless there is a higher-than-human moral authority, no one has a basis for claiming that murder is objectively wrong.

And finally, if God doesn’t exist, the concept of justice is meaningless because there can be no right or wrong in the first place to require justice. As C.S. Lewis famously said about his conversion to Christianity, “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?” Justice requires a standard, and there is no objective standard in a purposeless universe.

God created USMB as punishment for our sins.
You can not start with hominids kid

Stop pretending to be a teacher
Shrug. Who says that is the starting point? It is merely a portion of what the textbook covers.
Lol no textbook teaches that humans evolved from great apes without dealing with where the apes came from in the first place

My guess is either you are 9 years old or have a masters from harvard majoring in making yourself look stupid

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